Summoned Again?

079 Adventures In Beastland Part One


Not surprisingly, none of us got up or left the table until George was done and both horse people let out happy and satisfied neighs. I looked at Angel and she was looking right at me and not at the table with the two exhausted horse people on it. I nodded slightly to her and touched Nat's shoulder to get her to come along, then I waved at the others to stay and wait. The three of us left the main room and went to Lionel's room in the tent.

“Are you sure about this?” I asked.

“I am.” Angel said.

“You really get off on him being such a devoted fan, don't you?” I asked and she gave me a huge smile.

“Someone who has devoted themselves to me fully before they ever met me, and when they finally did meet me, didn't freak out or confessed undying love?” Angel asked me and I had to laugh.

“All right, that's a good point.” I said.

“He's only been a jerk because he thought you were competition.” Nat said.

“I still could be.” I joked as I slowly reached for Angel with wiggling fingers.

Angel laughed and smacked my hands away. “That's not going to happen.”

“Oh, well. At least I tried.” I said with a grin and that made her and Nat laugh.

“I'm going to miss hanging out with you.” Nat said and gave Angel a hug.

“You're just going to miss seeing such a hot supermodel body naked.” Angel said and hugged her back.

Nat laughed. “Yes, it's not getting to see that pretty vagina that I'm going to miss.”

“I knew it.” Angel said and eased her hold, then she looked into her friend's eyes. “You know, people think it's a rumor that supermodels kiss each other.”

Nat opened her mouth to gasp and Angel leaned down and kissed her.

I stood there and watched her give a bit of tongue to Nat and I was aroused. I mean, damn. It was a sight to see a really tall and hot blonde woman hunched over and kissing a short and sexy dark haired woman, especially since they both knew what they were doing.

Angel broke the kiss and saw the surprise on Nat's face. “That was fun.”

“J-J-Jesus.” Nat whispered and licked her lips.

“I'm really sorry about teasing you like I have with all the sex.” Angel said and let her out of the hug. “I thought if you saw that it was a natural thing to happen, you wouldn't be uncomfortable about it when you walked in on us.”

“Thanks... I guess?” Nat said, as if it was a question.

Angel laughed softly. “I'm going to miss you, too.” She said. “Give me a call when you get back, all right?”

“Yeah, having a supermodel who was recently kidnapped is really going to answer a strange woman's call.” Nat said with a grin.

Angel laughed. “Some strange things do happen.”

Nat nodded. “I'll do my best to leave a message, I promise.”

“Thank you.” Angel said and looked at me. “I want you to wake him and get out of sight.”

I understood what she meant right away. “It really was nice meeting you.” I said and held a hand out for her to shake.

“Oh?” Angel looked at my hand. “You don't want to hug me and try for a little grope?”

I chuckled. “You really expect me to do that?”

“I've been hugged a lot.” Angel said, smugly. “Even women try it occasionally.”

“I did not.” Nat said and that made us laugh.

I stepped forward and took her into my arms. “Now I can tell everyone that I got to hug a supermodel.”

Angel's arms went around my waist, then her hand went down and grabbed my butt.

“Hey!” I jumped a little. “I thought I was supposed to try and grope you?”

“Did I say that it would be you doing it?” Angel asked.

“She got you there.” Nat said.

“I feel so cheap and used.” I said with a sad expression and they both laughed.

“It was nice meeting you, Damon.” Angel said and kissed my cheek.

“Ow, that hurt.” I said and looked at Nat. “Did you see that?”

Nat laughed. “I did, so you better take what you can and run.” She took Angel's hand for a second. “Goodbye.”

“Goodbye.” Angel said and Nat left the tent room.

I walked over to the bed and reached for Lionel's arm.

“Just a second.” Angel said and I looked at her to see what she wanted, then she stored her clothing to leave herself completely naked.

“J-Jesus.” I whispered and looked at her. All of her.

“What do you think?” Angel asked and braced her hands on her hips as she moved her feet about a foot apart.

“I think Nat's observation about the state of your lower half is quite accurate.” I said in a professional tone of voice.

Angel gave me one of her supermodel smiles. “I'm glad my charm isn't lost on you.”

“Uh, yeah.” I said. “Do you want me to wake him up now?”

“Have you taken a good enough look?” Angel asked.

“No.” I said and she looked surprised. “Goodbye, Angel.”

“Goodbye.” Angel said, her professional smile now a genuine one.

I smiled back, touched Lionel's arm and cancelled Enchanted Sleep, then slipped out of the room. I dropped a large pallet of food in front of the door to block some of the sounds of Lionel's cursing, then they cut off and we all knew what was going on. We went back to our rooms and waited for them to finish. When My Favorite whispered that the sounds had stopped, I knew that Angel and Lionel were gone.

I felt the feeling of connection form in my head and closed my eyes. Goddess Jasindia.

“Damon.” Goddess Jasindia said. “I decided to do it.”

You are a terrible Goddess. I thought with a laugh.

“Like you said, it was too good of a prank.” Goddess Jasindia said and the feeling of connection faded.


Lionel was having the most wonderful dream... at first. He was having the best mind-blowing sex with his supermodel dream woman and she loved him... actually loved him... and then... then... he started to sprout fur. FUR!

His body started to change and he grew short black claws and his nose extended into a muzzle. He tried to yell and scream, and all that came out were animal sounds... familiar animal sounds. He was covered from head to foot in fur and his body didn't work like it was supposed to. He ran and ran and then suddenly, he was at a large lake. He looked down at the glossy surface and he was shocked at what looked back at him.

It was a weasel!

“AHHHH!” Lionel yelled and woke up. He sat up and found that he was in a small bed, sweating, and checking himself to see if he was still human. “It... it was... just a dream.”

“Hey, you're finally awake.” A very familiar voice said.

Lionel slowly turned his head to look at a woman that could not possibly be there, and there she was. Angel. His Angel. “A-A-Angel?” He asked in a whisper. “Is this real?”

“Yes.” Angel said. “Once we escaped and found a phone, I called my people. We're in a temporary shelter until they can get someone out here to pick us up.”

Lionel blinked his eyes at her. “I... don't understand.”

“It's all right.” Angel said and leaned forward to give him a kiss. “You banged your head and the doctor said you might not remember a lot.”

“But... but...” Lionel looked at her. He remembered being with her and his eyes went down to her chest.

“You just woke up and you want to go again?” Angel asked, teasingly.

“Again?” Lionel asked and looked down at himself. He was standing at attention and he realized in that moment that they were both naked.

“Oh, all right.” Angel purred and pushed him back and he laid down. “Let me just get you ready.”

Lionel gasped when she went down on him and then she turned her head slightly to stare at him with her eyes. “I... I... love you.” He whispered as she sucked and bobbed her head up and down on him. “I always have, Angel. Always.”

Angel stopped what she was doing and gave him a genuine smile. “I love you, too.” She said and climbed on top of him and laid down to kiss him. “I want you to show me how much.”

Lionel did and Angel felt really and truly loved.


We had all loaded into George's cart, since we wanted to get back to the research station as soon as possible, and made it there in record time. He really was one of the fastest horse people to haul a cart. I dropped Nat, George, and Sugarlick off at the stable, with the promise of coming back to visit before I left on the cross country tour.

After a very long and exhaustive discussion with Bonika, the gazelle that ran the research station, we brought in the rest of the researchers and we all talked about how to proceed from there. My idea of travelling and giving people the choice, was adopted unanimously. I was also given lists of people recently changed and where they lived, both before and after conversion, then I was led to several holding cells where new infections were being kept.

It took a concerted effort by myself and several healers that knew all about the changes in the recently converted, since they had studied nearly all of the ones that existed, to take a newly changed cat person and to change them back. I had been right and just cancelling the effect wasn't enough on its own. The body had to heal as well, since it had changed so much to accommodate the beast strain.

It was then agreed that the healers would have to come with me or everyone would need to be brought to the research station. Since they didn't have the capacity for that kind of influx of patients, we would become a mobile reversion and healing unit. Then we discovered a problem. It was during one of the normal checks going through the research station that one of the workers let out a yip of surprise and looked at My Favorite.

“Did you know?” The female muskrat asked and touched My Favorite's belly.

“Yes.” My Favorite purred and looked at me. “This is why I told my family that I would be a different person when I returned.”

“A mother.” I whispered and she nodded. “I... I can't stay.”

My Favorite's purr was interrupted with a meowing laugh. “You were never going to stay, even if you stayed here.”

“That's not...” I started to say and she put a pawed hand over my mouth.

“You would be running around the country and helping people adjust and telling them the truth. You would not have the time to stay home and take care of our kittens.”

I sighed and moved her hand from my mouth and held it as I stepped close. “I don't want you to think that I would be a bad father.”

My Favorite kissed me. “We have all heard your stories of Crystal and how you had so much fun with her.” She said. “None of us will ever think you are a bad father.”

“Do you know...”

“I will need to return to my clan a month before you leave, then I will give birth either just before or just after you go home.”

I closed my eyes and sighed, then I nodded. “All right. I'll make sure you never need or want for anything.”

“Will you do that for all of us?” Furry asked and the muskrat checked her as well.

“You are with kittens!” She exclaimed, then she checked the others. “You all...”

“Check me!” Selene said and stuck out her belly, which made the cat women laugh. She was checked and sure enough, she had a bun in the oven. Three, actually. “YES!”

“It looks like I'll be dropping you all off at your homes on the way back around.” I said.

The Freemartin let out a very low and sad bleat. “I'm sorry.” She said. “I love you very much and the one thing that I would most want to have to remember you by, I can never have.”

“Um...” I looked at the healers. “I had an idea about that.”

It took me several minutes to convey what I wanted to do.

“You cannot do that!” They said, almost unanimously.

“I'll do it.” The Freemartin said. “I don't care about the pain or the taboo of infection.” She stared at me. “Even if it only gives me a very small chance, I want to take it.”

“It's very dangerous. You've seen the others being converted back.” I said and she nodded.

“Please, I want you to try.” The Freemartin said.

“All right. I'll try it. If at any point you want to stop...”

“I will never ask you to stop.” The Freemartin said, adamantly.

I nodded and we went into one of the examination rooms. The healers, unable to let someone be in pain for long, reluctantly came inside as well. The reason it was going to take a long time and was going to hurt more than normal, was because she was born a sheep. It would be the very first complete reversion ever recorded, so we were making history with just the attempt.

All of the researchers stared in through the observation windows, Bonika included. Even though they were repulsed at the thought of having a cured person be reinfected, they couldn't fault the Freemartin's choice. It would also show them how the very first one had happened.

It took nearly thirty minutes for it to work. Thirty minutes of agony for the Freemartin. She couldn't be put to sleep, because the effects needed to be observed. Bad things could happen if she was unconscious while it happened, namely that her mind wouldn't accept that her body had changed and wouldn't adjust properly.

I held her hand the entire time and while she cried, whimpered, and let out shouts of pain, I told her how much I loved her, how brave she was, and that I was very tempted to stay on this world because of her. It was the last that let her push through the last stage and as the healers worked on her, the last thing to change on her was her skin... the rest of it, anyway. Her face had stayed the same black color because she was a black woman.

“Oh... my.” I whispered at her. Her hair was still the same fluffy softness it was as a sheep, she just had naturally curly short hair.

“You... are pleased?” The Freemartin said. “What do I look like?”

“Almost the same.” I said and leaned down to give her a kiss. “I need a mirror, please.”

One of the healers held one up for her and she gasped as her free hand touched her face.

“It is the same.” She said and touched her hair. “I'm the same.”

“Yes, and you're amazing.” I whispered. “I want you just as much now as I did when you were a sheep.” I said, then I smiled. “That would sound so bad if I was back where I came from.”

The Freemartin smiled back. “Make me one again.”

“Of course.” I said and took out the horns of the ram that had challenged me for her mother's land. “Hold these.”

The Freemartin gasped and held them with one arm as she stared at me. I kissed her and activated the Beast Conversion skill.

The main pivotal thing with the Beast Conversion skill was that it made you into the beast you were inside. The Freemartin was a fierce warrior and she competed for as long as she could, until her lack of horns stopped her. Her skull was also weaker, since it didn't have the reinforcement it needed for horns. If my guess was right, and I sincerely hoped that it was, then the Freemartin would become what she was supposed to be.

A force to be reckoned with.

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