Summoned Again?

080 Adventures In Beastland Part Two

Changing the Freemartin back went much quicker, even if it was just as painful. The researchers were surprised as her body expanded slightly and became much more muscular, the cottony softness grew all around her, and her face stayed the same... for the most part. It was still black and it still had the soft hair on top; but, she let out a bleat of pain as something like a thick bone plate grew out from her forehead and covered her skull like a helmet.

She held my hand tightly as buds appeared on the sides of her head and pushed the skin out... then the skin split and blood splattered on the bed... and the horns quickly expanded out and formed forward into a proper rounded shape and then rolled back to curl down the sides of her head. Her back arched and she bleated in pain.

“Roll her onto her side!” One of the healers said and I did so.

The Freemartin sighed in relief as the pressure was eased and we all watched as her spine bowed out slightly and thickened. Her breathing sped up and she grunted as her ribs and sternum thickened as well. Her shoulders seemed to puff out slightly as well and then it was over. The healers quickly tended to her and checked her over. Her internal organs had been compressed some from the excessive bone growth and she suffered some internal bleeding because of it.

It was quickly taken care of, as was the skin damage on her head around the horns. Her very large and ram-like horns. Well, to be fair, they looked large on her. She was still very much a woman, with all six breasts and the very tempting area between her legs. In fact, her hips were just a little bit wider and it made her even more appealing.

“Did... did it work?” The Freemartin asked. “I feel... I feel...”

“Sexy?” I asked with a hopeful voice and she let out a bleat of laughter.

“Please refrain from any sexual activity until we have finished assessing her.” One of the healers said.

“How long?” I asked.

“Am I really that much more desirable?” The Freemartin asked.

I let her hand go for a moment and picked up the mirror. “Why don't you tell me, Diana.”

The Freemartin gasped as she looked in the mirror. “I... I... I HAVE HORNS!”

“...and the reinforced spine to handle the impacts, as well as an expanded skull and solid bone plates.” One of the healers said. “Not to mention thicker bones all around, a stronger muscle structure, and... I'm not sure I should tell you this part.” She gave me a pointed look.

“Ha!” I barked a laugh. “I know that look. Clear the room, please. I need a bit of privacy.”

The healers all left and shut the door.

“What is it?” The Freemartin asked.

“Something that I hoped would happen, because of the nature of the Beast Conversion skill's previous use of being transmitted and the new law addendum I had added to it.” I said and stored my clothing.

“Day Man, you can't possibly...” The Freemartin stared to say, then I climbed on top of her.

“Goddess Jasindia, I dedicate this first time with Diana to you and I wish to impregnate her in your name.” I said and we were covered in a light glow for a second.

The Freemartin felt herself tingle all over. “Wh-what was THAT?!?”

“The blessing of a goddess.” I said and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around me and we made love right there on the examination table. Not only did I take my time, I made sure to touch her all over and caressed all of her new parts as well. When we were done, I thought I heard applause. We turned our heads to look and saw through the observation windows that pretty much all of the staff in the research facility were there and had watched us.

“I need to be sheared again.” The Freemartin said with a grin.

“I was wondering why you felt extra soft all over.” I joked and kissed her. “So, what are you going to name our child?” I asked and ignored our audience's reaction.

“Wh-what?” The Freemartin looked at me in surprise.

“Well, as sure as the sun comes up in the daytime, you're pregnant right now.” I said.

“N-no, I... I can't...” The Freemartin stared to say.

“That was the old you. You were human and then you were changed into a beast again. It's probably the very first unique beast strain, since it was designed to pass on directly to your children.”

There were a lot of surprised animal sounds on the other side of the observation window.

“N-no, I... I can't...” The Freemartin started to say again.

“It's all right, Diana.” I said. “Your mother will teach you how to raise whatever we have, assuming she doesn't take over completely and you won't have to do anything.” I said with a smile.

“But... but...” The Freemartin stammered, then she let out a bleat of surprise. “You called me Day Anna!”

“That's your name.” I said. “I thought it was about time you had one, don't you?”

She let out several bleats of pleasure, then she pulled me back on top of her. “Try to give me twins!”

I didn't ask for the goddess' blessing this time, because it was pretty much just for fun this time.

After a while, the healers came in and interrupted us, took several samples from Diana, and then released us. Well, okay... they pretty much kicked us out. We had sent three of the healers and one of the researchers into a premature heat cycle and they had to leave work for several days. I didn't mind the collateral damage, because the Freemartin actually was pregnant, to her surprise and delight.

We had to wait a week before the team to travel around the country was ready... one of the healers was one we affected... and when she came back to work, she was as happy as anyone had ever seen her. One of the researchers decided to come along to be an official observer. It was the rabbit woman and I suspected that what she wanted to observe was me, naked, and her riding me like a jackhammer.

I was proven right the night before we left. On the plus side, she was very, very quick and was easily satisfied. I pretty much just let her have fun and she was happy. She also wrote everything down.

Sugarlick and George offered to pull the carts and Nat decided to come along, as did Paula. It would be her first time travelling outside the city and they thought it was going to be a kind of vacation trip. I decided to try and give them that, except for our very first stop. I remembered the words the god had said. If we hadn't taken a direct route, the heroes would have been more prepared. I decided to take everyone there and added them to my party.

When we arrived there, it was a very large settlement of... to my surprise... ants. Hundreds and hundreds of ants. They didn't bother us at all until we reached the center of town and found the 'queen'. The queen being one of the summoned heroes. She wouldn't listen to our reason for being there and thought we were there to trick and kill her. She had all of her ants gather together and attack us.

I wasn't going to let anyone hurt my people and used my armor's multiple sword attack. The armor was damaged, so it wasn't nearly as effective and only made a hundred miniature copies. It took me several casts of the same spell and most of my mana to wipe them all out.

“NOOOOO!” The queen yelled as all of her mindless children died. She dropped to her knees and stared at the hundreds of corpses.

“They wouldn't have lived if I changed them to human.” I said and she looked at me with wide eyes. Well, they were large ant eyes, so they were always wide. “They were just empty drones.”

“They... they were my children.” She said and looked at me. “Hurry up and kill me. I feel so empty now.”

“I'm not here to kill you.” I said. “I'm here to...”

“I don't care why you're here!” She said loudly and stood. “I'll kill you for killing my whole family!”

I felt her building up magic for something, and looked at the Freemartin. “Go ahead.”

“Finally!” Diana said and charged. A second later, the queen ant's head was mulched from a massive head butt and two large hoof prints were indented on her chest carapace as Diana trampled over her prone form.

“Okay, that was super-effective.” Nat said and looked at the cracked skull of the queen and the blood and things oozing out of it. “She must have put all her points into expanding her hive skills.”

“Probably strength, too. Ants are supposed to lift a hundred times their body weight or something.” I said.

“Wow, that would be a great skill to have.” Nat said.

“Not if you have to look like that to do it.” I said and waved to the bug-like shell.

“Good point.” Nat said. “Now what?”

“Finish her off and we complete this encounter.” I said and smiled. “What do you normally do with bugs?” I asked and handed her a nice sized rock.

Nat took the rock with a laugh and stored it, then a boulder fell from fifty feet up and squished the bug.


Encounter over! Congratulations! You have defeated the corrupted Hero 'Sylvia'. Her actions have been a blight on the reputation of all heroes. Good Job!

Experience earned: Accumulated experience from Hero - 19,212,409 (x1)

Battle Crazy Bonus (x2): 38,424,818

Cleaning Up The Mess Bonus: 1,000,000

Grand Total: 58,637,227 Experience Points

You have defeated a group of Formicidae (550).

Experience Earned: 130 (x550) (71,500)

Multiple Kill Bonus: 50 for 10 (500); 100 for 20 (2,000); 150 for 30 (4,500); 200 for 40 (8,000); 250 for 50 (12,500); 300 for 60 (18,000); 350 for 70 (24,500); 400 for 80 (32,000); 450 for 90 (40,500); 500 for 100 (50,000); 1,000 for 110-550 (145,200)

Grand Total: 337,700 Experience Points


Experience Overload Bonus: Extra experience gained can be converted to Stat Points or Skill Points at the cost of 1,000 Experience for 1 point.

Unspent Experience: 58,974,927 (+350 previously unspent)

Current Point Potential: +58,975


I stared, quite dumbfounded, at the ridiculous total. The Multiple Kill bonus was not the thing that pushed me up to a ridiculous number like usual. It was the experience of the corrupted hero. Whatever experience Sylvia had gathered over her lifetime here in this world, was siphoned off onto us.

“JESUS CHRIST!” Nat yelled. “Damon! That can't be real! It can't!”

“I'm seeing it, though.” I said and shook myself. “Will it be enough for you to max?”

“Fuck yes!” Nat said and then she frowned. “What's an overload bonus?”

“Keep reading.” I said and divided the points I had and made 29,000 into Stat points and 29,975 into Skill points. I had previously made 898 into Stat points, so that made all my new gains pretty much even. I still had a couple thousand of each that I hadn't spent previously, some of which were exclusive for Strength and Magic skills, so those I didn't really count.

I hadn't had so many extra points before and I wasn't sure what to do with them all after I finished filling my stats up. I literally had the extra stat and skill points of two heroes to use and nowhere to put them, thanks to the Battle Crazy bonus. I checked on my skill integration progress and I was surprised that I still had another day to assimilate the judge's abilities. It really shouldn't have taken so long and I was curious as to why.

“I... I need...” Nat started to waver, as if she was having trouble with the assimilation.

“Don't drop all the points in at once!” I said, immediately catching on to what had happened. Before I could reach her, Paula grabbed her and picked her up.

“We are staying here for a day or two.” Paula said and hugged Nat close.

“Good idea.” I said and stored all the ant bodies and took out the huge tent. We all went in and settled down. I had a feeling that Nat was going to need Paula's tender care for a couple days.

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