Summoned Again?

089 Sister Dearest

Diane was quietly sobbing on the phone as I stayed quiet and thought about things.

I realized something about what she said earlier about only being able to afford the payments on the ring. “You spent the money I gave you, didn't you?”

She let out a particularly loud sob. “No, I... my husband had some great investments...”

“Uh huh. That's a classic lie to milk people for money, Diane.” I said. “He didn't give you receipts for the payments or for the stock purchases, did he?”

“No.” Diane said.

“Now I'm really glad that you can't touch Crystal's account until she's 18.” I said and she was quiet. “Diane.”

“She's a child and... her parents have power of attorney over her assets.” Diane said.

“You stupid b...” I stopped myself before I let my anger curse my head off at her. “You know what? I hope you forget everything I ever meant to you, since you've made it clear that you don't care about anything, not even your own daughter.”

“That's not fair!” Diane said.

“Of course it's not fair!” I said loudly back. “Look what you did to your own daughter! You've stolen her future! You've relegated her to the same poor and pathetic life you have, and it's all because of your ass of a husband that you refuse to get rid of, no matter how many times he ruins your life!”

“I... I don't have to listen to this.” Diane said.

“No, you don't.” I said. “You also won't be suffering in luxury for much longer, either.”

“What does that mean?” Diane asked.

“You didn't read the clauses I added to your condo lease, did you?” I asked and she was quiet. “I didn't think so. I suggest you read them over. You either have to get rid of the ass AND the attitude, or find a new place to live.”

“You can't evict us. You don't own the building.” Diane said.

“Ha ha! You're the one breaking the clauses, not me. I don't have to own the building at all.”

“Don't do this, Damon. Please.” Diane said. “Don't make us homeless.”

“I would have called the building management already if I didn't love Crystal so much.” I said. “I'll give you a week to fix your life, Diane. A week. If you can't get those payments or stock receipts to prove where the money went and get that deadbeat out of your life for good, you will be out of the building by the end of the month.”

Diane was quiet for several moments. “It... it's going to take more than a week to...”

“No, it won't. If it does, you know what happens. You will have to take that little girl, a girl that deserves my love, and you're going to have to rely on your irresponsible husband to take care of you from now on.” I said. “Do you understand?”

Diane took a deep breath and let it out. “Yes, I understand.”

“I hope so, because you're killing me with this crap.” I said and made a fist. “It hurts so MUCH!” I yelled and stopped myself from punching the wall. Barely. “I hate that you've done this, Diane. I really hate that you've done this.”

Diane didn't say anything in response.

“You've ruined more than your own life and Crystal's, you know.” I said softly. “You've ruined mine, too.”


“Goodbye, Diane.” I said and hung up.

I stood there, seething in anger and a rage that I couldn't unleash, all because it wouldn't make any difference. I looked at my phone and I wasn't surprised that it didn't ring again. I checked the time and an hour had passed since I had been back home. I opened my contacts and found Jenny's name, then typed up a quick message and sent it. My phone beeped right away and I looked at it.

'Fucking ASSHOLE! Where have you BEEN?!?!?!?!?'

'Didn't Diane tell you?' I typed back.

'I haven't talked to that bitch in over five months.' Jenny typed back. 'She just said you were going travelling.'

'I was actually kidnapped again and just got back.' I typed and sent.

There was no response for almost ten minutes.

'Meet me at the coffee shop down the street from the condo.' Jenny sent.

'I'll be right there.' I said and left my apartment. I rode the elevator down to the ground floor and went to the parking garage, and my economical car wasn't there. I sighed and shook my head, then went back out to the street and started running.

Ten minutes later, I arrived at the coffee shop and went inside. I was breathing a little heavily, since I had sprinted the whole way. Extra strength and vitality didn't do much for enhanced endurance, apparently. Or stopped me from sweating. I quickly looked around and saw her. She looked terrible. There were lines on her face, even though she was only young, her hair was unkempt, and she looked thin.

I walked over to her and she looked up at me, a lost look on her face. “Jenny.”

“Damon.” Jenny said and didn't stand up to give me a hug, which hurt me a lot more than what Diane had done to me. “I ordered for you.”

I started to walk around the table and she shook her head. She pointed to the chair on the other side of the table and I sighed as I sat down across from her. Two coffees arrived and we just stared at each other.

“Well? Out with it. I don't have all day, you know.” Jenny said and took a drink of coffee.

I took in a deep breath and let it out. “Six months ago I had an indication that the ones that kidnapped me ten years ago, were coming for me again.”

“Why?” Jenny asked.

“I didn't find out until I got there. They had a problem that no one else seemed able to solve.” I said.

“You did.” Jenny said.

“Yeah.” I said and took a drink.

“Why only six months this time?” Jenny asked.

“I worked my ass off and did my best to get back here as soon as I could.” I said and then sighed. “I have to admit that I was lucky. A lot luckier than a few other people.”

Jenny gave me a squinted look. “That sounds ominous.”

“It does and it was.” I said and glanced around before looking in her eyes. “Some had been there for decades.”

Jenny didn't react and took another drink. “Did you kill anyone?”

I sat back and took a big drink of coffee. It tasted a little funny when I got halfway down. I blinked my eyes at her. “Jenny, why do you look like that?”

“Like what?” Jenny asked and looked down at her coffee.

“Like you're as old as I am.” I said and she huffed.

“Being scared and worried does that to a person.” Jenny said.

I reached across the table for her hand and she pulled it away. “Jenny, what's going on?”

“What's going on is you ruined my life.” Jenny said.

“What?” I asked, surprised.

“Can you guess what happened to me when I suddenly owned two large and very expensive properties?” Jenny asked.

“Financial stability?” I asked and she laughed.

“Yeah, at first.” Jenny said. “Did you know that the government investigates all large purchases and traces the money to make sure that it wasn't bought illegally?”

“Well, yeah. It's to stop money laundering. So?”

“Can you guess what happened when you suddenly disappeared without a trace... again?” Jenny asked. “Who was going to corroborate the money spent?”


“Who had all of their financial assets liquefied and then FUCKING disappeared?” Jenny asked and a few people looked over at us. “STOP LOOKING, ASSHOLES!” She yelled at them and they all turned away.

“Jenny, I...”

“All of my assets have been frozen, as have yours.” Jenny said. “It's been six fucking months, Damon.”

“Jesus Christ.” I whispered. “Jenny, I'm so sorry.”

“Yeah, you're going to be.” Jenny said.

“What do you mean?”

“How are you going to pay the taxes on the buildings with no assets?” Jenny asked.

“The pooled money from selling everything was supposed to be handled by our accountant.” I said.

Jenny laughed. “He's dead, you idiot! He had a heart attack right after he was served papers freezing your assets and requesting all of the info about you and everything you bought and sold.”

I opened my mouth to respond and then sighed. The necklace enchantment. I thought, sadly. Well, now I know it works. I looked at my sister. “Where are you living?”

“Still at the condo. It's a fucking mess, too.” Jenny said. “Did you know I'm not allowed to make any money from it, since it's a contested and frozen asset, even though I have roommates?”

I closed my eyes and braced my elbows on the table. “Jenny, I... I'm sorry.”

“You said that already.” Jenny said and pushed her empty coffee cup away. “Why don't you drink the rest of that and I can get out of here.”

“Huh?” I looked at her and she was slightly blurry.

“Drink.” Jenny said and I did. It tasted awful. “You told that bitch Diane that you were being kidnapped and didn't tell me.” She said, her face angry. “I thought you loved me!”

“I... do.” I said, slightly slurred. “I... tried to that night... your room... you were... I saw...” One of my elbows slipped and I caught myself before my head hit the table. “” I lifted my head and blinked my eyes to try and clear them. “I... ran... couldn't take... seeing you... like that.”

Jenny looked shocked and she had her mouth covered with a hand and had tears in her eyes.

“My sweet... little sister... I... I lost... my heart... that night.” I said and then everything went black.


“It's not supposed to take that long to work, is it?” The waitress asked as she came over to the table with three other people.

“No, he must have a high metabolism. He should have been out right after that first big gulp.” One of the three men said and put handcuffs on the slumped over suspect.

“No, don't.” Jenny said and stood.

“Thanks a lot for your help, Miss Smith.” The second man said. “We couldn't have apprehended him this quickly if it wasn't for you.”

Jenny's tears increased. “No, I... please... let him go. I'm sure he can explain...”

“Don't worry, Miss. He's going to.” The third man said and passed her an envelope. “Here's the reward for catching him.”

Jenny took it and her tears increased again and were now a steady stream.

“Good job on almost getting him to confess to murder.” The waitress said and took off the apron. “We'll be sure to ask him all about his illegal activities, now that we have the fugitive in custody.”

“Can... can I... come?” Jenny asked.

“We'll call you if we need any more statements.” The woman said as two of the men picked Damon up and carried him out of the coffee shop. “Thanks again for your help.”

Jenny was left speechless as they took her brother, the man she had despised for ruining her life, and it had all started because of a mistake. A stupid mistake that was actually her fault, because she hadn't told him that she slept in his old room and not her own. She clutched the envelope that was filled with her ill-gotten gains and her heart was filled with regret.

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