Summoned Again?

090 Investigations


As a thank you (extra to deadxmo for making me laugh), here's a second chapter for today and it's super long with over 1,400 extra words more than earlier.

“Ugggghhhhh.” I groaned as I woke up with a splitting headache.

“He's waking up! Handcuff him to the desk!” A woman's voice exclaimed and I felt my arms be pulled forward and then there were several clicking sounds.

“Huh? Wha...?” I blinked my eyes and lifted my head. “Jenny?” I asked and looked around. “What... where...” I shook my head and the pain seemed to intensify. Minor Healing. I thought and it didn't work. I equipped a ring and cast it again and the pain disappeared as my brain stopped throbbing. I equipped a Clarity amulet and my mind snapped into sharp focus as I saw a woman and two men in the grey room. “Who are you people?”

“How the hell did he do that?” One of the men asked. “He was half asleep a second ago!”

“You look like federal agents and she looks like a police officer. Maybe detective.” I said and looked down at my handcuffed hands and saw that all of my rings were gone except for the single ring I had equipped. “Is it proper procedure to rob suspects of all their jewellery?”

“It is when all of your assets are being seized.” The woman said.

“Jenny said that you froze my assets. What for?” I asked.

“Oh, nothing serious, I assure you. Just illegal money laundering, minting illegal coins, and selling them for massive profits.”

“Wow, you're barking up the wrong tree.” I said and saw that her hands were bare and there was a slightly whiter mark on her ring finger. “Are you going to try and appeal to me with your feminine charms to get me to talk?” I asked and nodded at her finger. “You should buy a little bottle of that instant tanner cream if you want to pull that off.”

The woman looked at her bare hand and sighed. “How did you see that?”

“With my eyes.” I said. “Now tell me what's going on.”

“I already told you.”

“No, you only told me conjecture and lies. The coins I've sold, officially and with government approval, were real and verified.”

“What about the hundred million worth of them in your security deposit box?” One of the men asked.

“Obviously, I haven't sold those yet.” I said and looked at the second man. “Your turn to ask a stupid question.”

“What's your relationship with Deckland?” The man asked and it took me a second to make the connection.

“Oh, that fucking son of a bitch.” I said and made my hands into fists. “This is about the two million dollars he stole from my friend... my ex-friend and her daughter.”

“He didn't steal it. You gave it to him to launder.” The woman said.

“For what?” I asked and looked at her like she was an idiot. “I'm fucking rich! Did you even look at the total amount of money in my accounts? DID YOU?” I yelled at her as I stood up and pulled on the chains. “Why the fuck would I need that scumbag to steal my fucking money, spend it at whatever stupid business you assholes are watching for illegal activity, and rob a beautiful little girl of her fucking future?!?”

“Sit down, Mr. Smith.” One of the men said.

“Make me.” I said.

“Under the Home Security statute, we can hold you...” The other started to say.

“I haven't committed any act of terrorism, domestic or otherwise, nor am I from a foreign country. I am a legal US citizen and I know my rights.”

The two agents looked at the woman.

“You are under arrest.” The woman said.

“No, I'm not. You're only holding me for questioning.” I said and she widened her eyes at me.

“I really didn't want to do it this way.” The woman replied. “I wanted you to be reasonable...”

“After drugging me, making my sister betray me, and then putting me in handuffs without even informing me of what was going on?” I asked and she winced a little. “Fuck being reasonable. You read me my rights right now and charge me with something, or I'm walking out that door.”

The woman sighed and started to speak. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say...”

“I understand my rights. I want my lawyer, and you better hope that the police and the local federal branch of the government have good lawyers, because I'm suing you for kidnapping, excessive force and harassment, unlawful confinement, and anything else my very highly paid lawyer can come up with.”

The three of them looked surprised, especially the woman.

“You even destroyed what little family I have left.” I spat at her. “I know that last one isn't actually a crime; but, intense emotional distress and pain is.” I said. “By the end of the week, I'm going to own this fucking department and you can kiss your jobs goodbye.”

“We don't work here.” The two men said.

“I meant what I said.” I looked at them with disdain. “Why would you pull me in, knowing I was innocent and had nothing to do with that pig, since I've never actually met him in person?”

“We're going to the big fish.” The man said.

“You're jerking on the wrong end of the line, you idiot.” I said. “You're supposed to follow the money.”

“We did. To you.” The other man said.

“The other way, stupid.” I said with a sigh and looked at the woman. “What's the charge?”

“Obstruction.” She said without even having to think about it.

“I'll be out of here as soon as my lawyer gets here.” I said and checked my pockets. “You took my phone.”

“It's evidence.” The woman said.

“Of what? That I really was out of contact for six months?” I asked and she didn't say anything. I smiled and sat down. “You know what? Go ahead. I want you to check my phone thoroughly. Comb through everything. You'll see that not only don't I have that guy's number, I've never had any kind of contact with him, not even through Diane.”

The woman and the two agents stared at me.

“You should pay particular attention to the service records and the times the battery charged and when it last syncing to the local cell towers six months ago and then again this morning.” I said, quite smugly. “Go ahead. I'll sit right here and wait.” I leaned back in the chair and crossed my legs. “Well? What are you waiting for? Go on and get to work.”

The two men just stood there and the woman didn't move from her seat.

“Hey, just because you'll be out of a job next week, doesn't mean you can slack off now.” I said and made shooing motions with my hands. “You can call my lawyer when you're done.”

The three of them exited the room and left me alone.

“Fucking idiots.” I said, without even bothering to whisper. “Yes, I know you're listening.” I said and kicked the metal table hard with my steel toed boots to make it ring. It left a nice dent in the table leg and I smiled.



“OWWW!” The guy listening to the hidden microphone ripped off the headphones. “Motherfu-”

“Language.” The woman in the room said as the door opened and the detective and the two 'agents' came in.

“That hurt.” The guy said and rubbed his ears.

“I'm sure it was meant to.” The woman said. “He bought it.”

“He thinks we're normal FBI agents and she's a detective.” One of the men said. “How long are we holding him for, Stacy?”

“At least 24 hours.” Stacy said. “We need to try and figure out how he did what he did with the cell phone.”

“Wait, he wasn't kidding about that?” The fake detective asked.

“No, and we're stumped.” The guy that used to have the earphones on said and nodded to one of the men. “Hey, take over. I can't hear very well right now.”

The man chuckled and took his seat and slipped only one earphone on and left one ear exposed.

“Whatever happened, that cell phone ceased to work exactly six months ago, everything frozen, and then it was back to normal this morning as if no time had passed at all.”

“What about the contract with the service provider?” The other man asked.

“Paid up for three years with the full bells and whistles.” The guy said. “After we subpoenaed access to his cell records, we had the tech guys purge all saved messages and texts every few days to keep him from discovering that we've been checking them.”

“Let me guess, it's all just friends and family.” Stacy said.

“Yep. No connections to anything even remotely illegal or underhanded.”

“Then where is he getting all those gold coins?” The fake detective asked.


“Jesus, look at that.” The man with the earphone said and pointed to the little screen that showed the interrogation room. Their suspect was doing magic tricks with gold coins. Making them appear and disappear, in stacks, singles, in his hands, slapping the table, and spreading them out like cards and then making them disappear with the same sweeping motion.

“That... that's not possible.” The fake detective said. “We checked him. All of him. All he had on him were his rings, the cell phone, and his clothes. That's it.”

They watched as he made ten stacks of coins, then he wrapped his arms around them and pulled them towards himself, and not a single one dropped to the floor.

“The reports of him being a children's magician have been severely downplayed.” One of the men said and the others nodded.

They all watched as Damon did his best to work out new tricks. They saw a few failures and then he shrugged. He was in the middle of throwing a handful of coins to bounce them off of the wall, when he suddenly stopped and had a sad look on his face. His handcuffed hands dropped to the table and he had tears in his eyes as the coins dropped to the floor, forgotten.

“Why did he stop?” Stacy asked, then they all saw his face turn to anger and his hands became fists.

“AARRHHHH!” The suspect yelled loudly as he stood up and then he proceeded to beat the wholly hell out of the solid metal table.


The people in the room winced every single time his clasped fists hit the table and deformed the surface. The man on the earphones took them off, because he could still clearly hear the impacts.

After several minutes of what looked like a severe anger attack and the center of the table had a significant depression in it, their suspect flopped down onto the chair. He was out of breath and his hands were bloody.

“You can add... destruction of police property... to the obstruction charge.” An exhausted voice said from the headphones.

“Get a nurse in there to take care of him.” One of the fake agents said.

“Do we really want to send someone in there right now?” The fake detective said.

“I think he's fine, now.” The man said. “If he was going to hurt anyone, he would have done it when the three of us were in there and wouldn't have waited for us to leave.”

“I'll do it.” Stacy said. “I have the field first aid course.”

The other fake agent laughed. “We've all had that.”

“Do you want to do it?” Stacy asked as she stood up.

“Hell, no. I knew he was dangerous as soon as I helped carry him and felt all those muscles under his clothes.”

Stacy smiled and left the observation room to tend to their guest. She went down the hall and grabbed a first aid kit from the supply closet and went back down to the observation room. She knocked on the door and heard a masculine laugh inside.

“Come ooooon in! It's open.” The man's voice said, clearly amused.

Stacy opened the door and stepped inside as she shut it. For some reason, she thought that the video camera and screen didn't do him justice. He needed to be seen in person to have the proper measure of him. That was a bit of an odd thought for her, since she prided herself on judging people from their behavior and their personalities, not on their looks or physical presences.

“I'm Stacy and I'm here to tend your wounds.” Stacy said and held up the first aid kit. “It seems the table has made you a little angry.”

“It's more like it was the safest way to get my frustrations out.” Damon said as his smile disappeared. “I just... this...” He shook his head. “I wanted to come back so badly, and when I did after only six months this time, I... I... my life...”

“It's in shambles.” Stacy said and pulled one of the chairs over to his side of the table and sat down. She put the kit on the table and it slid down into the very large dent that they couldn't quite see the full measure of from the angle that the camera could see.

“You can use my lap.” Damon said and lifted his hands out of the way.

“Thank you, but no. I won't be able to reach the... supplies to...” Stacy stopped talking when she glanced down and saw that his pants were tent-poled.

“It's the pants, I swear.” Damon said, his face slightly red. “Work pants get like that when they ride up.”

Stacy looked up at his face and she saw something there that touched her heart. Deep hurt, his world being torn apart, and sadness. A sadness that looked so profound that all she wanted to do was kiss him to try and make it go away, even if it receded for only that moment. Her lower body reacted to her desire to fix his need, and she was slightly surprised when he took in a deep breath through his nose.

“You... smell... incredible.” Damon whispered and the need to be comforted look on his face seemed to intensify, almost into pain.

Stacy glanced away, because it almost hurt her to keep looking at his face like that, so full of need. She looked down and caught her breath, because now his pants were tent-poled. Really tent-poled. She looked back up at his face and she blushed.

“I need to tend to your hands.” Stacy whispered, because she didn't trust her voice not to crack if she spoke normally.

“Please.” Damon said and in the blink of an eye, the handcuffs disappeared and then reappeared on the chain as it fell, which left his hands free. The cuffs and chain clattered onto the middle of the damaged table and he picked up the first aid kit as he turned in the chair to face her. He put the kit on his lap and held his damaged hands out to her with a smile.

Stacy's eyes went to the table, the now empty cuffs, and then at his hands. “You need to stay cuffed.”

“Okay.” Damon said and turned back to the table, slapped his hands onto the chain, and the cuffs were around his wrists again. He turned back to her and held his hands out.

Stacy was surprised only slightly by the display and she wasn't worried about how easily he could escape if he wanted to. No, it was the happy smile on his face that had her worried, because his eyes were still those deep pools of sadness. They almost drew her in and made her forget what she was there to do.

She opened the first aid kit and started to tend to the multiple cuts and scratches he had sustained as he pummelled the table into submission. He didn't wince, or cry out, or even hiss as she applied the cleaning solutions and wiped at the wounds.

“Doesn't this hurt?” Stacy asked as she worked.

“I've felt much, much worse than cuts and scratches, dear lady.” Damon said and she looked at his face. “I have a thing for dark haired beautiful women.”

“Oh?” Stacy chuckled. “Does that really work as a pickup line?” She asked. “What thing do you have for me?”

“My penis.” Damon said with a completely straight face. “I'm thinking of calling it 'Justice'.”

Stacy laughed and then she gasped. “That's sexual harassment.”

“They can add it to my charges.” Damon said and sat there while she worked.

When Stacy applied the final bit of gauze and taped his hand up, she sat back. “There, all better.”

“Thank you.” Damon said and shoved the table out of the way. The legs snapped off and the top of the table flipped over. He walked over to the door and crushed the handle, then punched the lock to break it.

“Wh-what are you doing?” Stacy asked, slightly nervous but unafraid.

“Getting some privacy.” Damon said and walked back over to her.

“You can't do this.” Stacy said. “You... you'll go to prison for rape.”

“I'm not going to do anything.” Damon said and Stacy gasped when a nice bed appeared in the middle of the room. “What... what...”

Damon stored his clothes and laid down, completely naked. “I want you to make love to me.”

“N-no... I...” Stacy's eyes went to the camera. “They can see...”

“They can watch all they want. I only broke the door so they wouldn't interrupt.” Damon said and let out a sigh. “Please, I need... I need you. I need you to love me.”

Stacy looked at his face and walked over to the bed. She looked down at his ready state and she wanted to. Oh, she really, really wanted to. In fact, she was so wet right now that her underwear was not containing her at all. She looked back at his face and saw that deep seated need there. She sighed as she reached down with her hand and just before she was about to stroke his face, she hauled her hand back and slapped him hard.

“I'll add sexual assault, indecent exposure, and lewd behavior to the list of charges.” Stacy said and walked over to stand by the door. “You have ten seconds to get dressed before they come in here with the shackles.”

Damon sighed and stood up, stored the bed and picked up the table top and pushed it back onto the metal legs with a creak sound, then Stacy was surprised when his clothing magically appeared around him and he sat down in the chair like nothing had happened.

There were two loud bangs on the door and the security team busted in with the 'door knocker', a device designed to smash doors in. In the next moment, Damon was tackled to the floor and it was his turn to get pummelled like the table.

Stacy winced as he was beaten, practically to a pulp. “Guys! GUYS!” She yelled. “That's enough!”

The security team stopped the assault and stood up. Some of them were breathing heavily from the exertion.

“Th-th-thanks, guys.” Damon said through lips that were already swollen. “I nearly... crossed the line.”

“Nearly!” One of them said and kicked him in the gut.

Damon coughed up blood. “I could have... lost myself... and not asked.” He said and looked at Stacy. “I'm sorry... I did that.” He said and closed his eyes. “When I meet... a sexually compatible woman... I can't... control...”

Stacy stared at the now unconscious man on the floor and she didn't know what to think. The whole thing had been surreal and now he was a bloody mess on the floor. She looked at the table, the door, and then at Damon. She knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he could have escaped at any moment... could have taken her at any moment... and he didn't.

“Take him to the medical wing.” Stacy ordered and two of the security men grabbed a wrist each, then they literally dragged him out of the room. They didn't bother getting a stretcher or even lifted him up. She stepped out of the room and watched their suspect be dragged down the long hall by angry security men.

Stacy's heart went pitter-patter, because now she really needed to fix his need.

“What the hell was that?” The others in the observation room asked as they came out.

“I don't know.” Stacy said and put a determined look on her face. “But, I'm going to find out.”

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