Summoned Again?

091 Interrogations

“Are you sure we want to do this?” The fake detective asked as she hooked up the IV to the suspect's arm.

“Yes. He's chained up and...” Stacy started to say.

“...he can escape them whenever he wants.” The fake detective interrupted. “Giving him this stuff to lower his inhibitions and to make him more cooperative is not a good idea.” She gave the other woman a glare. “You do remember what happened yesterday.”

Stacy took a deep breath and let it out as she nodded. Yes, I remember. She thought and then her mind went to her finishing her shift and rushing home. She had never spent so much time under her massaging shower head in her life or masturbated in bed so much that even with lube, artificial and natural, she had rubbed herself for hours and was both raw and tender. She was also completely unsatisfied.

“You shouldn't be here.” One of the fake agents said to her.

“We need to know how he's making new things appear.” Stacy said and waved at the ring, a pendant and necklace they knew he didn't have before, and a handful of gold coins that had not been anywhere on his person when they had strip searched him. They were in separate evidence bags, just to show him as a sign of good faith, that he would get them back.

“Has anyone figured out what they do?” The other agent asked.

“All anyone can feel is either a little rush when they put on the ring or a clearer mind when they put on the necklace.” The fake detective said. “It's a neat trick, especially putting it on first thing in the morning. I woke right up, as if I wasn't groggy from sleep at all.”

“That tells us how he did the same thing yesterday.” Stacy said. “How long for the solution to work?”

“Ten minutes.” The fake detective said and put a small syringe into the IV tube's needle access. She injected the clear liquid and then squeezed the IV bag slightly to force it in. “You really shouldn't be here.”

Stacy closed her eyes for a moment and then looked at the only other woman of their group. “I think he'll actually talk to me, thanks to his little stunt yesterday.”

“Even though he said to call for a lawyer?” The fake detective asked.

“If you read the transcript, he actually said 'call my lawyer when you're done'.” Stacy said.

The fake detective opened her mouth to respond, then she chuckled instead. “That's just evil.”

“Is it?” Stacy asked and walked around the hospital bed to look at the severely bruised man that lay there. “Personally, I think he specifically worded it that way.”

“What? Why?” One of the fake agents asked.

So we could keep him. Stacy thought and she stopped her hand before she reached out to touch his swollen face. “He knows he's in trouble and there's no one for him to turn to for help.”

“His highly paid lawyer...” The other fake agent started to say.

“He doesn't have anyone on retainer.” The tech guy said. “I finished going through all of his contacts last night. There's not even a search for a lawyer firm in his browser history.”

“Good lord.” The fake detective said with a smile. “He bluffed. He actually had me believing that he would own our department by the end of the week, even though that's technically not possible.”

Stacy nodded. “He sounded so confident, didn't he? Like he was always right?”

“I believe that's called arrogance.” The tech guy said.

“No, it's not arrogance.” Stacy said and looked at Damon. “Maybe it's a belief in something. Something he's so sure of that he can speak with complete assurance that it's going to happen.”

“So, he's crazy.” The fake detective joked and that made the others chuckle and laugh. Not Stacy, though. Her hand reached out and touched the man's long black hair and she felt her desire rise up again.


Oh, there's that incredible smell again. I thought as I started to wake up. I took in a deep breath and my body reacted immediately and grew hard, even though I felt something more than grogginess was fogging my mind. I opened my eyes a little, since they were partially swollen shut, and there she was. “Sta... cy.” I mumbled and she smiled at me.

“At least you remembered my name.” Stacy said.

“Never... forget.” I said and looked around. The other people were here, too. “Not... alone.”

“We can't leave you alone with her, not after yesterday.” One of the agents said.

“Under... stand.” I said and closed my eyes. “My mind... is like...”

“Just go with that feeling. We gave you a little something to help with the pain. Let it help you. ” Stacy said.

I nodded slightly and opened my eyes to look at her.

“You made a ring and a pendant appear that you didn't have before.” The detective said.

I ignored her and looked at Stacy. “Your eyes... are like... deep pools... of clear ocean.”

Her smile grew wider and she leaned in close as she picked something up. “You made a ring and a pendant appear that you didn't have before.” She said and showed me them.

“Magic.” I said. “I can... make anything close... disappear... and reappear.”

“How?” Stacy asked.

“Don't... know how.” I said.

“Take a guess.” Stacy said.

“Inter... dimensional... tunnelling.” I said. “Researched... changing... quantum states and... it's similar.”

“Good lord.” The detective whispered.

“Can you show me, with this?” Stacy said and held up the bag with the ring in it.

“Just the... ring?” I asked and she nodded. I stored the ring and put it in my hand and held it up as far as the cuffs would allow me. “Put back, too.” I said and the ring popped back into the bag.

“That's not possible.” One of the agents said.

“I just saw it and I don't believe it.” The other agent said.

“Thirsty.” I said.

Stacy smiled at me again. “Just a second and I'll get you...”

I took a bottle of soda pop from inventory and held it up to her. “Open... please.”

Everyone was quiet as she did so and then helped me take a drink.

“Thanks.” I said and closed my eyes.

“Don't sleep!” Stacy said and I opened my eyes. “Please, can you tell me what happened?”

“About... what?”

“Where are you getting all those gold coins?” Stacy asked.

“Same... way.” I said and made a handful appear in my hand and then stored them. I stored the ones in the evidence bags, too.

“You should put those back.” Stacy advised me. “Evidence.”

I put the coins back and she let out a sigh.

“Good god, what are we going to do with you?” Stacy asked.

“Fix... me.” I said and she looked surprised. “Need help... can't... all alone.”


“Please... undo... damage. Unfreeze... money. Will do... whatever...”

“Shh.” Stacy said and touched my lips with her fingertips. “You can't...”

I kissed her fingers, even though my lips didn't quite work right.

“S-stop.” Stacy said and pulled her hand away.

“Sorry. Can't... resist.” I said.

No one spoke for several minutes and I watched Stacy as she moved across the room. She was whispering and talking to the detective, which meant she was more important than just a nurse or whatever she was. I didn't care, though. I wanted her bad and I drooled a little as she turned back to look at me.

Her striking features drew my eyes to them and I memorized the angle of her nose, the shapes of her manicured eyebrows, and the subtle curves of her cheeks that made her mouth so kissable that...

“Damn.” One of the men near the bed said and backed up. “I think we need new sheets here.”

“What?” Stacy asked and started to walk over. Her eyes fell on me... or more specifically the bump in the sheet that had a growing wet spot on it. “No, you...”

“You... smell... incredible.” I said as her smell hit me in the face again. “So... horny... for you.”

“You need to leave.” The detective said and grabbed Stacy's arm.

“No!” I said and stored the four sets of handcuffs holding me down and hopped out of the bed... then I plopped right down onto the floor and smashed my face into the ceramic tile. None of my body seemed to work and I gurgled as I tried to breathe through my swollen lips that were now pressed to the floor.

“Get him up!” A woman's voice exclaimed.

I was suddenly up off of the floor and back on the bed, my face bloody. “Don't... leave.” I managed to say as blood dribbled out of my mouth. No one stepped forward to clean me up.

Stacy walked into my now even more limited view. “Put the cuffs back.” She said and I did. “I'll stay right here, all right?”

I nodded and relaxed.

Stacy's eyes went to my hospital gown and seemed to hover there.

“Stacy.” The detective said and she jumped a little.

“Yes. Right.” Stacy said and started to come closer.

“No, from here.” The female detective said and held her arm.

“But... he needs me.” Stacy said.

“So do we.” The detective said. “Now ask him.”

Stacy took a deep breath and looked at me. “Damon, how many gold coins can you make appear like magic?”

“Can you... keep secret?” I asked.

“Yes.” Stacy said.

“Thirteen...” I started to say and was interrupted.

“It must be wearing off, because he's lying. He made more than that appear in the interrogation room.” One of the agents said.

“...thirteen billion...”

Stacy and the detective gasped, shock on their faces.

“...six hundred... million...”

“That's... that's enough, Damon.” Stacy whispered and I stopped talking.

“Oh, shit.” The other agent said. “Shit, shit, shit.”

“What do we do now?” The tech guy asked. “Even conservatively, using last month's price of gold...”

“Don't say it!” The fake female detective exclaimed.

“He could pay off the country's national debt and still have about twenty trillion dollars left over.” The tech guy said and they all looked at me.

“Told... you... out of a job... next week.” I said with as big of a smile I could manage with my damaged face. “Fucking... idiots.”

I felt really horny and really tired. Since I couldn't do anything about the horny part, I closed my eyes and tried to let sleep take me. I just hoped that Stacy kept her promise and stayed.

No one tried to keep me awake this time.


“We are so fucked.” One of the fake agents said and rubbed his face.

“No, we... didn't do anything wrong.” The fake detective said. “We were legitimately investigating a suspected criminal...”

“...that can buy our entire country.” The tech guy said. “Almost twice.”

“You're wrong.” Stacy said and looked at the sleeping man in the hospital bed. “I only asked him how many coins he can produce.”

The others stared at her, as if to urge her to keep speaking.

“I think he has a lot more gold than just coins.” Stacy said.

“I'll ask again. What do we do now?” The tech guy asked.

“This was all approved by management. Once those coins were sold commercially with no official history, it sent up red flags all over the place.” One of the fake agents said. “I don't know if there's anything we can do.”

“We can start by undoing the financial mess he's in.” Stacy said. “I know we can't make up for six months of interest on his accounts...”

“He doesn't need reparations.” The other fake agent said.

“It's not the need, it's the requirement.” Stacy said. “We made his sister so desperate for money that she turned him in as soon as he contacted her.”

“Not to mention souring her opinion of him by driving home that he had left her without talking to her first.” The fake detective said. “That's not really something we can undo.”

Stacy looked at the rest of her team and sighed. “We need to salvage as much of this operation as we can.”

“You want that Deckland dweeb?” The tech guy asked.

“And his contacts and his pushers.” Stacy said. “The least we can do now is to make them and the businesses they frequented suffer like Damon has.”

“Total asset freeze?” The tech guy asked and she nodded. “I'll get right on it.”

“I think we can let the local police handle bringing them in.” One of the agents said. “We don't have the resources to set up stings for them all.”

“All right. Let's get to work.” The fake detective said and the others left the room. She hadn't let Stacy's arm go and pulled her out of the room and into the hallway. She walked to the observation room and pulled her friend inside. “Okay, spill it. What's going on?”

“I don't know.” Stacy said.

“You're dripping on the goddamn floor, Stacy.”

“Wh-what?” Stacy looked down and saw the drips. “I wore a thick pad today.”

“How can you be turned on by him?”

“I... he... he needs me.” Stacy said. “I can't explain it more than that.”

“You want to sleep with him.” The female detective said.

“More than anything.” Stacy admitted. “The longer I'm around him, the more I can't imagine not being around him.”

“That's wrong on so many levels.”

“I know... but, he...” Stacy stopped talking and took a deep breath. “He definitely crossed a lot of lines doing what he did and I really was serious about having him charged...”

“You're going to let it go, just because he's rich.” The fake detective said.

“No.” Stacy said. “He could be rich enough to buy the country three times over for all I care.”

“Then why?”

“Did you see the look in his eyes? The lost and sad look?” Stacy asked and her friend nodded. “He's as much of a victim to whatever this is as I am. He's fighting to control it and he's genuinely apologetic about it.”

“Stacy, you can't seriously think...”

“You saw what he did to that table.” Stacy said. “He knew he was wrong for what he did to me and he let the security team beat him. They beat him so badly and he didn't raise a hand in defense or even struck back. Not once.”

The fake detective let out a sigh. “You're right.”

“Yes, and that man has suffered because of us and what we did. We took everything from him.” Stacy said. “I'm going to do my best to not sleep with him until we get all of this mess sorted out.”

“Your best, huh?” The female detective said with a smile.

“You'll have to help keep me on track, just like you did today.” Stacy said.

“That's what friends are for.” The fake detective said with a smile.

“Let's go.” Stacy said and the two women left the room with a purpose.

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