Summoned Again?

092 Stuff Happens Part One


An actual attendant nurse was called for to tend to the single patient in the wing. She didn't mind being paid a full time salary for pretty much doing nothing for most of the time. Tending to minor cuts and scrapes was boring; but, it was a government job and she had lots of free time. The few incidents where her skills were actually needed made it worth the effort of being on call.

She opened the door to the room and walked over to the beaten man in the bed. She sighed when she saw that his face was even more damaged than it had been that morning when she had attached the IV.

“Do they have to keep beating the hell out of you to get you to talk?” The nurse asked.

He didn't answer and she didn't expect him to. She went to the supplies closet to get the things she needed to work on his face and came back and did her best to apply proper first aid to it. She shook her head the entire time, especially when blood seeped out of the poor man's mouth, which meant he had bitten his lip or his cheeks on the inside, or worse, loosened several teeth.

She did her best to check and saw the split in the inside of his lower lip. She looked down at the floor and saw a smudged blood stain and sighed again. “They dropped you on the floor, didn't they?” She asked and shook her head. She would have to call the janitor to have them come and clean the floor. She wasn't allowed to do it herself, for insurance reasons, even though it was blood.

The nurse looked the rest of him over and saw the wet stain on his hospital gown. “Dammit, I hate it when they pee themselves and no one bothered to give them a bedpan.” She said and lifted the hospital gown to see how badly he had wet himself and the bed, then caught her breath at the white stickiness. “What... what did they do to you?”

She stood there and stared at the amount, that to her mind seemed to be a little more than it should have been, then she started to clean him up. It was definitely not something she was used to doing, since it usually had time to dry up a little. The seeping wetness soaked into the soft towel, as if it was invading it, and she chuckled as she imagined all those little mindless sperm swimming endlessly to their deaths in search of an egg that they would never find.

The nurse saw a bit more start to drip out of the man's penis, so she folded the towel up and held it under the tip. “I'm glad I always wear rubber gloves.” She whispered and carefully gripped his soft member and stroked him exactly twice as she applied appropriate pressure to squeeze out any remaining ejaculate, then she took a bedpan and slid it onto the man's belly and taped it into place.

She knew a man's body would need the bathroom not long after that bodily function, because it clears the urethra tube. They usually had to be conscious for it to happen; but, it was better to be safe than sorry.

When he wakes up, he is going to need the bathroom like nobody's business. The nurse thought with a chuckle. She took off his hospital gown and put another one on him, then she checked the bed. None had gotten on it and she sighed in relief. The blanket wasn't so lucky, so she pulled it off the side of the bed and tossed it into the hamper in the corner of the room, then placed a new blanket at the foot of the bed.

She checked the IV and saw that it had been pulled off-center and sighed. She prepped the area and retrieved the proper supplies to remove it and reapply it. Her work done, she gave the man's bruised and battered face a last look to make sure he wasn't hemorrhaging. She also wondered if he looked even more handsome with a normal face, because his body was definitely a lady-killer.

The nurse chuckled again as she left the room and propped the door open, in case she needed to come back quickly to check on her only patient, because some days she really liked her job.


“I've got the request sent in to lift the court ordered freeze of his assets.” The tech guy said.

“Why are we doing this again?” One of the fake agents asked.

“Because we screwed up?” The tech guy asked.

“No, I mean, why are we trying to fix it. Just let him go and forget about it.” The fake agent said. “When we don't file charges in relation to the assets, the court order should lapse and release the money anyway.”

“Do you really want to leave him in this situation for another six months?” The tech guy asked. “You saw what he can do!”

“I doubt he can actually make all that gold appear.” The agent said, now that the shock of what the suspect said was wearing off.

“Um... a hundred million in coins in a safety deposit box.” The tech guy said. “From nowhere. No shipping manifest, no deliveries, nothing. He just went in there one day without any bags, bought the box, and never went back.”

“You can't be serious.” The agent said. “They were in professional grade coin containers.”

“Those he bought.” The tech guy said. “I have copies of the receipts.”

“Then how...”

“He must have made them disappear and then reappear.” The tech guy said. “I also have the footage of him entering and leaving the bank. He did not have enough time to put all those coins into those sleeves.”

The agent sighed. “Do you believe him? He isn't a source of illegal funds coming into the country?”

“Why do you care what I think about that?” The tech guy asked with a smile. “I'm just the tech guy.”

“Just answer the question.”

“Honestly? I can't think of a way that it would be illegal to just make gold appear. He's not like taking something and turning it into gold, or faking it.” The tech guy said. “The mint's certification proves that it's real gold.”

The agent sat there and was pretty sure that he didn't want to tell him the real reason that this investigation had been launched in the first place. It was true that the coins were real gold, there was just one specific problem that was wrong with it.

Ignoring the fact that the writing and pictures on them were completely foreign, the gold itself, the mineral, did not have the same radiological signature as gold from this planet. The atomic structure was the same, because it was gold; but, it was not from Earth. That was the problem that the government had and why they had torn apart a man's life to try and discover the reason why.

The president himself had ordered his secret service to investigate when he was informed of the discrepancy with the pendant he wore. With the help of the NSA and a discrete nod from the FBI that they would turn a blind eye to it, since it really was a foreign currency being funnelled into the US economy, it had to be investigated thoroughly.

Damon Smith had been scrutinized under a microscope and everything he had done, everyone he had met, had been examined. The friend's husband stealing the money was just a convenient excuse for them to freeze everything and it made their jobs that much easier.

The problem they had now, was that they had discovered the source. It was Damon Smith himself... and no one was going to believe them. Even with the footage they had, no one was going to believe it. It was just too fantastic to imagine that any man could just... create gold coins out of nothing.

He sat there and thought about how best to fix things. A bullet from a clean gun and a John Doe showing up in a morgue in a small out of the way town, would solve nearly all of the problems they had. Except for the fact that they would lose access to said gold coins. How do you seize something that doesn't exist until it appears at the will of a man that you made so angry that he beat a solid metal table into scrap?

“I need to make a few more calls.” The agent said and stood up.

“Hey, make sure to tell your boss to call the IRS for us.” The tech guy said. “When Mr. Smith comes back to his senses and starts ranting and raving at us to fix everything, the least we can do is tell him that the building and condo aren't going to be seized for tax evasion.”

“It was a valid strategy.” The agent said and walked over to the door. “It brought him out of hiding, didn't it?”

“No, I don't think it did.” The tech guy said and went back to his screen. “He was genuinely shocked when his sister told him about the mess he had left behind.”

The agent left the room and the tech guy started typing again and sent more requests for court orders to freeze the assets of the people Stacy had told him to. He was glad that it was a long list and he felt a little bit less guilty about doing the same thing to someone he should never have messed with.


I am so goddamn horny! Stacy thought for the hundredth time as she tried, desperately, to keep her mind on her work. She was trying to undo the mess she had helped create for man that was so delicious that she wanted to eat him all up and then spit him out, just so she could eat him all up again.

“Stop that.” The fake detective said and slapped her friend's hand that was trying to rub herself through her skirt.

“I'm sorry.” Stacy said and moved her hand away. “I don't know what's wrong with me.”

“You're getting off on having a guy be so turned on by you that he came from just looking at you.” The fake detective said.

“That was the drugs.” Stacy said, halfheartedly. “Lowered inhibitions, remember?”

“I don't think he really needed his inhibitions lowered any more, because he didn't pay the rest of us any attention at all. Just you.” The fake detective said.

Stacy's hand reached down again and her fiend grabbed it. “S-sorry.”

“If you don't get this paperwork done, you're not going to be able to tell him that you're trying to fix things.”

“R-right.” Stacy said and used her free hand to hold onto the paper she was writing on. She made the hand into a fist and then released it as she kept writing. She made a fist again and then her hand slid off the desk and lowered to her waist.

“Do you want me to handcuff you to the desk?” The fake detective asked.

Stacy took in a sharp breath and she felt even more dampness between her legs.

“Oh, for fuck's sake.” The fake detective said and sighed.

“I'm sorry.” Stacy responded, her face red.


I opened my eyes and I was completely alone. My swollen eyes could barely open and my face felt like it was covered in bandages, so I equipped eight Minor Healing rings. I cast each spell, one at a time, and waited for each one to do its work. By the time I had used all eight, I could see normally.

I really need the bathroom. I thought and looked down to see a bedpan taped to my belly. That's a relief.

I let my bladder go and felt relief for the first time in a while. I was pretty sure that I wasn't going to get away with storing the cuffs again and going to the bathroom on my own, because I just knew that if I did that, someone would walk in and find me. I equipped a Clarity necklace and my mind snapped into focus as I went over my slightly foggy memories.

I was sure that they gave me something to make me talk, not that I needed it, and I sighed at myself when I remembered getting off from just staring at that woman. I really needed to get a handle on my libido, except that I had no clue how I was going to do that. I looked around the room and didn't see the evidence bags or my clothes.

Dammit, that was my only set I had stored. I thought and stored the Minor Healing rings and equipped a Detect ring. My clothes weren't in the room or within the range of the spell. Double damn.

I looked down at my hands and saw a call button, so I picked up the little plunger and tapped it. I only had to wait two minutes for a nurse to come in. When she approached the bed and saw me awake, she smiled.

“I'm glad you're awake so soon.” The nurse said and looked at the bedpan. “I knew you were going to need that.”

She slipped on rubber gloves, opened a small clean wipe package and tapped my penis with her fingers to jiggle it a little and then wiped it off with the wipe. She carefully pulled up the tape on the bedpan and moved it aside, flipped my hospital gown down to cover me, then she went into the bathroom.

The nurse came back out with bare hands and gave me an inquisitive look. “Do you need to have a bowel movement?”


She smiled and pointed to the call button. “If you need anything else...”

“My clothes?” I asked and she shook her head. “Then no, there's nothing...” I paused as my eyes caught sight of the soda pop on the nightstand. “Perhaps a drink?”

“Of course.” She said and came over, opened it, and helped me take several sips.

“Does this exemplary service include breakfast in bed?” I asked.

The nurse laughed softly as she put the cork back on the bottle. “I'll bring something that even you can eat with those... damaged... lips.” She said as her eyes fell upon my mouth. She reached out and pulled off one of the bandages that I assumed she had previously applied. She caught her breath and took off another one, then another and another. When my face was fully revealed, she was panting slightly as if she had been jogging.

“Surprise.” I said.

The nurse let out a soft gasp, then her still bare hands reached out and touched my cheeks. She rubbed her hands all over my face, tracing the imaginary lines where I assumed the damage had been before I healed it all. Her hands were gentle and quite thorough.

“Can I at least know your name if you're going to keep caressing my face?” I asked, jokingly.

The nurse blinked her eyes for a second and then she let my face go.

“I didn't say stop.” I said with a smile.

The nurse gave me a smile for an instant, then she turned right around and quickly walked out the door. Two seconds later, she was back and stared at me. I waved at her with my cuffed hand and she took in a deep breath, reached for the propped open door, and pulled it closed.

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