Summoned Again?

107 The Oval Office


The White House was huge. It had employees and people everywhere, even though you didn't really see them. The public areas were mostly for display only, almost like a museum. The others kept asking questions, especially the two blondes that hadn't let my hands go, and the tour guide actually looked happy that they were interested in all the little facts and figures she knew about the White House.

Of course, when there was a lull in her explanations and we were walking towards the main stop on the tour, the Oval Office, I asked her the two questions I had been wanting to ask for the whole tour.

“Why are you dressed like an airline stewardess?”

The tour guide smiled at me. “The staff take turns wearing different outfits for the tours.”

I had to think about that. “You don't mean period costumes, do you?”

The two blondes at my sides giggled and exchanged looks.

“Not that kind of period.” I whispered and that made them giggle again.

“Last month I was dressed as an old fashioned southern belle.” The tour guide said. “I really liked the hairstyle.” She laughed. “I could have done without the laced up bodice. I could barely breathe with it on.”

I looked her over and back at her face, only to see that she had checked me out as well. “Now that I've got the most important question out of the way...” I said and she laughed a little more. “...I have to ask if the president is in residence today.”

“He is in the building.” The tour guide said and everyone made appreciative sounds. “I can't promise that you'll see him, however. You've seen all the things that go on here.”

“He's in meetings.” I added and she nodded.

“The country doesn't run itself.” The tour guide said and came to a stop. “This is it.”

“What's it?” I asked and looked around as if confused, even though I knew where we were. The Search spell was excellent for that.

“The oval office.” The tour guide said.

“We're in a hallway.” The blonde on the left said and the tour guide laughed.

“There's an anteroom, then the office, then another anteroom and another hallway. It'll take us to another part of the White House with a few more rooms to show you, then we'll finish the tour back at the beginning.”

“We're actually going inside?” The blonde on the right asked, a little excited.

“We are, and you're only allowed two pictures with cameras and cell phones, so make them count.” The tour guide said.

The blondes had to let my hands go as they dug out their cell phones to get them ready. I was not surprised to see them in bright pink cases and then I was pretty much ignored. We passed through the small waiting room that also seemed to serve as an outer office, then the door was opened and we were inside the most famous office in the world.

The tour guide told us how many presidents there were and then described where the desk came from. I used Detect and there were six cameras in the room, only two of which I could see with my own eyes.

“Can we touch the desk?” One of the blondes asked.

“In what way?” The tour guide asked, a little warily.

“Like this.” The other one said, then they both leaned against the front of it, leaned back slightly and held their cell phones out, and took a selfie each.

I could see that the tour guide knew it was pointless to say no at that point, then a few of the others did the same thing. She gave me a look as if she was waiting for me to do it, too.

“Say cheese.” I said and took a picture of her surprised face instead.

That made the blondes laugh pretty hard.

“L-let's continue the tour.” The tour guide said and opened the other door and started to lead us out.

I felt a recently familiar hand take mine and I stopped walking to see what one of the blondes wanted. She had a wicked smile and the tour group went into the outer room and the other blonde shut the door, which left the three of us in the office.

“Lock the door.” She said and they both went to the doors and turned the little knobs on the handles.

“What are you doing?” I asked as they came over to me.

“We've always wanted proof.” The blonde on the left said and gave me the same look I had given her in the waiting room, one filled with desire.

“We're also going to take our second picture.” The blonde on the right said as she gave me a completely lewd look, nearly identical to the one I gave her earlier.

“Jesus.” I whispered as both of their hands touched me below the waist. I didn't need to smell them to know that they were both turned on, so I reacted as well and they both smiled.

The blonde on the left knelt and opened my pants to reveal me, and she gave me a very pleased smile. “I knew it.” She whispered and slipped her mouth over me.

“The oral office.” The blonde on the right said and waited for a few seconds and took a picture of her friend. “God, you are so hot.” She said to her friend and tucked her cell phone away, then she knelt and joined in.

The blonde on the left stood up and let her friend work me over some, then she took a picture as well. “You're such a slut.” She said and her friend had to stop sucking to giggle.

“I have a picture left to take, too.” I said and they looked at me with surprise, then they both grinned and started working me over. I was getting close and warned them. “Almost...”

“Take the picture!” They said as one, so just as I started to ejaculate onto their faces, I took a picture. I wasn't surprised that the one on the right licked everything up, even from her friend's face. I handed them some tissues and they cleaned up.

“Please tell me you got that!” The one on the right said and stood up to look at my phone. “YES!”

“Is it good?” The other one said and stood as well. “It's perfect!” She exclaimed and they took out their cell phones.

“Send it to us.” They said together and showed me their contact information, so I added them and sent them the photo.

“Here's the ones we took.” The one on the right said and I received the photos.

“We need to catch up to the tour group.” The one on the left said and they went and unlocked the doors. While they did that, I dropped the dead secret service agent's ID onto the president's desk from my inventory, so that I wasn't near the desk at the time, and added a prepared note. We left through the same door as the others and quickly caught up to the tour guide. She gave us a stern look and I lifted my hands up and pointed to the the tops of the heads on the two blondes. She shook her head and ignored what she knew had just happened.

I was pretty sure I lost some respect in her eyes and I was a little saddened by that, mainly because I didn't have the excuse that I couldn't control my impulses this time. Nope, this time it was just me being excited by two pretty blondes giving me a blowjob in the oval office.

Jesus Christ! I thought in surprise. I just had a goddamn blowjob in the oval office!

I smiled when I realized that and when we stopped at a sculpture to listen to the description, I carefully put my arms around both women's waists. They turned their heads to me and gave me curious looks.

“Thank you.” I whispered and gave the one on the left a quick kiss and then the one on the right. “Thank you very much.”

The both of their faces flushed a little red.

“You just had me commit public indecency and got me off, and now you're blushing because I thanked you?” I asked, which made them smile at me.

“You meant it.” The blonde on the left said. “You're not just saying it.”

“Even though you made a mess on us and we haven't washed off yet, you still kissed us.” The one on the right said. “You're either really weird or really sincere.”

I had to suppress my laugh and they saw me struggle with it. They leaned in and kissed my cheeks.

“I can't wait to go eat.” The blonde on the right said with a knowing look on her face.

“Do you have a car or something?” I asked and they gave me incredulous looks.

“Don't tell us you don't have a car.” The blonde on the left asked.

I chuckled. “I just wanted to know if we were following each other, meeting somewhere, or if I'm driving.”

“You're driving.” They said together and I nodded in agreement.

“We came on the bus.” The one on the left said. “It smelled even worse than usual.”

“I can imagine.” I commented and the tour went on. We saw the rest of it and it seemed a lot less impressive after what had happened in the oval office. I mean, how the hell do you top that?

The security guys gave me pointed looks as I handed in my visitor's badge and signed out. The girls chatted with each other and me as we left the White House and went over to the visitor's parking lot.

“Is this it?” The blonde on the left asked. “It's a little plain looking, considering the gold rings you're wearing.”

I nodded and unlocked the doors. “If I had an expensive car, it would get tons of attention.” I said and climbed in. “The wrong kind of attention.”

“You want someone who wants you and not your money, huh?” The blonde on the right asked and to my surprise, they both got in the back and stayed in their relative positions. “That's pretty unrealistic.”

I laughed and started the car as I looked into the rear view mirror. “You're going to give me the whole speech about attracting women, aren't you?”

“Flash and cash.” She said with a sexy smile.

I pulled out of the parking lot and drove down the road. “Hold on, that's your whole speech?”

“What else do you need to know?” She asked.

I opened my mouth to respond, then I chuckled. “Not much else, I guess.”

“Nope.” She said and took out her cell phone to show her friend. “God, you looked so hot.”

“I know.” The other blonde said, quite smugly. “Thanks for cleaning up, too.”

“I didn't mind it much this time.” She said as she glanced at me in the mirror.

“I've got a great metabolism.” I said, understanding that she meant it tasted better than normal. “Do you have any preference to where you want to eat?”

The two blondes exchanged wicked looks and laughed a little.

“Not at a dive.” “Not at a fancy restaurant.” They said at the same time.

“Thanks for clearing that up.” I said and they laughed. “Look something up and get me directions. I'm not from here.”

“I guess that explains why we haven't seen you around before.” One of them said. I couldn't tell which one it was, because their phones were now covering their mouths. “Okay, I've got a place and made reservations.” She said and then gave me directions.

It took twenty minutes to get there and I parked a short distance away. We went inside and it was a mid-to-upscale restaurant and our current clothing didn't make us stand out. The waiter sat us down and we checked the menu. The two girls sat across the table from me and huddled together as they talked about how expensive of a dish they could get without pissing me off.

“He gave you the wrong menu, didn't he?” I asked and they giggled. “You can order what you want, since this is our first date.”

“Our first?” The blonde on the left asked and peeked at me over the menu.

“I need to visit a broker to see about buying a few things. If it works out like I think it will, I'll be travelling back here a few times over the next few weeks.” I said. “I wouldn't mind having someone local to rely on.”

Her eyes widened and she ducked back down behind the menu. I heard whispering for a few minutes and the occasional giggle.

The other blonde poked her head up and peeked at me over the menu. “You mean both of us, right?”

“Is it possible to have one without the other?” I asked and there was a soft whisper, then she shook her head. “Then, yes. I definitely mean the both of you.”

She ducked back behind the menu and more whispers followed. They both peeked above it this time.

“Do you think you can handle it?” The one on the right asked.

“You mean the both of you at the same time?” I asked and they nodded. “I think I need to ask you the same thing.”

Both of their eyes widened and they ducked down again and whispered back and forth.

The waiter came over to the table. “Are you ready to order?”

Both blondes sat up straight and closed the menu as they looked right at me. “We're ready.”

I knew what they meant and gave them another one of Angel's professional smiles. “I'm glad.” I said and looked at the waiter and ordered a porterhouse steak with potatoes. The girls ordered next and they went all out. They took my words to heart and splurged a little, wanting to try several dishes, and the waiter gave me a concerned look. He knew how expensive those particular dishes were.

I took out the leather pouch and opened it to pull out several hundred dollar bills to show him and the girls. Their eyes widened at the wad of cash they could clearly see inside the pouch.

The waiter chuckled. “I'll be right back with your drinks, sir.” He said and left with a smile on his face.

“Flash and cash.” The blonde on the right whispered.

I winked at her and put the pouch away.

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