Summoned Again?

108 The Ball Starts Rolling


The presidential aide entered the oval office, filled with frustration, because it was her job to check everything over again to make sure that no one touched anything. The president hated when anything was moved without his permission and she had to reference the many photos she had taken when she showed up to work that morning. She wanted to ensure that everything looked the same from the viewpoint of the president.

She moved his chair out of the way, because no one but him was allowed to sit in it, and knelt on the floor to put herself at the same height she had taken the photos from. She had thought it was a brilliant strategy, because things could still technically be moved. As long as it wasn't noticeable from where the president sat, he wouldn't say anything.

She brought up the very first photo on her tablet and held it up in front of her face to examine it closely. It was a straight ahead view of the top of the desk and the main part of the room. She moved it out of the way and looked at the real thing. Her eyes darted around and nodded, then she looked down to change to the next photo. Her eyes widened at the small leather folio and a piece of paper.

She checked the photo again and saw that it wasn't there that morning. It's new. She thought and reached for it, then she stopped. No, I shouldn't touch it. It might muddy the fingerprints or something.

She stood up and left the chair out of position, since she knew the secret service would move it out of the way as soon as they came to investigate. She walked over to one of the many cameras and made several hand signals to ask for assistance and president in possible danger.

The response was immediate.

Several members of the secret service showed up only a minute later and talked to her directly. She explained what happened, about the items showing up sometime during the day, and pointed to the desk. One of the agents went over to it and took a plastic evidence bag from his pocket. He quickly turned it inside out and used it like a glove. He opened the leather folio and was shocked to see a fellow agent's ID.

He held it open and folded the evidence bag over it and sealed it. “Hand me another evidence bag.”

One of the others handed over his and the agent did the same trick with the note. When he opened it and read it, his eyes widened. He folded the bag over it and sealed it, leaving the note open like the ID, and he took out his cell phone.

“Sir, we have a problem.” The agent said and was quiet for a moment. “Yes, sir. It's very important.” He looked at the note. “National Security important.” He said and explained what the presidential aide had found. He paused and listened for a few moments. “Yes, sir. I'll bring both items right to your office.”

“What is it?” The presidential aide asked.

The agent hung up and walked over to the others. “Don't worry, we'll take care of this.”

“Now I'm even more worried.” The aide said. “What is it?”

“A ransom note.” The agent said and they left before the aide could ask what the ransom was for.


“Please, Jenny. I need your help.” Diane said on the phone from the jailhouse. “I've tried calling everyone.”

“For the last time, I can't bail you out of jail.” Jenny said. “How many times do I have to explain that I've got no money?”

“But you're rich! What about the rent from the apartment building and the condo?”

“Gone.” Jenny said. “The government took it all for penalties and fees against the tax evasion charges.”

“But... but...”

“Although, the bank did say they unfroze everything.” Jenny said and thought about it. “If I'm lucky, maybe I'll have some money coming in next month.”

“NEXT MONTH?!?” Diane yelled.

“Maybe.” Jenny said. “You would have known all about this if you hadn't cut us all off.”

Diane sighed. “I know I messed up and I'm sorry, okay? I really need a friend right now.”

“I still don't know what to tell you.” Jenny responded. “Before you ask, no, I can't borrow money from anyone.”

“Please, Jenny...” Diane pleaded.

“I'm sorry.” Jenny said. “You'll have to try calling someone else.”

Diane sighed. “I already called everyone else.”

Jenny huffed and then she sighed. “Well, it's nice to know where I stand with you, even after being discarded.”

“Jenny, it's not like that. I thought... I didn't want...” Diane sighed again. “You're too close to Damon. I didn't want to bother you if I didn't have to.”

Jenny chuckled. “Boy, you really don't know anything about what's been going on.”

“What do you mean?” Diane asked.

“It doesn't matter.” Jenny said. “I can't help you.”

Diane was quiet for a moment. “Do you know if Damon is still being held?”

“Don't you dare try to call him!” Jenny exclaimed. “He's got enough problems right now to deal with, without having to deal with yours, too.”

“But... I'm sure that he would...”

“He doesn't have any money, anyway. I told you that the bank took it all.” Jenny said.

“He wouldn't have put everything in the bank.” Diane said, sure of that.

“They took his safety deposit box because of you, too.” Jenny said. “A hundred million dollars in gold coins were confiscated by the government because they thought he was laundering money through you for some stupid reason.”

“Oh, god.” Diane whispered and fell silent.

“Yeah, I think you're finally understanding it now. That husband of yours really screwed everyone over, especially my brother.” Jenny said. “Wasn't it just a wonderful decision to bring that scum back into your life?”

Diane sighed and didn't say anything.

“Even if I wanted to, I can't help you.” Jenny said. “Your choices have ruined so many lives and I honestly can't feel sorry for you at all.”

“Jenny, I... I can't stay in jail. You know I can't.” Diane said. “I'm sorry about what happened, I really am. I just... please, you have to help me. I need to get out of here before they come for Crystal.”

Jenny sighed. “Diane, I can't. There's no one I can get that kind of money from. There's no group of people that I can get that money from.” She said. “I'm sure that I have enough money to buy groceries for the month and that's it.”

“You could... put the condo up as collateral.” Diane said softly.

“HA!” Jenny barked the laugh. “Are you kidding me? You want me to put my home up for you to get out of jail? Really? Are you insane?”

“Don't do it for me. Do it for Crystal.” Diane said.

“That line might work on my brother.” Jenny countered. “I would never trust you like he did. Maybe before all of this, if something had happened then. Now? There's no way I would bet my home on you doing the right thing.”


“It's not happening. Also, you know that Damon doesn't own anything, so asking him to do it won't work, either. You're just going to have to deal with it on your own.”

“I can't!” Diane exclaimed. “I can't.” She said in a normal voice. “I have nowhere else to turn.”

“Now you know what it feels like.” Jenny said. “Thanks for loaning me some money when I really needed it.” She said sarcastically. “Oh, wait! You didn't.”

“Please, don't let that affect...”

Jenny laughed. “If I was going to let that affect me, I never would have answered your call.” She said. “Instead, I'm talking to you and explaining why you're not getting any money that you could never pay back.”

“I... I'd try.” Diane whispered.

“For some reason, I don't believe you.”

“Jenny, I need your help.” Diane said, halfheartedly.

“I can't do it. I just can't.”

“Then... then run. Take Crystal and go somewhere. Hide her for me.” Diane said.

“I believe that's enough.” A man's voice said. “I'm going to ignore the fact that you just tried to coerce someone into committing a crime.”

“I wasn't!” Diane exclaimed. “I just want Crystal safe!”

“Having her kidnapped isn't keeping her safe.” The man said and there was a click on the phone. “I apologize for letting that go on as long as I did.” He said, genuinely apologetic.

“You're the detective on her case?” Jenny asked.

“Yes, and she was fully cooperative. It gained her a lot of concessions on my part, because the things she told me were quite valuable.”

“I heard a huge but there.” Jenny said.

“She still committed fraud and knew about the husband's activities with the money she gave him.” The man said. “Culpability alone is going to be bad for her.”

“I don't want to know how long she might be in jail for, do I?”

He hesitated before he answered. “Unless she can get out on bail until the trial, it's going to be a while.”

Jenny sighed. “What am I supposed to do? I can't give up my house.”

“No, you shouldn't. We both know that she's a flight risk.”

Jenny nodded, forgetting that he couldn't see her. “My brother said he's going to take care of Crystal for a while; but, he was missing for the last six months. I'm worried that...”

“I haven't received word that he was released.” The man said, concern in his voice.

“They discovered that it was Diane's husband that caused this whole mess, with the money laundering thing, and they let him go.” Jenny said.

“When?” The man asked.

“Yesterday. I'm not sure what time.”

“I'll have to look into it, since it's related.” The man said. “Can you put him on the phone?”

“I haven't seen him since yesterday.” Jenny said. “I've only received a few texts...”

“Where is he now?” The man asked.

“One of the secret service agents took him to Washington D.C. to see his boss.” Jenny said. “He was there half the day and had to stay overnight.”

“Is he coming back soon?”

“I have no idea.” Jenny said. “He texted me a little while ago and said he was taking a tour of the White House. It's safe to assume that he's not really in a rush to get back.”

“Can you call me and let me know when he does?”

“Why?” Jenny asked.

“I want to know why he was let go.” The man said.

“I already told you. He wasn't involved. In fact, he hasn't even met Diane's asshole of a husband. He didn't even know that she had given her husband the money until she told him a few days ago.”

The man was quiet for several seconds. “Now that is interesting.”

“It's not interesting at all. He was missing for six months. How was she supposed to tell him?” Jenny asked. “I wish you people would stop barking up the wrong tree.”

“Miss, we have to follow every lead when...”

“What lead? He wasn't involved. He wasn't even around when it all happened. How will talking to him help you in any way?” Jenny asked and he didn't respond. “Right, it doesn't. So, you can stick your request where the sun don't shine and stop bothering him. And me. And my friends. Goodbye.” She said and hung up. She thought about turning her cell phone off and decided against it. If Damon texted or called, she didn't want to miss it, even though she was once again pissed at him for leaving her there with Crystal.

Taking care of a little girl... a very energetic little girl... was as tiring as it sounded. She had to order in food for them, since she couldn't go out to buy groceries. Not that she would, since she wasn't at home. She didn't know what foods her brother ate and that thought alone made her anger subside a little. She had been busy with other things and he had been busy with work.

They also lived apart, to her consternation, which meant that they didn't get to spend a lot of time together. They had slowly started to drift apart when he moved out and she no longer had any idea what he ate every day. It bothered her as she thought about it and she started to look around the apartment for things of his that she could familiarize herself with. She was surprised that she couldn't find anything.

Where are they? Jenny asked herself in confusion. No family photos? Trinkets and gifts? Personal items? She shook her head and didn't understand. There was nothing, not even in his bedroom, and she went back out to the living room and sat down on the couch. If she hadn't known that he lived there, there would be no other evidence that it was his place.

Jenny watched the movie that Crystal wasn't watching and her mind went over everything she knew about her brother. It was then she realized that she didn't know a whole lot about him. She sighed and took out her cell phone, debated sending him a text, then decided to ask when he would be coming home.

Half an hour later she received a text back saying that he would be driving back late tonight.

'Driving back?' Jenny asked and sent the text.

'I've got an appointment with a broker and I'm looking into buying a few things.'

'With what? Your looks?' Jenny sent back.

'Yeah! They are in high demand right now.' Damon sent back. 'Especially my butt.'

Jenny looked at her phone in confusion. 'Are you really my brother?'

'(Giggle Face) You caught me. He's in the shower.'

'Who. Are. You?' Jenny typed.

'He said he wants to keep us a secret and all to himself. He's so sweet.'

Jenny stared at the phone and wasn't sure what to type next. She couldn't believe that her brother was hooking up with someone.

'Oh, here he comes. He looks horny.' The text said. 'Gotta go! Bye!'


'Sorry! (Sad Face) He's too good to ever say no to. (Happy Face) Later!'

Jenny tried to send more texts after that and they bounced. “They turned off the phone.” She said and looked at it and wasn't sure what to do with the new information that was going through her mind right then.

“New movie! New movie!” Crystal said and didn't look up from playing with her toys.

Jenny put her cell phone away and changed the movie in the player, then sat down on the couch again. She definitely had a lot to think about now.

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