Summoned Again?

109 Such A Baller


I left the two similar blondes, Bethany and Stephanie, in the hotel bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower. They had my phone and said they would add to my photo collection while I was busy. I was perfectly fine with that, since both of them were sexy as hell, now that they were naked and we'd had a quick go around after eating.

I hadn't taken a shower at all and had used the hotel phone to call the jewellery store. She gave me the number of her broker and a recommendation, even knowing what my financial situation was like.

“I've already sold the other two diamonds in the collection.” She had said. “You can stop by for the payments this afternoon.”

“Marjorie came through, did she?” I asked.

“Even I had no idea how much my clients would scramble for perfect and uncut jewels that they would want made into their own custom pieces.” The clerk said and was silent for a moment. “You wouldn't happen to have more of them, would you?”

“Well, I heard it was difficult to sell amethyst and garnets.” I joked and she laughed.

“I know you wouldn't have brought me such fantastic jewels to sell if you didn't have more.”

It was my turn to be quiet for a moment. “I'll see what I can dig up for you.”

“Wonderful.” She responded. “I'll call ahead and let my broker know to expect your call.”

“Is his wife going to be one of your clients?” I asked.

“You can safely assume that.” She responded.

“Then I'll be sure to include a little something for you when I visit.” I said. “As a finder's fee.”

“Sir, you are going to make me blush with your generosity.” She responded. “If it's of a similar color.”

That made me laugh. “Of course.”

“It was very nice talking to you again. See you this afternoon.” She said and hung up.

I called the accounting business that my deceased accountant ran and the phone was picked up immediately. After a brief exchange with the secretary, I discovered that they had hired another accountant to handle the mess that had been left behind. She put me through to him and he informed me that all of the previous accountant's clients and their assets had all been gone through within that first month, even mine.

He had copies of the paperwork done up for me and I could pick them up tomorrow. I asked if he wanted to keep me on as a client and he politely refused. The stigma of being investigated by three different agencies was too much for a normal person to handle, even if it had been a ruse to steal my assets.

I thanked him and hung up. I waited as I thought about what I was going to do, then dialed the number for the broker. A man answered the phone and thanked me for calling. He said that he was always interested in new clients, especially troublesome ones, because it gave him a little thrill that he just didn't get from just handling money for people.

“Then have I got a proposal for you.” I said and started to tell him my ideas and what I wanted to do.

“Are you serious?” He asked. “You want to buy bankrupted or near bankrupted mines in several different countries?”

“Yes, and the more remote the better.” I said. “If you can arrange some of the purchases quickly, we can have a multi-national corporation established and set up by the end of the month.”

“Do you have any idea of how much red tape that involves?” He asked.

“Not even a little bit.” I said and he was quiet for a few seconds, then he laughed.

“I'm going to need some help.”

“Do what you think is best to get this going.” I said. “Just don't rip me off or overcharge me. Believe me, once this gets going, there's going to be plenty of money for everyone that's involved.”

“I hope you're not planning anything illegal with this.” The man said.

“Absolutely not. I can assure you, and sign documents when appropriate, that all assets acquired by the company will be real and not from ill-gotten gains.” I said. “Since you're a broker, I assume you'll have to recuse yourself from buying shares in the company when it goes public.”

“You want to go public with it?” He asked, surprised. “It's not going to do well or gain a lot of investors without a good reputation.”

“That's why I want to establish it first and then start bringing forth products and things that the company will be producing.” I said. “By the company, I mean me.”

He chuckled. “You don't want to start locally first?”

“I sincerely doubt that there's a barely touched gold mine anywhere in the United States.”

“Okay, that's true. Everything within the country has been heavily mined.”

“There's how many countries in the world now? I'm sure a lot of them have untapped resources that I can use to establish myself.”

The broker went quiet for a few moments. “What's your endgame?”

“I'm going to make such a splash in the world that no one will notice when I buy a country or two.”

The man laughed. “Okay, okay. You've convinced me that you're ambitious enough. I'm in.”

“You're not going to ask what countries?”

“It doesn't matter. If you can somehow produce enough capital to consider buying a single country, I want to be a part of it.”

“Now who's being ambitious?” I asked and he laughed again.

“I'll put out some feelers and see if there's some low priority commodities floating around.” He said. “Give me a list of what you want me to concentrate on and I'll see how much of it I can fill.”

I gave him a run down of what ores I had in inventory and he told me that a lot of them could be found in the same mine, in various quantities. “I actually want to operate the mines, too. It's not just for show.” I said. “I'll need like whatever sorting and smelting equipment they use and...”

“Don't worry about any of that right now. You need the assets first and quite a bit of collateral for leverage.”

“I've got about a hundred million dollars in stolen artwork...”

The man burst out laughing. “You can stop trying to convince me. Call me back when you get something tangible, like a disposable bank account with a few million dollars in it. It'll give me something to reference when making inquiries and won't affect your principal.”

“You wouldn't happen to know a good bank?”

He gave me several of them in the local area. He even gave me a place where I could sell some gold coins.

“Thanks.” I said. “I'll call for an appointment at the bank and then let you know when the slush fund account is set up.”

“Great. Talk to you then.” He said and hung up.

I called the bank and set up an appointment for two hours later, thanks to the broker's recommendation, and then called the other place about selling some gold coins. I asked what their buy limit was and the man laughed.

“Just bring in the gold and we'll talk.” The man said and hung up.

I thought that was a little rude and shrugged. As long as they paid me a fair price, they could afford to be rude about it. I took out one of the large sacks of gems and picked out a few of the nice sized diamonds, then had to use Detect to find a large ruby. I stored everything and left the bathroom to see Bethany stand up from the bed. Her breasts were perky and bounced, which was pretty nice, and I grew hard from the sight.

Bethany licked her lips and spoke in a sexy voice. “You should see some of the new pictures.”

“I'm a little busy looking at the real thing right now.” I said and gave her the look she wanted.

“That makes me so wet.” She purred and took my hand and put it between her legs.

“You're not kidding.” I whispered back and kissed her. “I've got two hours to wait before going to the bank.”

“Did you set the meeting with the broker up?” Stephanie asked as Bethany led me over to the bed while holding my hand between her legs.

“That's what the bank appointment is for.” I said and climbed onto the bed. “Once I drop a few million into an account for a slush fund, I can keep the ball rolling on my plans and the broker will get to work.”

“A few million?” Bethany asked. “You mean dollars, right?”

I chuckled. “Yes, and I need to stop and pick up another sixty thousand from the jewellery store that's selling my commissions.”

“OH GOD!” Bethany yelled and came all over my hand.

“You're such a slut.” Stephanie said and kissed her, moved my hand and licked it, then she went down on her friend.

“You look... so hot.” Bethany said between moans.

I watched them for a few moments. “I'm really glad that I met the two of you.” I said and applied a condom as I moved over behind Stephanie.

“HMMmmMMM!” Stephanie moaned as I entered her and Bethany moaned as well.

“Us... too.” Bethany whispered. “So... glad! OHHHH!”

Stephanie dug her face even harder between Bethany's legs to keep making her come. Apparently, she really liked getting her friend off, because she came, too.

I was tempted to say it was a vicious cycle, except it was damn hot and it made both of them even more enthusiastic in their lovemaking, which we kept doing for nearly an hour. That surprised them, because they both thought that after we had already had sex, I only had maybe one more ejaculation in me. I definitely showed them that wasn't true and they were delighted.

“I'm... so happy that... you can keep up.” Bethany said as we laid in a pile in the bed and she tried to catch her breath.

“We've had a few disappointments.” Stephanie said and rubbed my chest. “You are not a disappointment.”

“I and my penis thank you for the rousing endorsement.” I said and both of them laughed that lazy laugh people did when they were happy and exhausted.

Stephanie's hand roamed down and touched me there. She gently stroked it into full mast and she lifted her head to look at me. “You can still go?” She asked, surprised.

“I'm in bed, sandwiched between two of the sexiest blondes I've ever met.” I said and they both gave me pointed looks. “I only stopped because we have to shower before going to the jewellery store and then the bank.”

“R-really?” Bethany asked and I nodded. Her hand joined her friend's and they both helped me get off again. She gave me a kiss and then moved down to clean up the mess. She took her time and licked everywhere.

“If you keep going...” I tried to warn her and she smiled up at me as she slipped me into her mouth. “We need to shower.”

“Mmm hmm.” She said and kept sucking.

“Together?” Stephanie asked, hope on her face.

“We might... all fit.” I said as Bethany really got going on me.

Stephanie sat up and tapped her friend's shoulder. “Bathroom fun.”

Bethany stopped and nodded, then the three of us went to the bathroom and they showed me what they meant. The funny thing was, they never asked me how I was making condoms appear out of nowhere. I was pretty sure Stephanie commented on how considerate I was for always being prepared. It was a little difficult to hear over the rushing water.

After we cleaned up and dressed again, we left my hotel room. I had paid for another night and told them they could stay there if they wanted. They declined and said they wanted to go with me to see all the things I was going to do. I didn't object, because it wasn't far to the jewellery store from there and I parked and we went inside.

“Hello, Damon.” The clerk said as we approached and she leaned close to the counter.

“Cherise.” I responded and motioned for her to come closer. I leaned over the counter as well and did the air kisses by her cheeks that Stephanie had informed me that rich socialites did.

“It's nice to see you.” Cherise said with a smile and reached under the counter to take out another leather pouch to hand to me.

“It's very nice to see you, too.” I responded and took out the old one, transferred the remains of that money into the new pouch and handed the old one to her.

“Thank you.” Cherise said and tucked the pouch away.

“You don't happen to have any professional coin storage cases, do you?” I asked.

“I do.” She said. “How many would you like?”

“How many do you have?” I asked and she widened her eyes briefly, then her smile widened.

“I'm sure they are still inside the shipping container I ordered them in.” Cherise said. “They hold ten each and come in crates of a hundred.”

“You only have one crate?” I asked and she nodded. “It will have to do.”

Cherise laughed and motioned to the door to the back. “I'll need your help getting it. It's quite heavy.”

“Not a problem.” I said and turned to the girls. “Ladies, browse around and let me know if you see anything you like.”

Both girls let out a squeal of delight.

“This isn't a restaurant, so try to limit yourselves to one thing each.” I said and they giggled. “I'll be right back.”

“Don't rush.” Stephanie said and pet my arm, then took Bethany's hand and they started to browse.

Cherise took me into the back and another woman replaced her on the front counter. “What was that comment about this not being a restaurant?”

I chuckled and explained about them picking the most expensive items from the menu, just to try them. She laughed and nodded in understanding. It had been a test to see how much they could get away with and I had passed with flying colors.

“Here they are.” Cherise said and stopped in front of a waist high shelf. It was the same professional coin holders that I had used before and smiled. “I can bring more in for you.”

I thought about that as I picked up the case. “This isn't heavy at all.”

Cherise smiled and touched my hand. “I believe you said that you had something for me.”

“You need another case.” I said and she pulled it off of a nearby shelf. I held the case of coin holders in one arm and pretended to reach into my pocket to pull out a diamond that was a bit bigger than the others I had given her. Her eyes glittered as much as the diamond did in the light, then I added three more. She was breathing heavily and her eyes danced over the glittering jewels.

I took out the three inch wide brilliant round cut ruby and she gasped. “I really hate to part with this, since I've had it for quite some time in my collection.”

“Oh... oh, god.” Cherise whispered and carefully took it. “Where have you been all my life?”

“You're talking to the gem, aren't you?” I asked, jokingly.

“Yes.” Cherise whispered, completely missing what I said. “It's gorgeous.”

“Then it's all yours, dear lady.” I whispered back and she looked up from it to stare at me. “Thank you for taking a chance on me and helping me, despite my story.”

Cherise closed the case and put it aside, then she stepped close and took me into her arms to hold me. “I can't do more than this, since I am old enough to be your mother and I already feel guilty about robbing you.”

That made me laugh and she eased her hold on me.

“I am sorry that you've hit hard times and I'm very sorry that I have to abuse that fact.”

“I can only tell you I'm grateful so many times.” I said and she smiled.

“How can you be so understanding?” Cherise asked as she let me go.

“I just had some great sex with the two beauties out front.”

Cherise blinked her eyes at me for a moment. “Did... did you just say... the both of them?”

I nodded and she stared at me for a moment, then she shook her head and motioned for me to proceed ahead of her. I gave her a wink and left the back room.

“Did you find anything?” I asked and both girls pointed to something in the display case. I walked over to them and saw matching half moon pendants. They had a small diamond mounted and each said 'My Better Half'. “I think that's appropriate.” I said and nodded to the clerk, who gave me a smile and took them out. “There's no need to wrap them.”

“Of course.” She said and took me over to the cash register. I paid for them and bought appropriate length and quality chains, then put the necklaces on each of the girls.

“Thank you.” Stephanie said and pet it as I put Bethany's on her.

“This is so awesome.” Bethany said.

I thanked the clerk and Cherise before we left the store. We climbed into the car and I drove us to the place to sell my coins. Hopefully, they would like that I bothered to get professional holders.

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