Summoned Again?

114 A School Day

I was not surprised that Crystal didn't want to be alone in her room that night, even though Teddy took up a good portion of her bed. She didn't want me to hold her or anything; but, she also didn't want me to leave. I compromised and brought one of the large plush living room chairs into her bedroom to be more comfortable and slept half-sitting and slouched down in the chair.

I slept reasonably well, because Crystal had to wake me up in the morning to make breakfast for her. I knew I didn't have anything in the house and checked the remains of my groceries in inventory. I found a few boxes of cereal and only one container of milk, so I pretended to take them out of the cupboard to show her. She shook her head at the choices and I wondered what to do, then smiled.

“I'll be right back.” I said and kissed her cheek to make her laugh, then left the apartment and went down to Diane's. I raided her kitchen for anything even closely related to children and ran back to the elevator. I went into my place and gave her the choices I knew she would pick from, mainly because I pretended it was another magic show, and she had a bowl of her favorite cereal.

After that, she reminded me that she had to get cleaned up and changed for school. I had forgotten about having to take her for that, so that was a bit of an ordeal for me. It was one thing to be the fun uncle that she visited a lot and it was another to do the normal everyday things she needed to live. I didn't think it was something I couldn't handle, though. I had faced evil men, demons, and even a dragon. What could a little girl do to scare me?

A lot, apparently. I almost laughed as she carried on in the bath, ran from me and didn't want to dry off and got nearly everything in the apartment wet in the process, then argued over what she thought was an appropriate outfit for school and what I thought was an appropriate outfit. Then the subject of Teddy came up. Oh, boy.

After a lot of tears, half of a temper tantrum, and what I thought was a lot more anger at me than was necessary, I compromised with her demands and Teddy came with us to school to drop her off. He was not going inside, however. Of course, once she saw that Teddy had to be stuffed in the back of the car to come along, she laughed and laughed.

When I took her inside the school, several of the teachers were surprised to see me and the principal herself came out to meet me. She was dressed in a conservative outfit of a blouse and skirt, large rimmed glasses, and her long hair tied up into a bun. We brought Crystal to her class and she immediately told everyone that she had a giant teddy bear that was twice as big as her. He was her friend and she played with him all day yesterday and he threw up her meals.

The kids all looked to me and I nodded to confirm that she was telling the truth. I knew then that she was going to be okay, so I walked with the principal back to her office.

“Thanks for coming out to see me.” I said and sat down across from her. “It saves me the trouble of making an appointment.”

The principal sat there and stared at me for several moments before she spoke. “I hope you realize that you were removed from the 'Safe To Pick Up' list.”

“Wow, she really made me out to be the bad guy.” I said with a sigh.

“What do you mean?” The woman asked.

“I was called away unexpectedly six months ago. I told Diane that I would be gone for a while, then I asked her to marry me someday.”

The principal didn't seem to react physically to my words.

“I gave her a huge diamond ring and a wedding band for Crystal to show that I wanted to marry into the family.” I said and that got her attention as she sat up straighter to look into my eyes. It was a bit of a lie; but, it definitely sounded better than telling her that they were magic rings. “She didn't give it to Crystal and quickly pawned the both of them, despite me already giving her a lot of money.”

“It was her no longer estranged husband.” The principal said and I slowly nodded. “Will you tell me how much money was involved?”

I had to take a deep breath and let it out. “I gave her a million dollars.”

The principal took in a sharp breath. “I can't believe that she would...”

“I also gave a million dollars to Crystal.” I said and cut her off. “It's all gone to her husband.”

“No.” The principal said, her face and voice full of disbelief. “How could she?”

“I honestly don't know.” I said. “I only found out a few days ago when I got back. It was also when I found out that she made me into what modern people would class as the villain of the story, because I was a convenient... and missing... target.”

The principal's eyes went hard. “So, you didn't abandon them?”

I shook my head. “As soon as I knew I had to go, Diane was the first one I told. I pretty much begged her to give the ring to Crystal, so she would know that I was coming back as soon as possible.”

The principal was quiet for nearly a full minute. “How do I know you're not just making all of this up?”

“That's the reason I wanted to come and see you. Crystal's going to be staying with me for a while.”

“Why is that?” She asked.

“Diane's in jail for money laundering, fraud, and a slew of other crimes involving that two million dollars, half of which was Crystal's, and what her husband did with it when she gave it all to him.” I said and her mouth dropped open in shock. “Yeah, that was pretty much my reaction after a few choice curse words.”

The principal closed her mouth and went quiet again for a few moments. “How long will she be detained?”

“Honestly, I don't know. I do know that even though she's cooperating with the police, the DA's not too happy with her nearly complete involvement with it.”

“I can't imagine he would be.” The principal whispered. “How could she do that to Crystal?”

“Those were nearly my exact words to her.” I said. “I didn't care what she did with the money I gave her, since it was hers. Taking away the money I gave Crystal to ensure her future happiness really pissed me off.”

“What did you do?” The principal asked.

I smiled. “No, I didn't call the police on her and I didn't turn her in. In fact, I had even given her a week to get her act straight or I would call the building manager and have her evicted for letting her husband move in with her.”

“Not the police?” She asked, surprised.

“Honestly, I didn't know what she did was a crime.” I said with a shrug. “She's in a sticky situation right now, though.”

The principal sat back in her chair. “What are you doing to help her?”

I raised my eyebrows at her and she smiled.

“You wouldn't let her languish in jail all alone, not after everything you've been through.” The principal said. “Or have you washed your hands of her... and Crystal?”

I let out a sigh. “I hired a lawyer, a really good criminal and family lawyer. A very expensive lawyer.”

“That... doesn't sound good.” The principal said.

“It doesn't, because I'm pretty sure she's not getting out on bail.” I said. “I'm also sure that she's going to get a few years. At least.”

“Oh, no.” The principal whispered.

“I don't know how I'm going to tell Crystal.” I lamented and put my head in my hands as I looked down at the floor. “I mean, I've been gone for six months and when I came back, this huge mess was waiting for me. Diane told her things... that I didn't like her or wanted to be around her and that was why I had left... which is completely untrue... and now I'm pretty much taking care of Crystal and it's her mother that's going to go away now.”

I felt a gentle hand on my back and it rubbed my shoulders. I sat up straight to look at her.

“I think Crystal's in good hands.”

“But... I'm... I was sure that she spread stories about me that...”

The principal smiled. “I only half believed her.”

I stared at her and she sighed.

“I'm sorry about that. I should have waited to talk to you in person or tried to contact you to get your side of the story.”

“I didn't know I had a side of a story to tell until I saw the teacher's expressions when dropping Crystal off.” I said. “I also don't think they will be as forgiving as you.”

“Well, I haven't heard your side, so don't jump to conclusions yet.” The principal smiled and stepped in front of me. She leaned against the front of the desk and then scooted backwards to sit on it as she crossed her legs.

My eyes darted down to her skirt and I saw how short it was. I also saw quite a bit of thin black pantyhose that covered her thighs. I imagined my hands slowly caressing them as I slowly lifted my gaze to look at her face, which was slightly red and also had a knowing smile.

“Why don't I tell you what she told us and you can refute or counter each point as I make them?” The principal asked.

My eyes went back down to her thighs and back to her face. “This isn't one of the points you were trying to make?”

She laughed softly, barely above her normal breathing sounds. “No, since we both know your tentative relationship with Diane is no longer a factor.”

“That doesn't mean I'm available.” I countered.

“I haven't really done any flirting in a long time.” The principal said. “For some reason, you are extra appealing today.”

“It's because I'm a nervous wreck about taking care of Crystal, isn't it?” I asked, almost jokingly, because I was pretty sure it was something else.

“Actually, yes.” She said and I raised my eyebrows in surprise. “I find it incredibly sexy that you're so worried about messing up with her, and yet, you aren't trying to pass her off onto anyone else or letting childcare services take her.”

I watched with wide eyes as she uncrossed her legs and quite brazenly allowed me to see up her skirt. She was wearing stark white underwear, which showed through the thin black hose clearly.

“You don't have any reason to take care of Crystal, except that you care a lot about her, even knowing how Diane vilified you.” The principal said and leaned back slightly to brace her arms on the desk. “It's remarkable to have a man like you to rely on to take care of a child, even though the mother did you wrong.”

I caught her scent and my nose flared as I breathed it in. “You're ready for me.” I said as I stood up.

Her eyes dropped to below my waist and she smiled. “As are you.”

“We shouldn't do this here.” I said.

“The door has a lock.”

“They'll hear.” I said and stepped over to the door to lock it.

“I'm very quiet.” She responded demurely.

“You won't be this time.” I promised and strode over to her, my eyes full of intent.

She gave me a huge smile as she hiked her skirt up. “We'll see.”

I smiled and kissed her as I used my hands to pull her hose and underwear down. Her hands fumbled for my pants and then her hands wrapped around me.

“It's so hard.” She whispered and laid back onto the desk.

“It's going to stay that way for a while.” I whispered as she guided me to her opening and I eased myself into her a little.

She gasped as the tip penetrated her. “You're boiling hot!”

“So are you.” I said and kissed her passionately as I pushed all the way in. She moaned into my mouth and kissed me back just as passionately. We had sex right there on her desk, in an elementary school, first thing in the morning. She wasn't quiet at all, which fulfilled my promise.

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