Summoned Again?

115 Starting to Come Together

When we were done, we were cuddled together on the carpeted floor behind her desk. She didn't ask where the blanket had come from, either. Apparently, my reputation as a magician was spread far and wide.

The principal eased her hold on me as she sat up and looked down at my face. “Oh... my... god.” She whispered as her face flushed red and she blushed. “I'm so embarrassed.” She put a hand over her eyes. “What am I going to say to everyone in the office?”

I reached up and took the hand blocking her face and gave her one of Angel's professional smiles, which made her catch her breath. “You have two choices. You can either lie through your teeth and completely deny that anything at all happened, or you can go out there and own it.”

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“If anyone asks you about it, you can tell them that we had sex.” I said.

“I... can't possibly...” The principal turned her head to look at the door.

“My only free time is going to be when I drop Crystal off here at school, so my evenings and weekends are pretty much full, until I can hire a nanny.”

“A nanny?” She asked and looked back at me.

“I have business to conduct and things to handle, which I hope to take care of for the limited time Crystal is here.” I said. “But, I've already planned trips to various countries around the world. I doubt I could take her out of school for an extended period of time, so I'll need someone to take care of her.”

“How long will you be gone?” The principal asked.

“I don't know.” I said and sat up. “I'm just getting things going and...” My phone rang and I dug into my pants on the desk for it. “Hello?”

It was my broker and he gave me some good news. He had successfully registered my new business venture under my previous incorporation attempt. Then he gave me some great news and told me that the contract lawyer had successfully gotten concessions from the bank and that Mr. Graham had been in contact with him.

“That's great! Now tell me what all of that means.” I said and my broker laughed, then he explained that I could start making products for distribution under a corporation that was almost completely tax exempt, because he had used the country where the gold mine was as a 'base'. Bringing a large foreign company into the US gave us a lot of tax breaks and incentives to import our goods.

He also said that with Mr. Graham on board and working things from the government side and the contract lawyer working on things from this end, they should have a good portion of things worked out by the end of the week.

“Okay, that really is great. Thanks for letting me know.”

“I've got another potential mine purchase coming, too.” My broker said. “It's actually really funny how many started popping up as available after you bought the first one.”

“I think it's more along the lines of getting rid of an expensive headache.” I commented and he laughed.

“Yes, I think I would have to agree, especially considering where some of them are.” The broker said. “Are you sure you want me to inquire about a diamond mine? It'll be the most expensive one, considering how some companies can produce replications that are nearly as expensive as the real thing.”

“It doesn't have to be specifically a diamond mine. It could just be a gem mine, since I have no clue if other gems can be found in the same mine.”

The broker chuckled. “I don't have a clue, either. I'll look into it.”

“I'll drop another ten million into the slush fund, just in case.” I said. “By the way, thanks for doing all of this.”

“I'll expect a nice Christmas bonus next year.” He joked.

“How about an all expenses trip for you and the wife to Paris for a week?” I offered.

“I don't have a wife.”

“Well, you have until December to get one.” I said, completely deadpan, and he laughed.

“I'll look into it.”

“You do that and I'll look forward to more good news. If it's bad news, don't bother calling.” I said with a chuckle. “Have a good day.”

“It's starting out that way.”

“For me, too.” I said as I looked at the principal. “Goodbye.”

“Goodbye.” He said and hung up.

The principal stared at me with wide eyes. “Did you just say... you're going to buy a diamond mine?”

“If one's available.” I said and stood up. Her eyes went right to my crotch as I cleaned up and put on my underwear. “It should go well with the gold mine I already own.”

Her mouth opened slightly, I assume from surprise, so I bent down and gave her a kiss. That was enough to wake her up and she stood as well. We both finished getting dressed and she looked conflicted.

I took her into my arms. “Look, I know this was sudden and you don't normally do things like this.” I said and her eyes widened. “Why don't you just stay quiet about what happened here and you can decide later if you want me to keep bending you over the desk every time I visit.”

She blinked her eyes at me. “Wh-what?”

“I'm a bit too busy at the moment for a solid relationship, or to start building one.” I gave her a tender kiss. “I've got to go get groceries, since I now have a second mouth to feed. I also need to nail down her schedule and...”

“Are you serious? You're relegating me to a... to a... booty call?” The principal asked, her eyes angry.

“I wouldn't put it quite that insensitively.” I said and she squinted her eyes to glare at me. I had a flash of Divine Sight and saw her permanently banning me from the school, so I reached up and put my hands on the sides of her head. “Let me just erase what I said.”

“What do you...” The principal started to say and then her anger changed to a smile. “You do realize that telling me you want to bend me over the desk is a bit insulting.”

“I'm sorry for what I said. That was insensitive of me.” I said and slid my hands down to gently caress her neck. I leaned close and gave her a kiss. “I'm already hard again just thinking about you.”

Her hand jerked slightly to touch it and I smiled.

“Go ahead. We've both touched each other a lot today.” I whispered.

Her hand slid over me and she smiled back. “You need to go.”

I nodded and let her out of the embrace I had her in. “Just so you know, you don't have to be embarrassed about what happened. It was great and I can't wait to do it again, assuming I'm still allowed near you on school grounds.”

She laughed softly. “I might have to ban you from coming to see me in my office.”

I chuckled. “It's up to you if you want that as an excuse to keep me away.”

Her hand reached up to touch my face. “Perhaps after school? Dinner, maybe?”

“I've got Crystal to take care of on my own until I find someone reliable.” I said and she looked sad.

She closed her eyes for a moment and looked at me. “It's much too soon for you to bring her on a date.”

I nodded. “I'll start looking for someone right away. Maybe once she's settled and...”

The principal put a hand over my mouth. “Let's just go slow and see where this leads.”

I kissed her palm and moved her hand. “Good idea.” I said and gave her a brief kiss. “I'll see you later.”

She nodded and I stored the blanket and left her office. There were three people in the outer office and they stared at me with wide eyes.

“Ladies.” I nodded to them and gave them part of a professional smile. They didn't react, so now I knew that a partial smile wouldn't work most of the time. I left the school and went out to the parking lot to see Teddy staring at me from the back seat as I got in the car. “Yeah, I forcibly dodged a bullet there.” I said and called the bank to get the transfer of ten million dollars put through from my personal account to the slush fund account.

I drove out of the parking lot and went to a grocery store. It just happened to be the one that I had bought all those things from before, and started shopping. That gave me an idea and I sent a text to my broker about buying a grocery store or just a storefront. I wanted access to food that I could buy in bulk and he didn't even ask me why. I was really starting to like him.

His name was Derek and we set up an appointment for the next day to handle some paperwork. He faxed over the details to my place and told me to read everything, then I could come in to discuss it and sign some papers if there weren't any changes. Some things just had to be done in person.

That reminded me of something that I could do, now that I had a bit of time to deal with it. I finished putting groceries in the cart and while I stood in line to pay for them, I checked on flights to Colorado. I whistled at the expensive cost to buy a last minute ticket with a return trip on the same day. I checked on single one way flights and it was almost as expensive.

It seemed excessive and a little ridiculous, so I checked for a week from now and a month from now. Each one was a little less, the further away the date was. I shook my head and texted my broker again and asked him how much it was to book a private plane.

“Sir, that'll be a hundred and thirty six dollars and fifty-five cents.” The checkout girl said.

I put my phone into a pocket and took out the leather pouch. I gave her two of the one hundred dollar bills. She took in a quick breath at the pile of money she could clearly see and looked at my face as she took the two bills.

“I get off work at seven.”

I held in my laugh at her reaction as I remembered Bethany's advice of 'Flash and Cash'. “I've got to get home to take care of a beautiful little girl.”

The clerk nodded and took the slight rebuff without comment as she quickly did out the change and handed it to me. I put the money pouch away and tucked most of the change into my pocket while handing a ten dollar bill to the grocery packer.

“Thanks, mister.” He said and stashed it into his pocket.

My phone rang and I took it out of my pocket as I pushed the cart full of grocery bags over to the side and out of the way of everyone. “Hello?”

“Are you serious? You want to charter a private plane instead of driving for four hours to get here?” My broker Derek asked. “You're letting all that money go to your head, and that's saying something, coming from me.”

I laughed. “No, I need to go to Colorado tomorrow and the last minute flights are so damn expensive that I wanted to see how much a private plane would be.”

A few people turned to look at me and the clerk had a very surprised look on her face.

“Now that you mention it, a quick stopover in D.C. for our appointment first, isn't a bad idea.” I commented.

“You do realize I'm a broker and not a travel agent, don't you?” Derek asked.

“Can you really tell me that you don't have other rich clients getting you to do stuff like this?” I asked.

He sighed. “I can make a few calls.”

“Thank you.” I said. “You know I appreciate it.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Derek said. “I'll text you the details.”

“Since you're looking into it anyway, why not look into buying one?” I asked.

“You are definitely letting the money go to your head.” Derek joked.

“Let me know what you find.” I said. “You can even class it as a business expense, since I'll be using it for company business to fly all over the place to visit all of my new assets.”

“Son of a...” Derek stopped himself before he cursed. “Now I have to seriously look, dammit.”

That made me laugh. “Hey, don't half-ass it. You like working hard.”

He laughed, too. “I do, so you better make that trip gift for two weeks in Paris.”

“Consider it done.” I said. “Thanks, Derek.”

I hung up the phone after saying goodbye and wasn't surprised that a lot of people were giving me furtive glances every few seconds, especially the checkout girl.

“I probably should have waited to go home to have that conversation.” I said with a chuckle and pushed the cart out of the store. I pretended to put everything into the trunk and stored the bags instead. I closed the trunk and put the cart into the little corral they had for them, went back to the car, and drove home. I had most of the day left to work on making things for my company to produce and sell.

The first thing would be the same Clarity pendant that the president wore, modified of course. It would only work for a set amount of hours every day and not constantly. I smiled as I thought about being able to claim that the president himself wore my product and I wouldn't have to ask him for permission or an endorsement.

I was definitely going to milk that for all it was worth.

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