Summoned Again?

122 A New Old Friend Part Three


“What is it you want from me, Damon?” Nat asked as the smile faded from her face.

“Two things.” I said. “One, I want my friend back. The one who remembers me and had gone through some weird stuff.”

Nat took a few tissues from the box and dabbed at her eyes. “What's the other?”

“I've got a product, perhaps a series of products, and I need an artist to work on the design concept and even on the product itself. This is from the ground up, so you'll be in on it almost right from the start.” I said. “Actually, it's three things. I also need a woman I can trust to stay with Crystal if I get called away at the last minute.”

“Wait, what?” Nat asked and had a surprised look on her face.

“Like you, my friends and family have pretty much ostracized me, because of the trouble my disappearance caused them.” I said. “My sister, she's... well, I told you what happened.”

“She's digging the knife in.” Nat said and I nodded. “I hope you realize that you both just need to forgive each other.”

“Yeah, that's not happening.” I said and she looked surprised. “She turned me in and let me get taken, again, just after coming back. She betrayed me in the worst possible way, at the worst possible time, and it led to...” I sighed. “All she had to do was talk to me and I could have handled it. Instead, she took a payoff and threw me away. She didn't even say that she was sorry.”

“But... you left her to watch Crystal.” Nat said.

“I had to. Like I said, I have no one else. I've told her that I didn't want to discuss it anymore and I wanted to ignore what happened. I thought she had agreed, then we had another argument about the same damn thing and then she tossed that bomb on me.” I closed my eyes briefly, then opened them and took Nat's hand. “I can't take it anymore and I need your help.”

Nat took a deep breath and let it out. “We just met. I can't just drop everything in my life and go off with you to god knows where.”

“Drop what?” I asked. “As far as I've seen and heard, you've been left alone by everyone you knew, just like me.”

Nat looked a little angry, so I lifted her hand and pretended to try and kiss her fingers. She chuckled and pulled her hand away.

“I'll even pay you an advance for some of your artwork.”

“How much?” Nat asked, her eyes squinted.

“How much is your rent?” I asked and she told me a ridiculously low number of 700 dollars. I chuckled. “I'll give you enough that you can keep this apartment for the next fifty years. You can come back here whenever you want, since I have my own private jet. It's only a four hour flight.”

“That's pretty quick... wait! Did you just say fifty years?” Nat asked, shocked.

“It's only 420,000 dollars... but, there's taxes and things on it. Possibly. Just a second.” I said and took out my cell phone and started typing a group message to my broker and the corporation lawyers. I got four responses back and smiled. “I'm really loving the fact that I can screw the government over for taxes after them doing it to me.” I said and showed the messages to Nat.

“No, that... can you really do that?” Nat asked.

“Apparently.” I said and thanked them for the help. “What bank do you use?”

Nat told me and I sent my broker the information. A few minutes later, I received a text back and he said that it was handled.

“There you go. All fixed.” I said and Nat stared at me with wide eyes. “What? Are you shocked at being on commission with a million dollar deposit?”

“Fucking yes!” Nat exclaimed.

“Well, you're just going to have to suffer with that feeling, my dear lady.” I said. “Is there anyone you need to call before you pack?”

“I... well, no. They won't answer my calls.” Nat said.

“Then let's get you packed up for a nice long stay at my place.”

“Wh-what?” Nat looked shocked again.

“You're my new live-in Nanny for Crystal.” I said and her mouth dropped open. “I want you there constantly at first, just so she gets used to you. I'll even give you an apartment in the building if you want.”

“But... but...”

“Hey, don't think of it as moving in with me. Think of it as moving in to take care of a little girl that needs some stability in her life.” I said and put a hand on her shoulder. “Nat, please. I need you.”

Her eyes immediately dropped to my crotch, I assumed because she had heard that phrase before in a different situation, and she relaxed because she didn't see a bulge there anymore.

I chuckled. “Yes, my new old friend. You can make me horny occasionally; but, it won't last because we both know it's never going to go anywhere.”

Nat looked at my face again. “You really want me to move partway across the country, just to take care of a little girl?”

“Also to work on your art and to make tons of money.” I said. “So, how about it? Want to try living a slightly new and different lifestyle for a while?”

Nat took a deep breath and let it out. “Will you tell me all about what happened?”

“Nat, I promise that I'll do a lot more than tell you about it.”

Nat had a slightly worried look.

“I didn't mean...” I chuckled. “I meant showing you them.”

Nat's eyes widened. “How?”

“I've got them all up here.” I said and tapped my temple as I stood up. “Give me a bit of your time, let me earn your trust, and then I'll tell you things that will blow your mind.”

“I have to move across the country for that?” Nat asked.

“Yes, because that's where Crystal goes to school. Otherwise, I would have relocated to D.C. or here.”

“You would have?” Nat asked, surprised.

“Even though I have a nice setup at home, if I didn't have Crystal holding me there, I would have been long gone.” I said. “I'll do everything I can to help the people I care about, unless they screw me over.”

Nat stood up and looked up into my eyes. “I can't believe I'm saying this.” She said and took another deep breath and let it out. “Help me pack a few things.”

“Dear lady, I would be honored to.” I said and waved. “Lead the way.”

Nat smiled and started to walk away towards the bedroom. Her cute little ass in those pantie-sized shorts gave me an erection.

“I have a small request.” I said and she stopped and looked back at me to see me hiding my erection. “Could you put on a pair of jogging pants or something? I don't want to insult you by being aroused all the time.”

Nat raised her eyebrows at me. “You really don't care at all that I like women, do you?”

“We have that in common, since I like women, too.” I said. “Your ass is just a bit too much for me to see bouncing around in those little shorts. Gay or not, you're still a sexy woman.”

Nat opened her mouth, closed it, then she tilted her head slightly. “We didn't sleep with the same woman, did we?”

“Oh, no. She was all into you and you were all into her. Completely and totally.” I said and tears rolled down her face again. “Don't worry. Like I said, give me time. I'll put things right with you. I promise.”

“I believe you.” Nat said and touched her chest above her heart. “For some reason, I... I trust you.”

“I'm glad.” I said. “Now put on some pants for god's sake, so I my little guy isn't under so much pressure.”

Nat barked a laugh and wiped at her eyes. “You're such an ass.”

“Look who's talking.” I said and grinned.

“Close your eyes you sex maniac.” Nat said and I did, then listened to her walking. She came over to me and didn't go into her bedroom, then she whispered. “If I asked you to have sex right now, would you do it?”

“No. We're both too vulnerable to enjoy it for what it's supposed to be. It'll mix all of our feelings up and make it that much harder for the both of us.”

“What is it supposed to be?” Nat asked.

“Two good friends enjoying each other's bodies and reassuring each other.”

“Have we ever...”

“No, and like I said, we never will. That doesn't mean I don't like you a whole heck of a lot.” I admitted. “You're funny, smart, can draw like a master artist or whatever that's called, and you're an absolute delight to hang around with.”

I felt Nat's hands on my chest and she rubbed my pectorals.

“You really do know me, don't you?” Nat asked in a whisper.

“I really do. I am also so desperate to have you back in my life that I'm pretty much hijacking you to do it.” I said and felt her breath on my face.

“Your erection is gone.” Nat said.

“If you want it back, you just have to walk across the room again.” I said and she chuckled.

“Do you really want me to keep tempting you?” Nat asked.

“I can take it... as long as I can have a few minutes alone in the bathroom first.”

Nat burst out laughing. “You do not do that to relieve tension!”

“Hey, it works.” I said and she kept laughing. “Can I open my eyes now? Is it safe?”

“W-wait.” Nat said and quickly walked away and a moment later, spoke. “Okay.”

I opened my eyes and she stood across the room wearing a large t-shirt that had a picture of a bikini girl's body on it. “Hey! That's not fair!”

Nat laughed and turned around and it had the back of the bikini girl's body on it.

“Jesus, help me.” I said with a groan and she laughed and laughed.

“Come... on.” Nat said through her laughs and led me into her bedroom. I helped her pack up several suitcases and every time she turned around to look at me, she would see me looking at her 'bikini' ass and she would laugh.

“This really isn't fair.” I said in a low voice and she laughed some more.

We packed up enough of her things that she was happy with it, then we went to the kitchen and she tossed out anything that might expire while she was gone. There wasn't much, because she had just done that and had been living day to day with purchases. She said that she didn't feel right buying more than a few days worth.

I nodded in understanding and she grabbed a few more things from around the apartment. She turned off all of the lights except for the kitchen one, set the alarm and locked the door, and we left with her bags. I carried the big ones and we went down the stairs. No one came out to say goodbye to her and she said that she didn't expect them to.

We loaded up the bags in the trunk of my car and into the back seat, then climbed in and drove away from the building. Out of the corner of my eye I saw more tears falling from Nat's eyes and I reached over and touched her cheek briefly, then put my hand down and took hers.

“I'll make things right, Nat. I swear.” I promised.

Nat looked at me and there was both doubt and hope in equal measure.

“I could kiss you to make you laugh.” I said and she clamped her mouth shut, I assumed to stop from laughing.

“Don't say gross things.” Nat said and looked away.

I held her hand tightly. “I've been working hard to fix things in my own life. It's only fair that I give you a new one at the same time.”

“Fair, huh?” Nat asked without looking at me.

“You're a little country girl that's moving to the big city! Bright lights! Fast traffic! Loud sounds! It's everything a girl could want!”

Nat chuckled. “Denver's pretty big, you ass.”

“It's also as cold as a witch's teat.”

Nat laughed and looked at me finally. “You don't have to keep cheering me up.”

I glanced at her briefly and gave her a smile. “Stick with me and we'll go places! The sidewalk outside. The corner store. Oh! Maybe even out to the mall. We'll make a whole day of it.”

“You promise?” Nat asked and held my hand just as tightly as I was holding hers.

“With all my heart.” I said and glanced again to see her nod.

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