Summoned Again?

123 The New Nanny

We stopped off and grabbed some fast food, since neither of us had eaten. Nat didn't want to chance the rich food on the plane, either. She gave me an odd look when I also bought two kids meals to go.

“Did I forget to mention that I'm an amateur magician?” I asked and showed her empty hands, then I did the 'make it rain' motion and dropped several bills onto the counter to pay for the food.

Nat chuckled. “You were telling the truth when you said you could shower me with money.”

“Completely.” I said and received the change from the woman behind the counter. “Thank you.” I said and rubbed my hands together and made the change disappear.

“Now you're just showing off.” Nat said and the clerk gave her a big smile. She leaned on the counter and whispered. “Say, do you come here often?”

The woman barked a laugh at the cheesy line and glanced at me.

“Don't mind me. I'm just here for the food.” I said and pointedly looked away. I also did my best to not listen to them chatting, because I did not want to intrude on them if anything were to develop between them.

“Sir, here's your food.” The woman said and handed me two brown paper bags, then she reached under the counter and handed Nat a couple of napkins to wipe at her eyes. “You take care, okay?”

Nat nodded and we left to go back to the car. I stored the smaller bag with the kid's meals in it and we sat in the front seat to eat. She gave me another odd look when she didn't see the small bag and I grinned at her. She shook her head and we enjoyed our hamburgers and fries.

When I was done, I used one of the little alcohol cleaning wipes to clean my hands and napkins to dry them, then drove back to the airport. There were drink holders in several places on the dash, console, and doors, some of them hidden, and Nat had a bit of fun trying to find them all as I drove.

“I distinctly noticed that you didn't bring any canvases.” I commented.

“That's because what was there was there before I left.” Nat said. “I couldn't even look at them without feeling lost and out of joint.”

I blinked my eyes for a second and glanced at her. “Really?”

“Everything was six months old. I just... I felt like I was so far past that, even though I can't remember anything that happened, I... I'm not the same person I was when I left.” Nat sighed. “That work isn't me now. It's not even close.”

I reached over and took her hand. “Eww! Use a wipe, dammit.”

Nat laughed and did so to clean her hands. “I was just waiting for you to do that.”

I held my now slightly salty hand out to her and she giggled. “Come on, don't leave me hanging.”

“I want to see you try to drive like that.”

I rolled my eyes and rested my hand on my lap. “You should know that almost every guy can drive with one hand.”

Nat looked down at my hand and at my face. “You seriously don't mean...”

I laughed. “Get your mind out of the gutter! It's so we can hug the girl we're with.”

Nat laughed, too. “All right, fine.” She said and cleaned my hand and dried it, then she took my hand and slung my arm over her shoulders as she leaned in. “It's not very comfortable.”

I shook my head. “Lean back.” I said and she did, then I put my hand behind her back and rubbed her shoulder blades a little. “It works better with a bench seat in the front and you can slide closer.”

“This... isn't so bad.” Nat said and wiggled a little. “Up a bit... ahhh.”

I chuckled as she relaxed and sighed happily. “I'll give you a better massage when we're on the plane.”

“Really?” Nat asked and I nodded. “I can't wait.”

“Another ten minutes.” I said and followed my Map back to the airport. The drive was a lot quicker when you knew where you were going. I parked in the same spot where I had taken the car out of inventory and we unloaded her luggage.

“Are you having someone come and get the car later?” Nat asked. “Is it a rental or something? Don't you have to take it back or return it or something?”

“Something like that.” I said and gave her a knowing smile. “Don't worry about it.”

Nat gave me a skeptical look. “I hope you're not screwing with me.”

I chuckled. “I gave you my word that I'll make things right. Screwing with you is not a way to do that.”

Nat nodded and we picked up her bags. When we started to walk away, I stored the car into my inventory. We walked inside the small terminal and the clerk behind the desk waved at us. He quickly put Nat's bags through the scanner and we went through the walk through version, then we were out through the waiting room and a maintenance man there took her bags and put them into a rear hatch. He shut and secured it, then gave us a thumbs up gesture.

Miss Carlyle greeted us warmly as we climbed aboard. “Welcome back, sir. Who's your lovely friend?”

“This was the important meeting I had to get to.” I said. “Natalie, this is Miss Carlyle, my flight attendant for the next however many years she wants to work.”

Nat chuckled and held a hand out to her. “He does know your name, right?”

“He has my record, which also included what I prefer to be called when I'm working.” Miss Carlyle said and took Nat's hand and shook it gently. “By the boss, anyway.”

Nat smiled. “What do you like to be called when you're not working?”

“Honey.” Miss Carlyle joked with a grin and Nat laughed.

“That is not your name.” Nat said, getting the joke right away.

“It's actually Samantha.” Miss Carlyle whispered. “Honey is just a bit more fun, you know?”

Nat nodded. “It's really nice to meet you...” She said and then whispered. “...Honey.”

Miss Carlyle smiled sweetly at her. “We'll be taking off soon, so if you would follow me, I'll get you seated and strapped in.”

“Lead on.” Nat said and waved for her to go first.

I watched her follow Miss Carlyle through the galley and to the airplane seats. I also saw Nat checking out her ass. She sat down and they chatted as Miss Carlyle showed her how to buckle the seat belt properly... twice... and then told her about the safety features in case anything happened. I almost laughed, because I did not get the same treatment, nor did I get the safety lecture.

I walked into the same area, went by them completely unnoticed, and sat down in the last seat. I strapped in and waited patiently for the plane to take off. When the plane started to move, Miss Carlyle sat down beside Nat and strapped in herself. We were up into the air two minutes later and were free to move around the cabin.

Neither Nat nor Miss Carlyle got up from where they were, so I went to the back reception area and laid down on a couch. I had four hours to kill and Nat seemed occupied, so I took out a fresh Clarity pendant and placed it on the table beside the couch. I stored the one I wore, because it was almost expired, and my eyes fluttered shut and I fell unconscious.


“I don't... normally do... things like this.” Miss Carlyle whispered between moans. She was propped up on the opulent bathroom's sink with her skirt hiked up to her hips. Her legs were spread to allow Natalie access and they were both enjoying the experience.

“Me, either.” Nat said and stood up, her lips wet. “I just really need you right now.”

“As long as you know that this is a one time thing.” Miss Carlyle said and unbuttoned her blouse. Her bra came off next and Nat's hands gripped her breasts expertly. “Mmmm!”

“Look at those beautiful nipples.” Nat whispered and licked and sucked on them.

“Oh, god!” Miss Carlyle gasped and came a little.

Nat stopped and stepped back to see Miss Carlyle's expectant face. She pulled off the t-shirt she wore to reveal the tiny silk top and the tiny pantie-sized shorts she still wore.

“Oh, my god.” Miss Carlyle whispered. Her hands shook as she reached out and lightly caressed Nat's breasts through the thin fabric. “That is so sexy.” She said and her hands roamed down to touch the shorts. With just a little tug, they fell to the floor as if they were designed to do that, and she saw that Nat wasn't wearing panties underneath.

They quickly switched places and Nat sat on the sink while Miss Carlyle knelt, because it was Nat's turn to moan as she was played with and kissed between the legs. She hadn't had anyone do that in a while and she thoroughly enjoyed it. She came almost right away and Miss Carlyle liked that. She stood and kissed Nat to thank her, then the two of them laid down on the plush rug in front of the tub and really went at it.


I felt the Clarity enchantment activate and I opened my eyes to see two smiling women looking down at me. “Are we there yet?”

“We are about to land.” Miss Carlyle said. “We would have left you here if it wasn't against flight regulations.”

I chuckled and sat up. “I can just imagine rolling off the couch and over the floor as we descended.”

“That would be fun to see.” Nat said and I laughed.

We went to the seating area and buckled in. A few minutes later, the plane was on the ground and we taxied over to the terminal.

“I don't have plans to go anywhere for three days, until the next meeting in D.C. with my broker on Saturday.” I said and Miss Carlyle nodded. “You're off until then, so enjoy it.”

“Of course, sir. I always try to find pleasure in my work when I can.” Miss Carlyle said and held a hand out to Nat. “It was very nice to meet you, Nat.”

“You too, Honey.” Nat said with a grin and shook her hand.

Miss Carlyle laughed softly and waved us off the plane. We left and retrieved Nat's bags from the maintenance man that offloaded them from the rear hatch. We carried them into the terminal and to my surprise, we didn't go through the security desk this time.

“It's just preliminary for when you embark.” The man behind the counter said. “We know nothing else has entered or exited the plane since the last check.”

I nodded to him and reminded him of the next time I would be there. He confirmed it and then Nat and I left the building.

“Please tell me you have a car or something waiting.” Nat said and looked around. “Where did you park, or did you get dropped off?”

“I parked around the side of the building and out of sight.” I said. As we approached the corner of the building, I went first and took my car out of inventory and dropped it in the right spot. Nat didn't say anything as we approached it and I stored the garbage from our fast food meal before she saw that it was still inside the car. We loaded the trunk and the backseat with her bags and climbed into the front seat.

I started the car and Nat stayed silent for the entire drive back to the building. I tried to ask her what she did for the four hours on the plane and she didn't say anything. I also apologized for not giving her the massage I had promised and said that I would do it as soon as Crystal was tucked into bed. Nat only nodded and I drove home.

Nat's eyes widened when she saw the building that I pointed to that was my home. I pulled into the parking garage and parked in my permanently assigned spot, grabbed her bags from the back seat and trunk, then we walked next door and went inside. After a quick elevator ride, I approached the door to my apartment and put down the bags off to the side.

“What are you doing?” Nat asked.

“Clearing the way.” I said with a smile. “Watch.”

Nat nodded and I took out my keys and opened the apartment door.

“I'm back.” I said as I opened the door.

“DAMON!” Crystal yelled and ran across the apartment and jumped at me.

I caught her and lifted her up, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and hugged her. “Hi, sweetie. I came back right when I said I would.”

Crystal hugged me tightly and her eyes went right to Nat. “Who's that?”

“That is a very good friend of mine.” I said and turned to Nat. “Natalie, this is Crystal, the most beautiful little girl that ever existed.”

Nat smiled and held a hand out to her. “Hi, Crystal.”

Crystal barely touched her hand to shake it and let it go. “Are you Uncle Damon's girlfriend?”

Nat laughed. “He wishes!” She said and braced her hands on her hips. “I'm too awesome for him, though. I'm here for you.”

Crystal had slightly wide eyes and looked at me.

“Aunt Jenny's going to be busy with work again and I can't leave you alone if I get busy, too. So, I flew partway across the country to find someone to help me take care of you.”

“I don't want anyone else.” Crystal said.

I smiled. “I didn't mean that I'm leaving you all alone with her. We're going to be here together for you. The both of us.”

Crystal looked confused and Jenny came over to us.

“I think you're making it too complicated for her.” Jenny said.

“Crystal, I hired Natalie to work for me. While she does, she will be staying here with us, even though she'll have an apartment in the building.”

“You hired a live-in babysitter?” Jenny asked and looked surprised.

“Actually he hired an artist.” Nat said. “Getting to hang out with him and Crystal is just something I'll do when I'm not working.”

“An artist for what?” Jenny asked.

“New products that my corporation will be making.” I said and put Crystal down. “We can work at home while Crystal's in school, then the rest of the day we get to spend it with her.”

“YAY!” Crystal yelled and took Nat's hand. “You have to meet Teddy!”

Nat laughed as the little girl dragged her into the apartment.

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