Summoned Again?

132 Teddy Bear-ific Bonanza

“DAMON!” Crystal yelled when the class let out.

I bent down to receive her hug and picked her up. I wasn't surprised when seven other little girls followed her out and gathered around me, despite their parents waiting for them.

“Mister Damon! Can we? Can we?” One of them asked and tugged on my pant leg.

“Let me guess. They all want to come and see a certain someone that's waiting for you in the car?” I asked Crystal and she nodded. “Who am I to say no to my favorite little girl?”

A few of the other girls giggled and they started talking about who gets to hug him first.

I looked down at them. “I just had a neat idea! Let's talk to your parents about coming over to my place to visit with Crystal and Teddy for a few hours.”

“YAY!” They yelled and their voices were full of excitement as they jumped up and down.

“Can they?” Crystal asked. “Mom never lets me bring my friends home.”

“My apartment is a lot bigger than her old one.” I said and looked around. “Is this all of them? We have room for two more to...” I stopped talking when two more girls seemed to magically appear to stand with the group. “Follow me.”

I walked down the hallway and stopped at each parent to talk to them about their daughter coming over to visit for several hours, maybe until tonight, with a tentative pickup time of nine o'clock. Every single parent agreed immediately to handing their child over to me to take care of for the next six hours. We exchanged contact information and addresses again, just in case, and I led them and their children out to the car.

The girls were just as excited to see Teddy in person as they had been through the window of the school, while their parents looked a little worried. Crystal was gracious as her friends grabbed and squeezed him to hug him and she didn't complain once.

After a few minutes, I told them that they needed to let their parents bring them to my place and then they could keep playing. That made them scatter almost immediately and their parents laughed at their children's antics. A couple of them gave me odd looks and I knew what they were thinking.

“Don't worry. I'll make sure that they aren't disappointed.” I said.

They looked surprised for a second, then nodded and went to their cars that their daughters were desperately trying to get into without them. Nat tucked Teddy back into the back seat and climbed in herself.

I bent down and looked Crystal in the eyes. “I am very proud of you for letting your friends play with him, even though Teddy is yours.”

Crystal's face flushed red and she didn't say anything, probably because she didn't know what she was feeling, so I kissed her cheek and stood as I took her hand.

“We better go before they get to our place before we do.” I said and she nodded.

I helped her into the car and buckled her seat belt, then I went to the driver's side and did the same. I pulled out of the parking lot and nine cars followed me. They were all different makes and models and if they had balloons or something on them, we could have been a parade.

“A teddy bear parade.” I commented.

Nat barely managed to turn her head around to look and saw the train of cars. “You're lucky you didn't say 'a few more can come', because I think we would be watching the whole class.” She said with a laugh.

“I definitely couldn't fit the whole class in my place, even if I emptied the living room.” I joked. “Maybe splitting them up into multiple rooms?”

“We would need more than you and me to watch them.” Nat said. “Hey, maybe we should have a bit more help this time, too.”

I chuckled. “Good luck finding someone else that's crazy enough to entertain ten kids for six hours.”

Nat chuckled as well and we drove back to the building. I parked in the parking structure and Crystal took Nat's hand as I carried Teddy over to the front of the building. As soon as they saw us, the nine cars opened their doors and the kids piled out and ran over to us. Nat laughed as our progress slowed to a crawl and the kids tried to maul Teddy again.

“I can't hand him over until we're inside.” I told them and they split apart to make room for me. Nat opened the door and the kids ran inside with Crystal and they stood just across the threshold. I held in my laugh and tossed Teddy on top of them. It was the oddest sight to see a giant teddy bear crowd surfing from the front door to the elevator as the kids carried him.

“I am so glad I got that.” Someone said from beside me and I turned to see three women with their cell phones out. “I can't wait to share it!”

Nat laughed. “Make sure you tag Damon in it.”

“Oh, I will.” She said, her voice a bit deeper than normal. “I'll be back after nine to get Sarah.”

I nodded and she and the other women left. “She was implying something else, wasn't she?” I asked Nat as we went inside.

“You know she was.” Nat said and the elevator opened. “Crystal?”

“YES!” Crystal yelled and Nat picked her up to let her push the top button. The doors closed and we rode the elevator to the top floor. As soon as the doors opened, Teddy once again crowd surfed across the distance to the door and waited there.

“I better take him this time.” I said and the kids groaned a little as I lifted him from their hands. “I can't have Teddy knocking things over in the apartment.”

“Uncle Damon...” Crystal said, her face a little sad.

“It's all right. You'll see why in a second.” I said and nodded to Nat. She took out her cell phone and started recording, then I opened the door and stepped back out of the way.

Ten of the loudest shrieks of delight that a human ear had ever heard, pierced my ears. The girls flooded into the apartment and spread out to check everything out. They ran around like chickens with their heads cut off as they tried to see and experience everything at once. It was absolute pandemonium and one of the best things I had ever witnessed in my life. It took them nearly ten minutes to calm down a little bit and Crystal came over to me, her face happy and tear streaked.

“Thank you, Uncle Damon!” Crystal exclaimed and I bent down to hug her and had Teddy hug her, too.

I stood up and Crystal's hand touched his bare bear belly. “He's a little under-dressed for this party.”

I took out a big vest for him, baby blue in color, and Crystal helped me put it on him. She buttoned it up and her face lit up, because his vest was a very different color from the others and could be easily picked out.

“I wrote his name on his tag, too.” I showed her the little white tag that was tucked into the seam on his back, then I wiped at her face with a tissue. “Go have fun with all your friends and new bear friends.”

Crystal nodded and dragged Teddy with her over to the pile of toys on the floor. Two other girls were there with two teddy bears.

Nat came over to me and whispered. “I thought the thing with the cars was epic... but this... this is...”

I put an arm over her shoulders. “I know.”

We stood there and watched for a few minutes, then Nat spoke.

“Do you have the apartment contract for me?” Nat asked, still in a whisper. “I should probably sign it before you decide to give it away again.”

I chuckled and took out my cell phone to show her Jenny's number. “Text my sister and see if she's got the apartment cleaned yet.”

“Thanks.” Nat said and put the number into her phone. “Oh, it looks like we need to get to work.”

I looked where she pointed and saw several girls digging their hands into the bowls of chips without regard for either plates or the floor. “You go left and I'll go right. They'll never know what hit them.”

Nat laughed and we used a classic pincer attack as we got to work.

Half an hour later, I was cleaning up a dropped bowl of popcorn when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and looked up to see Susan, Jenny's friend, and she looked really sexy in painted on jeans and a loose fitting blouse that was buttoned halfway with a white tank top on underneath.

“I'll get that.” Susan said.


“Of course you can stare at my butt.” Susan teased and eased me out of the way. “You have other things to take care of right now, though.”

I could smell something really good as I stood up. Susan knelt on the floor where I had been and she kept cleaning up the mess and I had to look at her ass. I had to. It was too good of a view to resist, especially after not seeing it for so long. I had been desensitized to it for a long time, since we had known each other for a couple years now and I had been in 'block her advances' mode whenever she was near. Now? I had a problem, because I was severely out of practice.

“That is such a nice view.” I whispered without thinking and Susan stopped moving for a second, then she wiggled her butt for me and bent over a bit more to give me an even better view. I grew hard instantly and took in a whiff through my nose automatically. That was a huge mistake, because that really good smell was actually her and she was wet for me.

Susan took in a sharp breath and looked back at me over her shoulder to see my erection. “D-Damon... oh, my god.”

I looked around and saw Nat was at the kitchen table cleaning it off for the food I had stored. I walked over to her and whispered in her ear. She gasped and looked down at me and then glanced over at Susan, who was shakily getting to her feet.

“Food.” Nat whispered and I dropped ten kids meals onto the table. “Go. My apartment's cleaned and empty.”

“Thank you.” I said and kissed her cheek, walked quickly over to Susan and took her hand. She gasped and shivered at my touch, then she stumbled behind me as I pretty much dragged her from the apartment and pushed the elevator button.

“Damon... what... what's...”

“I'm going to fuck you so hard that you're going to lose your mind with pleasure.” I cursed for her.

“OH!” Susan gasped and her hand gripped mine as she came, just from that. I knew she came, because her jeans showed a growing wet spot and her smell hit me like a slap in the face.

“How thick... of a pad... are you wearing?” I asked, barely able to contain myself as we waited for the elevator.

“Heavy.” Susan whispered. “I knew I was going to see you and thought it would be enough to hide my excitement.”

“It wasn't.” I said and the doors opened. I pushed her inside and hit the button for Nat's floor. “I want you so bad right now.”

“Then take me.” Susan said and started to unbutton her blouse.

“No time.” I responded.

The elevator dropped down to the next floor and the doors opened. I walked down the hallway to Nat's apartment and unlocked the door, dragged Susan inside, and closed and locked the door. I was breathing heavily, as was she.

“What's happening?” Susan asked.

“Are you... seeing anyone?”

“No.” Susan said. “I've had a one night stand or two, though.”

I gave her a skeptical look.

“I haven't seen you in six months and you always said no before that.” Susan said.

“I'm not looking to date or to start a relationship.” I said. “I don't have a personal life that can include that right now.”

Susan gave me a surprised look, then she grinned. “Fuck buddies it is.”

“You're okay with that?” I asked.

“Damon.” Susan unbuttoned her jeans and peeled them down off of her hips. “I've been trying to let you get into my pants for years. I'll take only doing it once if that's all I can get.”

She was moving too slow for me, so I knelt and yanked her jeans down. She gasped at the strength and then moaned as I did the same thing to her underwear.

“There's no possible way I can only fuck you once.” I said and she trembled a little as I cursed again. I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom that didn't have anything in it, so I added a bed and tossed her onto it. Susan giggled and I grabbed her feet to take off her shoes, jeans, and underwear. I pulled off her blouse and tank top next, then she unhooked her bra and tossed it aside.

“Three... two... one. Launch!” I said and started sucking on her giant launchpad like nipples.

“OHHHH!” Susan moaned loudly and came again. “You remembered!”

“I could never forget.” I said and tore off my clothing. She looked down at my very ready and rock hard member.

“C-c-condom.” Susan stuttered.

“You don't want me to wear one.” I said, confidently.

“Fuck, no!” Susan said. “I thought you wanted to!”

“Fuck, no.” I said and kissed her hard, just how she liked it. She moaned loudly, because it was the first kiss we had ever shared and she came again. She wrapped her arms and legs around me as she dragged me onto the bed.

“Happy birthday to me.” Susan whispered as I slid inside of her. “Oh! Oh god!” She exclaimed and came again, just that easily. According to Nat, that meant Susan was really into it.

“Happy twenty first birthday.” I whispered back and she looked surprised.

“You knew my... I love you!” Susan said and then kissed me hard.

Over the next hour, I gave her many, many presents... and then I realized something.

I had just broken my promise to Jenny.

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