Summoned Again?

133 Fortune Retold


Susan's long blonde hair was almost mixed with my long black hair as we laid in bed together, with her on top and with me still inside of her. I hadn't settled down or grown soft and she didn't mind that at all. Her rock hard nipples poked my chest and they hadn't settled down, either. We had sex so many times in that hour that it was actually more like one long sex session and not several of them together.

Our lower bodies were covered in our mutual pleasure, as were parts of our faces. We had shared a lot and had done a lot, almost like we were making up for all of the times we could have been having sex since we've known each other.

“You... shouldn't taste... so good.” Susan whispered between breaths.

“I've been eating a really healthy balanced diet.” I said and she chuckled.

“I don't think... wait, does that really help?” Susan asked and pushed herself up into a sitting position. “Oh god, you're... still so hard.”

“Healthy body, healthy fluids.” I said. “Plus, you're still really tight and I know for a fact that it wasn't a few minutes ago.” I joked.

Susan laughed and braced her hands on my chest, then she rocked her hips a little.

“Hey, don't exhaust yourself.” I said and tried to sit up to stop her movements.

“I'm not giving up on this yet.” Susan said and caught my hands to get more leverage. She rocked a bit more and dug me into herself to get at a good spot inside of her. “Th-there... oh...” She moaned and the way she moved was such a turn on that I moved my hands above her head to get a better view. She held on and I moved my hands behind her head and folded her arms in half, essentially restraining her, and her chest was pushed out and up.

I wasn't going to pass up an opportunity like that, so I ducked my head and sucked one of her large nipples into my mouth. Susan moaned even louder and her movements sped up as I suckled on her breast. We were both close, so very close, and then... then there was a loud bang and a shrill voice cut through the silence.

“I KNEW IT!” Jenny yelled.

Both Susan and I gasped at the surprise and then we came at the same time. Both of us trembled and shook from it as we held each other and our heavy breathing was our only response. We let our hands go and hugged each other as we both recovered from the strongest orgasms we had had so far.

“I can't fucking believe this!” Jenny said loudly. “Nat texted that you needed my help at a party for Crystal! I didn't think you needed it to FUCK MY BEST FRIEND!”

“So... loud.” Susan said and took several deep breaths.

“You! Shut your slutty mouth!” Jenny said. “How dare you have sex with my brother!”

“I had to.” Susan said. “He needed me.”

“Had to? I sincerely doubt that he needed a whore to ride him like a bucking bronco!”

“ExCUSE me?” Susan asked loudly and tried to let me go to turn. “Damon, let go.”

“You're naked.” I said.

“So are you.” Susan said.

“Yeah, and we both...” I glanced down. “There's going to be a lot.”

“Oh, I know.” Susan said with an evil smile. “Let me show her how much you needed me.”

“No, I... please, don't...” I started to say, then I suddenly had a feeling that I had been here before. Oh, no. I thought with sadness as I remembered the flash of Divine Sight that I had about Susan, almost right after meeting her, and this was the scene it had shown me.

I let my arms drop and prepared to cover my erection as soon as Susan moved off of me. I also doubted this was going to be as easy to watch the second time, considering the underlying circumstances had changed.

“Look at what we did, bestie.” Susan said and she slid up and off of me. She quickly turned around on the bed by flipping her leg over me, as if she really was dismounting a horse, and stood up beside the bed with her legs spread. “Can you see this? This is how much your loving and devoted brother needed the friend you just called a whore.”

I saw that Jenny tried to not look and she struggled with keeping eye contact with Susan. She only lasted a few seconds and her eyes darted down to look. It was perfect timing for Susan and horrible for Jenny, because a fairly large white glob slipped out. Jenny's eyes followed it as it dropped to the floor and she winced when it hit with a splat.

“That... that's... disgusting.” Jenny said and covered her mouth as she gagged a little, as if she was going to throw up.

“You are so wrong.” Susan said, smugly. “It's absolutely wonderful and he delivered it with so much pleasure that I could barely speak.”

“N-no, he... he promised...” Jenny looked back at Susan's face.

“I'm sure that he promised the nice and innocent you from almost three years ago that he would never have sex with me.” Susan said and I was a bit surprised that she had been that accurate with her guess. “The new you, though? Why the fuck would he keep a promise with such a fucking bitch?”

“Wh-wh-WHAT?!?” Jenny yelled.

“I'm your best friend and in two minutes, you called me a slut and a whore. I normally take it as a joke, because we're friends and I can be like that when I find someone I like... because sex is fucking fantastic with someone that knows what he's doing. How you just said those words was not funny or a compliment.” Susan said. “You insulted me, even after everything I've done for you.”

“You. Fucked. My. BROTHER!”

“I've loaned you money, bought you groceries, shared everything I could with you, and Kathy and I kept the heat and lights on at the condo when you couldn't pay the bills.” Susan spat and ignored what Jenny said. “The one time... THE ONE TIME... that your brother finally gave in to my advances, you turned on me!”

“No, you turned on me by having sex with him!” Jenny said and pointed at me. “I also paid you back!”

“You are such a hypocrite.” Susan said. “So what if you had it hard for a while! We all have at some point! You made it through, just like we did! You lived for god's sake, so stop it! STOP FUCKING PUNISHING EVERYONE ELSE!”

“I'm not punishing you!” Jenny replied almost as loudly.

“I didn't say anything about you giving your brother up to the cops, or whoever they were, because I completely understood why you did it. He hurt you, left without saying goodbye again, and left you broke. I get it. I totally get it.” Susan said. “What I don't understand is if you hate him so goddamn much for doing that, like you've been telling everyone who'll listen to you for more than a few minutes, why the fuck do you care if he's fucking me?”

“I... I don't. I don't care.” Jenny said.

“You sure barged in here with a lot of anger on your face, for someone that doesn't care.” Susan said with a chuckle. “Or are you jealous?”

“Wh-what? No! No, I... I would never...”

“He's right there, Jenny. All slicked up, freshly spurted and raring to go!” Susan teased. “He so goddamn hard that I thought he was using a metal pole or something.”

Jenny shook her head and covered her ears.

“Ha ha! You covered your ears and not your eyes!” Susan laughed. “You want to see him, don't you? You want to know what it is that's got me soaked with sweat and so satified.”

“No.” Jenny shook her head again.

“It's right there, Jenny. The forbidden fruit. The taboo of taboo. The man who loves you so much that he promised you the impossible and delivered it. When he disappeared again, what did you do?”

Jenny didn't say anything in response.

“Right. Nothing.” Susan said. “You lost your brother... again... and you didn't do what you did the last time. You whined, complained, and didn't even bother trying to look for him or hoped that he came back.”

“I... I wanted him to...”

“All I ever heard was cursing and complaining, until he came back. Then you spat in his face and let those assholes take him. On purpose.”

“I...” Jenny closed her mouth on whatever lie she was going to say.

“Even though I'm your best friend, I hated that you did that.” Susan said and Jenny looked surprised. “Of course I didn't tell you that! I'm your friend! Friends help and support each other!” She said and shook her head. “I didn't even call or try to get in contact with him, because I didn't want to make you even angrier at him. I also didn't want you to think that he was trying to steal your friends from you.”

Jenny stayed quiet.

“Now I realize what a mistake that was.” Susan said and Jenny caught her breath. “I didn't know that Damon didn't have anyone at all. I could have been there for him, since you weren't, and he could have at least had someone to FUCKING TALK TO about being kidnapped again!”

Jenny looked surprised for a second, then she scowled. “If that's how you feel, then I don't need a backstabbing slut that's only pretending to be my friend to get at my brother.” She spat. “You can be his friend from now on!”

“Thank you very much for your completely unnecessary permission.” Susan sneered.

Jenny was quiet for a moment and then spoke. “I want your stuff out of my condo by Monday.”

“Actually, I think I've heard enough.” I said and stood up to keep Susan in front of me and equipped a pair of underwear. “It's my corporation's condo.”

Jenny's eyes flashed anger for a second. “Fine. I'll start the paperwork to have her evicted properly.”

“Don't bother.” Susan said. “I'll be moving into the college dorm in the fall and I was going to give my notice next month anyway.”

Jenny looked surprised again. “But... I thought...”

“I can't stand being around you anymore. You've been all negative and didn't once look at the positive side of things.”

“Positive!?!” Jenny said loudly.

“It doesn't matter now. I'll find somewhere else to stay for the weekend and I'll have my things moved out by the end of the week.” Susan said. “Oh, I feel like more is coming out.” She chuckled and looked down. “That was a pretty good pun.”

Jenny looked down, cursed under her breath, and glared at me. “I will never forgive you for this.”

“You weren't going to forgive him for messing up your life anyway.” Susan said with a shrug.

Jenny gave her a glare, too. “How do you know that?”

“If I somehow had a brother like him and if it was his fault that my life fell apart, and if I was stupid enough to turn him into the cops, the very first thing I would have done was offer the reward money for bail money and tell him I was sorry that I had to do it.”

Jenny opened her mouth to speak, closed it, then opened it again.

“I never asked you to pay me back, Jenny. You were my friend and I loved you. I would do anything for you.”

“Except not this.” Jenny said and waved at the room.

“It's been almost three years since I met him and he is not same person he was then.” Susan said and it was my turn to be surprised. “He's a lot more serious and he knows what he wants.”

“Susan...” I whispered.

“Diane's ex screwed you over and messed everything up.” Susan said and turned around to face me. “Instead of washing your hands of it all and bailing on everything, here you are, trying to fix everything, and you even have custody of a kid that's not even yours.” She smiled up at me. “You are not the same man that promised to not have a piece of my sweet ass.”

I opened my mouth to give a joke about biting it, then smiled back instead. “Thank you for noticing, even though you only just showed up.”

Susan reached up and touched the sides of my face. “Luckily, I overheard Jenny cursing about having to come over here to take care of a bunch of kids and invited myself along.”

“Just you?” I asked.

“Kathy's with her fiance and they're looking at a nice place up on Anderson Avenue.”

“Isn't that a bit upscale?” I asked.

“It's her father's choice, apparently.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, that makes more sense. Kathy's a bit more practical than that.”

“Isn't she, though?” Susan asked with a twinkle in her eye. “She went out and found your body double all on her own.”

“She's still with the same guy?” I asked, surprised.

“Yep! She's all lovey-dovey with him, too. It's a bit gag worthy, to be honest.”

I laughed. “Of course it is. That's the point.”

“What? To annoy other people?” Susan asked and I nodded. “Really?”

“Doesn't it make you want to leave the area?” I asked and she looked a little surprised. “It's basic psychology to make the environment less pleasant for others to have it all to yourself.”

“What a horny bitch! She's been using psychology to get me out of the living room for months!” Susan exclaimed and I laughed.

We both heard the door shut and looked to see that Jenny was gone.

“Well, that was really awkward.” Susan said.

“Susan, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen.” I said.

“I did.” Susan said. “I told you before that I've wanted this wonderfully hard body all up in my business since the moment we met.”

“How many spiked drinks did you pour down the sink because I wouldn't drink them?”

“I lost count, you bastard.” Susan said with a huge grin. “You're just lucky that sleeping pills are cheap and I only used half a dose.”

“Half?” I asked, a little surprised.

“I wanted you tired, not knocked out.” Susan said and her hands slid down to touch me through my underwear. “You'd be no good to me unconscious, especially if you weren't having good dreams.”

I had to laugh at that. “I can honestly admit that I've had a few daydreams about you launching your rockets at me.”

Susan grinned and arched her back to show me that her nipples were still deployed.

“We need to get back to the party.” I said and gently caressed them. “Nat should have fed everyone by now and the games will be starting soon.”

“Really?” Susan asked and gave me an evil smile.

“Kids games.” I clarified. “If you want anything more than that, you'll have to stay over tonight on the couch.”

“On the couch.” Susan said with a cute pout and gave me sad eyes.

“Well, you can't stay in the bedroom.” I said and started to get dressed.

“Why not?” Susan asked and picked up her bra.

“Nat sleeps there.” I said and she gasped.

“What?” Susan gasped. “I... I thought...”

“Now ask me where I sleep.” I said and pulled my pants on.

“Where do you sleep?” Susan asked and had a difficult time pulling her own pants on. I helped her and caressed her ass as I did so. She smirked at me as I stood up, so I gave her a quick kiss.

“I sleep on the couch, of course.”

“Then yes, I wouldn't mind staying over for tonight.” Susan said, happily.

“I'm flying to D.C. in the morning with Nat and Crystal, so you can stay here all weekend if you want.” I said and pulled my shirt on and buttoned it.

“All weekend? In a penthouse apartment? By myself?”

“If you want to.”

“Hell, yes!” Susan exclaimed and kissed me.

We finished getting dressed and I used cleaning wipes and paper towels to clean up the mess, then I stored the bed when we left the apartment. We went up the stairs to give Susan enough time to comb her hair and I did the same. I opened the door and our timing was perfect, because the kids stood up almost as one and bolted for the sets of games that Nat and I had set up earlier.

Neither of us were surprised to see that Jenny wasn't there.

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