Summoned Again?

134 The Party’s Over


The Teddy Bear-ific Bonanza was a huge success.

It was all thanks to Nat being there and pretty much running it all, corralling the rowdy girls as best as she could, and telling Susan and myself what to do to both help and be out of the way. It was amazing to see and experience in person and Nat said that the video was going to be spectacular. I asked her what she meant and she pointed to several cell phones scattered around the apartment.

“I borrowed them from a few of the girls.” Nat said with a grin.

“That was a brilliant move.” I said and gave her a one arm hug. “Let's get the video transferred to... wait, where are you going to send it?”

Nat laughed. “You are buying a laptop tomorrow.”

“Sure.” I said and looked at the girls. “Ladies, if I could have your attention!” I said a little loudly and they all stopped what they were doing to look at me. “It's almost nine o'clock. Let's give Natalie a hand and clean up a little.”

“Damon, we can clean when...”

“No, they are all smart little girls and can toss their trash away properly.” I said and smiled at them. “At least, I hope you're all smart. Are you?”

“YES!” They yelled back.

“Then grab the paper plates and things and toss them into the magic trash can.” I said.

“What magic trash can?” One of them asked.

I waved my hands and made a blanket appear and held it out, then pulled it away to reveal a trash can. “This one! You have to be careful, though. It might burp when you feed it.”

The girls scrambled to grab as much trash as they could and I turned away to drink a large amount of soda pop.

“Don't you dare.” Nat whispered.

“I'm sorry.” I whispered back, then knelt behind the trash can. *BUUURRRPPP!*

All the girls laughed and giggled and kept feeding the can.

“I can't believe that's working.” Susan whispered to Nat.

“Me, either.” Nat said. “Apparently, his charm...”


“...knows no bounds.” Nat finished and Susan covered her mouth to stop from laughing.

Most of the mess was cleaned up, thanks to ten sets of little hands, then the first of the parents started showing up to pick up their girls. I switched out my normal Search and Detect rings for Cleaning Hands rings and brought the girls over near the door and used the rings on them to clean them. The girls giggled at the feeling of the spell and I smiled at the parents already there. I asked them to wait for a few minutes for the rest to show up. When the rest did, I turned to Crystal.

“Crystal, I need to talk to you for a minute.” I knelt so that she could sit on my knee. “My apartment is a little bit crowded, don't you think?”

Crystal looked around at all the teddy bears. They were everywhere. “Maybe.”

I smiled and assumed that she was thinking about keeping them all. “Well, even though they are Teddy's friends, they can't stay for much longer, just like your friends.”

Crystal's face went sad. “But... but...”

“It's all right. They are just as sad that they have to go as your friends are.” I said and the other girls nodded. “You all had so much fun playing with each other and with the bears, didn't you?”

“Yes.” They all said.

“Well, why don't you take a little bit of that fun home with you?” I asked and both the girls and their parents had surprised looks on their faces. “What do you say, Crystal? I'm sure that the bears would like to go with them, too.”

Crystal looked at my face, at the bears in the apartment, then at her friends. Her face flushed a little red and she nodded.

“YAY!” The girls yelled and scattered as I quickly stored Teddy. Each of the little girls grabbed their favorite bear, which was neat, since there wasn't even an argument over who got which one. They dragged them back over to the door and their shocked parents stared at them as their daughters let out a chorus of phrases at the same time. “Thanks, Crystal!” “Thank you!” “I've got two best friends now!”

I stood up with Crystal in my arms and dropped Teddy onto the couch behind me. “You've seen the size of my car. They'll fit in the back.” I said to reassure the parents and they nodded.

It was their turn to say a chorus of thank yous and goodbyes as they took their children and their new family members out into the hallway to the elevator. Nat, Susan, Crystal and I stood there and watched to make sure that they all boarded the elevator safely, then I slowly shut the door.

“Thank you very much for giving your friends Teddy's friends.” I said to her.

“I... I wanted to keep them. I really did.” Crystal said and tears came to her eyes.

“I know you did, sweetie.” I said and kissed her cheek. “You were smart and brave, and you made all of your friends very happy, because now they can have a good friend like Teddy at home, just like you do.”

“But... you bought them... for me.” Crystal said and wiped at her eyes.

“I did, and we all had a great time today, didn't we?” I asked and she nodded. “We can't have such a great time every day, can we?”

“N-no, be... because... then it won't be... great.”

I gave her Angel's professional smile and Nat took in a sharp breath. “I knew you were a smart little girl.” I said and kissed her cheek again. “Plus, I'm sure you're going to get a few invitations from your friends to have a sleepover now... probably for both you and Teddy.”

“R-really?” Crystal asked and smiled a little.

“I'm sure of it.” I said. “Not only that, we only have to wait until the store restocks to get a few more friends for Teddy.”

“Just for me and Teddy?” Crystal asked.

“Yes, just for you and Teddy. They'll stay in your room or be out here in the living room for you to play with as much as you want.”

Crystal hugged my neck and kissed my cheek. “I love you, Uncle Damon.”

“I love you too, sweetie.” I said and put her down. “Let's get you a bath and...”

“I'll take care of that.” Nat said. “You keep cleaning up out here.”

“Hey, I already...”

“Child labour doesn't count.” Nat countered before I could mention it. “Get your butt in the kitchen and get cleaning.”

I stood up straight and performed a perfect military salute to make her chuckle, then held it until she took Crystal into the large bathroom and shut the door. “Susan, can I bother you for a while and get your help?”

“It's not a bother, especially if you keep undressing me with your eyes.” Susan said and we went into the kitchen.

“You apparently weren't paying enough attention, because I was doing a heck of a lot more than undressing you in my head.” I said and she laughed.

“There! That's the guy I like. You're not the brooding mess you are around Jenny.”

I sighed and started to clean up. “It just... I know I did wrong and...”

“You both did. The problem was, they didn't cancel each other out. Two wrongs did not make a right.”

I turned to her and opened my mouth to speak and she kissed me.

“Enough for now. When you come back on Monday, I want you to come and meet my parents.”

I blinked my eyes for a second. “Susan, I said that...”

Susan grinned at me. “No, not personally. I have a very specific reason.”


“Trust me.” Susan said. “Wear a nice suit, too.”

“Are you half-assingly asking me to go to dinner with your parents?” I asked and she laughed.

“I don't half-ass anything, smart ass.” Susan said. “At ten in the morning, you can give me a drive. I'll give you the address then.”

“You're really not going to tell me what this is about?” I asked.

“Nope.” Susan said. “Now scrub that dirty counter like you mean it and rub your boner on my ass while you do it.”

I must have looked surprised, because she laughed, gave me a kiss as her hand rubbed my erection that had made a not so miraculous return, and she hooked a finger into one of my pant's belt loops and turned around to do exactly what she wanted me to do.

“Screw it.” I said and used one hand to scrub the counter and the other to hug her hips close and dry humped her from behind.

“Mmmm.” Susan moaned and she cleaned as well. She was a good multi-tasker and cleaned while we essentially had sex with our clothes on. “I really wish I could have... done this with you... years ago.”

“Considering how things turned out, I'm wondering why I even bothered to say no that first night.”

Susan stood up straight and leaned back against me. “Did you know that Jenny thought I slept with you that night?”

“She did?” I asked and didn't stop my thrusts.

“Mm hmm.” Susan moaned a little and wiggled her hips. “She was so mad at me.” She whispered. “Oh, it was... I didn't tell her that it was almost as good as actually being with you.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I suffered through the indignation that actually making love to you gave me, since none of us could prove that you didn't sleep in your room that night.”

I was so surprised by that realization that I stopped moving. “But... I didn't. I mean, wouldn't you have... um... felt the difference?”

Susan chuckled and turned around to face me. “You felt how quickly my body recovered earlier.”

I opened my mouth to comment and she kissed me briefly.

“If you wore a condom, there wouldn't have been any evidence.” Susan said. “Except maybe a bit of extra wetness, which I had, because I fully expected you to take me that night.”


“It's okay. When you didn't mention it later, I knew it didn't happen.” Susan smiled. “I mean, how could you have all of this sexy body and not say anything about it?”

I thought about that. “Susan... you're right. I would have apologized for taking advantage of you.”

“Damn right you would have.” Susan said and her smile became a smirk. “There's no way a straight-laced honorable guy could sleep with me and not at least tell me the next day that he had a wonderful time.”

I had to laugh at her confidence. “You're pretty sure of yourself.”

“Of course I am. I finally had you.” Susan grinned at me. “Oh, boy... did I have you.”

“Now you're making me think that this was all your idea.”

“Wasn't it?” Susan asked with a wink, then she pushed on my chest and stepped back. “Let's clean the hell out of this place, then you can do me on the couch as much as you want tonight.”

“I have other plans.” I said and she smacked my chest.

“You better wait until I fall sleep first!” Susan exclaimed. “I don't want to be awake if you try something freaky.”

I laughed. “I'll make sure you're sound asleep before I do anything freaky, so you can relax.”

“Good.” Susan said and gave me a quick kiss, then we got back to work. It took us an hour or so to clean everything up, to take down all the decorations, and to pile all of the balloons into Crystal's room.

Nat did her best to not laugh at the pile of them around Crystal's bed and followed us out to the living room. “You guys did a great job.” She said as she looked around the apartment. “I was worried you were going at it on the couch the whole time that I was busy with Crystal.”

I held in my laugh. “Did I, or did I not, tell you that I had some control over my libido?”

“I can't remember. Was that before or after you ran out of here with a sexy blonde after seeing her sumptuous ass in those jeans?” Nat asked.

Susan went behind her and gave her a hug. “Sumptuous, huh?”

Nat looked surprised for a second. “What...” She looked at me. “That can't be what I'm feeling.”

“Her bra is padded and you can still feel them?” I asked and she nodded. “Then yes, those are what you think they are.”

“Good lord.” Nat whispered.

“We both appreciate you giving us time alone.” Susan said and hugged her a bit tighter. “I'm also very glad that he has someone like you in his corner.”

Nat gave me an odd look, then she tapped Susan's arms to let her go. “He paid me a million dollars to move here and be Crystal's nanny.” She said and turned to look at Susan's reaction.

Susan smiled. “That's all? You're pretty cheap, huh?”

“Wh-what?” Nat asked, clearly surprised.

“It's just the initial deposit for her work.” I said as an explanation.

“Ohhhh, okay. That makes more sense.” Susan said. “Damon values his friends more than that.”

“Not you?” Nat asked, catching on right away.

“Unfortunately, no.” Susan said, her face sad. “I was Jenny's friend and did my best to support her as much as I could.”

“Ah, I see.” Nat said and looked at me. “Jenny ran out of here as soon as she saw that neither you nor Susan were here.”

“She also knew right where to go.” I said and Nat nodded.

“I tried to stop her; but, I couldn't leave the kids.” Nat said.

I walked over to her. “I can't thank you enough for being so great about all of this.”

“I needed to earn my nanny credentials anyway, right?” Nat asked and I took her into my arms.

“Thank you.” I said as sincerely as I could and hugged her tightly. “Thank you.”

“Hey, don't get all sappy on me. We've got an early morning tomorrow.” Nat said.

“Of course.” I said and let her go. “Goodnight.”

Nat walked by Susan. “I better not hear you, because if I can hear you, Crystal can, too.”

“I'll be extra quiet.” Susan said. “Thanks, Natalie.”

Nat waved at her. “Goodnight.”

“Night.” Susan said and watched her walk to her bedroom and go inside. She turned to me and smiled evilly. “You better tell me that you can gag me with something.”

My eyes widened at the double meaning and she walked over to me with the evil smile still on her face.

“After that part.” Susan whispered, took my hand, and led me to the couch. “You know I'm a moaner.”

I thought about not doing anything, then looked through my inventory to find something appropriate. I found one of the many face coverings I had and did a little magic trick to make a silk like scarf appear.

“Perfect.” Susan said and opened her mouth to accept the gag. I tied it around her head and positioned it in her mouth, then I turned her around and undressed her before I bent her over the arm of the couch. She bit into the cloth as I entered her from behind and we had some fun for well over an hour. I did my best to exhaust her, because I wanted her asleep.

When she fell asleep, I went into Nat's room and discovered that she was asleep, too. I did my best to give her as many memories as I could by the morning and went out to stay with Susan as the rings recharged for the seventh time. Neither she nor Nat woke up all night.

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