Summoned Again?

135 An Atypical Morning


Guess what? Someone stole another story of mine (called LIFE Begins), practically word for word, the story blurb and everything, and posted it on Amazon! The rotten bastard! I've reported it to the site admins on Royal Road where it was taken from.

If anyone is an Amazon member, please go there and report it for copyright infringement! Thank you!

Some of you great people have already even given it reviews saying it's stolen. I appreciate it! If you can't report it, please do this instead. Thanks again!

It's called The Ancient's Blood by Vince Chestwall.

Susan was still asleep when Nat came out of the bedroom, grabbed my hand, and led me out into the hallway and shut the door. She stared at me and held a hand out and nothing happened. She turned her hand over and opened and closed her hand as if she was trying to grab something.

“I can't do it.” Nat said, her face sad and on the verge of tears.

I sighed and slowly turned her to face me, then let her hand go and put my arms around her to hold her tenderly. “I'm sorry that what I suspected came true.”

“Why? Why can't I do it?”

“I'm pretty sure you lost the ability to use storage when your memories were erased.” I said and she let a few tears roll down her cheeks. I let her go and wiped at her face. “Unfortunately, I don't have those memories to give them back to you.”

Nat stared into my eyes and several emotions passed over her face. “I... I want to hate you for that.”

“It's okay. I hate myself for not realizing it sooner.” I said and she smiled. “I knew a certain part was missing, I just didn't realize what that would mean when you saw what you could do.”

Nat took a shallow breath and let it out. “I had such a great power.”

“Unbelievably so.” I said and massaged her shoulders. “I was amazed with what you could do with it.”

“So were Angel and Lionel.” Nat said. “I recognized you using Angel's smile yesterday.”

“I know you did.” I smiled and slid my hands down to take hers. “Now ask me why I haven't tried to go and find them.”

Nat shook her head. “I'm sure you have your reasons.”

I raised my eyebrows and she sighed. “Nat.”

“All right. Why didn't you?” Nat asked.

“Two reasons. One, we weren't as good friends as I thought we could have been.” I said. “Lionel's a bit of a dick.”

Nat clamped her mouth shut and stifled her laugh.

“Two, we didn't exchange information to stay in contact with each other.”

“What? Why not?”

“Please refer to reason one.” I joked and she smacked my arm. “We got along fine and that was all. There was no real friendship spark with Angel like you and I had, and Lionel didn't even want to try.”

Nat thought over the two weeks of memories that she had and even with such a limited exposure to Lionel's personality, she knew I was right. “I can't believe that Angel wouldn't want to call me at least.”

“I'm sure you did exchange information, which wouldn't matter, because I suspect that her memory was erased, too.” I said. “The bad part about that is the feelings that it must have left behind.”

Nat took a deep breath and let it out. “I can't imagine what she's going through right now.”

“I doubt it was as bad as what you were suffering through.” I said. “Unless she genuinely loved Lionel and wasn't just playing around with him.”

Nat gasped. “You're kidding!”

“Oops. Spoiler.” I said and Nat slapped my arm again.

“Don't hide information that could be important, just because I didn't see it for myself yet.” Nat said.

“Okay. They go at it like rabbits even with you in the room and it really annoyed you.” I said and she barked a laugh, then she looked surprised when I didn't laugh, too.

“You're serious?” Nat asked.

“Once you all started levelling up and became stronger...”

“...Lionel would be the only man around that would be able to keep up with her.” Nat guessed and I nodded. “They had sex right in front of me?”

“Many times.” I said.

“Those assholes.” Nat said and crossed her arms. “I didn't find anyone until we came looking for you, right? After two months?” She asked and I nodded again. “The person I fell in love with.” She said and tears sprung from her eyes.

I took out some tissues to catch her tears. “That's a tear trigger we should avoid for a couple of weeks.”

“I hope I can last that long.” Nat sighed and let me wipe at her face. “We should get inside and get ready.”

I opened the door and we went back into the apartment. Nat went to the bathroom to get a shower and I thought about teasing her about joining her, then decided that 'oops' moment she joked with the principal about wasn't going to happen this soon. I chuckled and she leaned back out to look at me.

“What are you laughing at?” Nat asked.

“I was wondering if I should have that 'oops, I'm in the shower' moment with you now or not, and I decided not to.” I said, completely honestly, and that made her laugh.

“You wish it was now, you sex maniac.” Nat said and shut the door.

I didn't hear it click, however. “The door has a lock.”

“I know.” Nat said and turned the shower on.

“That's not helping me keep my mind made up.” I said through the door and she laughed again.

“Suffer! Ha ha!” Nat said. “You better go and wake Susan up.”

I heard her get in the walk in shower and shut the door as the water sound died off to a low rumble. I went back to the living room and Susan was on her back, the blanket half-off, and she was sprawled out with one leg hanging off of the side of the couch and one arm up over her head and hanging over the arm of the couch. She was not wearing a bra and her launch pads could be clearly seen through the white fabric of one of my t-shirts.

The rockets weren't deployed and I was quite tempted to assist them. I knelt down and hovered my hands near them, looked at the loose fabric and thought about moving it out of the way, just so I could see them directly.

“You don't need my permission.” Susan whispered and I moved my eyes from her chest to her face, only to see a sly smile. “Normally staring is a bad thing.” She said and her hand reached out and caressed my erection. “I really like that you get like this from just thinking about me.”

“I really should get a shower when Nat's done.” I said.

“Is that an invitation?” Susan asked and her other hand moved down and pulled out the piece of silk scarf from her pocket.

“You are definitely going to need that.” I said. “I can't remember the last time I was in the shower for something other than cleaning.”

Susan's sly smile slid into evil. “I'm going to be your first shower experience?”

I nodded. “It could get really slippery.”

“It already is.” Susan said as she moved the blanket out of the way to show me the grey jogging pants she had on were slightly damp and her smell slapped me in the face.

“Dammit!” I hissed under my breath and my hard-on became rock hard.

Susan felt the difference in me and her eyes widened. “Oh, god.” She whispered and bit her lip to stop from moaning as her wet spot grew.

“I can't wait for the shower.” I whispered and shoved the scarf into her mouth.

Susan's muffled laugh barely came through the gag, which meant it was working, so I picked her up and tossed her onto my shoulder. She let out a yelp at being manhandled so easily, then I jogged to Nat's room and shut and locked the door. I switched out the bed for the one I had in inventory and tossed Susan onto it.

Susan's laughter died out as I pulled my clothing off and she saw my member trembling. She mumbled my name as I climbed onto the bed and helped her get undressed, then she couldn't speak as I had my way with her. She came over and over again and constantly moaned, which made the gag worth its weight in gold. If I could barely hear her, no one outside of the room would, either.

That was great, because I desperately needed to make her moan as much as possible.


Nat washed up in the shower and she really enjoyed it. It was a great shower and was one of the best on the market. It had multiple heads for an all angle rinse and it felt absolutely wonderful. She stepped out and quickly dried her short hair and her arms and legs, with a slight wipe over the rest of her, then she wrapped the towel around her body. She had forgotten to grab a change of clothes and left the bathroom to go to her room.

She chuckled as she thought about it being her room. She now lived in a penthouse apartment on the edge of downtown, had a million dollars in her bank account, and had a great friend. Or so he claimed. She wouldn't really know until she got her memories back with him in them. So far, he had been caring, helpful, extremely trusting, considerate, and more than a little generous. He also had a lot of personal problems.

Nat tried to open her bedroom door and the handle didn't turn. She sighed, thinking she must have turned the lock earlier and forgotten about it. She went to the closet to get her keys from her jacket pocket and went back to the room. She used the key and opened the door... and caught her breath at the sight.

A woman she had only met the day before was facing her, on her back on top of Damon, and her back was arched and her breasts were right there for her to see. That wasn't what got her attention, though. It was the huge nipples she had. They were about the size of a nickel around and were about an inch long.

Nat had never seen any that large before and she suddenly had the desire to see what they tasted like, because it wasn't every day that you got to see nipples that big. She licked her lips and admired them for what they were... Damon's current sex partner's breasts... and went to her dresser. She debated interrupting them, either by surprising them by speaking or just making a noise louder than what they were making, and shrugged.

Nat took her outfit for the day and stepped out into the hallway, then shut the door as quietly as possible and locked it with the key. She hadn't been surprised that Susan's eyes hadn't opened once, since she looked like she was having the time of her life.

Nat chuckled. At least I didn't have to see it from the other side. She thought and went into the bathroom to get dressed. That could have been really awkward.

That thought made her laugh, because it was plenty awkward as it was, considering they were having sex on her bed. After a moment, she frowned because she didn't recognize the different color blankets on the bed.

Either he added blankets or that's not the bed that's supposed to be there. Nat thought and finished getting dressed. She wore beige dress pants, a white business style shirt, and debated about wearing a bow around her neck or to just leave the neck of the shirt open. Since she was being a nanny today, she decided to go with the bow option. She put on the red bow and let the ribbons hang down almost like a tie.

She checked herself out in the mirror and liked what she saw. She left the bathroom and went to Crystal's room to wake the little girl up and to get her ready for her very first trip on a plane. It took a little coaxing to get Crystal to wake up, especially after all of the excitement from the party yesterday, and she took her into the kitchen to get her breakfast. Nat didn't ask what she wanted this time, since the girl was still half asleep, and gave her cereal.

Nat watched over her to make sure she ate enough, then took Crystal to the bathroom to brush her teeth and to wash her face and hands. She directed her to get dressed in an outfit for a lot of walking, similar to her own, then went to the bedroom and knocked on the door as loudly as she could. She heard two startled yelps and chuckled, because she imagined what would have happened if she had said something while standing right there beside the bed.

“Crystal's getting dressed and the plane leaves in half an hour.” Nat said, then she heard some coughing.

“O-okay. He'll be... right out.” Susan's exhausted voice said and there was more coughing.

“You need to dampen the cloth next time and suck on it, so your mouth and throat don't get dry from being open for so long.” Nat said and heard two gasps. She laughed at their reactions and walked over to Crystal's room to help her finish getting dressed. She suspected that today was going to be a long day.

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