Summoned Again?

142 A Few More Things


After we picked up a small resealable bag for Crystal to put my hair in, we stopped at an electronics store and Nat helped me pick out a good laptop. I showed the two different memory cards to the clerk at the store and asked for a reader for them. We were taken to the shelf with the memory card readers and were told about several different ways to read them, which was a little annoying because the guy seemed to like hearing himself talk and wasn't really helping me buy the things I wanted.

I took it for a few minutes and then asked for something that would read them all. The guy laughed a little and then started to explain the different formats and that it wasn't possible for one device to read every memory card on the market. When he started to recommend the most expensive things as the best, I had had enough.

“Thanks for your help.” I said and cut off his monologue, then motioned for Nat and Crystal to leave.

“Damon?” Nat asked, a little confused, as we walked towards the door and didn't stop at the counter where the laptop was.

“I think we'll get better customer service somewhere else.” I said and noticed the clerk walk over to the main counter and be surprised that I wasn't walking over to him.


“The guy's annoying me and it's not worth the hassle to listen to his sales pitch.”

“What if he's right?” Nat asked as I opened the door for her and Crystal.

“It doesn't matter. He was talking to us like we didn't know anything.”

“Damon, you don't.” Nat said.

“I know that and you know that; but, he doesn't. He just assumed that we were completely ignorant and tried to explain everything to us.” I said. “I came here to spend money to buy what I need, not for a lecture on the benefits of different image and video formats.”

Nat gave me an odd look. “That's a little petty.”

I opened the car's back door for Crystal, who climbed in and I buckled her up. “Petty would be asking his manager to reign in the commission hog.” I said and Nat smiled slightly. “I don't mind some talking, since gaining knowledge about something is fine. Standing around for nearly ten minutes without him helping even a little bit, was just too much for me.”

Nat sighed a little and climbed in the car. I closed the door for her and went around to the other side and climbed in myself. The driver took the hint and drove to the next place. It was a tiny little place that only had one display window and a door. Nat, Crystal and I went inside and it was an older man behind the counter.

“What can I help you fine folks with today?” The man asked.

“I need a laptop for video editing and something that will let me read these.” I said and showed the man the memory cards.

“Ah, a camera and video recorder.” The man said and turned around to look at the shelf. “Hmm. All right, I think...” He reached up and grabbed a small box. “What's the number on the camera card?”

I read it off for him and he put the box back and grabbed the next one.

“What's on the video card?” He asked and I read that one. He walked about five feet away and bent down to grab a slightly bigger box. He came back and put both on the counter.

“Are those the most expensive ones you have?” I asked.

The man looked surprised for a second, then he smiled. “Are you expecting me to gouge you?”

“I just spent ten minutes listening to a guy tell me all about the virtues of the best products on the market.”

The man behind the counter laughed. “I think you would be surprised at the number of people that thinks the most expensive items are the best.”

“Then are they the cheapest you have?” I asked and he laughed again.

“No, I run a good steady business. There's no need for me to cheat people with cheap knockoffs or overcharge for the same product in a more expensive wrapping.” The man said. “I like being reliable.”

“I'm glad to hear that.” I said and asked if he had the same model of laptop.

“I sure do. That's a good one with lots of great reviews from customers.” He said and had to get a stepladder and climbed to the top shelf to grab it. He put it on the counter and looked at me expectantly. “If you're wondering why I keep them up there, it's to stop some punk from grabbing them easily and running out of the store.”

“That's a good reason to risk your life on a rickety ladder every few days.” I said and the man chuckled. “I assume it comes with the charger and everything?”

“Right in the box. How's your local internet? Do you need a router with a wireless booster?”

I shrugged and glanced at Nat, who nodded. “My expert says yes.”

The man grinned at me. “How big is your house or apartment?”

I told him the square footage and he nodded, then watched as he walked around the counter and went to a shelf. He grabbed a box with something that had a picture of a device with four prongs on it.

“These things are usually preset for factory defaults, so just plug your internet cable in here.” He turned the box around and showed me the picture of the back as he pointed to the spot. “You can plug several other cables into this for other devices, like the television or a home computer, or you can go through the online tutorial and it'll show you how to add them to the wireless network.”

“Cell phones, too?” I asked and he nodded. “That's great. Thanks.”

“If you need any assistance, or stumble onto something that's a bit too much for you or your expert to handle, give me a call. I do troubleshooting and repair work, too.” The man said and walked over to a rack and grabbed a couple network cables. He went back behind the counter and handed me a business card, then he rang everything up and told me the price.

I took out a leather pouch and paid with cash.

The man gave me a searching look and glanced at Nat, who only smiled sweetly. “Commission boy really lost out, didn't he?” He asked as he handed me back the change. That made Nat and I laugh and I put the change on the counter.

“Thanks a lot.” I said and put the leather pouch away and handed the bag with the other things in it to Nat and took the laptop myself. We left the store and I pretended to put the things in the trunk as I stored them. “Is anyone hungry?”

“Not really.” Nat said and Crystal shook her head.

“Really? That's a shame. I was thinking about getting an ice cream sundae or a nice banana split.” I said with a sigh.

Crystal gasped and stared at my sad face as she gripped my hand hard. “I'm hungry! I'M HUNGRY!”

Nat couldn't stop her laugh this time. “I'm thinking she might have changed her mind.”

“Driver, the best ice cream or specialty shop, please.” I said.

“Yes, sir.” The driver said and we heard several beeps. “It's only ten minutes away.”

“Thank you.” I said and the car pulled out into traffic and we were on our way.


An hour later, Stephanie read over the contract that Derek had sent over. “Mom, this contract is ridiculous. I think Dad's philosophy might be wrong this time.”

“I can see that.” The receptionist at the cancer treatment center said. “There's no way you should try to milk it as much as possible and then leave. It's already too good to be true.”

The front door of the treatment center opened and Bethany walked in. She was wearing hip hugging jeans and a crop top that looked like it was barely covering her chest. She also had on a thick black leotard underneath her clothing that went from her neck to her ankles and it covered everything. She also wore a stylish jacket with thick shoulder pads.

“What's so urgent?” Bethany asked as she walked over to the counter. “I thought it was paperwork day today?”

Stephanie stood up and came around the counter to hug her friend. “You are not going to believe who was here to donate his hair!”

“Who?” Bethany asked. She wasn't sure who her friend could be talking about, because none of their friends would dare have their precious locks sheared off.

“It was Damon.” Stephanie whispered.

“NO WAY!” Bethany yelled.

“Yes, way.” Stephanie said and leaned back in close as she whispered a few things.

“You're yanking my tit!” Bethany exclaimed.

“Bethany.” The receptionist said, a bit sternly.

“Sorry, Mrs. McCallister. I meant to say pulling my leg.” Bethany said, her face red. “I didn't mean to be so crude.”

“It's all right. Just remember to say breast next time instead of... tit.” Mrs. McCallister said, her face making a sour expression briefly. “You're still young, so I'll overlook it.”

“Thanks!” Bethany said happily and looked at Stephanie. “We're taking the jobs, right? Right?”

“You need to read the contract before...”

“If your mom already approves, there's nothing I'm going to say no to.” Bethany said.

“You don't even know how much it pays.” Stephanie said.

“It doesn't matter. It's going to look awesome on a resume.” Bethany said with a huge smile. “Plus, he's a drop dead gorgeous hunk of a man!”

“Bethany!” Stephanie and her mother gasped at the same time.

“Ooo, he donated his hair, too! Where's the pictures? I wanna see what he looks like now.”

The two women's faces turned sad.

“What? What is it?”

“The memory cards of the cameras weren't installed.” Mrs. McCallister said, her tone defeated. “Henry swore he had them inserted before the shoot.”

“Oh, no.” Bethany said, her voice just as sad. “That's so tragic.”

The front door of the treatment center opened and the three of them turned around to look at the new arrival, then the three of them stared at the tall figure that approached.

“I'm sorry to interrupt.” Damon said as he walked over to the desk. “I just came back to return these.”

The three women gasped when he put two memory cards down on the desk.

“The pictures turned out great.” Damon said to their surprised faces. “Tell Henry thanks for letting me copy the originals.”

Bethany glanced at her friend and at her friend's mother to see where they were looking, and they were both looking at the memory cards. She took her chance and stepped in front of Damon and gave him a quick kiss before the others noticed.

“Thank you for the job offer. We'll head over to your broker's office in the morning to sign the contracts officially.” Bethany said. “The jobs are for life, right?”

Damon laughed and it made her heart flutter. “A year on the basic contract at least, not counting raises and bonuses. After that? Well, there's always room for negotiation.”

Bethany beamed a smile at him. “Are you busy tonight?”

“I have to head home to get Crystal to school in the morning.” I said and she looked sad. “I do have a trip planned to head to Russia in two weeks, which means I'll be back in town next week to prepare a few things with my broker and the corporation.”

“Alone?” Bethany asked with a wicked smile on her face.

“Yes, alone. I can't leave the country with her, even if I do have temporary custody.”

“We'll do our best to get up to speed by then.” Stephanie said. “Derek's already offered one of his assistants to help.”

“Great.” Damon said. “I need to go and get some rest before my flight back home.” He glanced at the receptionist and saw that she was already at the door at the side and waited for a moment for her to go through it. As soon as she did, he slid his arms around Stephanie and kissed her.

Stephanie moaned into his mouth for several seconds and then realized where she was and broke the kiss. “Damon! The security camera!”

“Disabled.” Damon said and kissed Bethany next. She wrapped a leg around him to grind herself against his crotch for several seconds, then let him go. “See you both next week.”

“For the weekend?” Stephanie asked, hope in her voice.

“Two whole days from morning until night.” Damon said and both of them drooled a little.

“We can't wait.” Stephanie and Bethany said together and watched him walk away.

“Girls! Come and look at these!” Mrs. McCallister said as she poked her head out of the room. “The pictures really do look great! I can't wait to add them to the campaign!”

Both of them went over and stepped into Henry's office, then they both took in sharp breaths at the amazing pictures that were arrayed on the screen.

“Aren't they wonderful?” Mrs. McCallister asked as she admired them.

“We want copies.” Stephanie said, her voice firm and confident, and Bethany nodded several times.

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