Summoned Again?

143 Two Times


Nat, Crystal and I were dropped off back at the hotel and I gave the driver a few hundred dollars and then extra money for gas, considering he drove us all over the city for half the day and didn't complain once. He tried to give some of it back and I just laughed.

“You still have to drive us to the airport tonight.” I said and waved goodbye.

I spent the rest of the afternoon and most of the evening sleeping in the hotel bed. Neither Crystal nor Nat objected to joining me. It wasn't like we really needed the sleep, considering we were going to fly home later that night and would be going to bed then, too. What I was technically doing was catching up on some of the sleep that I had missed and prepped for another night of memory transfers to Nat. She knew what I was doing and napped with me anyway.

It worked out, because we had a nice filling meal on the plane, thanks to Miss Carlyle's serving style and the smooth plane ride. The food was so good that both Nat and Crystal had stuffed themselves and felt tired again. I did my best to not make fun of them for it, mainly because I didn't want them to think that they had to eat less later, just so I wouldn't make fun of them.

“That was delicious, Miss Carlyle. Thank you.” I complimented her and she gave me a huge smile as she cleaned up the dishes.

“Were you worried that I wasn't going to take Natalie's advice to heart?” Miss Carlyle asked.

“I was worried that you'd be angry about it, actually.” I responded. “This is still your command area and I'm glad you're not upset about changing things up a little for us newly rich people.”

My words made her laugh a little. “You're the boss. I would be a little bit stupid if I pissed you off after just getting hired.”

“Only a little bit stupid?” I asked and she laughed.

“All right, very stupid.” Miss Carlyle said and left with the tray of dishes.

We all cleaned up in the bathroom and the plane landed not long after. We were back at my place after a short drive in my car and I pretended to get our bags out of the trunk. The three of us went inside to my apartment and we were greeted by the sight of Susan lounging on the couch and staring at the television.

“Is someone bored?” I asked.

“Damon!” Susan exclaimed and jumped up to stare at me. “You're back.”

I smelled her get wet from across the room and pat Nat's shoulder. “Can you give Crystal a hand as she gets changed for bed?”

“Sure.” Nat said, understanding what was happening, and took her bag and Crystal's down the hallway. Teddy made a miraculous appearance on Crystal's bed, even though we had technically left him back in the hotel room. Crystal hadn't mentioned him at all, not even on the plane, and she greeted the bear as if he had always been there.

“Hi, Teddy! We had a great trip!” Crystal said happily as Nat closed the door behind them.

I slowly walked over to Susan and her smell increased in intensity as her rockets deployed and showed me that she was getting excited for what was about to happen. She stood perfectly still and her breathing increased in speed as her hands reached up and touched my chest, then she ran them up to my hair.

“I haven't had a shower yet.” I whispered and she shivered.

“Oh, god.” Susan whispered back and closed her eyes. “I'm going to miss all that hair falling around me like a curtain.”

“You only have to wait ten more years to get it back.” I joked.

Susan opened her eyes and pulled me in close to kiss me. It quickly devolved from a chaste hello kiss to a full on passionate one. Our hands roamed all over and we touched each other everywhere. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist and I carried her into the bathroom. We didn't make it to the shower stall on the first try and I had her right after we stripped off.

We did it on the counter between the double sinks, on the floor in front of the tub, then I sat on the toilet and she rode me. It was fast and frantic and Susan was really into it. We finally stepped into the shower after nearly half an hour and oh boy, did Susan give me a good going over then.

She made sure that I was going to remember having her in the shower and I promised her that I'd never forget it as I poured myself into her. It wasn't until we were drying off that she realized something important that we had both forgotten.

“Oh, god! We didn't use protection again!” Susan gasped and stared at me like her life was over.

“I wondered why you still felt so amazing this time.” I said, unconcerned.

“It was phenomenal.” Susan said and then sighed as she turned slightly away. “I... I'll go out and... buy some of those...”

I touched her arm and turned her back to face me. “Hey, your life's not over. It was just a few times...”

Susan looked surprised for a moment. “Just a few? It sure as hell felt like more than just a few!”

I chuckled. “I meant that this wasn't the first time we had sex without a condom.”

Susan opened her mouth to say something and turned away again without saying anything.

“Now you're thinking about not using them at all because it feels so much better?” I asked and she nodded slightly. “Would you want to have a baby so young?”

Susan took a deep breath and let it out. “I only have a year left of college. If I get pregnant now, I won't be able to graduate with the rest of the course students.”

“Then don't worry about it and let me know if you change your mind.” I said and she turned back to look at me with wide eyes.

“But... but...” Susan looked down at herself and then at my face. “How in the world...”

I stepped close and adjusted myself to rub between her legs. “There's lots of things I can do.”

Susan moaned as I put my arms around her and slowly moved forward and back as I gently caressed her opening with my still quite ready member. She put her arms around me and held on as we both masturbated.

“I'm gonna... oh... ohhhhh...” Susan moaned.

“Me, too.” I whispered and kissed her. We both came at nearly the same time and Susan seemed to relax. Endorphins released like that seemed to make things a lot more acceptable.

“Would... would you really want to be a father?” Susan asked after breaking the kiss. “We're just fuck buddies and...”

“I won't shirk my responsibilities if it happens.” I said. “We might not be in a relationship... a traditional relationship, that is. That doesn't mean I won't step up and make sure you're taken care of.”

Susan looked into my eyes. “You don't mean marriage or anything, do you?”

I shook my head. “We both know that can't happen, not with the chance that I could disappear again.”

Susan closed her eyes for a moment and then looked at me again. “I'm sorry that you can't plan a life for yourself with that hanging over your head.”

“So am I.” I said and kissed her briefly. “Now spread your legs a little.”

Susan raised her eyebrows slightly and moved one of her legs over just as slightly.

“Perfect.” I said and moved back a little and then slid inside of her.

Susan gasped and stared into my eyes. “Damon, what...”

“One more time, just to prove that you won't get pregnant.” I said and she put her leg around me with a shake of her head. “Trust me.”

“I do.” Susan said and moaned a little as I moved in and out of her in a standing position. “I just... should we tempt fate so much?”

I had a flash of Divine Sight and saw that after she graduated, my corporation hired her and she becomes a high tiered executive within six months. The other company employees resent her because she is sleeping with me and she keeps being promoted. They believe it's because of sex and not because she is a fantastic employee and proved her worth several times over. She also didn't have any children or a boyfriend.

Susan quits when the resentment is too much for her to deal with and she also stops sleeping with me, because that was the cause of the turmoil in her life. Her life diverges there and she has a difficult time at every other job she takes, because of her smeared reputation of sleeping with the boss to get ahead.

I get hit with several sexual harassment suits after she leaves, because I can't find anyone else in the company to ease my strong libido. I also spend time in jail and lose controlling interest in the corporation.

Well, fuck. I thought as the vision of a bleak future faded. I need to fix this, somehow.

I looked at Susan's pleasure filled face and thought about impregnating her halfway through her senior year in college. I had another flash of Divine Sight and her complete dependence on me, Nat, and surprisingly, Crystal. She had no skills at all with child raising and was terrible at it when she tried it herself. The worst part was that the baby didn't bond with her, because her nipples were too big for the baby to nurse properly.

Okay, that idea's not going to work. I thought and wracked my brain for something I could do to change what I saw. It needed to be both drastic and subtle at the same time, so as not to derail her career or cause her emotional harm. She becomes a successful corporate employee and I didn't want to lose that, so I needed to figure out what to do. Then it came to me.

We had to break up.

Even though we weren't in a relationship and we were only having fun, I couldn't let it continue and still have her succeed in life. Any more involvement with me past a certain point was only going to mess her life up, and as a consequence mess mine up as well, hence the Divine Sight flashes. At most, I thought that I had about three months before I could avert both visions, so I would have to be careful about how much I shared with Susan about everything that was going on.

I finished inside of her again and she let out a long and satisfied moan as I did so. I didn't tell her that I still had my ability to choose who I impregnated, mainly because I was sure that she got off by thinking this might be really risky for us to do. I wasn't going to start ruining her fun just yet, since it had only just started a couple of days ago. Easing away from her was much better than cutting the relationship off cold turkey.

I cleaned the both of us up and we dressed again, then Susan went out to the couch and I went into Crystal's room. She was still awake as Nat read her a story.

“It's about time.” Nat said and gave me a bit of an annoyed glare.

“I'm sorry. I... ah... hurt myself slightly and Susan had to kiss it to make it better.”

“For almost an hour?” Nat asked, a little surprised.

“I wasn't going to ask her to stop until she thought she was done.” I said as an explanation and Nat closed her mouth to stop from laughing. “You know what I mean.”

“I do.” Nat said and pointed to the other side of the bed where Teddy was. “Now get over there and read your parts of the story. Crystal laughs too much when I do my imitation male voice.”

“This I have to hear.” I said and rolled Teddy over to take his place, then propped him on my lap.

“Do it, Nat Nat!” Crystal said and giggled.

Nat sighed and read the next line and did her best to talk like a man. It was the most ridiculous voice I had ever heard and both Crystal and I burst out laughing. Nat glared at the two of us and we quieted down.

“S-s-sorry.” I said and tried to catch my breath. “I'll read those parts.”

Nat nodded and read the next several lines, then when it was my turn, I did my best to copy her male imitation voice. “HEY!” She gasped and growled at me.

Crystal and I laughed and laughed, then Nat tossed the book aside and tackled the both of us to tickle us.

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