Summoned Again?

145 Things To Do


I was right and Nat was fast asleep. It took me the rest of the night to funnel the week's worth of memories into her mind and even transferring them into her made me sad and wince when she realized that she and her two friends had just killed children on the orders of the king. Good or bad, they were still children. Ending their lives before they were given a chance to be helped was what hurt the most.

Nat and I fully agreed on that point and that was why I knew that this was going to be a hard thing for her to deal with. Up until then, she was pretty much just having fun with training and hanging out with new friends, then she received a very bad dose of reality. It changed her entire outlook and clued her in that it was a serious matter that she was involved in and she did her best to make herself stronger after that.

When I was done, I went out to the kitchen and made breakfast for everyone. The smell of eggs, bacon and toast woke everyone up, even Crystal. I dished out plates for everyone and put them on the kitchen table.

“Go ahead and start eating.” I said to Susan and Crystal. “We'll be right out.” I walked down the hallway and heard Nat crying as she came out of the bedroom. I took her into my arms and moved her back inside, then she balled her eyes out and held onto me tightly. “Shhhh. It's okay.”

“N-n-no, I... I couldn't have...”

“It wasn't your fault.” I said and rubbed my hands on her back as she cried on my chest. “I'm very sorry that you had to go through that.”

“You're such... a bastard.” Nat said between sobs. “You knew... and you didn't... you gave it to me anyway.”

“I had to.” I said and eased my hold on her to look down at her face. “It happens twice more, only you don't complete the missions because of this.”

Nat wiped at her face. “Is that true?”

“Yes, and I won't ruin it by telling you what happens later.”

Nat took in a sharp breath. “No! Angel and Lionel wouldn't...”

“Not them. You three were heroes. It was the backup squad they sent in after you leave.” I said and her tears flowed more and she hugged me tightly. “They justify it by saying they were indoctrinated into a criminal mindset and it was necessary to eliminate them.”

“No, they... how could...” Nat looked back up at my face. “They were just children!”

“Not to them. They were rebels and terrorists and had to be dealt with quickly and harshly.”

Nat took several shaky breaths and wiped at her face again. “People can be horrible when they think they are right.”

“Absolutely.” I said. “Let's get something to eat.”

“Damon, I can't eat after that!”

I chuckled and let one arm go and moved to her side, then walked out of the bedroom with my arm over her shoulders. “I made your favorite type of eggs.”

Nat blinked her eyes for a second. “How... no, I guess if we spent four months together camping out in the woods, you would eventually learn what I like for breakfast.”

“I even cut the crust off the toast.” I said and that made her smile, despite her mood and puffy eyes from crying. “It's real butter, too.”

Nat put an arm around my waist and gave me a partial hug. “Thanks for trying to make me feel better.”

We sat down at the kitchen table and saw Susan and Crystal playing tug of war with a piece of bacon.

“I'm not going to ask.” I said and Susan laughed a little, which distracted her and Crystal snatched the bacon from her.

“I WIN!” Crystal yelled and bit it. “Mish mime mow!”

“Yes, it's yours now.” Susan laughed and moved the plate of bacon a little farther away from Crystal's reach. “Eat what you have and then we can discuss having more.”

“Kay.” Crystal said and picked up a piece of toast, folded it over and took a bite.

The four of us enjoyed a nice meal and I cleaned up the dishes afterwards.

“You'll make someone a nice wife someday.” Susan commented with a big grin.

“Really? Even though I'm not as pure as white driven snow?” I asked and she laughed.

“Can you imagine?” Susan asked and stood up. “Thirty years old and never being touched?”

“I'll get Crystal ready for school.” Nat said and took her to her bedroom.

“You definitely didn't have to worry about that.” I whispered to Susan and her grin became a sexy smile.

“I've been on a few dates before I turned old enough... according to my mom... where I was allowed to choose if I wanted to have sex.”

“You jumped at the chance, didn't you?” I asked as I put my arms around her.

“No, I hunted around and found someone that turned me on.” Susan said and put her arms around my neck. “I had a great time, even though he didn't really know what he was doing.”

I smiled. “The poor guy sure missed his chance.”

“Just like you did that first time... and the next and the next.” Susan said. “You've been the longest hunt I've had since then.”

I had to chuckle at that. “It made you want me even more, didn't it?”

“Was that your goal?”

“No, I really was trying my best to stay away from you, because I didn't want to ruin your friendship with my sister.”

Susan closed her eyes and sighed. “That happened anyway.”

“Because of me.” I added and she opened her eyes. “I'm sorry.”

Susan gave me a kiss and then stepped back. “You need to shower and change to drive Crystal to school.”

“Well, considering I didn't go to bed and sleep last night, I'm good the way I am.”

“Let me check.” Susan said and lifted my arm and dug her nose into my armpit.

I chuckled as she took in a big sniff. “Does it pass inspection?”

Susan let my arm go and nodded. “I would have liked helping you wash again, though.”

I leaned close and gave her another kiss. “What's that old saying about too much of a good thing being bad for you?”

“What about a great thing or a fantastic thing?” Susan asked and she grabbed onto her breasts through the t-shirt and made her nipples pop out.

I shook my head and cupped her breasts on the sides, then stepped close and gave her another kiss. “We'll be back in an hour, then we can head out to your appointment.”

Susan nodded and I went to the hall closet and pretended to take a suit out and went into the bathroom. I equipped the suit and combed my hair as I looked into the mirror. Having a normal hairstyle and not a mass of black hair hanging down to my waist was definitely a drastic change. I didn't regret it, because the look on Crystal's face when she could have a piece of me to keep, made it worth it.

I thought back to the look on Stephanie's, Bethany's, and the receptionist's faces when I dropped off the memory cards, and I almost laughed at the mixture of relief and shock. Of course, that made my mind flash back to just before that when I stopped into the jewellery store to drop off items for the auction. I gave Cherise more gems and six really nice jewellery pieces with ornate decorations, and also an eight piece dining set made with gold.

The look on her face was as priceless as the one of a kind jewellery items. She had never seen anything like them before and she called in her experts to look them over. They were shocked by the items as well and then begged to be allowed to pull them apart to see how they were made.

“Absolutely not.” Cherise had said, her voice firm. “You can't guarantee that they can be restored, so you can't disassemble them.”

The men looked very sad, so I took out another item. Cherise gasped at it, because it was a ruby necklace. I gave it to her and said that it used the same techniques. If the jewellers wanted to try taking it apart, they could use the materials and put it back together while using their own techniques.

“Damon, you can't just...” Cherise started to say.

“As a valued contracted partner, please accept this gift as thanks.” I said. “It's my fault you're so busy.”

Cherise had to smile at me taking the blame for her having so much business. “I will repay your kindness somehow.”

“I thought that's what I was doing.” I said and she came around the counter to give me a hug.

“Thank you very much.” Cherise said and held me tightly. “I'll have pictures of everything sent over to the cancer treatment center as soon as I inventory and catalogue them for the auction.”

“Are you sure this hug is all you can afford to give me?” I teased and it made her laugh.

“Young man, don't tempt this old woman.” Cherise said and let me go. “Even with your stylish hair, I know you are not that attracted to me.”

“Why would you think...”

She turned slightly and the back of her hand brushed my crotch. She felt that I was excited and she took in a sharp breath. “You reacted?” She asked as she looked into my eyes.

“Sometimes I can't help it.” I said with a smile. “It almost has a mind of its own.”

Cherise gave me a smile and it was a bit crooked and sexy at the same time. “You need to go before I take your teasing as fact.”

“That means next time, doesn't it?” I asked and leaned in to kiss her cheek. “I look forward to it.”

Cherise had a surprised look on her face and I left the shop.

I wonder if she'll really let me. I thought and finished wasting the time where I should have gotten dressed, then left the bathroom. I was just in time as Nat and Crystal came out, dressed up and looking great. I stored Teddy and we left the apartment to take Crystal to school. She didn't mention anything about Teddy coming along or even asked about him.

We arrived at the school and I parked the car. As soon as Crystal was out of the car, without missing a beat, she asked for Nat to take a picture of us. We posed and Crystal giggled, so she looked really happy in the picture.

“Lemmie see! Lemmie see!” Crystal said and Nat showed it to her. She giggled some more, because Teddy could be clearly seen peeking over the top of the car. “THANKS NAT NAT!”

Crystal took off and met her large group of friends. They all started giggling and laughing and went inside the school.

“We just got ditched.” Nat said and I laughed.

“I guess we don't have to escort her all the way to class anymore.”

“I think we should stop and grab a cell phone for her to use, too.” Nat said and we climbed into the car. “Most of her friends have one and it lets you stay in contact with her.”

“I was going to argue that she's a little young and you already threw that argument out the window.” I said and she smirked at me. “We'll get a few of the mid-range ones for her.”

“A few?” Nat asked.

“In case she loses one. We can just give her another and if we can't find the first, we cancel it from the plan.”

“Okay, that's smart planning.”

“Hey, I'm not just a pretty face.” I said and she gave me a searching look.

“Nope. Even with make-up on, you wouldn't be pretty.”

I laughed. “Thanks. I think.”

“Take it as a compliment. You do not want your features to be androgynous. That's just asking for trouble.”

“I can imagine.” I said. “Of course, you're kind of a prime example of someone that is.”

“Me? Why?” Nat asked.

“You're appealing to both sexes, obviously.”

Nat shook her head. “You're dreaming.”

“Uh huh. How many times have you caught me staring at your cute little ass?”

“I've lost count.” Nat said with a smile.

“I caught Miss Carlyle staring at it, too.” I said and she looked surprised.

“You're serious?” Nat asked and I nodded. “How many times?”

“Almost every time you weren't looking.” I said. “I don't know if there's something there or if she just appreciates it like I do.”

Nat laughed and turned her head to look out the window to try and hide her blush. “Sex maniac.”

“Guilty.” I said. “Are you going to ask me where I went last night?”

“We're alone, so sure.” Nat looked back at me. “Where did you go?”

“I went to visit that FBI agent, Stacy Miller.”

Nat's mouth dropped open in shock and she stared at me for several moments. “That's... why did you?”

“I saw her in the wedding vision and she ruined my life, Susan's life, and a bunch of other women's lives.”

“Because you never slept with her?” Nat asked, catching on right away.

I nodded. “I made it in time, though. She was only in the initial stages of withdrawal and only just started suffering the physical repercussions.”

Nat took in a huge breath and let it out. “I can't believe that could happen, not to a woman.”

“I didn't quite believe it myself until I saw that.” I said. “Of course, I kind of planted the idea in her head when I left.”

“You didn't!” Nat exclaimed. “That was mean.”

“Well, they were screwing me over, so I screwed them over. I just told her that she would never be satisfied with anything else she did and that I would be fine, because I had someone else.”

“Good god, she must hate you now.” Nat whispered.

“Actually, she looked a bit crazed and very happy. I'm sure when she comes back to her senses, she'll realize she's been kind of out of it for the last couple of weeks.”

“Which is completely your fault.”

I nodded again. “I just hope she's more grateful than resentful.”

Nat gave me a serious look as she reached over and put a hand on my shoulder. “If she didn't thank you for saving her from going nuts, I'll do it for her.” She squeezed my shoulder. “Thanks for fucking her so hard. She really needed it.”

I burst out laughing and Nat joined me.

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