Summoned Again?

146 Susan’s Appointment


Nat and I stopped at a local cell phone store and picked up a four pack of phones in a bundle and the unlimited calls and data plan. I also asked if there was a deal for paying in advance, like my current cell phone plan. They heartily agreed, so I paid the full contract for two years and bought the extended contract for another year while also buying the phones outright.

The young woman thanked me profusely for the purchase and for the business, gave me a business card and wrote her personal cell phone number on it, then told me to call her if I had any questions. I accepted the card without agreeing to anything and Nat and I left the store.

“If there weren't other people in the store, I think she would have stripped right there for you.” Nat joked and elbowed my side. “You sly dog.”

I barked like a dog a couple of times and she laughed. “They usually aren't quite that blatant.” I said and took out my car keys.

“You can't fault her for going for what she wants.” Nat said as we climbed into the car. “Then again, you have to wonder how many cards she's given out with her own number on them.”

“You're just asking for trouble if you mention that to her.” I said.

Nat hit my shoulder with the back of her hand and grinned at me. “I know, right?”

I chuckled and drove back to the apartment and I was surprised to see Susan waiting for us in front of the building. I parked and Nat hopped out.

“I forgot that I don't have my own clothes here.” Susan said and waved at my t-shirt and her three day old jeans. “I can't wear this to see my parents.”

I thought about refusing, then sighed. “Get in.”

“Thanks, Damon.” Susan said and climbed in. “See you later, Natalie!”

“I think you can call me Nat.” Nat said and Susan gave her a happy smile.

“Thanks, Nat.” Susan said and held a hand out the window for her to take. “It's nice to be a closer friend with you.”

Nat laughed softly and shook the offered hand. “Likewise.”

I drove to the alley and went around the building to turn around and drove back down the road to the condo.

“I've got the movers there to gather my stuff already.” Susan said. “I just haven't been back there to get a personal suitcase.”

“Or two?” I asked and she gave me a knowing look. “Where are you staying?”

“With you, obviously.” Susan said with a laugh.

When I didn't react or tell her that she was crazy, her happy face became serious.

“Why aren't you arguing or joking?” Susan asked.

“I'm trying to figure out if I can fit one of those folding bed couches into the living room.” I responded and she stared at me with wide eyes. “Maybe a Murphy bed? I thought I saw one that can be bought pre-built into a cabinet.”

“You're serious?” Susan asked.

“Sure. You need somewhere to stay until college starts in the fall, don't you?” I asked and she nodded. “Then have your stuff delivered to a storage locker in the apartment building. I know the owner and will put in a good word for you.”

Susan kept looking at me and didn't respond.

“I know this whole situation has everything messed up and everyone's plans are up in the air.” I said and came to a stop outside the condo and parked. A large moving van was in the driveway and a crew of men carried several boxes inside. “You don't have to accept right away and can think about it for...”

“I would love to move in with you.” Susan interrupted, her voice an octave lower than normal. “Even if it's just until the fall.”

I turned my head to look at her and she gave me a tender kiss. “You want to stay longer than that?”

“Only if you want me to.” Susan whispered.

“What about enjoying the college dorm life?” I asked.

“It's overrated and it's supposed to let someone meet new people and party. I can do that any time I want to.” Susan said and gave me a crooked smile, almost a smirk. “I don't need to meet new people during my last year at college, since everyone I know I've already met already.”

“Freshmen...” I started to say and she laughed. “Hey, they aren't all worthless.”

“Keep telling yourself that.” Susan said and hopped out of the car. “I'll be back with my suitcases after I get changed.”

I watched her walk up the path to the house and she shook her ass a bit more than she usually did. She stopped at the door and turned to look at my face, smiled happily at where I was clearly looking, then she went inside.

Damn, she sucked me right in with that old trick. I thought with amusement.

I sat there and waited for nearly twenty minutes, then Susan appeared at the front door with a large suitcase, a rolling suitcase, a carry on handbag, and an overnight bag hanging over her shoulder. I hopped out of the car and ran over to her.

“You didn't have to take it all at once.” I said and took the two largest bags from her.

“We're running behind.” Susan said. “I rushed and...”

“Relax. We still have plenty of time.” I said and carried the bags over to the car. I put them in the trunk and she put the others in the back seat. “You look almost as sexy in a business suit as you do in jeans.”

“Almost?” Susan asked as she took a brush out of her purse and ran it through her hair to fluff it out.

“I can't see as much of your ass in a skirt; but, it allows quicker access than jeans do.”

Susan raised her eyebrows at me and I chuckled.

“I'm not going to tell you that I'm imagining hiking up your skirt and having my way with you.”

“Damon... you...” Susan licked her lips. “You're lucky I wore a thick pad.”

“So are you.” I said and climbed into the car. “Where's this mysterious destination I have to get us to?”

Susan climbed in and gave me the address. “You can use the GPS on my phone.” She said and set it up and slipped her phone onto the little clip on the dash.

“Why can't you just tell me the directions?” I asked and pulled away from the curb.

“I'm going to be busy.” Susan said and put her purse down, then she leaned across and unzipped my dress pants.


“Shh.” Susan said and popped my quite ready member out of my underwear, then she started sucking.

I was really glad that I had my Clarity pendant on, because she did her best to give me the most severe case of distracted driving that I've ever had. It didn't take me long to finish, not with her very talented tongue working me over, and she took it all. She moaned as she did so and then she kept sucking.

I cursed in my head as she kept going and I followed the directions to the destination. “Susan...”

“Mm hmm.” Susan moaned as I parked the car in the parking lot.

“We're... going to be...”

Susan sped up her movements and I finished again. She took it all and then cleaned me up. I passed her some tissues and she wiped me off and then her mouth. She tucked me away and looked into my eyes. We didn't speak at all and just stared at each other. We both saw in our eyes that we each wanted the other. We kissed briefly and left the car to enter the small building.

“Susan! You're right on time.” A man's voice said from behind the receptionist desk.

“Hi, Dad!” Susan gushed and almost skipped over to him and moved to kiss his cheek.

The man blocked her with a laugh. “We're at the office.”

“Daaad!” Susan said, almost pleadingly.

“Your mother's waiting inside.” He said and waved.

“Thanks, Dad.” Susan said and reached back to take my hand. “This is Damon.”

“I know.” The man said and held a hand out. “It's nice to finally meet you.”

I nodded and shook his hand, then Susan opened the door beside the desk and pulled me inside the spacious office and shut the door.

“Hi, Mom!” Susan gushed again and the woman stood up. She was only slightly taller than Susan and her breasts were slightly bigger. Her hair was a darker blonde than Susan's and her facial features were a bit sharper than her daughter's. Susan's mother didn't stop her daughter from kissing her cheek and accepted it with aplomb.

All I could think about was that Susan had just swallowed my ejaculation and there was a possibility that there was now a trace of it on her mother's cheek. I quickly schooled my face to not show my thoughts of excitement and I grew really hard. That I couldn't hide and both women looked down at me.

Yeah, there's definitely something wrong with me if that's what I'm thinking of. I thought.

“I can see some of what you mentioned, Susan.” Her mother said. “You say this is a recent development?”

Susan nodded. “It's like I can't control myself sometimes.”

I blinked my eyes for a moment and turned to look at Susan. “What's going on?”

“My mom's a psychiatrist and I made an appointment to help us deal with a few of your problems with guilt and hoarding all the blame.” Susan said and my mouth made a little 'o' of surprise. She laughed softly and briefly kissed me. “It's all right, Damon. She's a professional.”

“She's your mother!” I said, a little exasperated.

“I told you before that she was the one that let me choose when to have sex.” Susan said. “She's always been a great help when I was working through my own problems.”

“Like a certain someone ignoring all of my daughter's desperate cries for your attention.” Susan's mother said and I turned my head to look at her. “That wasn't an accusation. I know you were doing your best to ensure Susan maintained a healthy relationship with your sister, despite your unhealthy relationship with Jenny.”

“Wh-what?” I asked, surprised.

“It's a little odd for a man to love his sister so much.”

“It's not that kind of love!” I exclaimed, a bit too loudly.

Susan's mother reached out and took my free hand. “That also wasn't an accusation and I know you haven't had a sexual relationship with her.”

I let out a sigh and took a deep breath. “I just love her. It's not romantic and I don't have thoughts of...”

“...having sex with her.” Susan's mother said and I winced. “There, that's a good reaction. I'm glad you're being honest.”

I opened my mouth to say that I didn't want to talk about it and Susan put a finger up.

“It's pretty much the root of your problems, Damon.” Susan said. “Mom and I agree on that.”

“But...” I looked from one woman to the other. “I... I don't...”

“Why don't you two sit down and cuddle on the couch to get comfortable?” Susan's mother asked and motioned to the couch. “I won't bombard you with questions or bother you to tell me everything that's going on.”

“Um... I thought that was your job.” I said and she laughed softly. It was similar and different than Susan's laugh.

“No, we are only here to talk. We can talk about anything that you want to, including your overactive sex drive.”

I glanced at Susan and she beamed a smile at me.

“I wasn't complaining.” Susan said. “It's just such a departure from the man I knew before you disappeared and I had to talk to mom about it.”

It took me a moment to think of a response. “Can I ask why your family relationship can work if this is the dynamic you have with each other?”

“I told you before that Mom's a complete professional. She's also the best.” Susan said proudly and I saw her mother blush slightly. “I've never felt uncomfortable talking to her, not even when discussing sex.”

“Which is a good starting point.” Susan's mother said waved for Susan to sit. She did so and I sat beside her, then she tucked herself under my arm and cuddled in. “I assume you're being satisfied?”

“Unbelievably so.” Susan said. “It's wonderful, Mom. I mean, it's good most times, because you know I don't waste time on someone that won't make it worth my time in return.”

Her mother nodded. “How does that make you feel emotionally?”

“Fulfilled.” Susan said and her hand rubbed my chest. “I waited so long for him to finally admit that he liked me and then it was magical.”

“I told you I liked you a long time ago.” I said.

Susan lifted her head to kiss me. “I don't mean 'friend' like, I mean 'hot and sweaty, you can't get enough of me' like.”

I blinked my eyes and looked back at her mother, who nodded again.

“It's all right. You can be as frank as you want. Nothing you say could ever shock me.”

I glanced at Susan to try and gauge that statement and then looked back at her mother. “Susan gave me a blowjob on the car ride over here.”

Susan's mother didn't react or flinch. “How did that make you feel?”

“It was the best attempt anyone has ever done to distract me while I was driving.” I responded.

Susan giggled and covered her mouth. “I'm sorry, Mom.”

“It's all right to laugh.” Susan's mother said. “That pleased you, didn't it?”

“It really did.” Susan said and looked at my face again. “That was your first time, wasn't it?”

“In the car? Yeah.” I said and she looked even more pleased with herself. I looked at her mother. “When we came in here and Susan kissed your cheek, I couldn't help but think that some of the mess might have gotten on your cheek, even though we cleaned up well.”

Her mother's eyes widened slightly and her hand went to the spot on her cheek, then she looked down at my still ready state. “That's what excited you.”

I nodded. “I immediately thought that there was something wrong with me if having the thought of that on you made me hard.”

She thought about something for several moments. “Is it because you're dating one woman and then touching me second hand, or because she is my daughter?”

It was my turn to think about that. “A bit of both, to be honest.”

That made both Susan and her mother smile.

“Honesty will definitely be the best thing for you while inside this office.” Susan's mother said and smiled. “Can you pinpoint when you think things started to become strange with your sex life?”

I opened my mouth to immediately deny it, because I didn't want to get into talking about My Favorite, the princess cat woman.

“No, don't answer that out loud.” Susan's mother said. “It's for your own retrospective and to try and get to the root of the problem.”

I took another deep breath and let it out. “You really don't want to know?”

Susan's mother laughed softly. “Both Susan and I desperately want to know; but, we won't pry. That's not what's going to help you and we sincerely want to help you.”

I looked at Susan and she gave me an encouraging smile and several nods. “What do I have to do?”

Both women had encouraging smiles now.

“Tell me about the first time you couldn't control yourself when having sex.” Susan's mother said. “No names or descriptions are necessary, just your feelings and observations.”

After a few silent moments, I started to talk and my words spilled out, almost beyond my control. I talked and talked, getting pretty much everything off of my chest. My worries, my concerns, and my hopes for the future filled the time we spent in that quiet office and both Susan and her mother listened attentively to everything I said.

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