Summoned Again?

147 Stress Relief


“I think I was a little premature when I claimed that nothing you could say would shock me.” Susan's mother said when I finally stopped talking. “Some of that... you really do...”

“I could tear Susan's clothes off and do her right here, in front of you, and enjoy you watching. You specifically as her mother and also you in a general sense.” I said and Susan's hand moved down to touch me and she took in a quick breath to see that I was still hard, despite talking for nearly two hours.

“I thought I was overly suffering from the horny gene.” Susan said and her hand rubbed me a little. “You poor, poor man.”

“I have to agree with my daughter.” Her mother said. “Having to go through your normal daily routine and hope that you don't meet... what was it you said? A sexually compatible woman?” She asked and I nodded. “You are under a significant amount of stress if that is constantly on your mind.”

“I do my best to control it by...” I started to say.

“You mean repress it.” Susan's mother corrected. “Controlling it would amount to having someone accompany you to release your urges on, whenever you might possibly feel overwhelming desire for a woman that you don't know.”

I was surprised to hear that, mainly because I didn't think of it myself.

“I volunteer!” Susan gasped and raised her hand.

Her mother laughed. “It's not a competition, Susan.”

“I'd win if it was.” Susan said and looked quite smug.

That made me chuckle, because she was pretty close to being right, since she didn't ask me for anything or needed anything at all from me, except my attention.

“Now, shall we dig into the most important aspect of this situation?” Susan's mother asked.

“What's that?” I asked in return.

“How relieved you must feel that when you saw your sister again, you didn't fall into the same mind numbing horny state you've described.” Susan's mother said and my eyes widened. “It's solid proof that your feelings for her are pure and untainted, which I never doubted, since your response to any implication of having romantic feelings for her made you react quite strongly.”

“But... why would...”

“She might appear to have grown into your description of the ideal woman; but, she's not a sexually compatible female, whatever she may feel towards you.”

I took a deep breath and let out a long and drawn out sigh.

“There's the relief.” Susan's mother said and smiled. “I assume that any kind of implied sexual teasing on Jenny's part would make you angry?”

“It sure would.” Susan said. “He's shut her down as soon as she started to insinuate something like it.”

“That makes it sound like I was harsh about it.” I said, almost as a complaint.

Susan laughed. “She wasn't happy that she couldn't tease her devoted brother as much as she wanted.”

I shook my head. “Remember that time we went shopping at the mall the first time to get my work clothes?”

“Now that was a great time.” Susan said and looked at her mother. “It was the first time he saw me topless.”

“What did you think of that?” Susan's mother asked me.

“After I recovered from their twerk battle, I was happy about finally getting to see them.” I admitted.

“We teased him so much that first day.” Susan said and rested her head against my shoulder. “It was quite shameless, really. We all knew nothing was going to happen, since we had just met...”

“You didn't.” I said and reminded her about her comments about getting me to decide if I wanted a piece of her ass back then.

“I think I would have died if you had said yes!” Susan laughed. “Jenny might have killed me, too.”

“Why is that?” Susan's mother asked.

“She had just gotten her brother back. If he started seeing me right away, that would have taken him away from her.” Susan said. “It would have been fun, especially now that I know what it could have been like; but, I don't know if it would have been worth it to piss Jenny off back then.”

Susan's mother nodded. “Your friendship at the time was much stronger than your need to have a handsome man.”

“It also let me tease him a bit more than I should have.” Susan said and looked up at my face. “I want to apologize for that and for all the times I kissed you when you were asleep.”

“That was you?” I asked and she nodded. “I was almost convinced it was Kathy.”

Susan chuckled. “She told me about the dream man kiss... away from Jenny's big ears, of course.” She said. “I can't believe you kissed her like that and all I got to do was quick pecks!”

“If you weren't so pushy, I might... might... have done the same thing with you. Maybe.”

“Sober?” Susan asked, a little excitedly.

“...and out of Jenny's sight.” I said.

“Well, damn.” Susan said, sadly.

“It's all in the past now.” I said and held her close. “We've definitely done a lot more than kiss.”

“We really have.” Susan said and puckered her lips, so I moved my head forward slightly and gave her a soft and tender kiss. “Mmm. Thank you.”

“Was it worth the wait?” Susan's mother asked.

“Yes and no.” Susan said. “I might have killed someone to get this back then. I think.”

“Choosing friends over boyfriends has always been a hard choice for women.” Susan's mother said and looked at me. “What would you do if I told you that my husband and I have been divorced for three years?”

I felt a shiver go down my back and my eyes widened as my erection threatened to bust out of my pants. I had the distinct feeling that Susan's mother had lied, and yet, the thought still made me react.

“Damon? Are you okay?” Susan asked. She was pressed against me and felt both the shiver and my member throb under her hand.

“Not... really. I... what part did she lie about?” I asked, barely above a whisper.

“They're separated.” Susan said, concern clear on her face. “Are you that turned on by her?”

“She's pretty much an older version of you. You're smoking hot and I love your nipples.” I said and Susan shivered this time. “I can't help but compare the two of you.”

“That means there's a very strong mental component to your condition.” Susan's mother said. “Would you really want to have sex with your girlfriend's mother if she was available?”

I took in a deep breath through my nose and both women heard me take the sniff. “No, you aren't turned on.”

Both of them looked shocked and it took a moment before Susan's mother spoke.

“Damon, did... did you just... smell my... ahem.”

“I told you that I've become quite sensitive to a woman's reaction to me. If she's not into it, then it doesn't happen.” I said. “Susan's experienced it personally a couple of times.”

“So, all the pieces need to be in place for it to work.” Susan's mother said with a nod. “Not only must you be compatible with them, they must also be compatible with you.”

“We both have to want sex and be attracted to each other, at the bare minimum.” I said. “I assume I'm not your ideal man?”

Susan's mother shook her head. “You passed my ideal man on the way in. I've never been tempted by other men.”

“Why are you separated?” I asked, confused.

“Titillation.” Susan's mother said and it was my turn to be surprised. “Role play of a boss taking advantage of their receptionist in certain situations has been a huge boost to our sex life.”

I blinked my eyes as I thought about that. “You separated... just so you could be... genuine in your role playing?”

Susan's mother nodded. “It's absolutely wonderful, especially when he surprises me and turns the tables on me by taking control and berates me for abusing his good nature.”

“Who do psychologists talk to about stuff like that? Other psychologists?” I asked and she laughed.

“I talk to my husband, of course. We're both open and honest about how we feel.”

“They love each other a lot.” Susan said. “I've also never seen them so happy when I visit for family dinner once a week.”

That's when I realized that the date of their separation matched Susan moving into the condo with Jenny. “They separated as soon as you moved out.” I said and both women nodded.

“It would have been too difficult to do what we wanted with our daughter in the house.”

“I don't want to know about that part, so I don't ask.” Susan said and poked me. “You can't ask, either!”

I had to smile at that. “I wasn't going to, except for one thing.”

“I'm covering my ears!” Susan said and ducked into my chest and covered both ears.

“Did Susan inherit her gigantic nipples from you?” I asked her mother.

She shook her head. “It's a genetic quirk that no one in either of our family trees have shown previously... or admitted to, at any rate.”

“That's a relief. Thanks for telling me.”

“You would have asked to see them as proof, wouldn't you?” Susan's mother asked.

“Would you have agreed if I did?” I countered.

She looked thoughtful for a moment. “Possibly, if I called my husband in when I revealed them.”

It took me a moment to respond. “You're really into this role playing thing.”

She smiled and nodded. “Him busting in here to stop a patient from taking advantage of me would be a nice scenario.”

I glanced down at Susan and back at her mother. “I think you'll have to be happy with just telling him I asked about them and then took off before I got into trouble with him for it.”

Her eyes widened slightly and then she gave me a sexy smile. “Then I think we've both gotten more out of this session than either of us thought we were going to.”

“Well, considering I didn't know I was coming here, I got a lot more than that out of it.”

Susan's mother laughed. “This is still technically Susan's appointment. She brought you along because your problems are affecting her and she needed my help, and by extension, so did you.” She stood up and came over to the couch to tap Susan's shoulder. “You can stop pretending to not listen.”

“How do you know I'm listening?” Susan asked and moved her hands from covering her ears.

“You're not muttering to yourself to stop from hearing other sounds.” Her mother said. “We're also out of time for today.”

“We could go for lunch.” Susan said.

“Your father and I have something to discuss before we can take a lunch break.”

“That's our cue to beat it.” Susan said and stood up. She adjusted her business suit and skirt to straighten it after being curled up on the couch like she was. “Come on, Damon.” She took my hand and pulled me up to stand. “We don't want to see what happens next.”

“Are you sure?” I asked. “It might be interesting to...”

“No.” Susan said and I chuckled as she dragged me over to the door. “Bye, Mom. See you next Saturday for supper.”

“I look forward to it.” Susan's mother said as Susan opened the door. “Damon, don't be a stranger.”

“Is that code for making another appointment as soon as possible?” I asked as Susan dragged me past her father.

“It's already on the schedule for next week, same day and time.” She responded. “See you then.”

“Bye, Dad!” Susan said loudly and we left the building. She pretty much shoved me into the car and climbed in herself. She sat there and didn't say anything for several minutes as she held my hand to stop me from starting the car, then she looked at me. “If my mother had reacted to you, would you have had sex with her?”

“With you there?” I asked and she nodded. “I have some control over it and I'm sure that I can divert my own desires onto you, so that wouldn't be a problem. On your mother's side, though...”

Susan took a deep breath and let it out. “Was the FBI agent that far gone?”

“She looked ragged and she was desperate to have sex.” I said. “Remember what you felt when I came back from my weekend away?”

Susan shivered and her smell increased as she nodded.

“Now imagine being like that for a few weeks.”

Susan's eyes widened and she opened her mouth to speak. I leaned in and kissed her instead, then pulled her over onto my lap. She moaned as my hands slip up under her skirt and I dug into her underwear.

“Ohhhh, god.” Susan said and moved her hips to help me finger her more effectively, then she pulled her skirt up and straddled my waist. “I can't imagine... fighting this feeling...”

“I told you it was to relieve Stacy's symptoms and there's no relationship or anything. In fact...” I took in a sharp breath as Susan popped me out of my pants and I easily slid inside of her. “That's... so good.”

“I'm not... just someone you... are treating like that... am I?” Susan asked as she rode me.

“Fuck, no.” I said and she came a little. “I was even thinking... of upgrading us from fuck buddies... to dating.”

“OHHHH!” Susan yelled and came hard. “Oh, god!” She gasped and kissed me.

We had a lot of fun in that limited space for nearly twenty minutes and I even let the seat release go and moved my chair back and reclined it slightly. When we were done, she didn't want to get off of my lap.

“I just... let's just... sit here for a while.” Susan whispered and hugged me as she rested her head on my shoulder.

“I'm sorry that I have other women in my sex life already.” I said.

“Damon, you don't have to tell me about...”

“I'm sorry that some of it I can't help. I'll have to visit Stacy at least once more, just to make sure that she's okay.”

“You'll need to visit that secretary at the treasury, too.” Susan said without looking at me.

“I don't think she's as bad, because it was more for the gold than me.” I said. “But, yes. I'll need to pay her a quick visit next week, just in case.”

“Are you really going to hire those two women you met at the White House?” Susan asked.

“Yes, and as soon as you graduate college, I'm hiring you, too.”

“Wh-what?” Susan sat up and looked into my eyes.

“I'm not letting someone as smart as you get away, because I know the whole blonde bubble-headed thing is your defense against getting too close to people.”

“How do you know that?” Susan asked, surprised.

“You always let your guard down when it was just me and your friends around.” I said. “You still act that way when we were out at a bar or eating at a restaurant; but, when we're at home hanging out or watching television, you were your real self.”

Susan gave me a searching look. “Why didn't you ever say anything if you knew?”

“I told you. I avoided getting involved with you because of Jenny. Now that she's not a factor in my decisions...”

“She isn't?” Susan asked.

“No. I know she's not going to want to see me or talk to me for a long time.”

“But... shouldn't you...”

“I've texted, as have Nat and Crystal. There's been no answer and when we try to call, she picks the phone up and hangs up.”

Susan sighed. “She's doing the same to me. She wouldn't even open her bedroom door at the condo.”

“I'm sorry about this. I really am.” I said.

“I know you are.” Susan said and glanced down. “I can feel that you are, too.”

I couldn't help but smile. “I thought you wanted to stop.”

“Who gave you that stupid idea?” Susan asked with a frown.

I chuckled. “Then wait for just a second.” I said and took in a sniff of her smell and grew hard for her.

“Oh... my... god.” Susan whispered as she felt me expand inside of her. “You... you really...”

“Whenever you want me to.” I said and she had a bit of a frantic look in her eyes, then she kissed me.

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