Summoned Again?

148 Coming Together


“Dearest... they are... still having sex.” Susan's father said between grunts as he plowed into his wife from behind.

“Let... me see.” Susan's mother said and he grabbed her hair and pulled her up off of the desk. She moaned as he did so and his angle inside her became much sharper as she looked out the bottom edge of the side window that faced the parking lot.

“Do you enjoy... looking at the man that... would have ravaged you... if you had been even a little turned on by him?”

“Y-yes.” Susan's mother panted. “His strong... libido... is just out of reach.”

“You want to heal the man that's violating your daughter right in front of you?”

“More... than anything.” She replied. “I must... try to give him... reassurance...”

Susan's father eased his hold on her hair and eased her back down onto the desk. “Let me help you do that.” He said and leaned forward to drive himself even harder into her.

“Yes! Yes! YESSSS!” Susan's mother moaned as she had another body shaking orgasm. Damon's suggestion about fleeing from her revealing breasts had driven her husband to take her without preamble, and she loved every second of it.


“We need... to get back to the apartment.” Susan panted as she rested on top of me again and held me tightly.

“If you would kindly remove your scrumptious nether region from my raging hard-on, I might be able to drive.” I said and held her close without letting her go.

Susan turned her head to face mine and kissed my cheek, then she kissed my lips. “Someone would have to let me go and maybe I could move.”

We both laid there for several minutes and took several deep breaths.

“One more?” We both asked at the same time, then we both laughed.

Half an hour later, I finally drove out of the parking lot and we headed towards home. We stopped at a fast food place and I bought three combo meals for lunch. After nearly ten minutes of driving after that, I had a feeling that the drive seemed to be passing by very slowly.

“This drive seems to be taking a lot longer, doesn't it?” I asked and glanced at Susan, only to see a wicked look on her face. “No, I didn't mean...” I started to say and she eased closer to me and only reached for me with her hand. She only rubbed me a little, almost as if she was making sure that it was still there and hard for her, so I wasn't in danger of making a mess in my pants. We were soon back at the parking garage and I gave Susan a surprised look.

“Yes, it worked.” Susan said with a soft laugh and gave me a kiss, then we left the car and went inside the building. We went up to the top floor and went inside my apartment to see a note from Nat was on the kitchen table. I put the food down and read it.


In my place and sorting out the art supplies.



“Damn, I forgot that there's no real furniture in there now.” I said. “Remind me to stop by a furniture place to... no, wait. I better ask Nat what she wants.” I walked back over to the door. “Susan, could you use the laptop and check the best place to buy one of those Murphy beds while I go get her?”

“Does it matter if it's local?” Susan asked.

“I'd prefer to pick it up rather than wait for a delivery; but, I guess it doesn't matter as long as you can get one.”

“What size?”

I pointed to the only wall that didn't have anything in front of it. “One that'll fit there.”

Susan nodded and I left the apartment and went down in the elevator to Diane's old apartment that was now Nat's new apartment. I knocked on the door and Nat opened it. She was nearly covered from head to toe in paint.

“Someone's having fun.”

Nat gave me a huge grin. “The entire place was completely empty and completely white! I had to do something about it!”

I laughed and made a shooing motion with my hands. “I came down here to ask you what kind of furniture you wanted.”

“I've got easels set up all over the place now. I doubt you'll get more than a few chairs in here.”

I stepped inside and she was right. She had done some kind of mosaic on one long expanse of wall that now looked like a field of grass with a set of rolling hills behind it. “Jesus.”

“No, don't judge it yet. I haven't done the sky or added the large tree in the corner.” Nat said and wiped at her nose with the back of her hand, which rubbed blue paint onto the tip of her nose.

“If you were trying to get paint off, you added some.” I pointed to her nose and she laughed.

“Oops. Just a second.” Nat said and ran over to a folding table that was full of supplies. She used some kind of liquid and cleaned off her hands, then rubbed that cloth over her nose and face. “Is that better?”

“I wasn't complaining about it, and yes. No paint left.” I said and looked around. “How the hell did you do all of this in only a few hours?”

“I was inspired.” Nat said. “I'll be starting on the canvases after we eat a late lunch.”

“How do you know I bought lunch?” I asked.

“When don't you buy lunch?” Nat countered and I smiled. “Give me a second to change.”

I nodded and she went into the bedroom for about ten seconds, then came out in jogging pants and a baggy t-shirt. “How am I supposed to enjoy staring at you wearing that?”

Nat laughed and smacked my arm as she walked by. “The same way I enjoy staring at you. I don't.”

“Ooo, that hurt.” I said and closed her apartment door behind us.

“I'll need a bed... queen size preferably. I doubt I'll fit a king in there and still have room for me to walk around.” Nat said. “A dresser would be nice.” She gave me a stern look. “Nothing fancy.”

“Hey, I came down to ask you what you wanted. You know I know better.”

Nat smiled and nodded as we rode the elevator up to my floor. “Any plans on what to have for supper?”

“Crystal loves chicken, so I was thinking either strips and rice or chicken legs with a side of potatoes.”

“Barbecue?” Nat asked and I nodded. “I vote for the legs. She'll love getting her fingers all greasy and covered in sauce.”

“Legs and potatoes it is.” I said and opened my apartment door for her.

“Hey, Susan.” Nat said. “How did the therapy session go?”

Susan looked a little surprised and looked at me.

“I didn't mention it.” I said and went to the table to get Nat's order out from the bags.

“I know your name and you mentioned going to see your parents, dressed up, so after a quick search online and bing bang boom, your mother's a psychologist.” Nat said and sat down. “Thanks, Damon.”

“Yep, you're definitely smarter than me.” I said and Nat laughed.

“No, just more experienced.” Nat said as Susan sat down next to her.

I gave Susan her order and sat down myself.

“I hope you're not eating fast food all the time.” Susan said and opened her salad. “Even the salad is full of preservatives.”

“Damon's cooking barbecue chicken legs and mashed potatoes for supper.” Nat said and bit into the greasy hamburger that had the works on it. “We try to eat normally when Crystal's around, even though this tastes fucking awesome!”

I laughed. “We didn't splurge on fast food all weekend, either. It was mostly room service and a really nice meal on the plane coming home.”

“That's a relief to hear. Having it occasionally isn't too harmful, especially since we're all so active.” Susan said. “Can you imagine eating stuff like this for three meals a day? We'd swell up like balloons.”

“Don't tempt me!” Nat said with a laugh and ate some of her very salty french fries. “I can't remember how many times I've had a girlfriend beg me to eat a ton of fatty foods to put some extra meat on my bones.”

“Don't you dare.” I said with a stern glare. “I will not have my forbidden tease make herself fat and unhealthy, just because someone thinks she's too thin for them to love.”

Both Nat and Susan gave me surprised looks.

“I'm sorry. That sounded so much better in my head and a lot less judgmental.”

Nat and Susan looked at each other for a moment, then laughed.

“Damon's got an appointment with my mom next Wednesday.” Susan said, as if to reassure Nat. “I'll be sure to bring up his obsession with his gay friend that's a girl.”

“That's a relief.” Nat said, playfully. “He's getting a little out of hand.”

“It's more like out of his pants.” Susan said with a grin, then they both laughed again.

“That was confidentially shared with a professional.” I said with a pout.

“With a witness, dumb-ass!” Nat exclaimed.

I groaned and rubbed my face and they kept laughing.


“This will be your reception area when you're in residence and meeting clients, employees, and making appointments.” Derek's assistant said as she showed Stephanie and Bethany the huge area. “Of course, most of your job can be handled by phone and by video conferencing. We can have them shunted to anywhere you are or leave them directed to here.”

“We definitely want to come here every day to work.” Bethany said, completely impressed by the decor. “Can the call routing be changed when necessary, like when we're running errands or are already in a meeting?”

“That's why there's two of you. You will share duties, so if one of you is busy, the other can handle anything else that comes up.”

“That's why Derek has two assistants, too!” Bethany said in understanding and the woman nodded.

“Most of the corporation's current members have their own offices and work on other things, so their assigned offices here are just empty rooms with a desk and a phone.” Derek's assistant said. “If a call comes in for them, transfer it to their office extension and it will automatically route to their current offices.”

“That's great. No phone tag to play.” Stephanie said. “When can we look forward to getting the most call volume?”

“Right after Mr. Smith completes the first batch of actual products for sale. Once these things get onto the open market...” Derek's assistant touched the pendant on the chain around her neck. “...calls are going to flood in wanting to buy them.”

“I can't believe something like that exists!” Bethany exclaimed. “I wonder why he didn't give us one?”

“You weren't employees at the time or maybe he already gave out all of the prototypes he had.” Derek's assistant said with a shrug. “The actual product is going to look so much better than this normal one.”

“He hired an actual artist to help design it, too.” Stephanie said. “He's really getting into it, isn't he?”

Derek's assistant nodded again. “The corporation's still in the acquisitions stage, so we're in the midst of buying up several different assets in different countries to become a truly international corporation.”

“Why is he doing that again?” Bethany asked as she sat down at her desk and the expensive form-fitting chair hugged her backside tenderly. “Ooo! I love this chair!”

“He wants to be recognized internationally, so he can store his gold into the federal reserve and won't have to worry about the US government stealing it like they stole his other gold.”

“Wh-WHAT?!?” Stephanie exclaimed as she sat down to try out her own chair.

“I guess you don't know about that part yet.” Derek's assistant said and then spent the next half an hour explaining about all the trouble Damon had been going through with certain government agents and having over a hundred million in gold being appropriated illegally.

“Oh, my god.” Stephanie whispered. “Oh. My. God.”

“How is he still acting all nice after all of that?” Bethany asked. “I'd be super-pissed!”

“I think he is... super-pissed as you say... he's just too much of a man to let it affect his actions in a negative way.”

“You can say that again.” Bethany said. “Did you see the pictures he took when he donated his hair?”

“When he what?” Derek's assistant asked.

Bethany waved her over frantically and took out her cell phone. “Check these out! He's gorgeous, both before and after!”

The professional tour of the building and introduction to their jobs had quickly devolved into looking at pictures of their boss and gossiping.

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