Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 171: Encounter Wonder Woman Again

Adam didn't get any help in Harrie, he somewhat overestimated his relationship with Harrie, the cheap sister.

In desperation, Adam had no choice but to go to the metropolis alone.

Adam first went to look at Superman's grave.

The tomb of Superman was watched like a scenic spot, and everyone couldn't see the difference between the tomb and before.

The strength of the pinnacle of Adam's legend can be seen naturally, the soil on the tomb is new soil, and it has been moved.

It seems that the speed of the Justice League has taken away the body of Superman very quickly. Adam thought they would increase to a few days, but he did not expect to reach a consensus so quickly.

Adam looked up at the sky, the big sun was hanging in the sky, and it was still morning.

According to the original record, the time of Superman's resurrection should be close to the evening in the afternoon, so Adam still has a certain amount of time to find the Krypton spacecraft.

Adam hopes to find the nemesis spacecraft and prevent the Justice League from resurrecting Superman. If it doesn't make sense, he will fight.

With Adam's current strength, it can be said to be half a catty with Wonder Woman, but Adam is definitely better than Wonder Woman in his moves. After all, the sword-cutting style is not for nothing.

Before Adam went to find the Justice League, Wonder Woman found Adam, not knowing whether it was luck or misfortune.

"You're so familiar." Wonder Woman in a small suit stood in front of Adam and stared at Adam. "I seem to have seen you."

Adam didn't expect to encounter Wonder Woman in this remote place, and it seemed that a battle would be inevitable.

"Kill!" Wonder Woman instantly changed her clothes, her sword and shield appeared in her hand, and the little suit turned into a battle armor. Putting the shield behind him, with a soft drink in his mouth, he sprinted for two consecutive times to help, and finally jumped more than ten meters above the ground, struggling to hack Adam down with a sword in both hands.

Did you just do it?

Adam is a little confused, even if he has been caught by Wonder Woman, he wouldn't be able to do it right up there, right?

Could it be that Wonder Woman is in a bad mood and wants to vent her anger?

Now that he had already started, Adam didn't care to expose his strength. Adam didn't want to continue to be beaten, so naturally he would not continue to hide and hold him, just taking this opportunity to fight a battle.

After Adam regained his strength, he was always in a good mood. He cried out in Chinese, "Take the blade with your bare hands", and took the initiative to greet him. He mentally sensed the direction where the Wonder Woman sword was splitting, and quickly reached out with both hands, just to hold the magic. The heroine's sword is sandwiched between her hands

"Drink!" Wonder Woman raised her whole body's strength, and the ground shook, trying to press down the sword, but the strange thing was that no matter how much power she used, the sword remained motionless.

Wonder Woman had never encountered such a situation, she kept increasing her strength, but it was of no use.

Adam held Wonder Woman’s sword in both hands, felt the power of Wonder Woman and joked: “As a woman, especially a beautiful woman, it’s better to be gentle. Don’t fight and kill on the battlefield. Otherwise, no one wants a female man."

Wonder Woman showed no sympathy, she shrank her body like an irritated little wild cat, and let out a low growl again, "I'm going to kill you!"

"Isn't it necessary?" Adam shrugged and said with an innocent look: "I didn't do anything heinous, nor did I come to you for revenge. Why are you so reluctant?"

Adam pushed hard after speaking, and Wonder Woman was hit by the hilt of the sword on her chest and flew out again.

Seeing the Wonder Woman who fell to the ground, Adam curled his lips and wanted to turn his head and leave here. With such a big hatred, it seemed that he couldn't cooperate. That being the case, it is better to retain the strength and prepare to deal with Superman.

I really don't know why Wonder Woman hates herself so much, Adam has a headache.

Wonder Woman fell to the ground, rolled two laps before stopping, and stood up. Although she looked embarrassed, she didn’t suffer much damage. After all, she was the daughter of Zeus in the legend, the body of a demigod, even better than some The magic weapon is also strong.

Although there is not much damage on the body, the damage inside is so great that it is endless, the anger in Wonder Woman's heart!

Ever since she fought against Ares, the **** of war, she has suffered such a big loss. Today, she was beaten up here twice. She is still a mortal. As the queen of Amazon, the daughter of Zeus, the future heir of Paradise Island, Has ever been so embarrassed, this shame must be repaid with blood.

Adam didn't know that Wonder Woman would have such a big hatred for herself, so he didn't expect that Wonder Woman would be reluctant.

The Amazon female warrior has never been afraid since. No matter what kind of enemy she faces, she will only go forward courageously. Although she has suffered a loss, she has no intention of retreating. She rushes up again with a shield in one hand and a sword in the other. This time I learned my lesson, instead of competing head-on as before, but swiftly spinning around Adam, and the sword in his hand took the opportunity to chop and slash.

Worthy of being an Amazon warrior who has experienced many battles, she discovered her weakness so quickly.

Although Adam's body has also been promoted to the legendary level, the potential of mortals is limited, not to mention that it is compared with Asgard's body before, and even Wonder Woman's demigod physique is more than that of Adam's body.

Under the stormy attacks of Wonder Woman, Adam can only resist passively and has no power to fight back. Fortunately, Adam’s mental power is strong enough to be able to sense the trajectory of Wonder Woman’s attack. Prepare to respond in advance, or else early Can't hold on anymore.

There was a burst of clinking Adam's arms kept covering, facing the overwhelming sword light of Wonder Woman, even if Adam is strong in spirit, it is inevitable that there will be a fish with a net exposed and stabbed by a sword. In this case, Adam could only use his divine power to the maximum to offset the power of the sword slashing on his body, and there was a burst of pain from time to time.

The situation is getting worse and worse, Adam's divine power consumption is getting bigger and bigger, he is already at a disadvantage, and his state is getting worse.

Adam and Wonder Woman fought more fiercely. After Wonder Woman changed the way of fighting, Adam has been at a disadvantage. However, under strong pressure, Adam seems to have mastered a certain special skill and can always predict each other in advance. s attack.

Sometimes Wonder Woman’s sword has to be retracted after half of the attack, because she continues to attack, and she will fall under Adam’s fist, as if she took the initiative to send it up and be beaten by Adam. This feeling makes Wonder Woman uncomfortable. Extremely.

Adam seemed to experience the lucid feeling of Jianxin, just like the Promise Dao he had seen before.

Your sword is my sword!

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