Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 172: Your sword is my sword!

After a stalemate for a while, Wonder Woman finally couldn't bear it, jumped forward, took the opportunity to put the sword and shield behind her back, untied a golden rope from her waist, and then dragged it hard and came towards Adam.

   Adam twisted his body, he could have turned the rope completely, but the rope seemed to come to life, and it made a bend without spirit, entangled Adam's hands.

   Wonder Woman pulled hard, trying to pull Adam over, but Adam reacted quickly, bent his legs, stood in a horse step, and cooperated with her higher quality power than Wonder Woman, and he just withstood the pulling force.

   Wonder Woman is extremely powerful, she has increased her strength several times in a row, but it still has no effect on Adam's pure and supernatural power, and is deadlocked there.

  Made, this thing again

Adam moved his full divine power against the strange power of the mantra. This strange power is also a kind of divine power, but it is not the same as Adam’s indoor quality, but in terms of quality, it is not as strong as Adam’s, or even slightly inferior. One chip.

   "Who are you or what are you? A mortal can't have such a powerful force." At this moment, Wonder Woman suddenly asked.

   Actually Wonder Woman still has some words, I am embarrassed to ask. Obviously, I beat you like a dog last time. Why did you become so strong this time?

   Wonder Woman doesn't believe that someone's strength will improve so quickly, she thinks the guy in front of her must have a secret to keep from herself, maybe he is also an alien.

   "Tell all your secrets."

   Wonder Woman realized that Adam was restrained, and wanted to keep working hard to get some useful news from Adam, but she didn't expect Anzheng, and the next words left her stunned.

  "Can the ugly monsters not turn on the light

   I want to hang out on the dark stage

  Ugly monsters in this ambiguous age

  My existence is like an accident

  Someone will make a confession with a single tear

  Someone loses the title and doesn’t know anything

   as long as you are hypocritical enough

   I'm not afraid of the devil, right


  What's the situation

   Wonder Woman was completely stunned, and Adam under the control of Mantra started singing in another language.

   It was obviously not like this last time

   "Tell me honestly, don't play tricks, use English"

   Wonder Woman stared at Adam viciously.

   Adam is no longer the fragile toothache before, and the divine power in his body can completely resist the power of Mantra.

   So Adam spoke again and sang an English song.

  "Ystreet's empty street

  &Amp;nbs empty room

  &Amp;nbssideyheart The empty thoughts are deep in my heart

  I‘aaone alone

  Thersaer's endless loneliness oppresses me

  Ionderho I want to know how

  Ionderhy I want to know why

  &Amp;nbsheyare I want to know where they belong

  Thedaysehad our time together

  &Amp;nbsher The song we sing together


  Andohyove and you and me


   Wonder Woman even suspected that her mantra was broken.

   "This, this, how is this possible?" Wonder Woman yelled in disbelief, being trapped by the mantra is so nonsense that she uses her voice to humiliate herself, so hard that her mantra is really invalid.

This time, Wonder Woman’s inner shock is more surprising than being beaten by Adam. You must know that even the strongest opponent she has ever encountered, Ares, cannot deceive the truth, but Adam is a mortal. She did it, which made her not shocked.

   Adam saw Wonder Woman’s watch, and he was secretly happy, how is it


   was shocked by my wonderful singing voice

   Are you calling me Asgar's song **** for nothing?

   At the same time, Adam felt the power of the mantra lock weakened, and quickly transported the divine power to his hands and tugged hard.

   Wonder Woman was so surprised that she was accidentally thrown out by Adam because of the strength in her hand. Adam took the opportunity to break free from the real lock and gained the upper hand from the battle for the first time.

   Wonder Woman got up from the ground, glared at Adam, and received more blows today than ever before.

   However, Wonder Woman, as the most outstanding Amazon female warrior, learned from her people the undefeated form and noble quality, took a deep breath, and killed him again.

   With previous experience, Adam is as powerful as the mantra lock, knowing that it is difficult to avoid, so he took the initiative to grab one end of the rope and prepared to compete with Wonder Woman. Anyway, the mantra had no effect on him.

   Wonder Woman didn't have the idea of ​​competing with Adam in brute force. She continued to rush forward, came to Adam, and slammed her fist at Adam's face.

   Adam sensed the trajectory of this punch, and his other hand was the first to block his face.

   This time Wonder Woman didn't change her move, she just smashed it with a punch, and Adam grabbed her fist.

   Adam took the upper hand completely and controlled Wonder Woman. Suddenly, there were some dangerous thoughts in Adam's heart. Perhaps he could leave her with a big injury and let her know that she was not easy to provoke.

   The feeling of Promise Swordsmanship reappeared in Adam's heart, sword slash, heart slashed soul.

   Either, cut her with a sword

  At this time, Wonder Woman was holding the mantra with one hand and the other, and a sense of danger rose from her heart, as if her life didn't belong to her anymore.

   Wonder Woman knows the current situation is in crisis, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com didn't think much about it, and directly released the hand holding the mantra, and then the guardian bracelet on his wrist and the silver bracelet on the other hand smashed together, and a lightning flashed out and hit Adam. .

   "Ah" Adam screamed and flew out, fell heavily to the ground, muddy water splashed, and the fragile human body spouted a mouthful of blood.

   The power of this lightning is very powerful. It is ten times more powerful than the lightning that could be controlled by Thor's Hammer, giving Adam the illusion of facing Odin directly.

   Could this be the handwriting left by Zeus

Wonder Woman saw that Adam was injured and vomited blood, her face showed a ray of joy. Before, she suffered a lot from Adam's hand, and she was so depressed, but now she finally came back, and rushed over regardless of her injury, and wanted to cut Adam completely. kill.

   Adam was shocked when he saw Wonder Woman's actions, especially the two hands crossed in front of him, and he seemed to be ready to attack with the guardian silver bracelet again. But after a while, Adam stabilized his mind.

   Odin has no chance to face it, but Adam, the power of Zeus, still wants to try

   At this time, Wonder Woman’s pair of silver bracelets fought again, and there was another crackling, and lightning was excited, spurring Adam at an invisible speed.

   Adam cleared his mind and let out his body, raising the sword in his right hand into the air.

   Wonder Woman saw the sword in Adam’s right hand, and her pupils shrank for a while. Isn’t that her own sword? When did it get into his hand?

  Your sword is my sword.

   One Strike Thousand Slash

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