Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 173: Lost, run by plane

Lightning shot in front of Adam and was cut off by a sword. The sword in Adam's hand leapt towards Wonder Woman with Adam's body.

Wonder Woman's pupils contracted, looking at Adam who was slashed with a sword, raised her hands to block, and the sword in Adam's hand slashed on Wonder Woman's wrist.

The outside of Wonder Woman's hands began to tremble, and an unspeakable force woke up from it.

"This..." Adam's pupils shrank into a small dot. "Father-level power!"

Adam couldn't understand how such a powerful force existed in a brace. Could it be that Zeus sealed his original power in the brace?

But in this way, Zeus lost the possibility of resurrection. Does Zeus have such a deep love for that illegitimate daughter?

No matter what Adam thought of, the incomparable force shattered the long sword in Adam's hand and hit Adam's chest.

With the sky full of blood, Adam was seriously injured and escaped.

Wonder Woman didn't know that she had such a powerful force in her wristband, and she lost Adam's trace in a daze.

After Adam fled the battlefield, he was very upset. He didn't expect Wonder Woman to have such a powerful hole card.

The body of Adam was severely injured and was damaged by Zeus's original power. According to Adam's analysis of this divine body, it could last for at most one month before it turned into flying ashes.


Adam’s eye sockets were a little red, leaving him with little time, and he had to grab the mother box in the hands of Steppenwolves within this short month, and use the mother box to build a teleportation array to welcome the body and his men Our arrival.

The divine power in Adam's body was completely incapable of being exerted by Zeus's lightning striker, and his body was severely injured. He could not exert any divine power for the time being, and he needed a period of recuperation.

Adam must rush to the final battlefield as soon as possible, find the right time to borrow Kay's power, and use the Eight Door Dunjia to **** the mother box.

Adam’s current physical condition is completely unable to make a long-distance attack. Fortunately, the identity certificate is still in Adam’s hands. Buying a plane ticket can quickly rush to the Nordic suburbs.

Although Adam was a criminal who escaped from the Arkham asylum, his crimes were not recorded. He was sent directly into Arkham by Batman, so Adam easily bought a plane ticket.

Adam rushed to the airport that afternoon and saw the news of Superman's resurrection on the airport news.

"Wrong step, wrong step. I will remember this lesson and will not underestimate anyone."

Adam rubbed his aching chest, and after showing the staff his ticket, he took his few luggage and boarded the plane.

Adam looked curiously on the plane, found his seat according to the instructions on the ticket, and put the luggage on the luggage rack.

When Adam was weak, he seldom took a plane, and it can be said that he never did it a few times. After he grew up, he basically drove on his own, let alone taking a plane.

Lying on the soft seat, Adam narrowed his eyes slightly. He wanted to rest for a while.

The passengers on the plane were not full, and I don’t know if this is often the case.

The service provided by the beautiful flight attendants is to provide people with drinks, snacks and other foods.

After a brief period of noise, the plane fell into silence, and soon drove into the blue sky.

The plane was flying quietly in the sky. The passengers were doing their own things. Some were watching videos that had been saved long ago on the computer, and some were closing their eyes and taking this opportunity to take a break.

At the same time, in the cabin, a few originally elegant, gentle-looking foreigners suddenly violent at this moment, took out two small punches from the corner, and raised their chests with one hand.

"Hey hey——" Suddenly, the muzzle of flames erupted, and bullets poured on the passengers in the front seat of the cabin. The passengers were shot into sieves in an instant, and fell weakly on the seat, but their eyes It was a lot of confusion. I didn't know when I died, why I died, and I didn't look down on my eyes.

"Don't move, hijack the plane."

"Hijacking." On the other side of the cabin, a few assailants also rioted, holding a few AK-47s, and shooting towards the passengers.

The entire cabin was silent for a few seconds. After turning his eyes on these terrorists a few times, the screams instantly enveloped them. The terrorists killed a few people again and yelled in Chinese and English twice: "No screaming. If you call it, you have to die!"

In this case, even if there are a few dead people sitting next to them, the passengers can only close their mouths tightly, or else they will have to go to heaven with them.

However, a foreigner who was not afraid of death, with the author's certificate hanging around his neck, held his mobile phone in panic, turned on the camera function, and wanted to record everything here.

Several terrorists glanced at them and nodded. They seemed to be very happy that someone could record their feats. They also bared their big teeth from time to time and posed poss over the phone camera.

Adam opened his eyes and took a look. He couldn't help but feel a little big head. How did these guys bring the AK47 on the plane?

Adam even suspected that he was not on the plane from Metropolis, but from Gotham City.

Adam's current physical condition is very bad, but it is more than enough to deal with a few mortals, but it is a pity that Adam does not have a heart to be a hero.

The issue of hijacking has become a headache for all heads of state since 9/11. Many people in this area have provided a lot of security measures to prevent hijacking.

Until today, this world-wide problem has been overcome countless times. Hijacking is almost difficult to accomplish. The first is guns, which are basically difficult to bring up. Even the most common method is to disassemble guns and disassemble them. One by one parts, and then into the walking stick, suitcase mezzanine and other places, it is still possible to pass.

Now, watching the black hole muzzle of a dozen micro punches and a few ak47 at any time, although there is no threat, Adam still feels very upset.

Adam was naturally wanted to solve these problems as soon as possible. Although I don't want to be a so-called hero, there is no need for a few ants to point their guns at themselves.

Adam glanced at the arrogant robber in front of him. With a slight movement in his body, he was ready to do it, but he didn't expect a sharp pain to come from his body.

Cells, qi and blood, five senses, muscles and bones, organs, and even the brain all have an invisible pain.

Adam was in a cold sweat, the big beads of sweat on his forehead fell straight down, and his body was shaking violently.

Tiny electric currents kept walking in Adam's body, madly destroying Adam's body, and Adam's own divine power was constantly repairing.


Adam closed his eyes helplessly. Although the dignity of the King of Asgard could not be violated, it was really painful.

Adam has a small weakness.

Afraid of pain...

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