Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 186: IQ is crushed

The Flash is very correct. Faced with a bomb that is about to run out of control and can destroy the earth, the most important problem now is to stop it.

Aquaman looked at Batman. He agreed with the Flash, but he believed in Batman's wisdom more. He was waiting for Batman to make a decision.

"Hurry up and find a way, I can't hold on anymore!" All of Steel Bone's mind is used to control the mother box, and he can't receive all information from the outside world. He doesn't even know what happened during this period.

Steelbone's words undoubtedly made the scene a little nervous, and there was anxiety in the eyes of Aquaman and the Flash, and even a trace of urgency appeared in the eyes of Batman.

"The situation can't get worse now, let me try it." The smile on Adam's face became even brighter.

Although Adam's IQ was crushed by Batman, the current situation helped him.

"I will ask you a question. If your answer is correct, I believe you." Batman was silent for a moment and said, "You must tell me what you really think in your heart. Are you willing to answer this question?"

"Okay." Adam nodded and said: "I hope you can abide by your agreement, and I will tell the true thoughts in my heart."

"One day you were kidnapped by a gangster, and the gangster let you choose, one: eat a pound of heat and let you go immediately. Two: chop your hand, and then let go." Batman got the mask and looked blankly. Asking Adam: "Do you choose one or two?"

Adam is a little confused. He doesn't know why Batman asks such questions. He thought Batman would ask himself some psychological questions.

"Two." Adam didn't think much, and said directly: "Dignity and life, I will always choose dignity."

"No, you won't choose two." Batman said in a deep voice, "You will cut off the robber's hands, then force him to eat, and finally kill him!"


Adam is speechless. Did Batman find fault with himself on purpose?

"Are you sick?" Adam asked with a sullen face, "If you let me answer the question, I will answer the question honestly. Why are you making fun of me?"

"I'm just procrastinating, I never thought about trusting you." Batman's mouth raised a cold smile. "From the first time I saw you, I was sure that you were a real lunatic."

"A madman doesn't value life, and what you do proves that you are a madman who ignores life." Batman looked at Adam's eyes. "I can't see the slightest trace of respect for life in your eyes, so I don't believe you will save the earth at all."

Adam was full of anger, and his IQ was crushed as expected.

But Adam did not have an attack. He suddenly became smarter. The real world is not a movie. Why does Batman explain these things to himself?

You need to know that Batman's cold and hard style is not easy to explain these things to others, there must be a reason for him to do this.

After watching the surroundings carefully, Adam closed his eyes and felt the battlefield in the distance. The terrifying battle continued, and Superman and Wonder Woman were still fighting the Hulk.

"I know there is a reason for all this, but I can't think of why you irritated me." Adam looked at Batman suspiciously. "Even if you want to procrastinate, it doesn't make sense?"

"I just want to delay time. I analyzed that your curiosity is very heavy, so you can ask questions as much as you want, and I will definitely answer you one by one." Batman looked at Adam with a brighter smile on his face. You guessed it.

"I seem to have thought of something." Adam's eyes narrowed. "The battle between Superman and that monster, Wonder Woman will not decide the ending, but will make the ending come faster."

"If I guessed correctly..."

"Meet again." Wonder Woman appeared in front of Adam. "Continue the unfinished battle!"

"How did you notify Wonder Woman?" Adam became more confused and asked Batman: "If you notify her of the action, I will definitely find out, but I didn't find that you notified her."

"I didn't notify anyone, I just knew my old friend." Batman gave a sigh of relief.

"Superman?" Adam's face changed, he didn't expect Superman's signature ability. "If I guessed correctly, it should be super hearing, right?"

"Clark found out, you asked me to come here to support." Wonder Woman kindly explained to Adam: "He said that your situation is very bad now, and his super vision can't see your internal organs."

"Yeah, I was beaten to death by you." Adam suddenly felt a little funny. Maybe Superman found himself right after he came here, but he didn't put himself in his eyes.

His Majesty the King of Asgard, one day was ignored as a salted fish.

"I didn't expect it to be like this." When Wonder Woman heard Adam's words, the war spirit on her face faded, and even a trace of unbearable flashes in her eyes.

In Wonder Woman’s eyes, although Adam did a lot of wrong things, they were all to protect his sister. Although he was guilty, he was not guilty of death.

Especially after Adam showed that he could be evenly matched with Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman felt that Adam died like this, which is a pity.

"The battle between Superman and that monster shouldn't end soon, right." Adam said surely: "And you shouldn't be able to stop the operation of the mother box, right?"

Wonder Woman glanced at the mother box that was still in motion, and a deep worrisome flickered in her eyes.

Her performance fully accorded with what Adam said.

"Your biggest problem now is to stop the mother box, and that mechanical kid obviously can't do it." Adam's expression was very happy, and he continued: "It's not time to regret me. You should think more about how to protect the earth. "

"I am not waiting for her to come back to deal with you." Batman stood up had a bad premonition in his heart, could it be that his IQ would be rubbed on the ground by Batman again ?

But for what?

Is there anything special about Wonder Woman that can stop the mother box?

Is Zeus's successor again?

"What the **** do you mean?" Adam looked at Batman maliciously, full of disgust for this high IQ guy.

"I said I didn't believe you, but I didn't tell you not to touch the mother box." Batman glanced at Wonder Woman who was standing not far away. "My purpose in waiting for her to come back is to let her monitor you."

"Do you want to use me as a tool?" Adam looked at Batman, wondering what his mood was.

The dignified Asgard God King was actually calculated to this point, but when he couldn't even get angry, his IQ was really too low.

(End of this chapter)

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