Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 187: Scattered memories

Although Adam was very dissatisfied with Batman's attitude, the ending was what he wanted, so he recognized it in order to attract the ontology as soon as possible.

Wonder Woman was silent for a moment. Although he felt that Adam was in a pitiful situation, a super strong man was about to die from the dark wounds he suffered from fighting against herself, but she still said: "I will stare at you."

Adam ignored the Justice League people again, and walked to the mother box with a smile.

Taking a look at the steel frame that is trying to communicate with the mother box, Adam gently placed his right hand on the mother box

Adam only felt a pain in his head, and countless memories appeared in his mind, and these memories were very scattered.

Vaguely, Adam saw the Arkham Asylum.

Arkham Asylum, this can be regarded as a famous scenic spot in Gotham, where the most dangerous and terrifying criminals of Gotham are held here. It is located in the suburbs of Gotham. According to legend, a long time ago, the famous doctor Amadeus Arkham To treat patients with mental illness like his mother, the Arkham lunatic asylum was established, and the hospital was also named after his mother, Elizabeth Arkham!

But unfortunately, this place seems to be cursed. As early as the construction period, the architect of the hospital went crazy and hacked his workers to death. The accident happened again soon afterwards. The high-risk criminal mad dog Martin admitted to the Arkham lunatic asylum escaped and then killed his wife and daughter while Amadeus Arkham was not at home.

This incident greatly stimulated Amadeus Arkham and began to rebuild the Arkham lunatic asylum, making this lunatic asylum a special admission center for criminals with serious criminal tendencies and mental illnesses. And his first patient was Mad Dog Martin.

Six months later, Mad Dog Martin was chained and electrocuted by Amadeus Arkham.

Although the incident was ultimately judged to be a medical accident, Amadeus Arkham was still greatly irritated, and as a result he also became a patient in his own lunatic asylum, where he died of old age. It is said that his ghost is still wandering here!

Adam had been imprisoned in Arkham, so he recognized it at a glance.

Adam found that time seemed to have stopped. The people around the Justice League remained motionless, and even the dust flying in the air stopped. Only the memory in his mind and his consciousness were still in motion.

Adam looked at the Arkham Asylum in his memory again, and suddenly saw a familiar figure.

A sturdy man walked into the Arkham Asylum. Even through his clothes, he could feel his strong muscles like an iron tower. What's more noticeable was that he had a wrestler mask on his head. , A few inexplicable pipes were inserted into him.

"Uh?... isn't this Bain?" Adam said subconsciously.

Speaking of Bain, that can be regarded as a ruthless character in the Batman world. It is said that Bain grew up in prison and was born with the genius and wisdom that can compete with Batman. It is in that place that he uses all the resources at hand. He came to train himself, and learned a lot of knowledge including language, mathematics, philosophy, strategy, etc. In addition, he continued to carry out cruel physical training to strengthen his physique to obtain a living space, and was later selected by the military to become an experimenter of poison fortified fighter , And used the poison device to strengthen the body density, gained nearly two tons of power and escaped from the prison and became a mercenary. The most important thing is that this person relied on his own wisdom to analyze the true identity of Batman as Bruce. .Wayne! He also beat the superhero to a half body.

"So who are these memories?" Adam had a headache. He was disturbed by these memories, and his consciousness could not be linked to the mother box. "Arkham's doctors or patients? Or those who died in Arkham?"

Adam remembered the weird situation that happened when he killed the clown. If Adam didn't guess wrong, he was hit at that time.

In his memory, Bain led a group of mercenaries and Arkham's guards. After a battle, he rushed into Kam, only to lose four or five men. But after opening a cell in the Arkham Asylum, the people inside released poison gas, poisoning seven or eight people to death.

Baine led his subordinates and aimed their guns at the cell, but no one came out inside, and Baine and others dared not go in.

"Arkham asylum really hides a long crouching tiger! A well-deserved reputation!" After an unknown period of time, Bain finally recovered his domineering, sighed in praise, and turned away.

And his younger brother also took the gun, skillfully set up a doctor, took out the tools to copy his fingerprints, after all, the Arkham Asylum detained all serious prisoners, and most of the fingerprint locks here need to verify the doctor. After finishing all this, this group of talented people cleaned up and ran without a trace.

The scene in Adam's memory still stayed at the gate of Arkham, and did not follow Bain.

The memory continued to run. At this moment, the footsteps of the guards of the Arkham Asylum appeared at the gate of the Arkham Asylum from far and near. In the TV series, the police and security guards do not have to wait until the end of the story. Are you late?

Why are you so diligent this time?

Is the owner of these memories a dead guard?

"Listen to the people inside, you are already surrounded. I hope you think it through. Turn your head back and don't make senseless resistance." The guards below shouted inside with a big loudspeaker. They didn't dare to rush in directly~www. They all know what the dangers are.

"Um...may I ask a question?" A voice that Adam hadn't heard appeared in his memory. "What good is there if I surrender now?"

"There are many benefits!" The guards immediately became energetic as soon as they heard the drama. It would be best if they didn't make a big effort to solve the problem. "You will face 2 years in prison if you make a fuss in the Black Gate Prison. Participating in the Arkham Asylum Escape will face 60 years in prison. Dr. Hugo was injured and faced a year of detention in the Arkham Asylum, and the wall was broken. This repair fee, cleaning fee plus the mental loss fee of our security personnel, plus the cost of redecorating and waxing, etc. 10 million, if you If you surrender now, the sentence can be reduced to 50 years, the financial compensation can be reduced to 5 million, the cell can prepare a toilet for you, the extra meat on weekends can be added once, and a free lottery can be provided every Christmas, and your inmates can Arrange the taste you like, white or black will do..."

who is it?

The master of memory?

"Oh, ah, ah, ah..." The original ordinary voice became a little weird, and said in a strange tone: "What if I don't surrender?"

(End of this chapter)

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