Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 188: Master of memory

All the pictures in Adam's mind disappeared, and the pictures contained in this memory fragment were all read by Adam, but Adam did not know who the owner of this memory was.

Although the owner of this memory spoke, he did not show his face. From his tone of voice, he could tell that he was a lunatic, but the Arkham Asylum had no shortage of lunatics.

Adam found that there were still a few memory fragments floating in his mind. If he didn't know these things, his consciousness would not be able to touch the mother box, so in desperation Adam hit a memory fragment again.

The picture reappeared, and Adam knew who the owner of these memories was when he saw the picture, and he couldn't help feeling a little confused.

Could it be that the owner of this memory moved his hands and feet?

Does he still have this ability?


A guy with green hair is sitting on the sofa and staring at the TV. The old black and white TV is showing cartoons with unknown names. His face is sickly pale, and a blood-red scar cuts the corners of his mouth into a strange smile. , Paired with a funny purple jacket.

Such an obvious dress, apart from Adam who can recognize him at a glance, everyone in Gotham City must be able to recognize him at a glance. He was the guy who died in Adam's hands, the clown.

After careful observation with Adam, it was discovered that this guy and the clown who died in his hands were the same person. Not only did they dress exactly the same, they even had the same weird expressions on their faces and the inexplicable emotions in their eyes from time to time.

Suddenly a group of people rushed in, surrounded by this guy, listening to the tone of these people's words, they seemed to be a gang, called the Hell Iron Fist Gang.

A name that Adam thinks is very brain-dead.

The green-haired guy stood up gracefully and tidied up his tie in time. The members of the Hell Fist Gang couldn't help being vigilant. It is said that although the clown has just made his debut, even what he looks like is still there!

But the cruelty has spread all over the place, and she is very abnormal. She once kidnapped a gang boss. After receiving the ransom, she burned the ransom together with others. She also said that she did so to see beautiful women and Will the fireworks burned out by the most beloved money be more special~ If this is a clown in front of you, then you must be careful, many people have even pulled out their guns.

At this moment, the guy who looked like a clown suddenly fell to his knees with a plop, and cried with his nose and drool all over his face: "Good guy! I'm just an inexperienced comedian. I received an interview two hours ago. Invitation letter, let me play the role of a clown in this abandoned toy factory. The reward is three hundred dollars. I came without thinking about it. I really don’t know what you are talking about..."

The Tekken gang boss stopped working as soon as he heard it. He slammed the man up and drank, "You bullshit, we have received accurate information that the clown is here, and the other Rattlesnake gangs on the street have received the same information. Do you think you can lie to me, the future No. 1 Gotham underworld?"

"Big brother, I really didn't lie to you. Look at my body, I have no power to bind a chicken, and I am not a gangster at all. I am really a comedian. I am not as thick as your arms. Lie to you? Isn't this looking for death?" The man still cried with a snot and tears, but from Adam's point of view, he always felt that this guy was deliberately wiping his nose on the iron fist boss. It was really nasty. Guys.

"I understand, my client must have spotted my background as an actor, so he asked me to pretend to be him to confuse you, this guy who killed a thousand swords actually got me to death... But what to do, my wife is about to give birth, and I haven't paid the rent for the first three months. This is dying, what about my wife and my future children!"

Tekken helped the boss carefully, and it seemed that this ill-looking guy really did not threaten "Who is your client and where is he?"

"Um... he went upstairs not long ago, but he hasn't come down."

"Okay! Guys," the iron fist gang boss shouted, "Greeting a few people to go upstairs and take a look, beware! Also send someone to lock the entrance, I don't want other gangs to come over and grab our reward for a while, and You! Big idiot, come and search this guy who claims to be an actor."

Was it because the clown was killed, so the memory of the clown appeared in Adam's mind?

Adam looked at the picture in his memory while analyzing it.

Tekken helped the boss recruit a smart boy to go up and search. Don’t underestimate this step. Although this self-proclaimed third-rate comedian is thin and looks crazy and unthreatening, if you find a few pictures on his body with Franklin Washington. The banknotes are great, after all, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat.

Little did he know that this guy had moths again, and he screamed with foam at his mouth, saying that he had hereditary epilepsy since he was a child. If he didn’t take medicine for a day, he would feel sick and die. The saliva stars and white foam were sprayed. The iron fist boss couldn't stand it, so he waved his hand and gave him a glass of water.

Adam carefully observed the clown's performance and found that the clown's performance had very strong traces, but everything he performed seemed to be real, and no one doubted his performance.

The clown performed very poorly, but no one around him suspected that he was acting. Adam even thought it was a clown's special ability, because Adam did not believe that all the gangsters around were mentally retarded.

At this moment the little brothers who went upstairs to arrest people suddenly ran down and shouted "Boss!...Something went wrong!"

"What's going on? How many people are there and what weapons do they have?" The Iron Fist Gang boss instantly became vigilant.

"The boss is not! There is no one on it" the younger brother replied with a pale face, "on it...there are no living people on it, God, they are all corpses, and the other members of the Tiger Gang and Rattlesnake Gang are dead and piled on it!"

The face of the boss of the Tekken Gang changed drastically, and at this moment, the younger brother who was in charge of the body search also let out an exclamation. Everyone looked for their reputation and saw that from this seemingly vulnerable third-rate actor, seven or eight knives were found. , As small as a bargain at a hardware store at intersections for 0.5 dollars, as large as a boning knife for slaughtering livestock in a slaughterhouse, the point is that several knives are stained with blood, and even because they have cut too many things, they have been smashed. Taking a breath of air, he looked again at the guy who looked harmless with a smile and was alert but horrified.

"Who are you?" The little brother who was in charge of the body search was the nearest, and reacted quickly. He immediately drew his pistol to embolden himself.

"Tsk tusk tusk..."

(End of this chapter)

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