Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 202: Evil clown

However, at this moment, what was unexpectedly shocking was that when the blond little girl was sobbing, she quietly pulled out a golden dagger from behind.

Without Batman's knowledge and alertness, the sharp blade of the golden dagger pierced his waist, one of the weakest parts of the bat suit.

The gold wire dagger is a special high-hardness sharp dagger that can easily cut steel and pierce stone walls.

Even the bat suit that can't penetrate by ordinary bullets has been pierced with a gap in it effortlessly.

It was developed by several weapon science experts invited by the Joker a few months ago, and it was designed to deal with the deadly enemy Batman. It finally came in handy tonight.

The Joker was locked up in Arkham before. He had already given up this game. I thought it was no longer needed, but God made a joke with him.

The sudden pain in the waist caused Batman to push away the blond girl in his arms, but he didn't use any force, and the blond girl was not pushed down.

Fortunately, Batman's response was timely. The sharp gold-threaded dagger only pierced halfway, roughly seven or eight centimeters deep into the flesh and blood.

Of course, this depth is not enough to be fatal, but it is also enough to cause Batman to be seriously injured.

Faced with this kind of wound distance on the front line of life and death, if you are a little careless in the treatment process, the consequences will be unimaginable.

After all, apart from all the family wealth of tens of billions of dollars in high-tech equipment, Batman himself is just a normal human who is strong and proficient in fighting, although his physical fitness levels are at the peak of humanity. Its body structure and operation mode are still the same as ordinary people.

Batman covered his **** waist with one hand, and pointed a finger at the blond little girl holding a golden dagger in front of him. The corners of his mouth twitched and couldn't speak.

Adam was quietly enjoying this good show from afar. He didn't know if Batman hadn't noticed it, or if he wanted to be injured deliberately, it didn't matter to Adam.

While watching this good show, Adam was thinking about the issue of human nature in his heart. Perhaps this could help Adam persuade Superman.

At the tip of the gold wire dagger, strands of warm blood are flowing down the trajectory of the blade, and then dripping to the gray-white ground under her feet. With every drop of blood, a bright red blood will be splashed. flower.

The gray-white ground was dyed blood red with the breath of death in a moment.

Wang Hai, who had been watching the situation at the scene by the bombed police car, was also bewildered by this sudden play.

He thought that with Batman's superb combat power and rich experience, it was definitely more than enough to solve a few small people, so he didn't need to make a move.

And when he saw Batman bend the iron pillar and rescue the cute little girls, I felt happy and delighted deep in my heart.

Unexpectedly, among the ten seemingly innocent little girls, there is an inside line inserted by a clown, and this inside line seems to be only seven or eight years old.

Speaking of which, it is precisely because this little girl is only seven or eight years old, that makes Batman put down his vigilance.

The cunning clown is really scheming!

Adam looked at the little girl who stabbed Batman with a dagger with a wry smile. He didn't know how the clown clone convinced Aurora.

The little girl who seemed to be only seven or eight years old was Aurora under Adam.

Adam once conquered a powerful mutant with multiple abilities in the mutant universe.

Aurora's own variant ability is to persuade others, to chat with others slowly using language, to achieve the purpose of controlling others, and those who are persuaded by Aurora will completely unconditionally believe in every word that Aurora says.

In order to increase Aurora's self-protection ability, Adam gave the Aurora mutant Sabre-toothed tiger's variant ability, powerful body and super recovery ability.

According to Adam's idea, Aurora was the saint of death that he had decided long ago, and Adam never allowed Aurora to participate in dangerous things.

You must know that the current Batman has formed the Batman of the Justice League, and he is surrounded by such super powers as the Flash and Wonder Woman!

Adam waved his right hand gently, the Supreme Throne flashed a blue light, and Bald, the **** of light, who was drinking far away in Jotunheim, appeared above the playing places of the Joker and Batman.

"Protect Aurora, don't participate in other things."

Hearing Adam's order, Bald glanced at the crowd below, his body flashed with milky white light, and the whole person disappeared without a trace. This was his application of light attribute power, optical invisibility.

His waist was deeply pierced, and the poor Batman was already seriously injured, and his breathing rate gradually accelerated. At the moment, his physical condition is not optimistic.

Batman is a mortal body without any weird self-healing ability. Despite pressing **** the wound, with every blood circulation inside the body, the blood from the wound still flows out like a stream.

If you don't seek medical treatment in time, there are only two consequences, either death due to excessive blood loss or death due to wound infection.

The nearby police force has been wiped out. The only thing left is the dead body lying under the scrapped police car and the crouching police wailing in pain. Their combat power is close to nothing.

In addition, the civilians who had just surrounded here to watch the excitement had already fled to a safe area tens of meters away.

After all, in their minds, a long distance of tens of meters away can guarantee that their precious lives will not be harmed.

In other words, there is really no second person who can help Batman at the moment, except for the non-Gotham native Wang Hai.

While clutching his belly, the Joker faltered towards the injured Batman.

Of course The reason why the Joker wants to hold his stomach is not to imitate Batman's state at the moment, but because in the previous fight, the Joker was punched by Batman in the middle of the abdomen, even though he had a bulletproof vest. The anti-vibration effect, but the two lower ribs were still broken.

Batman squatted on the ground, frowning and frowning due to excessive blood loss, while the blond little girl took advantage of the opportunity to put the sharp cold blade of the golden silk dagger on his neck.

The Joker came to Batman, bent down slightly, and stretched out his right hand to Batman, ready to lift off Batman's mask.

"You know what, Mr. Batman." The clown's fingertips have touched Batman's graphite mask. "Actually, the thing I am most curious about and most want to understand is you, fighting criminals and eliminating evil. The Dark Knight, who has always been responsible for saving the corrupt Gotham City, what is the true identity hidden under the mask?"

Following the voice, the clown's wrists energized, ready to lift off Batman's mask in the next second.

Uncover this mystery that has puzzled not only oneself, but also the entire population of tens of millions of Gotham City.

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