Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 203: pain

At the moment when the clown was ready to lift the bat mask, the Wonder Woman who came quickly grabbed the clown's right wrist in time and prevented the clown from further action.

The Joker’s attention was always on Batman’s mask, and for a while, he didn’t notice that someone was rushing behind him quickly. After his wrist was pinched, he realized that he didn’t know when he was there. Someone came out.

"Aurora!" The clown changed his serious face and yelled at the blond little girl in front of him: "Someone is approaching me, don't you see it!"

"Hug, sorry." Aurora lowered his head pretending to be wronged, hiding the smile in his eyes. "I didn't notice him either."

"This beautiful lady, are you trying to stop me?" The clown raised her head slightly, looking at Wonder Woman who was holding her wrist, with an evil smile on her face, "If you want to stop me, take one Isn’t it simpler and more effective to hold a pistol against my head?"

"Put a gun against your head, it seems to me too cheap for you!" Wonder Woman looked angry and said angrily: "A lunatic should be treated like a lunatic!"

In an instant, the power of a mighty force rolled out of Wonder Woman's five fingers like an endless river, and continuously poured into the metal armband worn on the right arm of the clown.

The metal armband, which was hard enough to withstand sniper bullets, was pinched to a large extent and deformed after only a few seconds.

This is alloy!

An alloy stronger than steel!


The intense pain spread all over the forearm, and a heart-piercing wailing sound came from the clown's blood-red narrow lips.

I don't know why, there is always a hint of charm in this scream.

The evil and confident smile of the clown suddenly disappeared, replaced by an extremely distorted hideous face, which is a real expression of pain, not a manifestation of psychopathy.

Perhaps only the clown himself knew that the forearm covered in the metal arm sleeve, whether it was bone or flesh and blood, had already suffered irreversible and permanent damage at this moment.

If you have to use specific adjectives to describe it, it is **** and broken.

Joker, can't laugh anymore.

Originally wanted to perform a weak person in front of Batman, but unexpectedly waited for Wonder Woman. Without using divine power, this physical body was a real weak person in front of Wonder Woman.

Under the power of absolute crushing level, no matter how excellent IQ and equipment are, it is futile.


After confirming that the opponent's right arm had been abolished, Wonder Woman let go of her right hand casually.

The poor clown fell on the ground and curled up, making a terrible cry in his mouth, and his eyes flashed with crystal light. It was not tears, but the clown thinking about what to do next.

In the script designed by the clown, there is no part of Wonder Woman.

Batman once never allowed people like Wonder Woman to intervene in the rhythm of his fight against crime.

He wanted to use his undamaged left hand to stroke the abolished right forearm, but found that the flesh and blood on his right forearm had been trapped tightly by the strong and twisted metal armband, only the blood flowing out along the gap. There is no entrance into it.

The clown borrowed from Adam, the blond little girl Aurora disguised as a victim, after seeing Master Summoner’s clone being injured by an inexplicable woman, she immediately grasped the handle of the golden dagger , Stepping away from her tiny legs and angrily rushed towards Wonder Woman.

At the age of seven or eight, she was supposed to be an innocent and innocent image. However, the little girl named Aurora in front of her was a terrifying image of snake-heartedness in the eyes of the onlookers.

Perhaps in the eyes of people who don’t know her true identity, Aurora at the beginning may be just a piece of unpainted white paper, but unfortunately, under the almost religious teaching of the clown, the mind gradually became pure. Occupied by evil, it gradually transformed into the little demon of today.

But who knows, Aurora felt that he was the righteous party in his heart.

After all, Lord Summoner is the King of God!

The avatar of the **** king, how to say, has the right to decide the fate of a group of mortals, right?

Although Wonder Woman is a good person, she is not an unprincipled good person. After all, as a descendant of Amazon, she has been trained as iron and blood from a little girl.

Even if the other party is a young girl, but she launched a fatal attack on herself, there is no need to be polite, who was not a little girl before!

Slightly sideways, avoiding Lisa's stroke easily, Wonder Woman immediately grabbed Lisa's wrist and squeezed her wrist with a little force.

The wrist was squeezed, and the palm of his hand lost power, and the gold wire dagger in Aurora's hand fell to the ground, making a crisp metal sound.

Severe pain is transmitted to the central area of ​​the brain through the pain nerve, and then fed back to the pinched wrist. The sharp and piercing screams come out from the mouth like a kitten with its tail stepped on. .

Aurora was so well protected by Adam that he had never suffered any injuries, let alone severe injuries such as being pinched off his wrist.

Aurora, who experienced severe pain for the first time, screamed like an ordinary little girl, and Bald in the sky almost couldn't help but shot.

But Bald still held back, because he knew Aurora's true ability, and this injury might heal automatically for Aurora in a short while.

Bald and Adam signed a contract. He was a loyal subordinate who sincerely considered Adam, so he hoped that Adam's other subordinate, Aurora, would experience more training.

Only by experiencing more pain can a fighter grow up. This is the motto that Bald has always believed in.

Seeing the face of this little girl named Aurora, who was still an underage baby, Wonder Woman did not take her life.

Wonder Woman never takes human life Even if it is a heinous lunatic like the Joker, Wonder Woman has never thought of directly killing her.

Crushing Aurora's wrist and causing him to be disabled for life is a big punishment for a small criminal of her age.

Fortunately, Aurora is not an ordinary mortal. Otherwise, for a little girl, such a thing as life-long disability might as well die happily.

Wonder Woman looked around and found that there was no danger, she picked up Batman and disappeared into the shadows.

"Why didn't she take me away?" The clown stopped screaming and sat up. "He should look for clues in me!"

"Maybe they have other clues." Aurora moved his healed wrist. "I will complain like Master Summoner, they hurt me!"

Bald floated in mid-air with a twitching corner of his mouth, glanced at this earth exactly like his own universe, and couldn't help but sweat for this world.

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