Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 212: The most fish on earth

It has been almost a month since Adam returned to the Marvel Universe. First, he retrieved Jiali who had been hunting everywhere in the universe, and then began to rectify the ice giant army in Jotunheim.

Adam didn't mean to try at all. He gave all Asgard's military training methods and advanced equipment to the ice giant.

The ice giants can become Asgard’s enemies. Naturally, it’s not that simple. From the point of view of the system, they are much stronger than ordinary Asgard fighters. They have obtained Asgard’s advanced military training methods and combat effectiveness. Advance by leaps and bounds.

However, in just a dozen days, the army that is enough to ramp up the universe has already seen its prototype. This army is led by the frost giant Wang Laofei, and has been stationed in the position of the teleportation array.

After the army training was completed, Adam put all his energy on the Hulk he sent back before, except for the 80% of the time He Jiali spent together.

The chief magician under Adam Murdoch has been studying the Hulk, but he only found out that the Hulk is very powerful and full of gamma energy.

So Adam had to do it himself, through the infinite magnification of the Supreme Throne and the infinite gems on the Supreme Throne, and the spatial fluctuations on the Hulk, he wanted to find out the original universe of the Hulk and the universe he had experienced.

This process is very difficult. Each universe has its own coordinates. Adam wants to analyze the coordinates of this universe through spatial fluctuations. It is actually very difficult, especially for the Hulk who has passed through several universes. Words.

This Hulk has no wisdom, nor can he return to his human form, so it is impossible for Adam to communicate with him, and he does not know how many worlds he has experienced. He can only find what he wants from the huge spatial fluctuations in his body. coordinate.

The idea is good, but it is extremely difficult to implement. The Hulk has a lot of spatial fluctuations, but it can't locate even one cosmic coordinate.

Numerous spatial fluctuations are entangled together, making it impossible to tell which one is which, and the coordinates of the universe, but no mistake can be made. Even a slight deviation will lead people to an unknown abyss.

Adam had no choice but to ask Carrie for help. Carrie had already awakened her inheritance memory. Although the Planet Devourer deliberately blocked the information about the multiverse in her family's mind, Carrie knew very well about the method of locating the single universe.

After Jiali's hard work, she got a result that Adam was not satisfied with.

This Hulk is entangled with a lot of cosmic information, if you want to obtain cosmic coordinates, you can only intercept one from it.

In other words, Adam can only get the coordinates of the universe from the Hulk, and he is not sure which universe it is.

The only good news is that Jiali can distinguish the contrast between the strengths and weaknesses of the universe to which these coordinates belong.

Adam thought for a while and decided to choose the strongest universe.

Anyway, Adam has a system and summoning cards. Maybe if the enemy is strong enough, he can also summon a star-building dragon king or something.

"I haven't won the faith in the earth for so long. Even if Aurora is to give a speech every day, the earth people in the DC universe should recognize the priesthood of the goddess of death, right?" Adam was already a little impatient.

"Perhaps you are thinking wrong." Carrie leaned in Adam's arms with a smile. "The most intelligent creatures on the planet are not necessarily humans."

"What else could it be?" Adam looked at Carrie in his arms suspiciously. "Although the most oceans on the earth are oceans, you can't fish and have wisdom, right?"

"Of course the fish here are not wise, but don't forget. It is said that there is a race called Atlantis living in that universe, earth, and sea." A gleam of brightness flashed in Jiali's eyes. "Why don't you let me go?"

"No, you just wait to go with me." Adam squeezed Jiali's face gently. "Thanksgiving didn't know what good things he got, and he broke through and became a powerhouse at the Heavenly Father level. Without using his hole cards, I am not his opponent."

"And my hole cards are used once less once. I don't want to waste it on Thanos. You should stay here to frighten him." Adam didn't have any embarrassed expressions, looking at Jiali who was not sure how strong he was in his arms. , There is also a proud expression on his face.

The first thing that Thanos did after his breakthrough was to **** Adam's infinite gems, but before Thanos took action, he encountered Jiali who was hunting everywhere in the depths of the universe.

Jia Li has a big dissatisfaction appetite, but she has set herself the bottom line of not eating intelligent creatures if not necessary, so he has been looking for those strange stars with powerful energy in the universe to satisfy her appetite.

After Jiali and Thanos met, Jiali recognized Thanos at a glance and found that Thanos's strength had broken through. The first thought in her mind was to kill the enemy for Adam.

Kali thought about it carefully and found that Thanos was not actually Adam's enemy. As long as Thanos didn't have the idea of ​​grabbing infinite gems, the purpose of Thanos was actually the same as Adam's.

Thanos wants to kill a large number of the population in this universe to reduce the pressure of the universe. This is that the universe should not die too early, and Adam also needs to kill a large number of the population of this universe to increase the power of the goddess of death.

Therefore, from other aspects, Thanos can actually be used as Adam’s helper, so Jiali did not directly kill Thanos, but slapped Thanos for a while, and then showed herself. The identity of Princess Adam.

After Thanos was beaten, he would naturally stop thinking about snatching infinite gems, and instead sent an invitation to meet like Adam.


Aurora originally followed the Joker’s arrangement to Wayne Manor and persuaded Batman that she suddenly received Adam’s instructions while walking on the street.

"Notify the Flash to change his plan and let him lead Superman to Gotham City, and Bard will do something with Superman." Aurora directly gave orders to the clown beside him. "Notify Chris that the plan has not changed. His task is to capture Aquaman and Wonder Woman, but the focus is changed from Wonder Woman to Aquaman."

"Did you find it?" The clown's mouth suddenly connected into a weird look. "Oh oh oh oh... I still want to play for a while."

"You go to Batman to play, don't let him disturb me." Aurora said blankly like a clown, "It depends on your luck as long as you can play. I will hurry up and convince Aquaman. As long as I persuade him, Atlantis believes in the goddess of death must not be long, probably the time for my several speeches."

"Just ask the little princess to slow down." The clown took a pistol from his arms and directly stopped a small car driving on the road. "I really want to play with Batman for a while."

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