Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 213: Wrath Bat

The Flash appeared in the metropolis as set in the plan. He didn't mean to hide in the slightest, and appeared on the street openly.

The citizens of the metropolis saw the murderous madness that had appeared on the news and quickly hid away.

The inferiority of human beings is that they like to watch the excitement. The famous lightning killer appeared on the street unobstructed, without even wearing a mask.

"I heard that this guy was a superhero before, called the Flash."

A fat greasy middle-aged man with a pizza in his hand pointed at the Flash in the middle of the street.

"Yeah, I heard that this guy is called a lightning killer now. He is a super criminal, but he doesn't look like a criminal. I haven't heard of what he has done. What crimes did he commit?"

A young girl, with a few books in her arms, looked at the handsome and young appearance of the Flash, and there was a small star in her eyes.

"I heard that he killed a lot of people." The middle-aged uncle glanced at the young girl, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Hello, are you working nearby? I'm the editor-in-chief of Clarion Daily."

The Flash stood in the middle of the street without sorrow or joy, and his appearance this time was to attract Superman out.

Superman and Batman had already made plans, and the two got the news as soon as the Flash appeared.

As early as the first time the Flash showed up, Superman rushed to the scene with super speed, but he did not show up in front of people, but stopped at a high altitude invisible to the naked eye, monitoring the Flash with super vision.

Batman and Superman have long made a plan. Superman and the Flash will follow the Flash all the time. After Batman arrives, he will use sonic weapons to control the Flash.

Superman has been following Batman's plan, monitoring the Flash from high in the sky, and has not rushed to make a move.

Superman's speed is not much faster than the Flash, but if he wants to catch the Flash, he will inevitably be unable to control his power and hurt the Flash.

Superman knows his own power very well. If he can't control it, he will not only hurt the Flash, but also cause some irreparable damage to the Flash.

So Superman floated quietly in the air, looking at the Flash, there was some unspeakable annoyance in his heart.

Batman drove his bat chariot and was rushing here quickly. Batman felt that there was boundless anger in his heart, and he felt that he was being manipulated.

When Batman woke up one night, he unexpectedly found that he had a needle eye on his neck. Through surveillance, he found that the Flash had given himself a shot.

After Batman discovered this, he has been drawing his own blood for testing, but he has not found anything wrong with him, but he has become more and more emotional.

The day before Batman and Superman and Wonder Woman met, Batman discovered what had happened to him.

On this day, Batman was observing his blood reaction in the laboratory, but suddenly he heard the news that the Flash had become a lightning killer, and he turned into a anger.

Batman looked at himself in the mirror, from an ordinary person to a big green man, wondering whether he should cry or laugh.

He knew what the shot the Flash shot on himself was, it was the blood of the green giant who had previously fought Superman.

Batman gained great power without losing his mind, which made Batman a little happy and amused at what the Flash did.

Batman thinks that the purpose of the blood shot by the Flash for himself is to turn himself into an irrational monster who only knows about destruction, but he did not expect that he would have such willpower, and he was not affected by anger. about.

Batman did a series of psychological evaluations on himself, and found that he just became a little irritable, but did not lose control, which made Batman very happy.


With a loud noise, the bat chariot was blown into the sky, and a green monster jumped out of the bat chariot and officially transformed into the Batman.

"It looks like you absorbed it well." The clown walked out with a smile, the explosion just now was what he did.

"Are you disappointed to see me?" Batman turned into a Hulk, looking at the Joker with a big grin. "Do you think I will lose my mind and become that monster?"

"You really think too much, I just can't stand my opponent, as weak as a mortal." The clown bared his white teeth. "The potion the Flash gave you is called the Hulk Serum. It was not extracted from the giant who fought Superman before, but a Hulk much weaker than that giant."

Batman knew that the Joker didn't lie to himself, because of his own power, let alone the giants before him, he was even slightly weaker than Wonder Woman.

"I always want to play a very perfect game with you, relying on wisdom to determine victory or defeat, but now it is really too late." The clown said with a deep face: "So we can only rely on force to decide the victory or defeat."

"You don't know where to get the powerful power, so you think that if you defeat me in this way, I will become invincible. That's why you injected me with such a potion." Batman said in a declarative tone: "You always want to take yourself Play a game with me in a fair position, and the situation is similar now."

"It really deserves to be Batman, the foundation of my life...not the opponent of my life." The clown's figure suddenly became a muscular man about two meters tall, and rushed towards Batman.

"Have a good fight!"

The Joker punched Batman fiercely, and the giant that Batman had turned into flew back and knocked down a building.


Batman jumped out of the ruins of the building with a roar and shouted at the Joker: "I know you must have other conspiracies, but now I can't control that much. I admit that your plan has succeeded, and my heart is now Full of anger, I can't even control myself."

The Hulk that Batman had turned into a bounce appeared on top of the clown's head, clenched his hands into big fists, hammered the clown fiercely, and slammed the clown into the ground.

"But are you thinking about the consequences of turning me into a monster? Are you ready to face a crazy Batman!"

Seeing the Joker being nailed to the ground like a nail, Batman yelled frantically.

"I prefer to call you the Rage Bat." The clown pulled himself out from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "Hahaha...I admit that this plan is very rubbish, because my original plan was to You become a laughing bat."


Batman's eyes suddenly became flushed, white gas came out of his nostrils, and the look in his eyes lost their agility, leaving only the flames of anger burning.

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