Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 222: Target-Kamora

No matter which world in Meiman, the earth is the center of the universe.

   After the ice giant completely controlled the earth of the dc universe, the cosmic will of the entire dc universe also recognized the status of the goddess of death, and the law of death in the rules of the universe has gradually belonged to the goddess of death.

   Adam witnessed the death of the kobold with his own eyes. This **** of death, once in charge of the death of the DC universe and condensed by the rules of death, turned into a pile of gray mist, passed through the cosmic tunnel, and was sucked in by the kingdom of death.

   Adam stood quietly outside the Death God for three days, but the Death Goddess still didn't open the Death God Kingdom. Adam felt that there were not enough people who might die.

   Adam gave orders to the Frost Giant to continue marching into the entire universe with the earth as the center, turning all the intelligent creatures they saw into believers of the goddess of death or dead corpses.

Originally, Adam wanted Aurora to return to him, but Aurora was very worried about the Frost Giants, thinking that these reckless guys with ice in their heads would not spread faith at all, but would look at them. Everything that arrived was torn to pieces.

   So Aurora resisted the miss of Adam, stayed in the dc universe, and continued to spread faith for the goddess of death.

   After Adam knew about it, he came to the dc universe, picked up the little girl, loved it fiercely, and gave an order to the frost giant to obey Aurora's decision.

   Adam knew that although the Frost Giants were fighting bravely, they were too few in number, so he sent 12 golden soldiers who had already risen to the top and possessed the highest combat effectiveness of the gods.

   Adam not only sent the past 12 golden soldiers, but also Adam’s Kay and the magic wolf Fenrir who was summoned by Adam.

   Demon wolf Fenrir's body has become very huge, with a body length of more than 10,000 meters, and its combat effectiveness has reached the level of the main god.

   Adam likes this demon wolf very much. It looks very handsome and not to mention it, and the combat effectiveness has also improved very quickly. I believe that after this war in the DC universe, the demon wolf Fenrir will bring Adam a new surprise.

   Adam wanted to send all his fighting power over, but found that Chris was in a low ebb.

   Chris, who lost Thor’s Hammer, was gloomy and poured his sorrows with wine every day, although he used to drink a lot of wine.

Adam has never been a stingy person to his loyal subordinates who have signed a contract. He handed over the weapon crafting scroll hidden in the Asgard treasury to Chris, and asked Chris to find the dwarves to build a thunder and lightning axe. .

   Adam didn't know who designed this Thunderbolt suit, and Thor's Hammer is not a weapon at all.

Thor’s Hammer contains extremely large power. Its main function is to enhance the user’s lightning power and bring the user’s main god-like combat power. If the user itself has the main god-like combat power, the increase brought by Thor’s hammer Will become extremely rare.

  The Thunder and Lightning Tomahawk is different.

   Thunder and Lightning Tomahawk is a pure combat weapon. It can't bring the user the slightest increase, it can only maximize the user's combat power.

   And the Thunder and Lightning Tomahawk actually possessed an ability that made Adam’s attention to his attention, that is, invincible.

   Everyone must avoid the strike of the lightning tomahawk, because after the lightning tomahawk is slashed, nothing can stop it_this is the introduction of the lightning tomahawk on the scroll.

   Adam did not believe how strong the Thunderbolt suit was, because Odin Cong had never thought of building this weapon. Its weapon design was thrown in the treasure house and accumulated a thick layer of ash.

   But Chris was very happy. He picked up the weapon design scroll and set off on the road to make weapons. He went to the dwarf kingdom to find the dwarf king, a guy who was not short at all.

  Although Adam sent all of his staff out, he knew that this was nothing but a drop in the bucket. Facing a huge monolithic universe, what about this person?

   Adam put the search for the remaining two infinite gems on his agenda.

   After obtaining an infinite gem, Adam had enough of the advanced cosmic energy that the Golden Soldier upgraded once again.

   Adam has already inquired about the system, and the golden soldiers who have been promoted to the peak of the **** level are upgraded again, not to increase the ability, but to increase the number.

   What makes Adam even more happy is that this increase in number is ten times ten times higher.

  In other words, after Adam upgrades the Golden Soldier again, he will get 120 god-level peak combat power.

   With these 120 golden soldiers at the top of the **** level, the speed of sweeping the bc single universe has not improved a little bit.

   The reality gem was made into ether particles and sealed by Odin himself. Adam had nothing to do with Odin's seal, and he couldn't even find the place where Odin sealed the ether particles.

   So Adam set his sights on the soul gem somewhere in the universe.

   Adam contacted Thanos and asked Thanos for clues about soul gems.

   Thanos said that he had no interest in Infinite Gems, so he did not continue to investigate, and he had never found the location of Soul Gems.

   Adam expressed his gratitude to Thanos for his frankness and looked forward to the meeting.

   After a friendly long-distance call between the two, Adam showed a smile on his face.

   Adam remembered the location of the soul gem very well, and Thanos’ adopted daughter Kamora knew.

  Since Thanos said that he didn't know, it means that Kamora didn't tell Thanos about this matter.

   Anyway, Adam has determined his goal.

   Because there is no one around Adam to send, Adam decided to go to the universe to find the Guardians of the Galaxy.

  Kamora is the adopted daughter of Thanos, but she betrayed Thanos, joined the Guardians of the Galaxy, and fell in love with the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Xingjue.

   Adam remembered that the Guardians of the Galaxy seemed to be mingling with Loki for a while, and he didn't know where the gang was going now.

  The guys in the Guardians of the Galaxy are not too powerful in combat, but they are surprised by their bones, and their brains are simply different from mortals.

   Adam once suspected that the Star Guards of the Galaxy Guards had special abilities, which could weaken the enemy's combat power through the dance, and also suspected that Captain America had special abilities, which could force the enemy's combat power to be 50-50 with him.

   However, Adam has already met Captain America and beat him once. He is quite sure that Captain America has no superpowers.

   After thinking about it, Adam decides to go to Earth before looking for the Guardians of the Galaxy to see how the Terminator mission is doing.

   Adam came directly to the earth through the power of the space gem in the Supreme Throne.

   For Adam, it would be a very happy thing to find Deadpool before setting off to find the guards.

   If you can bring Deadpool to find the Guardians of the Galaxy, it would be even more exciting.

   Deadpool’s mouth-cannon ability is no worse than Xing Jue’s awkward dance ability!

   are both indescribable super powers, who is afraid of whom?

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