Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 223: A little cute deadpool

When Adam saw the Terminator again, he already had a new bionic skin and was a burly man with brown hair.

  The Terminator has returned to human society again, and has made a lot of money through the Internet, typing on a computer in a rented office.

   "Is there any news?" Adam put away the supreme throne, wearing a casual suit, finally looked less high-profile.

  The Terminator looked away from the computer screen and saw Adam sitting on the sofa. A hint of joy flashed in the human eyeball simulated by the electronic eye.

   "Wade Wilson is a very good mercenary, with a mission completion rate close to 100%." ​​The Terminator has a smile on his face, but this smile is a bit stiff. It seems that he is not quite used to the new bionic skin. "According to his medical records, he should have had cancer. He participated in a human test at an illegal institute. I did not investigate the background of this institute."

"This research institute often uses terminally ill people to do human experiments, through the survival of these people to create some artificial mutants, these artificial mutants are quite good." The Terminator took out a CD and stuffed it into the computer. , A series of experiment screens appeared on the computer. "I suspect that this institute has something to do with the people of Hydra, but it is not important to us. Wade Wilson should have undergone experiments in this institute and cured the cancer."

   Adam watched the human experiment on the video and couldn't help but frowned, watching these people constantly being injected with messy medicines in their bodies, wailing loudly.

   "What about Wade's whereabouts?" Adam has no interest in this research organization.

   "Wade Wilson has a girlfriend who is a dancing girl, but since he took part in the experiment, he has never contacted this dancing girl." The Terminator pulled out another CD. "Wade Wilson also has a good friend. His good friend opened a bar. This bar can be regarded as a home for mercenaries. When Wade Wilson is not sick, he often mixes in this bar for missions."

"So I found Wade Wilson through this bar, but I didn't disturb him, I just recorded what he did." The Terminator took out the old CD, and the new CD was inserted into the computer. , Said to Adam: "Wade Wilson should regret doing the experiment. The content shown in this video is that he was hunting down the leader of the illegal laboratory."

   A picture appeared on the computer screen, it was on a viaduct.

   Adam observed according to the shooting position of the picture, it should have been taken by the Terminator from a long distance via satellite, but the picture was quite clear, so Adam couldn't help but admire Tony Stark's technology.

   The Terminator once told Adam that most of the satellites flying in the sky are clean energy satellites developed by Tony Stark.

   Adam looked at the scene in the video and saw a mess on the bridge, scrapped cars, and corpses on the ground. A figure in a red tights put a person there, backed up a few steps, and then kicked it over like a football.

Immediately after Adam heard Deadpool talking, Deadpool kicked the man's head and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, it's a sweet kick for revenge." He jumped up and hit the man and continued, "Look at him. How are you doing, let's do it again." He carried the man to the bridge.

   kicked the man’s helmet and said: "This has brought the violation of sportsmanship to a new level."

   drew the knife behind his back, stabbed it, and nailed the man to the edge.

   Deadpool squatted and stretched out his hand to lift the man's head and said, "It looks good, Francis, do you remember anything? No?"

   Deadpool took off his mask and looked at Francis and said, "What about now?"

   Francis smiled and said, "Fuck you, uncle Wade Wilson."

   Deadpool brought a mask to cover the face of a Shar Pei and said, "I look like I was bitten by a Shar Pei with radiation."

   Adam looked at the screen on the computer and said, "You are using it, are you the stalk that Spiderman was bitten by the radiant spider?"

   "I can understand the images taken with satellites, but where does the sound in this video come from?" Adam turned and looked at the Terminator. "Even if it is a satellite made by Iron Man, it can't be so powerful, right?"

"The guy named Francis is the leader of the laboratory. I found him and installed *** and surveillance equipment on her." The Terminator paused the video on the computer and explained to Adam: "I investigated Wade. Wilson's life deeds, and then compared his behavior, analyzed that he will find Francis for revenge."

   "Good boy."

   Adam smiled in relief, walked to the side of the Terminator, tapped the keyboard, and the video on the computer continued to run.

   Adam’s facial expression was suddenly confused, because a person Adam had never seen appeared in the video.

   A guy in a black tights and a face mask walked to the side of Deadpool, UU reading www. said to Deadpool: "Could it be that the guy in the red tights is just talking? Are you related to the guy who is swinging among the high-rise buildings?"

Deadpool looked back at the guy in the black tights and said, "Red tights? Are you talking about me? **, do you think I love to wear red to kill Matt? This is because wearing red kills Matt clothes, kills You don’t need to clean up the blood stains on your clothes, just like this person on the ground. He understands correctly. He wears black pants so that others will not be able to see him peeing. What do you mean by talking? You mean the little one. Bugs? **, the two of us are dressed like couples, and I am not a superhero, the greater the ability, the less responsible."

   "Who is this guy?" Adam asked the Terminator while watching the video.

"It should be a Hydra person." The Terminator replied: "I investigated him when I saw the video before, but all traces were erased by Hydra. Even if he is not a Hydra person, he will Hydra has a cooperative relationship."

   Adam nodded, his gaze returned to the video again.

   The guy in the black tights did not know where he took out two long knives and gave them to Deadpool.

Deadpool took the knife that the guy handed over, and said a few times: "How did you do it? Do you make magic? This knife is pretty good. It should be able to chop off the Tintin of Steel Lux. You consider changing it. A uniform? Wear a green suit and add a special effect duang. I'll talk about the future. Now we are friends. I want to teach this bastard."

   "Does Wade Wilson have anything to do with Hydra?" Adam felt more and more confused. "What are those guys in the Avengers doing? Didn't you do it on Hydra?"

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