Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 263: Piano

"I am Adam. I am not very interested in learning, but I am very interested in becoming a teacher."

No matter what Professor Charles's purpose was, Adam would not be afraid, so he agreed to Professor Charles's request and went back to Mutant School with him.

Adam once thought of using force to conquer the universe, but he really didn't have enough manpower.

Adam is fully capable of killing all creatures in this universe, but he cannot force all creatures in this universe to believe in the goddess of death.

Adam had considered letting Aurora spread the faith, but thinking of the strange abilities of mutants made Adam hesitate.

The ability of some mutants to become tai is simply excessive for no reason.

"Okay. You are welcome to join, Adam."

Professor Charles in the wheelchair smiled gently at Adam, and then said to Li Sen: "Your case with the New York Police Department, I will let someone help you eliminate it, and you can live like a normal person again in the future. "

Hearing what Professor Charles said, Adam immediately looked straight and thanked him: "Thank you, Professor."

Although he doesn't really care if he is wanted, but if Professor Charles can eliminate this trouble for him, he is still very happy to accept this favor.

Adam has a spiritual gem, and he can be quite sure that the professor hasn't made any mental tricks on himself.

Adam’s combat effectiveness is undoubtedly a strong one, but Professor Charles can actually not care about Adam’s details, nor check Adam’s memory privately, and invite Adam to join his power, showing his self-confidence and personality.

Xavier Youth School is located in Westchester County, New York, USA. The school building was originally the manor of Professor Charles's family. There are many classical buildings here. Walking inside seems to be in the last century.

Adam followed Professor Charles back to the Wiesel Youth School, but Charles did not let Adam directly become a teacher, but asked Adam to spend a semester in his student career before considering whether to let him become a teacher.

Adam thought for a while, there is no difference between being a student and a teacher, he was just waiting for the opportunity.

After Adam registered here, he began his school life.

There are many mutant students here, but most of them are not yet proficient in their mutant abilities.

In addition to teaching mutants how to master their mutant abilities, this school also teaches some science and cultural courses. Adam sometimes listens to these courses occasionally to cultivate his sentiment.

However, most of the time he lay alone on the lawn of this manor and basking in the sun, reading the Huang Ting Jing silently in his heart, trying to improve his mood.

The Xavier Genius Youth School founded by Professor Charles is really a paradise for mutants.

"Be careful!!!"

Just as Adam put his hands on his pillow and looked at the sun in the sky and sighed, suddenly his ears moved slightly, and at the same time, there was an exclamation in the distance.

Adam's right hand stretched out quickly like lightning, grabbed the air, and then a black arrow was tightly held in his hand.

"Sorry, when I was shooting an arrow, I didn't know anyone was there."

At this moment, a young girl with long burgundy hair ran over to him with an apologetic expression on her face.

The girl's face is exquisite and beautiful, and her figure is contoured in a black tights. A pair of slender legs always makes people feel imaginative, and a pair of eyes are extremely energetic, just like stars.

"It's okay." Adam responded with a smile. "you…"

Before Adam could ask the girl's name, Adam suddenly felt a mental energy that was not very powerful but of very high quality invaded his mind.

Adam's realm has long been raised through Huang Tingjing. The thousands of years of cultivation in the prehistoric world have also allowed Adam's spiritual power to far surpass ordinary Heavenly Father-level powerhouses.

The mental power in Adam's mind fluctuated slightly, and he automatically fought back.

At the same time, there was a loud cry of pain in his ear.

I saw that the girl with wine-red hair was rolling on the ground with her head in her arms, her eyes kept rolling up, and the expression on her face was extremely painful.

"You are really idle and boring, you make your own feelings!"

When Adam saw it, he felt bad, and immediately picked up the girl, a princess, and ran to the school's medical room.

Adam's realm is getting higher and higher, and he can understand the world more and more. He feels that if he doesn't use his energy beyond mortals and feels the world with a mortal body, his strength will become more rapid.

So Adam only used the strength of ordinary people to pick up the girl, and ran to the medical room quickly.


Adam kicked open the door of the medical room and said to the beast Hank with a stunned look: "Brother Lan Mao, come on, this girl may not be in the right state, I think she needs your help."

"What's the matter? No, it's Qin. Go and call the professor, go, and leave it to me first."

When Hank saw that the person in Adam’s arms turned out to be Qin, his face suddenly changed. He didn’t care what Adam called him, and hurriedly took her from Adam’s arms and put her on the medical operating table, facing Adam. He said in a hurry: "You must find the professor as soon as possible, otherwise there will be big trouble!"

After nodding to him, he ran out.

When Adam heard that Hank called this girl "Qin", combined with her burgundy hair, he immediately knew that this girl should be the Qin Grey with the power of the phoenix.

The power of the phoenix is ​​the embodiment of the life power and emotional power of the primitive universe. The complete power of the phoenix can be said to be one of the most powerful forces in this Although, this Jin·Glei only possesses this phoenix. A small part of the power, but this power is still extremely powerful, so once it loses control, the consequences are unimaginable.

Although Adam didn't care about the so-called strongest power, he didn't bother to mix these things.

And at this time, if Adam does not participate, only Professor Charles can temporarily suppress the out-of-control of the piano with his powerful mental power.

Adam ran to the classroom where Professor Charles was, and did not use any power beyond mortals, trotting unhurriedly.

At this time, the professor was helping other mutant students with a physics class. Seeing Adam hurriedly over, he knew something was going on and immediately dismissed the students.

"Adam, what's the matter? Although you are a young man, you have to be more stable."

"There is a girl named Qin who is in the wrong state. She seems to be out of control. She is at Hank's."

"What? Qin is out of control."

Hearing Adam's words, Professor Charles's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly said: "You take me there, or the whole of New York will be blown into the sky by her!"

"Don't worry, you don't need to put your wheelchair in gear." Adam turned and took Professor Charles to the medical room. As he walked, he said, "Professor, you are not young anymore. As an elderly person, I think you should keep your focus. ."

(End of this chapter)

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