Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 264: Summon upgrade

When Adam and Professor Charles returned to Hank, they found that Hank's medical room was already in a mess.


   Adam pushed Professor Charles's wheelchair into the medical room.


   I saw that Qin had stood up from the medical operating table, his whole body vigorous, and his hair flying.


   And Na Hank is being pressed firmly against the white wall by the power of Qin's thoughts, and the whole person seems to be suffocated.


   Seeing the arrival of Adam and Charles, he hurriedly waved to them with difficulty. Upon seeing this, Charles immediately released his mental power and rushed towards Qin.


   However, Qin's condition seems to be a little serious this time. No matter how Charles calls Qin telepathically, Qin doesn't respond.


   The whole building also began to shake under the tyrannical mental power of Qin.


   Seeing this, Charles had to increase his mental power, trying to control the piano to stabilize her.


   Qin is just a student now, not the Phoenix girl who has fully developed her abilities.


   Although he has a part of the power of the phoenix, he is obviously not the opponent of a veteran man with strong mental power like Charles.


   With Charles's efforts, his mental power finally penetrated into Qin's mind.


   But, before he could control Qin's body, a phoenix suddenly appeared in Qin's mind.


   With a soft cry, the part of the mental power Charles invaded was shattered.


   At this time, Qin looked at Charles with cold eyes, and then stretched out his hand, an extremely powerful mental force immediately rushed towards Charles like a sea tide.


   Charles flew out immediately under the impact of the powerful mental power containing the power of the phoenix.


   "It's a bit fierce."


   Adam saw this, he who didn't want to mix these things, and then backed away.


   However, at the moment he retreated, Qin's powerful mental power containing the power of the phoenix also arrived.


   just rushed into Adam's mind. This mental power containing the power of the phoenix instantly turned into a fiery red phoenix when it reached Adam's mind, spreading its wings and screaming.


   Now Adam is a little unhappy.


   Although this king doesn't want to care about you, you can't get into it!


  In Adam's mind, a golden palace suddenly appeared, and this red phoenix was appearing in the palace hall.


   Opposite the phoenix is ​​a pure golden throne. On the throne sits a figure with a vague face.


   This vague figure, dressed in a gorgeous robe, with black hair draped over his shoulders, can vaguely see his eyes, a pair of indifferent eyes are revealing cold light.


Under the gaze of these cold eyes, the flaming red phoenix that was still triumphantly wilted suddenly and no longer had the bullying weather before. Instead, it looked like an aggrieved little chicken cub. Wings, head bowed, trembling in Adam's mind, as if he was going to fight.


   Seeing this scene, Adam was also speechless for a while.


   This phoenix also seems to be a bully and afraid of hardship.


   Then, a black whirlpool emerged from the side of the phoenix, and it swallowed the phoenix transformed by the spiritual power of the piano with just one rotation.


   This is the system reminding Adam that he has gained another kind of cosmic high energy, and the Golden Soldier can be upgraded again.


   Adam retired from the sea of ​​consciousness after upgrading the Golden Soldier through the air.


   Then he raised his eyes to look at the Qin, only to see the Qin's eyes closed again, and his body fell backward.


   Adam came to her in a few steps, hugged her, took a closer look, and found that she was actually asleep.


   At this time, Hank, who had been firmly fixed to the wall by the piano, also slipped off the wall, coughing on the ground.


   "Hey! Does Blue Mao matter?"


"Do not worry about it."


   "Brother Lan Mao's Chinese name is Wang?"




   "Nothing. Professor, how about you? I think you were shocked just now..."


   At this time, Adam looked at Professor Charles nonchalantly. At this time, he was using his mind to control his wheelchair and walked in, his face was a little pale.


   "Hoo~~ Adam, it's all right..."


   After Charles let out a long sigh of relief, he waved his hand to Adam.


   Then, he looked at the Qin in Adam's arms and asked worriedly: "Where is the Qin? How is it?"


   "She fell asleep."




   The three of them looked at each other and the messy medical room. They all couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The power that Qin broke out just now made them feel lingering.


   Professor Charles did not ask Adam any questions, but Adam believed that the professor must have seen something.


  Because the cessation of the power of the Phoenix obviously has nothing to do with Professor Charles, but since he didn't ask, Adam didn't intend to say anything.


   One day later, morning.


   Adam had just finished eating and was about to listen to Professor Charles's literature class. He came across Qin again on the way.


   "Adam, right? Good morning."


   "Well. Good morning, Jin. Your body condition has recovered."


"Well, I recovered. I heard from Professor Charles that you took me to the medical room. Thank you Adam. Also, I did not intend to shoot the arrow before. I still can't control my mental power well. ,I am sorry……"


   At the end, Qin also lowered her head with flushed cheeks, like a little girl who did something wrong.


   Well, Adam looked up and down a few times, and from the perspective of his chest, she was originally a young girl.


   "It's okay. Isn't everyone okay?"


   Adam comforted her.


   "Well, thank you anyway."


   said, Qin stood on tiptoe and kissed Adam lightly, and then ran away in a panic.


"you are welcome."


   Adam didn't finish speaking, and he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled when he looked at the girl who fled in a panic.


   Girl feelings are always poetry!


   And since stealing this kiss, Adam and Jin have become very good friends.


   Qin often accompanies Adam in class and sunbathing together, and the two have been inseparable together.


   In the eyes of others, this piano seems to have become Adam's girlfriend.


   However, Adam never admitted.


   He Qin’s mode of getting along makes Adam think of Jiali involuntarily.


once Upon a time.


   Adam was still very weak, and when he had not awakened his divine power, he met Jiali who was even weaker at that time.


   The witch at that time was still a bag of bullies in the school.


   is also a soft kiss.


   is also accompanied every day.


   is also in class together.


   Adam narrowed his eyes and decided to end this universe as soon as possible.


   Christmas is coming soon, the school is closed, and many mutant classmates have also gone home one after another.


   Because Adam had nowhere to go, he stayed at this school and spent Christmas with Professor Charles and Hank.

  ) Book friends, hurry up and pay attention!

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