Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 285: Comics

And on the other side, Little Naughty (also translated as Raksha Girl, I find that it feels like a mother of a red boy, so I still like the title of Little Naughty.) also chatted with her female classmates. , Discipline in class is really terrible.

"Do you know him?" the girl whispered to the little mischief. It seemed that she was still a little afraid of breaking discipline, but the strong gossip was enough to make her take the risk.

"He? You mean Adam?" Xiao Naughty asked.

"Yes, is his name Adam? You actually know him!" The girl covered her mouth in surprise.

"Yeah" Little naughty nodded. She felt that this girl was making a fuss. Although Adam was a bit "ugly", Adam did not seem to be a cold person.

"Will you not be frozen by him?" the girl asked again.

"Frozen? Why?"

"Because that guy is so lonely, no one of his classmates knew him after he came to this school for one year!"

Little mischievous surprised "How could this be?"

She also didn't believe it. After all, when Adam was communicating with Laser Eye and Storm Girl, he could hear that his tone was very casual, and he didn't look like a difficult person to get along with.

"Is it because you look too inferior?" Little naughty thought to himself for a reason.

"He is a boy called the "Lone Wolf". No one wants and dare not chat with him!" After the girl said mysteriously, her voice was slightly relieved, as if she was telling a great secret just now. "Except for the teachers at the school, no one even knows what its real name is! That's why I was surprised that you would even know this guy!"

"Right." Xiaoqi asked suddenly, "Since you and him are classmates for one year, do you know what he looks like?"

"What does it look like?" The girl thought carefully, and then shook her head. "Although he has been in school for a year, he only appeared in the afternoon of the first day. Only a dozen people saw him. However, I I heard from the sisters at the time that he was someone who would be dumbfounded when you saw it."

"Looks very ugly, right?" Little naughty had already affirmed in his heart that the other party was really ugly, otherwise, how could it make people stunned?

"Well, that's right, how else would you be called a lone wolf?" The girl apparently nodded in agreement.

Just when the little mischief was chatting with people happily, Fireman John finally couldn't help but show off his abilities again.

Quietly put his hand behind him, then John stretched out his hand and turned on the lighter.


A small flame rose, and then turned into a fist-sized fireball.

Floating on his palm.

"Look! This is the power of God!" John showed his white front teeth, and his proud smile melted into his face. In this regard, Paul has some similarities with the burning man Adam once knew. .

"This level of flame is as fragile as an ant to him." Although the little naughty looked at the flame a little surprised, but not too surprised, because she had seen that person, The explosive flames of a car were completely concentrated in the palm of his hand, and John was showing off like a clown at this time.

The little mischievous glance glanced around, but she didn't find the figure she was looking for.

At this moment, the boy who had been sitting on his right and looking at her from the corner of his eye suddenly stretched out his hand.

Although Little Naughty didn't have superpowers like surveillance, a girl escaped, making her develop the habit of watching her surroundings.

After all, this land is too messy.

For a mutant little girl, she has never been welcomed by humans, and everything around her may be a threat to her.

Although the boy was hiding well, she was discovered by her.

However, she was also happy to see what the boy wanted to do.

A trace of cold air radiated from the boy's hands and condensed into a strand, completely covering the fireball. In just a second, the fireball formed into an ice ball.


The hockey puck fell to pieces and made a clicking sound.

"John! This is the second time I warned you!"

"Uh, sorry!"

"I'm Bobby." At this time, the boy with cold hands came over to strike up a conversation, and now smiled and said: "You can also call me the iceman."

Little mischievous turned her head, but she was still not ashamed to ignore other people's knowledge.

"Mary." She said her name. "You can also call me naughty, the nickname I gave myself."

This Bobby is exactly the iceman at the time.

At this time, the Iceman hit the iron again while it was hot, and quietly pressed his left hand on the little naughty table.

A trace of refracted light flickered under his palm, and at the same time there was some coldness.

Take the palm of your hand away, it's a rose made of ice!

The boy's meaning couldn't be more obvious!

"You are welcome to join." Bobby found a suitable reason to give a gift for himself. "This rose is for you. Although it will melt quickly, it's beautiful, isn't it?"

It's just that Xiao Naughty pursed her mouth, she didn't intend to accept it, maybe she would gladly accept it before, but now...

"Jones, what are you looking at? So addicted?" Adam looked at Jones, who was studying hard, his curiosity exploded.

"Here, comics."

"Comic?" Adam asked suspiciously, "What's so good about that?"

You know, for Adam, even this world is nothing more than a comic world.

That’s right, the technology in this world is many times more advanced than other original are already in a very dangerous state.

Just because the development of scientific and technological information, virtual data, etc. have been invented, it seems that when you stretch your hands, a virtual electronic information panel will appear between your fingers.

"He really existed." Jones said: "It's not illusory! Last time, the professor took a photo with him!"

"A manga based on a real person?" Adam became interested.

There are X-Men in this world, but there are no related comics. Of course, there are comics of Superman and Batman. Theoretically speaking, what exists in cultural works cannot exist in the real world, so this world cannot exist Superman and Batman.

And this, comics adapted from real people aroused his interest.

Adam is not quite sure that there are only mutants in this world, maybe there are Iron Man, Spiderman or something in this world, maybe.

Because Adam was not interested in these, he never asked or tried to find out.

But at this time, I heard that there are cartoons adapted from real people in this world, so I naturally became interested.

"What is the name of this comic?"


"Spiritual comics?"

"Super hero!"

(End of this chapter)

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