Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 286: Mess up

"Hellboy?!" Adam exclaimed in a low voice, he did not forget that he was in class.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Jones wondered.

"It's okay, it's okay." Adam shook his hand again and again. "It's just a bit familiar."


This world actually exists!

He began to wonder if the world he was in was a pure X-Men.

It took a year to doubt that he was indeed a little slow.

"Then, please open the textbooks. We are going to take a history lesson for ordinary human students. After all, we can't be illiterate, right?"

Adam listened to the teacher and picked up the history textbook, although his head was still a little confused.

Fortunately, although he did not receive the memory of the original Jack, he received some instincts, such as eating with a knife and fork, and for example, his mother tongue...

The original mutant Jack is not an American, but a German.

"During World War II, he was called a great hero."

"He led a small number of troops to break through the enemy."

"He is a symbol of justice."

"Rock, Gillian, of course, more people remember his other name, Captain Magic!"

As if there was a roar, Adam's head, which had been stunned by the existence of Hellboy, finally crashed.

Who is this special?

Captain America pirated?

Could it be a pirated mutant comics world?

He didn't listen to what the teacher said next.

The existence of Hellboy means that there is **** in this world!

Adam once offended a **** magnate, a hapless one whose clone was eaten by Carrie.

The current Adam is the weakest low ebb in the world, and he can't even beat an ordinary **** like Magneto?

The fragile Adam couldn't even break the earth!

Adam flipped through the book unconsciously, and a page of newspaper caught in the book fell out.

Many of the school's textbooks are printed, but Adam doesn't like to take notes. After all, he was a scum student in his previous life, so he borrowed Qin Grey's book, which contains dense records, which saved him a lot of effort.

This newspaper is some years old,

There is also a bold bold title printed on it

It says "Jingxian! Huge monster!"

Below is a photo with very poor pixels.


This is the celebrity in the American Big Monster movie, Godzilla who is as famous as King Kong!

On Godzilla's head, there is also a circle drawn in red with the words "Ugly."

Adam laughed blankly. This must be a masterpiece of Qin.

This is not the world of mutants, nor the world of comics, but the world of movies!

Finally confirmed.

Although there may be countless powerful and weird guys.

I wonder if there are any huts in the woods?

Adam was very curious about the owner of the giant hand in the movie when he first watched it.

If there is one in the Marvel world, it may be a god, but this is the movie world!

Maybe it is a strange race.

Adam likes strange things the most!

So, next Adam really studied seriously. This is a history textbook that is boring for all students, but for him is like science fiction.


"Sorry for disturbing you."

Adam knocked on the door and said to the Storm Girl, Professor Charles, Jin and Laser Eye who were studying.

They are the only teachers in this school, and of course, there are also expatriates, such as Hank the Beast.

"Oh? Jack, what's the matter?"

Professor Charles attaches great importance to this mutant teenager with self-judgment ability. Of course, it is mainly his courage. He dared to absorb the powerful energy into the body when he did not know his ability, and insisted with perseverance belief. One year.

Of course, Professor Charles has never entered Adam's mind, otherwise, he would know who is a teenager.

Adam walked into the room, he saw Qin Zheng was wearing a white lab coat, and he pointed to a slide that was explaining. The slide was a picture of a human skeleton. No need to guess, it must be Wolverine.

However, at this time, Qin Zheng stared at Adam with an angry look. Obviously, she felt disappointed in Adam for his "arbitrarily interrupting" the conversation of the adults.

In response, Adam can only stick out his tongue to express his innocence.

He didn't dare to provoke this host of Phoenix's power.

"That's it, Professor, I found something that I forgot to say during the previous rescue."

Tell Professor Charles directly that Magneto is looking for a little naughty instead of Wolverine?

Are you kidding me, wouldn’t it be hilarious?

So Adam stepped back and lied again.

Adam never lied before, he was infected by the clown!

It must be so!

"Oh? Please speak." Professor Charles said.

"That's it." The Adam organization language said: "When I rushed to the rescue before, I found that the big man directly stunned Logan, who was rescued by us, and I saw that his target was not Logan, but even more. Like..."

"Mary?" Professor Charles said suddenly, "That poor little girl?"

"Yes, professor. Of course, this is also my guess. However, as far as I know, the guy we rescued does not seem to have any characteristics other than physical resistance. On the contrary, Mary's super power is even more special."

Obviously, they also thought that they might be wrong, but...

"What are they looking for Mary?" Professor Charles was lost in thought again. "It's a pity that Eric has a prop that can block my telepathy. Otherwise, I might understand it soon."

Adam interjected again and said, "Professor, why don't you try to look at the memories of the people around Magneto? For example, the devilish girl. UU Reading"

"That's right!" Professor Charles's eyes lit up. Although the memories of Magneto's people may not have much information, it is better than cranky.

Charles doesn't like to look at other people's sex, but he uses extraordinary methods.

"Thank you, Jack, you really helped a lot!" Professor Charles did not hesitate to praise.

But did Adam's connection really help?

Could such a simple thing as Charles, a mutant wise man, never think of?


"Yes." At this time, Qin's anger finally went down and changed to a smile on his face. "Reward you"

After speaking, he kissed Adam on the face.

Adam can only say this one more time. He is a little uncomfortable and feels like he will be sucked dry.

After all, the power of the phoenix's attack method involves killing people.

Adam said stiffly, "Jin, I'm still a child!"

That's right!

Adam is still a child in this world!

Moreover, as an Asa protoss, Adam's age is indeed a child.

"Okay." Qin shrugged and said, "A clever boy."

(End of this chapter)

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