Armoured Grenadier Company

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by Klepon

Gyarararararararararara! ! ! ─ ─ Goshuuuuu……

Nasser was thrilled by the spectacle that solidified his surroundings.

On each side of him were the iron wagons, the ──── German draught workhorses, Panzer IV H, with their dependable crawling sound.

Three of them in number.

With Nasser in the centre, the other two followed his tank, trailing behind.

The tanks followed Nasser’s signal and stopped.

Infront of him, a half-track vehicle (a half-road vehicle with a combination of tires and tracks) stopped in its unique shape with godlike driving skill and assembled facing the tanks.

Nine half-tracks vehicles and three tanks.

They looked like military vehicles and were lined closely.

The breakdown was three vehicles per platoon, with fully armed German infantry – armoured grenadiers – in front of each vehicle.

Three platoons had been summoned along with three cars per platoon, totaling nine cars.

The number of soldiers was approximately 90.

In military terms, this would be equivalent to a single company without a company headquarters.

Behind them, similar half-track type vehicles lined up.

These vehicles were similar in appearance to those for infantry. The only difference was that they were loaded with large quantities of steel plates and steel tubes of unknown use.

This was the vehicle that the engineers fought in – an engineering combat vehicle-type half-track.

There were three of them.

The three vehicles were separately attached.

Each was attached to a platoon of infantry.

One platoon of Engineers was assigned to each vehicle.

The ratio of one platoon of Engineers to one platoon of infantry would then be assigned.

“This『Fountain of Magic』….is amazing”

The 『Fountain of Magic』 that Nasser received from Bummel did exactly what he said it did: it expanded the maximum value of magic power and restored depleted magic power one after another.

Thanks to this, there was still plenty of magic to summon a beast equivalent to Lv 4.

“『End of the assembly』”

And after the mass summoning, Nasser saw one change.

The summon beast who reported to him about the assemble soldiers.

He was called『Company Commander』.

It was a beast that Nasser had not summoned.

─ it was summoned by accident.

Just somehow, in order to check the effect of the 『Fountain of Magic』, Nasser continuously summoned to the limit of its magic power according to the elevated summoner Lv 4. 

The result was to summon the German army on the scale of a single company.

Beloved summon. ──────

Three IV tanks.

Three platoons of Lv4 infantry.

Three squads of Lv 4 engineers.

And three Messerschmitt are soaring in the skies.

“Oiooi, this 『Fountain of Magic』 – it’s really bad.”

It was not surprising that Nasser was amazed by its power.

Even if he called many summoned beasts that were equivalent to Lv4 …… ─ ─ the highest peak in the current situation, there was no sign of running out of magic power.

On the contrary, he could not even see the limit.

Now, Nasser wondered if he could control all the soldiers since he had summoned too many of them – – and that was when he appeared.

When Nasser summoned a large number of infantrymen, there was an odd summoning magic circle, and from there the 『Company Commander』 appeared.


A powerful order rang out, blasting through Nasser’s thoughts.

It was the voice of the 『Company Commander』.

Nasser naturally brought his body into an immovable posture, it was a familiar sound during his former military life before his adventuring career.

He straightened his posture as if there was a line in his back.

“『Right-Flank,Hold!! Company formation!…right, righttt!!!』”

Gan! GaGaGan!! The sound of footsteps was also dependable, and the movement was snappy.

The Germans, who had been forming a slightly disorganised column, formed a line in accordance with the order of the 『Company Commander』.

1st Platoon on the rightmost flank.

2nd Platoon in the centre.

3rd Platoon on the left flank.

The 『Company Commander』 stood alone in a position a few steps ahead of the troops that had finished lining up.

He positioned himself  in a neat line slightly away from Nasser’s tanks.

The whole process took less than a minute.


And while they all followed the 『Company Commander』’s orders, they grasped the tip or middle of the gun and held it parallel to their right side.

During the issue of the order, the gunstock was apparently floating without touching the ground.

“『Straighten up!!!』”

On the edge of the order, Gagagagagagagan!!!! and the sound of gunstocks being lowered all at once.

This was the army for Nasser.

His beloved summoned beasts -.

Nasser threw a glance at him and the 『Company Commander』nodded back.

“『Salute to the Commander! Head, Up!!!』

Bababa! ! Ban!

Everyone lifted their heads slightly upwards to look at Nasser and put their right hand on their forehead.

It was a salute to a commander.

Nasser responded to the salute, folding his right arm and holding out his right hand.

The movement was unwavering.

There was an indescribable, military-like [complete perfection].

Nasser, who met their strong-willed gazes, lowered his hand in a flash, and at the same time,『company commander』 said.

“『At easeee!!!』”


This was Nasser’s new summoned beast – Lv4.

Armoured Grenadier Company!

── Guoooooooooooooooon!!!!

It was like a military ceremony.

To decorate the ceremony, a four-engined formation of Messerschmitt BF109Gs, Lv3 summon beast, flew past at very low altitude.

‘Fufufuf …….’

German Army. ────.

“That’s good.”

No longer concealing it – Nasser had stripped his upper body bare, revealing a pale, shining spell-mark.

The shimmering 『fountain of magic』 adds a touch of colour to the scene.

“『Do & %$’.』”

─ ─ Do & %$.

“My ‘Germans’!”


“The time for forgiveness has passed! Do they need mercy?”

“『『『Not required!!』』』”

“── Do we have to go easy on them?!”

“『『『None whatsoever!!』』』”

“─ ─ Then, what do we need to do!!??”


“That’s right! Annihilation,Eradication,Extermination! Let’s exterminate them carefully, gently, decisively and meticulously! Come on, let’s go!”


“It is time to end this kingdom!!”

Zubhaa…! and Nasser waved his right hand as if to cut the sky.

“To the kingdom that took my dragons, killed my family, kidnapped my flesh and blood, and burned my beloved innocent captain, to death ────── Retaliation.!!!!!”




“『『『Furaaaaaaaaaaa! ! !』』』”

The German and Nasser  synchronised.

Their enemy must be destroyed.

The kingdom, 

The hero and ──────!


“All Troops!! Advance!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“『All hands ready for battleeeeAaaahhh!!!』”


“『All aboardAaaahhh!!!』”

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