
Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by Klepon

“『All hands ready for battleeeeAaaahhh!!!』”


Following the order of the 『Company Commander』 the soldiers who had been in line dispersed en masse.

They boarded one after another from the rear doors of the half-tracks, arms in hand, and the sound of their engines announced that they were ready to go.

“『Quickly, report!!』”

“『Car 1 is ready!』”

“『Car 2 Ready to go!』”

“『Car 3 is also ready to go.』”

“『『『All ready and prepared!』』』”

The 『Company Commander』, who got the reports on behalf of Nasser, took over command.

Nasser now understood that a company-sized unit would certainly need a specialised commander.

It seemed to be an automatic summoning for this purpose.

Nasser had a feeling that, perhaps, in the future, when he summoned on a large scale, a summon similar to the 『Company Commander』 type – would appear as long as his magical power allowed.

“『Good. ─ From now, the first target.……advance towards the Royal Castle and secure it.』”


“『The enemy is still not prepared for us. As soon as the front of the royal castle is secured, report to me, then advance at once to the castle.』”


The『Company Commander』, who seemed to have finished giving the necessary instructions, gave Nasser a look.

“『We are ready, Commander! Luftwaffe are on the move.』”

The headsets worn by Nasser were dizzying as their transmissions came in one after another.

Even now, a transmission that seemed to be from a Messerschmitt, which was transitioning from the sky at the very moment, was coming in.

“《Sky reconnaissance is complete! Confirmation of enemy troop build-up──── ground sweep or dive bombing is required.》

‘Hmm? Dive bombing?’

“R-roger that! Let’s see…….skill!”


German army


※ ※ ※:

German army

Lv0 → German infantry 1940 Wehrmacht type

Lv1 → German infantry detachment 1940 Wehrmacht Type

Wehrmacht Engineering 1940,  

Panzer I, Type B.

Lv2→ German infantry platoon 1940 Wehrmacht Type

German engineering squadrons

Panzer II Type C

R12 sidecar with MG34 light machine gun

Lv3 → German infantry platoon 1942 motorised

※(equipped with half-track)

German Army Engineer 1942 Motorised

※(equipped with 3 ton truck with equipment)

Panzer III, Type M.

Messerschmitt Bf109G

Lv4 → German Armoured Grenadier Platoon 1943.

※(equipped with half-track)

German Army Engineering, type 1943.

※(equipped with an engineering fighting vehicle)

German artillery platoon

※(light 10.5cm howitzer-equipped leFH  18/40)

Panzer IV, Type H.

Stuka Ju87D


Lv 5 → German Armoured Grenadier Platoon 1944.

※(equipped with half-track)

German Army engineering detachment, 1944.

※Flame-throwing tank equipment.

One platoon of German artillery equipped with heavy howitzers

Panzer Panther Type G.

Focke-Wulf Fw 190F

Lv6 →????

Lv7 →????

Lv8 →????

LvEnd →????

“Come on out! Stuka ────!”

3 magic circles appear in the sky.

──── Bwaah!

Three Ju87D dive bombers emerged from a magic circle in the sky.

At the same time, a figure in a sidecar appeared beside Nasser.


He wore a bright light blue uniform. It was different in appearance from the other German army.

“『4 Fighter, 3 Dive bomber──has assembled!』”

He saluted and explained to Nasser, he was the same as the 『Company Commander』but belonging to the Air Force.

But Nasser still did not understand it.

He continued to explain as they rode on the sidecar that Luftwaffe officer was automatically summoned as a ground guide when operating more than one platoon or two types of aircraft.

“─ ─ I see,well let’s get on with it, but it seems that enemy forces are gathering in the castle. Can you destroy it……?”

“『Roger. Deployment complete.Action start!』”

The officer, who continued to talk nimbly into the radio, unfolded a map from wherever he had taken it and gave instructions on what to do.

The map was flapping and rustling in the wind from the sidecar, but the officer didn’t seem to be bothered.

Soon after,

“『Target Confirmation────No anti-aircraft guns,Three planes go in at once!』”

A three-engined Stuka plane, which had begun to gain altitude, lined up in a mono-pitched formation in the sky, turned left in a somersault and fell headlong without raising its nose.

The sky was dominated by its high, squeaky sound of the inverted wings cutting through the air.

They were descending at high speed. It looked like suicide, but it was not.

The evidence of this was the powerful sound of the engines controlling the sky. It did not sound like a crash.

And it happened.

As soon as the Stuka seemed to have a clear view, the awkwardly sized large bombs it was carrying in its belly, was detached with a snap. Three bombs were scattered in quick succession.

Without seeing where the bomb drop, the aircraft manoeuvred in an undulating manner as it raised its nose and made a left turn.

At the same time they raised their nose – a storm of destruction was born.


Large explosions visible even at a distance.

And a big vibration followed.

The ground wobbled and shook so much that it could be felt from Nasser’s position.

Windows of neighbouring houses were shattered by the vibrations and wind pressure alone.

It was truly overwhelming. ──────

The targeted enemy was a good example of its power.

It landed on the outskirts of the Royal Castle and blew the assembling Kingsguard Corps, the largest military organisation, into pieces──── and in no time at all, reduced to ashes.

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