Shrapnel pouring down the drain

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by Klepon

Heavy cavalrymen flopped to the ground in front of the Germans’s machine-gun fire.

A heap of corpses piled up in front of the tanks.

In the square in front of the castle, their blood was pouring down the ground, colouring it.

─ ─ But even so, the cavalrymen did not give up.

As if possessed by something, they only charged ineffectually and ineptly.



“『Keep on firing! Don’t let them get near the half-tracks! Protect the Grenadier Company!』” 

The tanks continued to fire to protect their comrades-in-arms.

They were covering their comrades who were temporarily out of position due to projectile attacks.

Banbanbanban! The Panzers sent bullets into the front, and even though they shot down more than 30 cavalrymen in no time, their morale had not been broken.

‘No ──── they won’t easily collapse! I can see it in their eyes….these are dead soldiers…’

Human sacrifices to protect the infantry of the real Kingsguard.

‘Damn it….! Nothing is stopping them!’





Infantry, infantry infantry.(kanji)



(I put this because all of it’s 歩兵!!ほへい!インファントリー!)

It was the infantry’s job to settle the battle. 

That was why the king was coming.

To fight his last battle.

To settle the score with Nasser.

“I’m ready for you.”

Nasser was determined to meet him head-on.

As the two sides approached, the formation of the Kingsguard Corps became clear.

The infantry were dressed in luxurious equipment, and the auxiliaries were in various equipment.

Among the auxiliaries, there were even female officers.

They were gathering up the troops in a stealthily manner, giving them weapons and making them charge. ──That was about it. 

These men came at full speed after the heavy cavalry.

Miscellaneous formations.

Temporary troops.

Unfamiliar heavy equipment.


They were fast.

Those heavily armed….the Kingsguard, their boots clattering as they ran!

Shields and swords.

Shields and spears.

Shields and hammers.

Shields and axes.


A wooden stick.

Normal knives and kitchen knives.

A saw and a hammer.

A broom and a wash stick?!

Tremendous pressure, each with their favourite weapon in hand.

“What are you doing? Shoot it down, quick!”

Nasser shouted at the gunners for the first time.

“『I am shooting! I’m shooting, but the bullets are being repelled……!』”


Nasser looked carefully at the front through the inspection hole in the cupola and saw kink, kang, kang! The machine-gun rounds were being fired with a deafening recoil.

‘Nonsense! What’s with that magical shield? What’s with those barriers!’

If it was the King’s direct elite it was not odd but how could a mere infantryman have such a thing ────?

“Oh, yea…..this is the power of the king’s skills.”

Raising the level of competence and resistance.

‘Is this the power from the king? His 『Noble Bloodline』?’

“You’ve done it! Your Majesty the King.”

‘I didn’t expect them to really repel bullets……’

The shields, which seemed to have magical defence, and the sorcerer’s defensive wards seemed to be more powerful than ever.

“Chii…… if the machine gun doesn’t work, the tank gun will! ────use the 75mm shells, and smash ’em!”

“『It’s too close! We can’t fire that shell! It will also kill our soldiers! I’m loading piercing ammo shell!』”

As expected, an explosion at this distance would cause damage to the Grenadier company.

“Alright. Then, Tank 2, and 3, fire your main guns at the infantry column.”

Nasser shouted into the on-board radio.


Kuuiiiiin….and the 75 mm gun, the main gun of Panzer IV, slowly pointed its tip towards the infantry ranks.

The distance between them and those peering through the inspection hole was a finger roll away.

‘Oh, how many surviving cavalrymen were there? We haven’t wiped them out yet, have we?’


‘No,…….not now! First, enemy infantry in front!’




The main gun fired at very close range.


The 75 mm armour-piercing rounds shattered the barriers like glass and hit the infantry head-on.


“Hi, hiiiiiii! Fire, I’m on fire!”

“My leg, my leg!”

Three holes opened up in the ranks, and soldiers who took a direct hit were blown to pieces.

It was a horrific scene, with shredded bodies and soldiers who had lost the upper half of their bodies wandering about dazedly, straying over drawbridges and falling into the moat.

However, the armour-piercing shells had little effect except on soldiers who were hit directly.

The survivors who managed to cross the bridge then split up and ran around.

“Chii! They manage to cross the drawbridge!”

Several groups of soldiers, spears and war hammers in hand, rushed at the tanks with yells.

The sight of them made Nasser shudder.

‘But, what’s wrong with them? ──… Hmm, it ’s not normal for these guys to behave like this.’

“Reload!  And go straight! Run them all over! Tank 2 and 3, Push!”

Even though a great number of soldiers were dead, the Kingsguard and its men moved forward, ──── with demon-like expressions.

“Smash them whole!”



“I’ve been stepped on! Help….”

Screaming could be heard through the armour. 

But then an unpleasant sound echoed from under the tank’s body.

At that, the sound of something being hit by a weapon.

When Nasser looked to see what it was, he saw that the Kingsguard was attached to the tank.

Nasser seemed to have run over some of the men, but he was outnumbered and some of them were climbing up the tank.

They were ripping out inspection holes, firing smoke grenades, and shovels. They were also shoving their swords into gaps, ventilation holes and other places where they could.

‘Damn it! This is so annoying!’

Nasser looked out through the cupola and saw the infantry attached to Tank 2 and 3.

“Tank 2 and 3. Shoot at each other! When you’re clear, take care of this one too!”

The armour of the tanks could not be penetrated by infantry, but it was too depressing to be attached to them like this.

This made it impossible to support the Grenadiers.

If Nasser could not face out of the cupola, he couldn’t get information about the wider area.

“Driver, snake around and shake them off! Don’t step on our allies.”

“『Roger that』”

Panzer IV could reach speeds of up to 40 km/h. The mere movement of its huge body was an extreme threat.

Its weight alone was far heavier than the 『war elephants』said to be used in southern countries.

The operator was tipping the control lever as hard as he could, both left and right, so that the front and rear bumps were different.

─ Gyaririririri!

The caterpillar track spun violently and blood sprayed around it.

The tank’s body whirled around on the spot in a super-cinematic turn, shaking off the infantry of the Kingsguard Corps. The vehicle ran over them, and even the most stubborn of them were swept away.

Meanwhile, peering through the inspection holes in the cupola, Tank 2 and 3 were firing machine guns at each other, shooting and shaking off infantrymen with ricochets and direct hits.

The magical shields that repelled the machine-gun rounds held by the infantrymen of the Kingsguard Corps were probably significantly attenuated in their defensive effectiveness, being in front of the enemy.

Machine-gun bullets hit in the back and head, killing and wounding infantrymen of the Kingsguard Corps.

A direct hit to the head caused the soldier’s head to pop like a crushed tomato.

But the shield was still tricky.

Some were clinging tenaciously to the panzers with shields on their backs that seemed to be magically protected.

Kan,Kan and bullets that hit the shields and the armour of Panzer IV were making violent sparks.

The 7.92 mm could not get past the armour of a Panzer IV. At first glance, it looked like they were fighting each other, and it was a funny scene.

But Nasser could not afford to goof off now.

“──Get rid of them, quickly!”

“『We need support over here! ─ ─ There’s a depressingly clinging infantryman here ……!』”

Perhaps Nasser’s frustration was felt, Tank 2 and 3 stopped moving and pointed their main guns towards each other.

‘Oi,oi..What are you doing?’

Two turrets of  the tanks were facing each other.

Kuuiiiiin……. Pita──.

“Oi, seriously don’t mean to──”



Tank 2 and 3 both fired their main guns.

It was a shot from a distance that could not have missed. After a moment’s flight, both red-hot shells pierced the vehicle──dogaaan!!!! and both vehicles exploded.

“Ba, idiot! Self-destruct ────”

‘No, they did fire..they were supposed to explode, ────.’

“『That was a HE shell. Rest assured, HE shells will not penetrate this armour.』”

The gunner said it like it was nothing, but if a person got hit at point-blank range by one of those things, they were in for a world of hurt.

But the effect was enormous.

Both sides were enveloped in a haze of flame, but no decisive damage was done, and a cheerful face was seen from the edge of the blast.

The paint was heavily scorched and blackened, but…the tanks still moved.

[Hiiii!] The infantrymen of the Kingsguard Corps stumbled and fell down.

The infantry attached to the tank had been wiped out and the rest had lost their will to fight. Zero-range HE shell fire was so intense and overwhelming.

Now it was time to finish the job.

As if to snipe at the survivors, Tank 2 and 3 both fired their machine guns barragingly, shooting at defenceless heads and backs.

Some of them even hit Nasser’s tanks, – kin, kan! It was a deafening ricochet.

Each time, the ricocheting and recoiling machine-gun rounds had an unexpected trajectory, shooting and killing the infantrymen clinging to each other.

It looked as if they were children splashing water at each other…..but in reality it was not that simple.

Tank 2 and 3 both looked terrific, thanks to the infantrymen who were attached to them.

“What can I say, it’s……It looks really grotesque, stained with bright red blood and burnt guts.The smell is terrific too…”

The side effect was that it became more intimidating.

On top of that, the infantry were no longer able to hold on, probably because of the black soot and the sludge from the half-raw guts that were sticking to them.

Several of them, who had not lost their will to fight even now, tried to jump onto it vigorously, but they stepped on their fellow knight’s intestines or something and slipped and fell to the ground.

As it was, it was cruelly run over by caterpillars, providing new paint.

When most of the infantry had been eliminated, Tank 2 and 3 once again pointed their guns at Nasser.

“Oiiiiiiiiii!? All hands, prepare for impact!”

The barrels of  Tank 2 and 3 were perfectly aimed at Nasser’s and Zudodoooon!!! ──── and two HE shells were fired. 



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