Point-blank range

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by Klepon


The sound disappeared and Nasser’s whole body was shaken by a tremendous shock.

The smell of gunpowder smoke that blew in through the cracks and the heat that surged through the air.

‘How should I describe it…….’

“You know those bells they ring in churches? It’s as if your whole body is completely enclosed in one of those bells, and then you’re hit from the outside with a powerful smack.”

(TL:Nasser talking to us the readers I guess?)

The impact was so tremendous that Nasser almost lost consciousness. No, in fact, he might have been unconscious for a few seconds.

In the chasm between a crazed consciousness, it was the German Soldiers who shook it up even more.

To eliminate the remaining enemies, dadadadadadada! the second and third tanks launched a furious barrage of fire.

The target seemed to be Nasser’s panzer and the remaining enemies in its vicinity.

The bullets pouring down relentlessly continued to pound the armour without pause.

Kin, kan! The intense barrage of bullets became a high-pitched sound, and the interior of the car was filled with a tremendous roar.

Nasser was distressed  by them.

It was demoralising to be shot at by his own allies, even if it was a machine-gun round.

[Enough of this!] Nasser wanted to shout that.The noise in the tank was already terrible.

Gin, gan, gon, gan!

Even though Nasser knew it would not penetrate, it still made him feel restless.

But thanks to  Tank 2 and 3’s help, in no time the remaining enemy had been eliminated.

The firing immediately ceased and both Tank 2 and 3 seemed to swing their gun barrels to cover the Grenadier company.

[This is a veritable battlefield!] – or so they said.

Most were killed by HE shells, and those who survived were stunned ──── and only wandered around with empty eyes.

But the Germans were thorough. Even those who survived were shot down without mercy.

Thanks to this, Nasser, having decided that the immediate enemy had been eliminated, opened the hatch and emerged from the cupola.

‘Yes,good! Quickly, we must support the Grenadiers!’

When he emerged with a heavy Gakon, the smell of sweltering blood and gunpowder was enough to make him hold his mouth shut.

It smelled like hell.

Someone’s guts were caught in the anti-aircraft gun turret.

Incidentally, the MG34 outside the vehicle seemed to have blown up. As expected, it could not afford to take a direct hit from a 75 mm barrel.

Then Nasser realised something.

“The Germans!”

Not a single Grenadier deployed around him was seen.

“Don’t tell me they’ve all disappeared!”

But Nasser didn’t feel any decrease in magical power. On the contrary, he did not feel any fluctuation in magic which he should have if the soldiers disappeared.

The Germans were Nasser’s summoned beasts.

As long as they were summoned by magic power, they were connected to Nasser, which he could tell by their presence. And as Nasser looked behind him─

The Germans all seemed to have boarded the half-tracks and were in the line of fire a short distance away from him.

The Kingsguard Corps was now in full force. There was no support by projectile weapons at the moment, but they didn’t try to get within the range of the tanks.

This was a single indication that the Germans and the Kingsguard were engaged at close range.

And so it was.

At this very moment, the infantry were attached to the half-tracks and were engaged in fierce fistfights.

German troops returned fire from inside a vehicle against Kingsguard infantrymen attempting to climb up.

Semi-automatic rifles hit them at close range, but the warding magic of a nearby supporting magician repelled them.

It seemed that the king’s skill had an extraordinary effect on increasing their capabilities.

But even so, the appearance of the Kingsguard was unusual.

They were unafraid to take on the tanks and half-tracks, products of a threat they were likely to see for the first time and engage in hand-to-hand combat.

Moreover, the infantry, who were once destroyed, slowly began to regroup.

Apparently, the King’s skill did not only increase their abilities, but also had the effect of paralysing their courage ──── or, in this case, their fear, forcing them to become dead soldiers.

The king’s will come to the battlefield in the final phase.

It was really the end of the country.

Hence, the skill used must be an unusual and distorted skill.

Nasser didn’t know how effective it actually was but seeing the skill first hand he understood why any soldier would go crazy.

‘Forcing those  soldiers to become a mindless human being…he really is an utter bastard.’

The halftracks, swarming with these dead soldiers, were now twisting and turning to shake off the attached infantry thus they were moving slowly.

When Nasser looked closer to see what was going on, he saw some of the remaining cavalry.

The heavy cavalry that charged in were wiped out. But their wreckage was wedged into the half-track’s body.

Apparently, they did suicide attack during the shooting.

Although half-tracks had armour, the armour was thinner compared to the tanks. Of course, the attack did not penetrate. It just left marks on it and made a lot of cavalrymen’s spear dent. 

Thanks to that, the half-tracks needed to be run over. 

As can be seen, half-tracks had less horsepower than tans. Therefore, they could not shake off the infantry that was latching on them.

Because of their thinness, they seemed to be struggling to eliminate the enemy unlike the tanks who shot each other a few moments ago.

The only one that was fighting well was probably the armoured car with the 『Company Commander』 on board.

The main gun of the armoured car was a 20 mm cannon, which was far more powerful than the 7.92mm machine gun.

It was roaring and cleaving the Kingsguard.

At any rate, even a single bullet was powerful enough to blow off an arm and make the impact disappear down the neck.

──Dou, doun, don!!!

The sound of heavy gunfire echoed.

Scattered on the ground were huge shell casings, so huge that they could make a single wheelbarrow, rolling noisily.

Even so, it was unable to capture the nimbly moving infantry due to the slow turning of the turret. The tanks themselves were fighting by making the most of their mobility but they were unable to support the halftracks.

“How about now?! Can we support them with the tanks now!?” 

The company of Grenadiers was struggling, no matter how Nasser looked at it.

Even Nasser was getting impatient.

‘Even though they are summoned beasts, I can’t bear to see casualties among the German troops.’

“『No problem here! We have devised a plan ────!Requesting permission to retreat at once!』”

It shouldn’t be so hard to order a retreat when an army was swarmed by the opposing army. 

Even now, soldiers are leaning out from inside a half-track vehicle, Tantantan! were returning fire at zero range with semi-automatic rifles.

‘If we fall back, the Kingsguard will pursue us until we die!’

They looked like a swarming infernal wraith, a threat that must be exterminated.

As expected, the infantry could not use swords or spears when they attached their bodies to the half-tracks, so they were trying to get in and fight with their bare hands. Even the Germans would not  be able to fight once they were dragged out.

‘What can I do about this ────?’

While Nasser contemplated his options, the 『Company Commander』 suddenly spoke. 

“『I had the engineers set up a trap. If we fall back to the designated point, we can manage. More importantly, call in the artillery! Order the deployed artillery to blow them up!』”

With that, Nasser looked around and realised the engineers were nowhere to be seen.

It seemed that they retreated while Nasser was returning fire with his tanks.

It was more likely that the company of Grenadiers stayed and covered their retreat rather than running away together.

The roar of the 20 mm cannon of the armoured vehicle in which the 『Company Commander』 rode was also heard over the radio.

Every single troop was fighting back frantically.

‘The presence of the King’s skill was a miscalculation, but we can still regroup. Rather, once we know his tricks, we can no longer lose!’

However, it was also true that the outnumbered Germans had a bad advantage if they were involved in a melee.

Moreover, the power of their guns, which should have been an advantage, was hampered.

In addition, there were the pesky catapults and magic shield.

Unlike tanks, halftracks were open-topped, so any projectiles with curved trajectories were a sufficient threat.

Also, there’s the request from 『Company Commander』 on top of this.

“Roger, fall back at once and I will call in the artillery.”

‘The Kingsguard is already latching to us. We have to eliminate them first and then regroup. As soon as they are eliminated, they will be supported by that catapult. So we will bombard it first. Besides, if we destroy the catapults, we can direct all the firepower of the armoured Panzers, Half-Track and Grenadiers against the Kingsguard’s assault.’

The troops in the castle were reported by the reconnaissance plane to be about 1,000 infantry, 100 cavalry and 50 cavalry tanks.

The cavalry was still in good shape, although 50 of the cavalry had been destroyed and more than 100 of the infantry had been kicked out.

The enemy’s first ranks were said to be 50 cavalry and 800 infantry.

Then the group that was coming in was the main force.

The rest were directly under the king’s command. And about 10 projectile launchers were stationed as support firearms.

“──Okay….First we will destroy the catapults in the castle. Then we will re-attack with the Grenadiers.”

‘…..shortly after the surrender of Bummel. ─ ─ It’s time for that thing I summoned just in case, to come in handy!’

Yes, indeed, according to the Germans.

Goddess of the battlefield. Summon the goddess──….

Ah, Goddess ──────!

“I request the assistance of the Goddess of the ──── Artillery Battlefield!”

Leaning out of the cupola and placing his hand on the microphone on his head, Nasser said.



Pointing his finger at the castle.


(I think Nasser meant the catapult, raw: 敵──曲射火器ッ!)


“Anti-artillery warfare——Reeeeeeaaady!!!”

(対X means anti-X, I’m not too sure about the 迫 part in “対砲迫戦” and if it might change the meaning.)


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