You think you can get away with this for free!?

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by Kaepinned


A tremendously loud noise echoed in a corner of the city that had been turned into a battlefield.

Tank vs Tank.

German Medium Tank [Panther] vs Heavy Cavalry Chariot.

A head-on clash!

Who will win!!!??

The only things that danced around were the wood, dead horses, orichalcum and ────── broken rams.

And also, the king flew away.

In short, the heavy cavalry chariot went to pieces. ……────!



After a terrible collision, along with a loud and funny scream. The king was thrown out of his chariot with a shock.

How powerful, how exciting, how splendid.

The king flew over the Panther tank with a hyuuu sound and ────.

Gyurugyurugyuru  with a grinding noise

“──── Gubetsu!??”

The king made a sound like a crushed frog and fell into the middle of a minefield.

He bounced a few times before stopping.

His body was covered with scratches from hitting cobblestone pavement.

Due to the impact of the collision, his legs and arms were pointing in a terrible direction.

He must have died──

Yet, he still could move although barely.

“Gugigugigugi ────”

‘Oh, he’s still alive?……Oh, man. This is going to be fun!’

Nasser, with the edges of his mouth contorted into a grandiose smile.

“──── Idiot! These are German armoured plates! There’s no way you can smash through an 80 mm thick frontal armour plate. Gahahahahaha!!”

Nasser laughed uproariously as he walked up towards the king, who had blown up in a spectacular manner.

The king was [Gube]

(グベェI leave as Gube cause I don’t know what it means)

“If the 『Germans』 can defeat your special ram, they’ll have no trouble at all dealing with the other things!”

The frontal armour was the thickest, especially for tanks.

It was hard, thick and impenetrable!

It was a medium tank that was designed to engage not only cavalry tanks but also enemy tanks loaded with artillery.

It boasted enough armour to repel a head-on hit by a cannon of the same calibre.

To put it bluntly, even with all the weapons of the Royal Army, it would be impossible to even scratch the Panther tank.


“─ It’s time to have some fun, king.”

Nasser laughed hysterically when he saw the king crushed in a minefield.


“Ugugugugu!!! It doesn’t work!”

The king woke up.

He was seriously injured but still maintained a good spirit.

“HiiiHiiHii, you coward, you aaaaaaah!”

Nosebleed and muddy.

A bloody face…..

Buckled limbs.

‘How is this guy still alive…’

“Aaa? I’m a coward?”

‘What is this guy saying?’

“Yes, yes! You can’t have this kind of nonsense! Your summoning technique is heretical!”

“Haaaaaaaaaaaa? Are you……insane?”

“Shut up! Shut up! I am the king of this land! You think you can get away with mocking the king?”

‘………… Arrrhh?’


Nasser said, his forehead streaked with blue.

The King followed Nasser’s word. 


That alone was already enough to make Nasser’s blood instantly boil in his head.

He never thought he’d be so angry at this bastard’s remarks.

“──This is what happens when you don’t get a free pass–aaaaah!”

Whose fault was it that Nasser almost died?

Whose fault was it that his family was killed?

Whose fault was it that he lost his close relative?

Whose fault was it that his wife ran away from him?

“It’s all because of youaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAA!!”

(Why the different A is because I copied the authors’


Summoning that fucking hero 

Favouring that fucking hero.

Supporting that fucking hero

Making favour for that fucking hero────

“──Say that again!!!”


Nasser leaned out of the Panther tank towards the frightened king.

Taking a short machine gun in one hand and an MG34 anti-aircraft gun turret in the other.

“What are you doing? I am the king! You dare to be cowardly or disrespectful!? Your kingdom will not stand by!”

The King stumbled backwards through the minefield.

Fortunately, it was an anti-tank minefield.

It would not explode if a human stepped on it – maybe.




“ ──AhーAhーAhーAh. I’m not a coward. ─ ─ You think I’m a coward? ……Me?”


“What about the guy who got surrounded, detained and challenged the hero alone?”

“I, I don’t know!”

“What about the guy whose family got stabbed to death in front of him?”

“’Well, that’s, you see,…..”

“What about the guy whose last living relative got kidnapped and taken somewhere?”

“I,If you ask me…”

“What about when the guy was treated coldly all over the kingdom, got his summoner’s spell seal burned out and was laughed at as he was dying on the field?”

“I’m not the only one who does that…….”

“And what about when I finally get my revenge ────?”

“How can you hate your kingdom?!”

(TL: Bro…)

“Hahaha…….you still don’t get it.”

“Kukuku, you think you can win against the kingdom? I am the kingdom itself. My kingdom will not be destroyed without a fight.”

“Haha. Hahaha! Haaaahahahahaha!!!”

‘─He still can’t understand the situation? Well, that’s okay. Let’s say it out loud. I’ll tell you what’s on my mind. Listen to me, you bastard king.’


“We are ready to go to war with this Kingdom! ──I’m going to crush it!”

“You Foooool!!!!”

“I don’t want to be told that, especially when it comes from you!!”

Dan!  and Nasser jumped down from the tank with a mighty leap and held up his two guns.

“Come! I won’t kill you right away, so choose where you want me to break your bones!”

He approached the king slowly, holding his machine gun in a completely cudgel-like manner.

“N,no, no, stop it! W,what are you trying to do?!!”

‘Can’t he see it?’

“Of course, I’m using this to hit you! First of all, swing the submachine gun! Oraaaaaaaa!!”



The folding stock of an all-metal MP40 submachine gun dipped into the King’s face.

Merimeryi!! [I can’t wait for you to……..feel the pain!]


The king’s front teeth popped like popcorn.

‘Ahhhhhhhh, I still can’t stand looking at his face! I can’t stop this feeling! Then another one is coming right away!’

“Next is────nose!!”

“Stop──── pugi!”

Nasser was not going to swing it.

He raised his MG34 light machine gun like a stake and smashed into the king’s face.




Smashing ──── on repeat!

Even if the king would have no teeth, he could still speak with his tongue.

If his throat was healthy  and well, he could still speak!

If his nose was smashed, he still got an airway. He could squeeze where Liz was.

“All I want to know is where Liz is, I don’t care what happens to your body. You’ll be crushed!”



Nasser roared like a beast.

The king screamed like a pig.

And the rest was a mess!

Slap, slap, slap, slap, 

Kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick!

Kick, kick, slap, slap, slap, slap!


“Hibi, hebu, higiyaaah, abuah!”



“How does it taste!!? You’re hurt!? Ehh!? It’s going to hurt more!”

This is pain.

This is hatred.

This is hell!

“This is just one part of it ──── a [tiny fraction] of the suffering I’ve experienced!….So, all in good time!”

“This is for my father!” ──Bokoon!

“This is for my mother!” ──Bakyin!

“This is for the captain!!”

Nasser took an upper stance and hit the king squarely in the brain. ── Zudooooon!!!

“Hi …… Hidebuu──”

The king was a sludge of nosebleeds, tears and drool.

He would never be able to  obtain his original face.

But there is no mercy!

Last but not least, another shot for────……!

“This is for Lizahhhhhhhhhhhh!!”

(TL: This kingdom arc was..quite difficult to translate)

(ED : Thank you so much for the hard work! *pat pat)

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