The Fighter Bomber

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by Kaepinned

──My family!

── Captain!

──And Liz!

[────Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!] Nasser, who was full of energy.

“Think about it!!!!!!”

He no longer used a sword.

Since becoming a 『Germans』 summoner, Nasser’s only weapon was his gun.

But shooting to kill felt lukewarm for him.

“This is how guns are supposed to be used.”

The extended stock glinted and aimed at the king’s groin.

“Buhi!? St,stop!!!!!”

“You’re going down, you stupid fuck!”

Nasser swung his MP40 at the king’s────[Your Majesty!]

A sharp cry broke between Nasser and the king.


A battered cavalry chariot rammed furiously.

“『Assault with crushing fire!!!』”

There, the fire was concentrated but one cavalry chariot broke in forcefully.

Its wheels had been blown off and it was now only running like a sledge, but it did not seem to have lost its will to fight.

‘Chii…….There are still survivors!’

The surviving soldier managed to step into the minefield, trying to save the king. 

But the moment he stepped into the minefield, he────Zudoooon!!

The mine exploded with such force that it seemed to blow him away to the end of the moon.

‘Damn it’

The debris rained down on Nasser and he…..took his eyes off the king for a moment.


Just when Nasser thought it couldn’t get any worse, the scene before him turned out to be just as he’d expected.


The king, whom Nasser had beaten to a pulp, ran away like a hare, with his face smashed beyond repair, as if to say [Abayo!]. 

[TL: I think Abayo:See ya! But i feel like it’s not put simply it’s just saying goodbye]

“Oioioi, King-san. So fast, Oi!!”

After running through the minefield with a flutter and a flutter, like a divine act, he jumped ──── onto the remaining cavalry chariot.

In other words, he kicked down the driver and took the chariot from him.

It lasted a few seconds. It even stunned Nasser for a moment.

“Seriously, that bastard……”

“Y,yo,you think your blows from a heretic will get through to me!??”

The king declared, his face battered and bruised.

“You’re not convincing at all, King-san.”

“You’ll see! This time, thousands of my best troops will tear you to pieces.”

[Gyahahaha!] The king, who continued to laugh vulgarly, showed his back and tried to flee back to the castle at once.

“Hahahaha. He still has some balls, doesn’t he? Despite his army being nearly wiped out.”

What’s the point of running away now with such a battered cavalry chariot?

Run back to the castle and cower, shivering and quivering with the remaining small fry soldiers?

Or what?

Will the king try to fight back with a few thousand of the elite?

“Hahahahaha. You can try. Hahaha.”

Nasser laughed.

He continued to laugh like a madman.

“Not yet, I won’t kill you yet. I can’t kill you yet, can I? That’s right, I can’t kill you until I get the whereabouts of my beloved last living flesh and blood.”

Nasser couldn’t kill him.

But even if Nasser couldn’t go to such length yet, he was still going to destroy everything the king had.

“Let’s start by destroying your precious, precious ──── castle!”

‘Come, Germans!’

“Summon Focke-Wulf ────!”


In response to Nasser’s call, a large summoning magic circle appeared in the sky.

Immediately, the sound of a rumbling engine echoed, and an aircraft with the appearance of a ferocious, monstrous bird emerged.

Its engines were bigger and thicker than those of the Messerschmitt. It had the appearance of a sturdy-looking aircraft.

Its name was Focke-Wulf.

※ ※

German Army Lv 5:

Focke-Wulf Fw190F-8 fighter-bomber

Skills: 21cm anti-tank rockets x 14.

28cm explosive rockets x 6.

13mm nose machine gun.

Radio Relay.

Remarks: Focke-Wulf, a fighter-bomber Jabo type.

──Type F.

More specialised in lower altitude bombing missions than the A and D fighter types.

Specialised in bombing missions at lower altitudes.

Covers long and short ranges.

Able to bomb a wide area of the dispersal field.

It also improves air combat capabilities.

※ ※

A huge aircraft soared into the sky with a sparkling summoning light.

The large air-cooled engine gave it a sturdy image, the ──── low-altitude king of the skies!

──Voooooooooooon! !!

──Voooooooooooon! !!

──Voooooooooooon! !!

──Voooooooooooon! !!

Several aircraft appeared simultaneously.

Four finger formations [Schwarm] overwhelmed the sky, intertwining with each other.

The appearance was like sea beasts playing with each other.

── Guuuvvvoooooon!!!

The roaring engine!

The powerful BMW 801 engine’s 1700 hp gave it the power to force its way through the air, despite the heavy armaments strung on its wings.

The four aircraft soared through the sky with a distinctive look of their own, passing the aircraft Nasser had summoned earlier in mid-air.

Nasser looked up at the sky and saw Focke-Wulf sailing straight past.

‘Go, ──── Germans!’

The summoning of the Focke-Wulf had led to the de-summoning of Messerschmitt fighters and Stuka bombers, which were previously designated as an air support mission.

Then, with the rest left to them, the Messerschmitts returned to their world with a shimmer and a mist of summoning light.

“Thank you…”

Nasser’s inaudible thanks melted away into the sky, and the Focke-Wulf that appeared instead flew lickety-split at very low altitudes.

Then, once above Nasser’s head, they made a spectacular formation flight in mid-air, and the rest of the time they transitioned overhead like hounds waiting for a signal.

“Ah, you can see how strong these guys are.”

It showed power, the most powerful fighter-bomber in the world. ────

“Now, go! Do not give them any mercy!”

This kingdom!

Its armies!

That castle!

“My vindictive enemy! ──────…….

──── Blow it up!”

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