The King's Castle Raid begins

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by Kaepinned

When he opened his eyes, there was a deep determination in the depths of his eyes.

Nothing was a lost cause any more.

The bodies of his parents were nowhere to be found.

The body of the captain was gone.

And the last member of his family – Liz – was tainted.

So nothing……nothing was lost anymore.

What was at the end of revenge?

Bummel said earlier, “Do you use your power only for revenge?”

“Hah!! I don’t know. I’m going to do my way.”

This kingdom abandoned Nasser.

‘Then they won’t have a problem with me abandoning them, right?’

Was there salvation?

There was none ────……, was there?

In front of the royal castle, there were only a few half-dead wounded soldiers who had been shredded to pieces.

There were no longer any soldiers or servants here to help them. 

“Let’s go!”


Bashin! and the 『Company Commander』along side with the Germans showed a salute.

He stood alone in front of Nasser, with the tanks and infantry behind him.

‘Is he trying to boost morale before the attack?’

The Germans were  in full line.


Ku, Kun…… ──.

All of the Germans looked at Nasser.


Za!! Babababan──────!!

“『Stand Attention!!!』”


Military boots stamped on at once.

Armoured grenadiers on the half-track, posturing.

“『Salute the commander! Head angle medium!!』”

Subababa! Nasser received a head salute from all the German troops and was the centre of attention.

He was momentarily taken aback but returned the salute with a salute in the style of the Royal Army to which he once belonged and put his hand back.

“『Get it fixed!!!』”


From tanks, to half-tracks.

It attracted the attention of the  German soldiers everywhere.

“『…..end of assembly!』”


The 『Company Commander』 gave a final assembly report and stood steadfast.

Nasser nodded lightly when he saw the soldiers lined up behind him.

Nasser, who once duelled with the hero and showed his humiliation in front of many, was now reviewing the German troops in the same space.

There was no longer a Kingsguard or priesthood here.

There were only vengeful Nasser and the German army.

Then let’s go. ────

“………I’m not asking much…… take the king alive  and swiftly destroy anyone who gets in the way”


“Go! My beloved summons!”

Nasser flung his arms in the air in response──

“『All hands, raiding initiated!!』”


──The Germans were getting ready for battle one after another.

The 『Company Commander』 gave crisp instructions and divided the raiding teams.

“『Entering the King’s Castle.』”


The Germans began to swap some of their weapons with an eye to indoor combat.

“『Everyone dismount!!!』”

Gakon! and the half-track rear doors were opened and one after another jumped out.

In addition, the tank units that were ready to move forward responded in turn with a『Forward Acknowledged』.

The dismounted infantry, weapons in hand, silently followed the tanks and began to attach themselves to the royal castle.

Panther and IV tanks swung their turrets and watched out for enemy archers’ snipers.

If the enemies tried to counterattack, they could blow up the entire window frame or even the entire sniping point.

The 75 mm shell was powerful and unmatched, the strongest power at the moment.

But there was no enemy counter-attack. Nasser and the Germans were able to easily enter the Royal Castle.

“No counter-attack?…… It’s as if you’re encouraging me to get my revenge!”

Nasser, surprised but not confused, was alone in his jubilation.

Nasser looked up at the castle once more, before the assault on the castle began.

……The kingdom to which he once pledged his allegiance.

The castle was its symbol.

But now it was just a crucible for revenge.


──let them disappear.

What is a demon king?

What is the hero?

What is the king?

They’re just rubbish……

What to fear,

What they respected,

What did they believe in…..

The footsteps of military boots were high.

And the low rumble of tank crawlers.

Nasser shook his head alone.

“────── Come on out! Engineering squad!”

A sparkling summoning magic circle.

A large number of soldiers appeared there.


German Army Lv 5: 

German Army Engineer squadron  1944.

※equipped with Flamethrower tank equipment.


laying mines, clearing obstacles, building positions. small-arms[mauser K98] Bayonet assault and river crossing operations.

Flaming, smoke-fused. Etc….


Equipped with a flame-throwing tank with improved III tanks.

The main task of engineering is to work in front of the enemy.

In addition to explosives and destructive canisters.

special engineering equipment such as mines.


This was where the Engineers came in.

There was no one better suited than them to eliminate everything.

Nasser decided to summon a new group of engineers apart from the Lv 4 summoned beasts belonging to the raid team to finish the job by his own hand.

A company of Lv 4 Grenadiers was sent in first with a platoon of Engineers of the same Lv – Lv 4 Engineers to sweep the interior.

After that, the newly summoned Lv 5 Grenadier squadron and Nasser would blow up the castle.

The king could not be killed in the castle by mistake.

Flame-throwing tanks and other combat vehicles, such as Panther, would be left behind at this location but only for a moment.

Now that Nasser had come this far, he could no longer just corner him.

Now all that was left to do was the big one!

“Let’s go!”

“『End of assembly!』”

A freshly summoned lvl 5 engineering squad with a full load of equipment was shown with a vasiliated salute.

“Good work……now search the king’s castle! Our target is the king alone! Find him alive. Don’t kill……him, he’s mine.”


Zuza──Gagagan! ! ! !

German troops saluted to Nasser in unison.

“I’m counting on you… Germans.”

“『Leave it to us!!!』”

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