The King's Castle Raid begins

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by Kaepinned

The 『Company Commander』 of the Grenadier company had a self-satisfied look on his face .

He then gathered the platoon leaders and started a meeting.

Each of their Grenadier platoons was supported by a squad of engineers.

Both Grenadiers and Engineers were heavily armed.

The equipment of the engineers in particular was massive, with mountains of it lined up on their backs.

The Germans said that indoor warfare was the domain of the combat engineers.

Although Nasser didn’t know the details, the equipment alone was clearly vicious.

Bags full of grenades, explosives and igniters at hand.

──And a flamethrower.

Other than that they had a weapon that was not a rifle, but more like a chunky gun, apparently a three-barreled shotgun, M30 Dreiling.

In addition to the guns he had seen so far, the infantry were also equipped with semi-automatic rifles and mainly short submachine guns.

[Gewehr 43] & [MP40]

Some had already been bayoneted to the rifle.

Their semi-automatic rifles were excellent because they could fire a round simply by pulling the trigger, without the need to operate the bolt every time, as is the case with conventional bolt-action rifles.

[Gewehr 43] & [Kar98k]

There were also a number of soldiers with the familiar short submachine gun equipment in the mix  and they were also in the same boat.


‘…..I see, so the equipment is compacted  and prepared for an unexpected encounter indoors.’

This was thought to be because the length of the bolt-action rifles would be an obstacle and difficult to handle indoors.

‘But what kind of people are those who can handle even indoor combat without difficulty? I know it’s the military…..’

But a world in which the Germans would fight.

What kind of war was going on in their world? ……

Facing a German army with tens of thousands of troops – it was terrifying to imagine.

‘No need to ponder about it too much. They are my summons……it’s all right. Now we must concentrate on sweeping the royal castle and capturing the king.’

“I need you to clear the halls.”


After the 『Company Commander』’s salute, German troops took up the front of the Royal Castle.

The half-broken door at the front of the royal castle entrance was halfway open.

It would be knocked down by a single kick from the Grenadiers.

The Germans, who had gathered one after another by its side,



The Grenadiers kicked in the ornate doors at the front of the castle.

Immediately, the Grenadiers, who had been standing by to cover them, fired a volley of machine-gun fire –bababa!  but there was no response.

“『No abnormality!』”

“『Confirm. Go,go,go,go!!!』”

They rushed in with heavy footsteps and pointed their muzzle at suspicious places such as dark places and turning corners.

If they sensed anything out of the ordinary,─ Tantantan! Pappapapapa! ─they would fire a three-point shot.

They investigated and cleared the area without having to confirm the presence or absence of the enemy.

“『No abnormality!』”


The Germans had no mercy at all, as they were aware that everything here was the enemy.

There was no mercy, no tolerance, and no restraint when it came to shooting and blowing up.

The target was the king.

As long as they only cared about the king’s condition, they didn’t need to know the rest.

“『Ground floor secure! Next, we’re going upstairs! Three men left… secure this position!』”


── Zudoooooon!!

An explosive sound rang, and the entire Royal Castle seemed to tremble.

Every now and then a window pane was blown out, scattering shards outside, or a bullet glinted from the end of a lattice window.

Nasser watched this from his summoned halftrack.

“──you’re making a lot of mess……my Germans army.”

While Nasser was muttering to himself…….

Zdoom! Black smoke rose from a remote spire as well.

From the looks of it, it appeared that all floors had been conquered. ────


“『This is the raiding unit. All but one of the upper floors of the Royal Castle are under control. No targets found….!』”

The voice of the 『Company Commander』 came over the radio equipped in the half-track.

“Roger that. Probably the top floor……Secure that area.”



‘I was treading on the assumption that they probably wouldn’t be on the other floors and I was right…..’

“As a last resort, they are probably holed up on the top floor in their room at the end of the spiral staircase.”

As soon as Nasser ordered them, the Germans moved quickly.

Whereas earlier the upper floors of the royal castle had been noisy, now there was only a hint of soldiers running around.

Gunfire had ceased.

Only the occasional sporadic sound of explosives blasting, presumably used by the engineers.

It seemed that they were searching for hidden rooms and were probably blasting suspicious places, taking into account the possibility that the entrances were hidden in the walls.

Shortly afterwards,


“『This is the raiding unit. Clearance of remaining enemies except for the top floor, complete. ──── Barricade in front of top floor confirmed, engaging.』”

“Okay, hold your position and I’ll come to you.”

“『Roger that. We will secure this location.』”


After stopping the communication with the raiding unit captain over the radio, Nasser removed the MG42 left on the half-track.

Nasser had a full lecture on how to use it, so he could manage.

In fact, other than disassembling and coupling, it was a piece of cake.

Nasser shoved some spare ammunition into his shoulder and got off the halftrack.

He lightly raised his hand in reply to a soldier who approached him.

“『This way. Let me show you.』”

The soldier, who still had a young face, still looked gritty and had a different air about him compared to young men of his age.

They were almost safe outside the castle, but they were still on their guard, their eyes looking left and right.

The muzzle of the gun was downward but because of that, their shoulder was relaxed so that it could be pointed at any time and in any direction.


Nasser’s short words were the signal to start walking.

The front of the blown-up royal castle was in a state of disrepair, showing signs that someone had taken the household goods earlier before the German soldiers vandalised it.


“『Almost uninhabited. There are signs of looting, but resistance was slight.』”

‘Indeed, it seems that most of the castle soldiers had already abandoned the royal castle.’

The destruction of the Kingsguard Corps by Stuka dive bombers and the subsequent defeat in the field battles that ensued must have thrown the entire army into a state of panic.

Moreover, it would not be unreasonable to assume that the Luftwaffe was flying intimidatingly just a few minutes ago. 

Nevertheless, the fact that the soldiers stole household goods from the royal castle pointed to the fact that their trust in the royal family had fallen to the ground.

No matter how much it was worth, it was stolen goods…

It was not difficult to imagine that royal possessions would not be so easily sold. But that was only the case if the current royal family was in power and had influence over the reign.

If it belonged to a royal family that had died out, it would, on the contrary, be worth more.

“All right. Take me to the top floor.”


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