Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 342: No trivia after the war

Ion ’s problem, Rhode is too lazy to take care of it for a while, and giving Irene a formal position is his first move against Ion. Since Ion wants to insert Irene to himself to force himself to cast a mouse, then Do n’t blame yourself for using her to intervene in the political affairs of the Night Country. Ion ’s idea is also very clear, so he deliberately did it. Rhodes even planned that if Ion continued to play, he would Send Angeline over, and then support her in the back to kill the Countess, one of the four demons, and then let Angeline take over the power of the vampire to play a big game in the kingdom of the night. Now that you want to trouble me, don't blame me for slapping it back, Your Majesty.

During this time, the Nether Lords were also very lively. Envoys and representatives from various places entered Grania continuously. Most of them came from the surrounding territories of the Kingdom of Light. After seeing the experience of Casablanca, these were The territories sheltered by the Dragon Soul of Light were also embarrassed. The natural disasters when the Dragon Soul shelter collapsed almost made them breathless, and now after hearing Rhode and Lilian ’s announcement, these territories are also They hurriedly sent representatives to express their loyalty to Lilian. They complained in tears about all the atrocities committed by the light council, and lamented how tragic these small territories were when the light council held power. How inhumane they are, how happy their destruction is, and how much admiration Yun Liyun, the dragon soul of light, has said ... Okay, now everyone can see it. The Majestic Dragon is unwilling to be lonely. Kam, who can now dare not take her words to heart?

For these people, Lilian didn't have any mood to pay attention to it. Since witnessing the destruction of Casablanca with his own eyes, the little guy has been a little unwilling. So all these troublesome foreign affairs were left to Sonia. Fortunately, Sonia was turned into a card elf by Rhodes and did not need to eat or drink. Coupled with her "suggestion" ability as a "magic" elf, it saved a lot of time and time for communication. But even so, rebuilding the kingdom of light still has a long way to go.

After the war in Casablanca, after all, the upper system of the Land of Light almost collapsed. Boulder disappeared after the battle with Silin. It is estimated that he slipped into the abyss through the door of chaos when he saw a bad situation. And Slynn was almost seriously injured, if Alice had not been reminded by Rhodes, and Slyn would have pulled her back when she was desperately desperate. I'm afraid this archangel has already been erected at this moment. But even so, Slynn was seriously injured and is currently recuperating in Golden City. It won't help for a while.

However, from her lips, Rhodes learned why the two archangels left Lilian to fight each other-just before this incident, Silin was informed that someone was working in the country of light. Summon the demon secretly. As the archangel of wisdom, of course, she knew the danger of summoning demons, in order to avoid turmoil and just in case. Silin then led someone to investigate. To be on the safe side, she kept Boulder in Casablanca to protect Lilian. Originally, Slynn thought it was just a few little demons, and even if summoned, there would not be much problem. As a result, he did not expect the other party to know that he was deliberately trapping himself. Not only was he confined by space and disrupted the order of the entire area, but he even summoned the projection of the great devil. Silin didn't expect that someone could do this on the theme, and suffered a big loss without even realizing it. Although she is archangel. But it is one of the archangels who most relies on order. Unlike Lydia and Boulder, the order that Slynn needs is very close. So after disrupting the order, Slynn was also severely affected. limit. The big devil was quite difficult to deal with, and Si Lin exhausted her efforts to kill the other party. After that, Si Lin was also seriously injured. If it is not for the strangeness of the shelter of the Dragon Soul and the danger of Casablanca, I am afraid that Si Lin Can't rush back.

As for why Boulder left Lilian ......... this need not be considered anymore. Obviously, Boulder and Chaos have reached a certain deal. For everyone, it is enough to know this.

Not only that, the destruction of Casablanca also killed the five major consortia. Although the forces of the five major consortia spread throughout the country of light, their most important core is still in Casablanca. And this time in the face of the catastrophic disaster that came to the door, there is no way to use the power of the five major consortia, even if they secretly collude with the devil and the devil, but on the battlefield of **** battle, everything is a cloud, they are a Before the family had to come to take it out, it was completely under the shelling of Rhodes and the attack of the devil. Now the branches of the five major consortia scattered elsewhere are also very chaotic because the dragons have no head. It is very difficult to completely regain control of the kingdom of light and control it from top to bottom.

In addition, many people set their sights on Rhodes, but unlike the envoys who came to seek Lilian's forgiveness, these people noticed that Rhodes had the magic guided warship.

Now on Dragon Soul Continent, the magic guided warship was originally developed by the Principality of Munn, and its prototype is the skill of the demon **** of knowledge inherited from the Xenia family. It's just that because of the age and most of the skills have been lost, the magic guided warships manufactured from now to the present need to rely on the strength of the wave to levitate in the air. This is why the "air transport" on the entire Dragon Soul mainland is not well developed. Because the tide originally surrounds the entire Muen, the floating boat can only be used in the Muen area. Even the tide that connects the country of light is limited in places. Although other places are jealous, but unfortunately the tide is a natural condition. Just like mountains and rivers, they can only stare at each other.

However, Rhodes ’guided ship is completely different. Almost everyone knows that this time the raid on Casablanca, Rhode ’s guided ship was inserted directly into the core of Casablanca from the rear, and then launched a surprise attack there. This is one of the reasons why Casablanca did not respond. After all, there is no trend. No one would think that a floating guided warship could drive straight from there. This is also why Rhodes was able to slam all the way to the door of Casablanca without blocking. If the reason is changed, I am afraid that there are some obstacles.

This is why the entire Dragon Soul continent is embarrassed. On the strength of the "Air Force", the ghost griffins of the night kingdom, gargoyles and the dark night dragon are naturally the first to bear the brunt, but they basically rely on quantitative advantages and limited power. However, Rhodes destroyed the entire Casablanca with only three floating battleships. This strength is horrifying. If it takes time, Rhodes will build dozens of hundreds of magical warships, and if he wants to go, there is nothing. Can be blocked, this is almost equivalent to the invincible world!

It is precisely because of this mentality that many forces have sent people to try to find out the secrets of the magic guided warship, or to negotiate with Rhodes about the purchase of magic guided warships, even if Rhodes is not as powerful as destroying Casablanca. It doesn't matter, after all, this floating magic guided ship that moves around randomly, even if it has no attack power, is very useful for transporting supplies and soldiers and other things. Some people have even noticed that the advent of this kind of magic guided ship may change the future pattern of the entire continent.

However, for this kind of transaction, Rhodes is powerless for the time being. The construction of these floating magic guided ships is far less simple than the current floating ships of the Principality of Munn, like the hull, brackets and cast of heavy steel casting on the outside, transmitting magical power. The energy transmission crystals and so on all need a lot of refining and purification to create. These all need a series of industrial upgrades including minerals, processing, and steel. It is as if a country without a high-precision processing and production system is absolutely impossible to create a spaceship. Now, Rhode ’s territory has just started in this regard. All the processing materials used to build the magic guided battleship are all Carlian. Crudely forcibly refined, if it was not for the shortest time to destroy the Parliament of Light and the Kingdom of Deterrence, how would Rhodes not have allowed Karen to dig his site like meteorites everywhere on the surface of the moon? Pitted. Now, since he doesn't need to make it at one and a half moments, Rhodes will naturally not be in a hurry to carry out any major project of "working people and hurting money". Therefore, in the face of those people's requests, Rhodes only assumed that he hadn't seen it and handed it over to Marin. Only Lydia's side, he quietly revealed the bottom, so that Lydia can upgrade the industry in her territory as soon as possible. After all, Moon and Rhode, the poor and empty leader, must be different from scratch. The various industries there have already taken shape. As long as the design drawings and energy structure are available, it is not difficult to reprocess and rebuild, and considering that the battles in the future and the kingdom of the night still require the assistance of Munn, so Rhodes did not have Tibetan private, and Lydia obviously understood the stakes, so she agreed without hesitation.

In this way, the mainland has temporarily entered a quiet and busy day, but no one knows whether the dark and eternal night that envelopes the sky will stop there.

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