Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 344: Final Battle 7

The sound of heavy collision echoed in the arena. ♀

The cold, hard iron shield hit Anne's chest impartially, and the triangular barb inlaid on the shield tore the girl's skin and pierced her body. Under this powerful impact, Annie's body was tilted backwards, and her eyes were about to fall to the ground.

But at this moment, the girl's right foot suddenly moved backwards, supporting the body that was supposed to fall backwards. Then her body suddenly stood up again.


Along with Annie's action, the shield that had been hit **** the girl was a scream of sadness, and then flew backwards. Faced with the flying shield, Lawson frowned slightly. Then he quickly extended his left hand, and the chain in his hand began to shrink. Then, the flying shield returned to Rosen again.


However, to surprise Rosen, the moment he took back the shield, he suddenly felt a stronger force coming from above, and even stopped the old man two or three steps abruptly before stopping. The Iron Shield shivered a little, even the left palm of the Iron Shield was numb.

That girl still has such power?

Lawson raised his head in suspicion, staring at the opponent. Although connected to four rounds of battle, Lawson is now a bit tired, but in terms of power alone, he doesn't think he is more than a teenage girl. But now, Annie's counterattack actually made him feel numb? [

Lawson was very confused, and Rod was standing frowning. He couldn't figure out what happened to Annie. Before Annie came on, Rhode did let her take the medicine, but that was for protection. The "lifeguard mixture" of life. The effect of this medicine is within 30 minutes. As long as the mind and heart of the user are not harmed by death, the life interruption can be guaranteed. This is also what Rhodes prepared for her in consideration of Anne's favorite desperate game. But that was just to ensure that Annie would not die. Does n’t it have the effect of a small universe explosion?

At this moment, the girl bowed her head, her long golden hair covered her face, she couldn't see her expression clearly, but she didn't know why. A wild, yet dangerous breath slowly began to emerge in the arena.


A deep roar came from the girl's throat, and then Annie's body began to tremble irregularly.

this is……………

Seeing this, Rhode's complexion changed slightly, and then he quickly turned back to look at Rabis.

"Rabice! Did you give her something weird ?!"


Hear Rhode's inquiry. Rabis jumped like an electric shock, and she waved her hands in panic.

"No, no, Master. I didn't ..."

"What did you give her?"

It is no wonder that Rhodes completely ignored Rabis's excuse. After all, this alchemist's lying skills were so bad that she was so panic-stricken that it was the best portrayal of silver in the place. And Rhodes was lazy to waste even her time, and asked directly. Facing Rhode's cold eyes, Rabis shivered. Then she lowered her head and replied softly.

"Yes ... awakening potion ... sir."

I'll go!

Hearing Rabise's answer, Rhodes's eyes were dark, and a huge sense of daddy suddenly struck him. [

Awakening potion is a very potent potion. In the game, it is an angel and a devil to the player. In fact, drinking this potion has some luck. ♀ Because the effect of awakening medicament is "to stimulate and awaken the hidden power in the user's blood". And this effect is in the game-it can have a certain chance to improve the player's level.

Of course, this certain probability is not high, and even in the experiments that players successively follow, the success rate obtained is probably less than 10%. And the level of promotion is also random. It ranges from three to five, and at most some people have promoted ten at a time, which is considered a predecessor to a later one.

However, this potion is not without after effects, it is like Russian roulette, if you run out. So naturally, everyone is happy, but if you make a wrong turn and you ca n’t raise the level, then the awakening potion will manifest a ten-minute “irritation” effect on your body. Doubling, it can even be said to break through the sky. But after the effect of ten minutes, the player will get a "weak" ebuff, the duration is maintained, and all of his attributes are reduced to ten percent. There are only two ways to erase this ebuff. One is either to commit suicide and run the corpse to resurrect, or to find a high priest to expel you. What's more daddy is that when players remove this ebuff effect, their own characters will fall from five to ten levels!

The upgrade rate is less than 10%, and the drop rate is 90%. Players will not choose this method if they are tortured, not to mention that the formula of "wake potion" is very rare, and the materials will vary with the level. Variety. Originally, Rhodes never thought of making Labis make this kind of thing, but he didn't think that this thing was actually the invention of the Alchemist, so when Labis made this potion and came to present himself to the treasure Rhodes' first reaction was to almost smash it. But in the end, in the face of Rabis, Rhodes finally promised her to stay for collection. At that time, she had warned her seriously that this bottle of medicine should not be given to anyone without her permission.

but now……………

What a hell!

Rhode gave Labus a stern glance, then turned around and looked at the platform. At this moment, he can only hope that the master of alchemy of Rabis has an attribute bonus, which can make the success rate of this **** potion a little bit higher, but the situation now is that Rod's heart sinks to the bottom. As an experienced player, he knows it well now that Annie's performance has reached an extreme level-this is simply the inevitable reaction after the potion trigger effect fails!

The girl's body shivered more and more violently, a terrible chill shrouded the whole arena, everyone crowed, and Rosen frowned. As a top swordsman, he sensed danger from the breath of the other party. sign.

It's time to end this chat monkey show!

Thinking of this, Rosen stretched out his right hand and patted the handle of the shield. Just listening to the sound of "click", the spikes embedded in the surface of the shield immediately rotated and stretched out. The sharp, sharp surface reflected the cold cold light. Subsequently. Rosen sighed angrily and threw out his shield in his backhand.

This blow to Rosen used his most powerful power, almost just a blink of an eye, and everyone saw the dark shield coming to Annie. But at this moment, Annie made a gesture that everyone was stunned.

Facing the shield that had almost reached her, the girl suddenly stretched out her right hand and patted it on the shield.


Accompanied by a dull collision. The Adamantite heavy shield stopped, and the sharp spikes had even penetrated Annie's palm, but Annie did not seem to hurt at all. On the contrary, she fiercely turned her palm and grabbed the one that penetrated her own palm. Sharp thorns.

At this moment, everyone suddenly saw a pair of fluffy ears popping out of Annie's head, at the same time. A big fluffy tail flew out from behind the girl, shaking on the ground. Then Annie looked up.

Her good-looking face was twisted at the moment. The mouth opened wide, revealing a scary crazy smile, and those smart, green eyes, now also turned into two small pupils in the large pupil, exuding black fluorescence Light ball.

"Woohoo ------ !!!"

A trembling whine sounded from the girl's mouth. Then, Annie bent down sharply, clenching the shield in her right hand and pulling back fiercely. ♀

"this is…………!?"

The sudden change in Annie surprised everyone. Lawson was no exception, he took a two-step back subconsciously, then suddenly returned, trying to pull back the shield in his hands. But at this time, Lawson suddenly felt a strong attraction from the iron chain trying to contend with himself, and this power was fleeting. The iron shield, who had lost her bondage, flew into the air, and Annie followed the leap, then howled and rushed to Rosen.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Although Rosen's change surprised him a little, he quickly recovered, and then the old man roared, and the chain held in his hand slammed to his side. Adamantite's heavy shield shouted and tossed aside under the pull of Lawson, and at the same time she took away the Annie caught on the shield. However, at this moment, the girl seems to be completely personal. Facing the sudden attack of Rosen, the girl did not hesitate to let go of the steel stab that was originally grasped by herself, and forcibly took out her palm, Annie's body made two consecutive rolls in the air, and then landed smoothly on the ring platform.

"—————— !!!"

Annie lowered her body, and the chilling growl rang again in her throat. She raised her right hand, stuck out her tongue, and gently licked the blood flowing from the edge of the wound. And those ochre eyes became brighter and sharper at the moment. Not only that, everyone can see that at this moment, the cyan whirlwinds are appearing from her body.

This is ...... melting the beast into the body? !!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Rhodes opened his eyes wide in surprise. The scene before him has completely subverted his common sense.

Because as a half-beast, Annie is unlikely to have such power.

Half-beasts are a hybrid of humans and World of Warcraft. Because of this, they retain human form on weekdays, but they will become beasts again after being wounded. This is because at the moment of crisis, that part of the blood of the beast will be completely intensified, and the level of Warcraft that can give birth to humans is not low. Their blood power is simply impossible for humans to bear. So when the part of the blood that belongs to the beast is activated, the half-beast will lose its human form. Become a beast completely. Annie had the same thing before, and she became a wolf after that, but that was normal. Because human blood cannot be stronger than Warcraft, it is taken for granted that the latter is completely overwhelmed.

However, like Annie now, only a part of it shows the characteristics of a beast, and the rest still maintains a human form, which is almost unimaginable. In the half-beast's bloodline, human blood is always weak and the beast's bloodline is strong. It is also because the human ** method bears the powerful power of Warcraft, so they usually choose to sleep. Let human blood and form keep control. But once they wake up. Then there is no room for human bloodlines to act, and the two sides will immediately switch to each other-the human bloodlines will fall asleep, and the bloodlines of Warcraft will occupy a dominant position.

It can be said that these are two extremes. It is absolutely impossible to maintain balance. The only thing that can achieve the integration of the beast and the body is like Qi Love, which has powerful strength and possesses pure element affinity and dominance, or those powerful mastery Warcraft. But at this moment, Annie, can she be a beast? And --- from the power of the elements wrapped around the girl, can she actually sense the power of the four elements?

Rhode's doubts were not answered, because at the moment. Annie has shot.

She landed on all fours, and then suddenly leaped forward. The crowd felt only a flower in front of her. The girl appeared in front of Rosen in a blink of an eye. She held up the heavy gold shield in her hand, and then slammed it down.


Lawson also felt the danger and mighty power coming to him, but the old man didn't hesitate, and he took back two heavy gold shields. Then blasted forward again.

Two whistling whirlwinds reappeared on the old man's shield, spinning toward Annie. Previously, it was this blow that completely struck Annie. And seriously injured her. But this time, can Rosen still succeed?

The whirlwind growled.

But Annie didn't have the slightest intention to give up. Faced with the oncoming wind and waves, the shield in the girl's hand didn't stagnate down.

"Squeak ------- !!!!"

Harsh friction sounded throughout the audience.

The violent whirlwind was split fissuredly by Annie from the middle. The girl clenched her teeth, her eyes were full of light, and the whirlwind that burst from Luosen roared like a flood, but in Anne's body The front was completely separated and leaned to the sides.

The Holy Spirit is on! What's going on with this woman! ?

Facing this scene in front of him, Rosen was completely confused. How could he imagine that the other party broke his storm shield just by relying on a brute force? That is the power of one of the four major elements, how could it be completely blocked by a little ghost who has not even advanced yet?

Rosen is over!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Rhodes twitched his mouth, although he didn't know where the other half of Annie's blood came from. But from this scene in front of us, it can be seen that the blood of Warcraft inherited by Anne must be the Warcraft from the wind element attribute, and the opponent's ability to master the wind element is still above Rosen!

The manifestation of the same level of attribute elements naturally cancels each other out. Next, it depends on which one has the stronger dominant power. Obviously, as a mortal, Rosen cannot naturally compete with Anne, who possesses high-level wind element attributes to control the power of Warcraft descent! Not to mention-it is Anne who has completely exploded at this moment.


At this moment, the Adamantite heavy shield in Anne's hands finally completely dispelled Rosen's whirlwind attack, hitting heavily on the surface of the shield in the hands of the elderly. The powerful impact erupted in an instant, and the old man's two-handed shield was flung away. The old man also responded quickly. While feeling the impact, Lawson gave up the shield in one hand, and then clenched his right hand into a fist and swung it upward.

Rosen's punches hit Anne's face exactly, and the strong shock even shook the girl's body. But the next moment, Rosen regretted it—because he saw Annie who was hit in the cheek by herself, at this moment, she was looking down at her coldly, even though blood was flowing from her mouth and nose, but at this moment Rosen, however, felt that the Buddha had been completely overthrown by a crazy, dangerous bloodthirsty beast.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the premonition of the elderly became a reality.

Annie turned her head fiercely, opened her mouth, and bit the old man's fist, and her sharp canine teeth were inserted into the palm of the old man's hand. At the same time, the ocher light in Annie's eyes became brighter.

"Woo ah ah ah ah ah !!!"

As the saying goes, ten fingers connected to her heart, and Annie bit her finger, even Luosendufa suffered the pain. He yelled and stretched out his foot, slamming it in the girl's lower abdomen, and then the old man's right hand suddenly swung backwards. Withdraw—With the blood scattered in the air, the forefinger and **** have been lost, and even the flesh on the palm has been torn off more than half of the palm, which is unbearable.

But Anne's attack didn't stop there.

Anne, kicked by Lawson, did not stop. She spit out the stumps and pieces of meat in her hand, and flew up again like the same wind. Then, the shield in Annie's hand struck Rosen's shoulder, and then overwhelmed him to the ground.

"You monster!"

At the moment, Rosen was already angry. While Annie slammed at him, his left hand grabbed another shield, and then stood in front of him. When Anne flung Rosen to the ground, the shield in Rosen's hand originally belonged to the bottom side. Resisted Annie's belly.

"go to hell!"

Rosen drank angrily and pressed the organ on the handle.


Accompanied by the sound of squeezing air. The triangle-shaped inverted cone with a small forearm easily penetrated Annie's body, and blood flew around for a while. The power that was originally used to hit the ground and fixed the heavy gold shield to the ground was completely reserved at this moment. Blasted into Annie's body. The slender girl's slender body jumped suddenly under this powerful force, and then stopped the movements in her hands. She just maintained the state of being penetrated by the triangular cone, and the Buddha had completely lost her life.

"Damn !!"

See this scene in front of me. Rhode yelled, and not far from his side, Li Jie and Rabes looked at the scene on the ring with pale faces.

Annie — is dead?


Rosen breathed a long breath. This battle was too difficult. He didn't expect that this girl still had such power-but the so-called, she was dead. that's enough.

Thinking of this, Lawson couldn't help sneering, and then he tried to stand up and open the body of himself.

Just then, Annie looked up again.

The ocher brilliance in her eyes grew brighter, and that stubborn face, in Luosen's eyes at this moment, had completely transformed into the appearance of a beast.

"This. How is this possible ......... !!!"

Lawson's eyes widened in horror, watching this scene, he hurriedly held the shield in his hand and wanted to fly Annie out. But this time, Lawson felt that his shield Buddha was so heavy that he couldn't hold it at all. At this moment, Annie slowly raised the shield in her hand, and her pupils suddenly shrank.


Along with the girl's voice, the heavy shield in her hand suddenly began to split quickly, and the gear snapped, but it took only a moment to appear the pure gold heavy shield in the girl's hand, which turned into a steel, beast with a wide open mouth.

The girl held the shield in her hands and smashed it.

"Do not!!!"

Rosen instinctively crossed his hands in front of himself in an attempt to resist the blow, but it was totally futile.

Adamantite's heavy shield broke the old man's hands easily, and then, the strong impact continued to hit the old man's head without stagnation.


With a single whistle, Rosen's head was completely smashed and broken like a balloon, blood was mixed with turbid brain, and the fragments of the skull were scattered a little. The old man's body shook suddenly at this time, and then never again Be quiet.

However, Anne did not stop her hand, she still held up her shield, and once, smashed at Lawson again. Then, the girl suddenly abandoned the shield in her hand, reached out, and dug open the old man's chest. Anne ’s leather armor and steel plate did n’t bring any obstacles to Annie at all, but in the blink of an eye, Annie ’s right hand had already penetrated the old man ’s chest. Then, the girl narrowed her eyes and slowly moved her right hand inside. Then, The Buddha caught something, his expression moved slightly.

Then, Anne suddenly stood up, separating herself from the shield that penetrated her, and then she raised her right hand high.

In the center of her palm is a heart that has stopped beating.

The girl raised her heart in her hands, her eyes glowed with faint ochre light, and then she suddenly looked up to the sky.

"Woohoo —————— !!!"

With the screaming howl again, the fragile heart shattered completely.

Then Annie's body shook and fell straight. (To be continued)

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