Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 345: Final Battle 8

Chapter 345 The Final Battle (8)

Deadly silence throughout the arena.

After the life and death challenge began, the first deceased finally appeared. But almost everyone did not expect that the first death would be Rosen, and still die in such a cruel way.

At the moment, Lawson was lying on the ground, his chest was wide, the ribs inside were turned out, and his head was almost invisible. Only the broken bone fragments and fuzzy flesh and blood brain were mixed together. The cervical spine protrudes from it, and is slightly naughty towards the sky.


At this moment, those with weak mental capacity can't help lowering their heads to vomit, and some women are screaming and fainting, and the arena is becoming confused, but at this moment, those who have been watching The war angels finally shot, they quickly came to the top of the crowd, began to maintain order, and transported those who felt uncomfortable. The whole arena was noisy and even noisy at this moment.

Waltz stared blankly at Lawson's wreckage, his brain blank. Although Waltz doesn't like Rosen and thinks that the obstinacy of the other party is not a good method, but anyhow, Rosen's existence is a banner of reformers. As long as he is still there, then there are reformers and wings of freedom hope. But at this moment, this flag has fallen.

The moment he saw Lawson fall, Waltz felt his brain was almost "buzzing", and the fear overwhelmed the anger in his heart for the first time. It is only a matter for the son to become an idiot, but Rosen's death is the foundation of the entire Southern Reform camp! He didn't know what the big men above were thinking at the moment, nor did they know what they thought. He just knew that the wings of freedom were over. Without Rosen, what would become the largest guild in the south? Waltz had no clue whatsoever. At this moment, he suddenly felt tired and tired.

Because of this. Even when he watched Rod step onto the ring and picked up Annie to take her off, Waltz didn't respond. [

"Sir, what are you talking about!"

And just then. A young man suddenly appeared in front of Waltz, holding his shoulder and shouting loudly.

"Cheer up, Lord Waltz! They are the only one left. As long as we kill him, then we can comfort Lord Rosen in the spirit of heaven, don't we?"

"Yes indeed!"

Hear this sentence. A waltz clever, he finally remembered it. Although Rosen was dead, he was just the first player in his team to play! However, this is the case of Lawson, but he repulsed three of the opponent in a row, and at last the young girl seemed naturally unable to fight anymore. In this way, the starlight is only Rhodes, that is to say. Just beat him, then the wings of freedom will win! That's right, that young man is great. He's just one person! They used this despicable tactic to bring down Lawson, but also pushed themselves to the edge of the cliff. Of the remaining four people in the Wings of Freedom, both themselves and Markle possess master-level strength. And the remaining two people also reached the peak level of the elite class. Those rookies who have not even reached the advanced level can drag down Rosen. Can these people, themselves, still not cross Rhodes?

The more he thought about it, the more he made sense, and he couldn't help but reach out and patted the young man's shoulder in front of him. Then he looked around and shouted.

"That's right. Markel! As you said, Lord Rosen fell, but they have helped us so many obstacles. Now, we will use our performance to comfort his spirit in heaven and let Luo Mr. Sen knows. We are not just cowards hiding behind him !!! He has defended his glory and dignity with his own life, and we must do the same! Don't forget, what is our belief in the wings of freedom? It is not fear of power, it is the struggle for freedom and equality, and we strive to obtain everything we should have. This is our fundamental! This is not what we say, but what our predecessors have used their lives and blood for generations. Come! Now, people under the banner of Wings of Liberty !! "

Speaking, Waltz turned around and looked behind him. Those supporters who had been depressed because of Rosen's death were mostly members of the Freedom Wings Association. At this moment, I heard my president speak, and many Everyone looked up and stared at him.

"I will use my life to assure you that we will continue to safeguard this banner, this banner of freedom and glory! We will bet on our dignity, life, and all glory to fight! Fight to death!"


As Waltz raised his fist, many people in the stands also shouted holding up their right hands, echoing their respected leader.

"Huh, it's extremely chatty."

The shouts of the crowd passed to Rhodes' ears, causing him to frown. Then, Rhodes walked to the edge of the platform and carefully placed Annie in the arms unconscious. On the ground, after activating the attributes, the girl The vitality of the half-beast on her body has soon cured the wound on her body, and even the shocking wound on the lower abdomen has begun to heal at this moment. At this moment, Annie had completely disappeared from the previous cruel look, she curled up into a ball and fell into a deep sleep. The blood on his face looked striking, but the girl was extraordinarily peaceful and cute at the moment.

"Is Anne all right?"

Li Jie reached out her hand in concern and carefully wiped the blood on Annie, but Rhode did not answer her question, but sighed, then stood up and turned back to the ring. At this moment Rod's heart was very depressed, and he could imagine what Annie would look like when she woke up again. And for girls, it must be a big blow. If the player encounters such a thing, it is a big deal to delete the number and re-train, there is nothing to worry about. But for Annie, of course, she does not have the option to "remove the number". So, how would she be free of power? [

As Rhodes tried to get more headaches, he didn't even mind the battle that was about to start. For Rhodes, what about the next four people? What do they think they can do with this bastard?

Just as Rhodes was thinking, a swordsman was on the ring.

When he came to Rhodes, he naturally saw the other man's somber expression. But the swordsman was sneering at the moment. Of course, he could not think of Rhodes' headache as Annie's problem, and thought he had finally found out, even if he defeated Rosen. They are also troubled by the real desire to win. But what's the point of such troubles?

Thinking of this, the swordsman sneered, and then. He pulled out his long sword. When he heard his laughter, Rhode raised his head in doubt and glanced at him, as if looking at an idiot.

"Come here, idiot, I have no time to waste on you."

After saying this, Rhode hooked his fingers at him, and he stood in the middle of the ring like that. Hold down the hilt with your right hand, not even pulling the sword, just staring at each other like this. At this moment, the arena is already lively again, not only waltz, but many ordinary people have also responded to the current starlight situation. Indeed, they defeated Lawson. But as long as Rhodes fails, Starlight will be out. And there are four people in the other party, can Rhodes really choose one?

No one believes this. In other words, they are unwilling to believe this. This is no wonder, after all, Starlight was just too shameful, and sent the wheel war to insidiously lose the power of Rosen, not to mention, and finally killed Rosen in such a cruel way. In any case, Rosen is also a sixty-year-old old man. You treat him so cruelly.

Of course, Rhodes would not care about these people's views. As he had said to Li Jie and others before, this ring match. He doesn't want any face, no self-esteem, no glory. Those are **** by Rhodes, as long as he can win, as for how to win. That's my business. It is the classic plot that the small people strive to resist and overthrow the behemoth, but this kind of strength does not need to be considered, and it is more a special case that only depends on luck. Rhode has no interest to learn and appreciate. In his eyes, the most threatening character of the Wings of Freedom is Rosen, and the rest are not worth mentioning. As long as Rosen goes off, he won't be afraid even if he hits a dozen or four Rhodes next. That's why Rhodes didn't respond to Rosen's provocation. The opponent's defense was too thick, and Rhodes did not really reach the power of the legendary realm. Even if you rely on the suit to fight against Lawson and kill the opponent. But the back fight will also make him have no fighting ability at all. Then it was really over. Rhodes also doesn't think he can really kill each other with these people at his disposal.

So he simply chose this insignificant tactic, first sent Lijie up to disrupt the battle rhythm of Rosen, and then sent Lando and Joey to dig a little into the corner of this skyscraper. And the last exhausting job was given to Annie, and if she was lucky, she would kill the other party. Even if she is unlucky, then Annie can at least consume a lot of power from Rosen. Even if she comes on the court, she can deal with an old man who is physically weak and physically exhausted. It's easier than dealing with an energetic enemy.

At this point, Rhodes would never consider respecting the old and the young.

Annie's performance was beyond his expectations, and Rosen's death would allow Rhodes to save all his strength to face the next four enemies, although for others, the remaining four were equally difficult to deal with. But in Rhode's opinion, these guys are not worth mentioning-the most important thing is that they don't have the protective ability of Rosen, and this is the most important thing for Rhodes.

Hearing Rhode's words, the swordsman bit his teeth --- Rosen's status in the wings of freedom is very high, many people are his admirers, and he is full of admiration for the old man As Waltz thought, Rosen was a spiritual banner for the wings of freedom. But now, it is the **** in front of himself that killed the heroes they admired in a most despicable way, and he did not even show the slightest remorse, and did not show any respect for the dead!

I want to take revenge on Lord Rosen, we want to let you know that to look down on us is to pay a price!

Thinking of this, the swordsman's complexion was even more bluish. His eyes were flaming with anger. He slowly raised his sword and then aimed at Rhodes.

Then the swordsman gave a loud shout, and the whole man turned into a flash of lightning, rushing forward.

"go to hell!!"

As the swordsman rushed forward, the cheering of the entire arena immediately rose to a new height, many people expected that the swordsman could kill this despicable asshole. Regain the glory that belongs to them! !!

I have to say that the quality of the staff of the Grand Guild is different.

As soon as Rhodes looked up, the opponent's sword edge had already arrived in front of Rhodes, but in the face of this fierce blow. Rod didn't mean to avoid it, instead, he just extended his left hand and flung forward.

The dark card flew from Rod's hand.


The heavy clash sounded, and the Centaur knight in heavy armor flew out of it, facing the swordsman who blasted at him, the Centaur knight roared. Then he held up the shield in his hand and smashed forward.

The swordsman had no idea that such a weird monster would appear in front of him without any warning, and immediately panicked and wanted to retract the sword, but at this time, the Centaur Knight's shield strike had arrived, In the face of this blow, Swordsman had no choice but to withdraw his sword from his chest and then yelled. Slash forward.

The sharp sword energy erupted from the swordsman's blade, forming a bright meniscus that was cut on the centaur's shield. The powerful impact made the centaur knight wearing a heavy armor crooked. However, as a summoning elf, the Centaur Cavalier naturally does not care whether he will be injured, so even if the sword gas strikes his shoulders and arms, he will still flutter forward with a spear and stab at the swordsman .

"What is this!"

Seeing that the black knight didn't retreat, the swordsman who had some doubts about the situation immediately panicked. He took a step back and avoided the attack of the centaur knight, but at this time, the swordsman's The body trembled suddenly. Then he fell to the ground like a broken puppet. Until this time, Rhode's figure slowly emerged from the side of the swordsman. He stared coldly at the corpse not far in front of him, and then flung the sword.

Blood fluttered off the sword, at the same time. The Centaur Knight also disappeared into the dark mist again, disappeared.

The arena that was still cheering just now is one of them.

The enthusiastic cheering sounded as if being choked by a neck, disappeared in the middle, and no more sound was heard. Everyone looked at each other, staring blankly at the center of the platform. Like the unlucky swordsman, these people also couldn't figure out why it was a battle between the two, but a centaur knight suddenly appeared out of thin air. And, that Centaur Knight suddenly disappeared again?

What the **** is this?

At this moment, some people remember that Rhodes had summoned two quirky elves in the battle with Battle before. Many people discussed it at the time, but in the end they thought it should be some kind of magic prop for the young man . After all, many ancient aristocrats will have some very mysterious heritage treasures. If Rhodes has two treasures that can be used by imprisoned magic elves, it is also wrong. But now, this black knight is completely unexpected. Not to mention that before the opponent attacked, Rhodes did not even cast a spell, many people only saw the swordsman rushing towards Rhodes, and then suddenly a tall black knight blocked the sword in front of the opponent. The offensive trajectory of the warrior, and the swordsman was obviously panicked. At that moment, he focused all his attention on the centaur and ignored the greatest threat to himself.

Even if only for a moment, it would be enough for Rhodes.


Looking at the corpse in front of him, Rhode gave a sneer of sneer, then walked back to the central station of the ring platform. At this time, a member of the mercenary association had already come up next to him and took the poor swordsman's body off the field. Then another man came up, and he was also a swordsman. It looks like he is about forty years old, and the equipment is the most common shield sword. At this moment, the flame of anger contained by the law has appeared on his face. His companion failed again, fell down, and died. It's not just because of it, it's because of Rhodes' unexpectedly meanness. Before the game, they never thought that Rhodes would actually use this summoning technique to fight. Although Rhodes and Battle were rumored that they had heard about it, the anger of Rosen's death stunned these people. They forgot this.

But the swordsman didn't think it was their fault. In his opinion, both sides were swordsmen, so it was natural to use swordsmanship to determine the victory! Now, Rhodes actually uses this method, which is despicable, shameful, and cheating! This behavior is spurned! There will be no glory and respect!

"You scumbag!"

He raised his sword and pointed at Rhode in anger.

"It will only use some insidious methods. If you have it, you will face me and use swordsmanship to fight it! Instead of ..."


He didn't finish talking.

The sacred and shining giant bird stretched its wings and appeared above Rhodes' head, and beside him, the flaming black hound made a heartbreaking growl. The centaur knight in heavy armor stepped out of the black mist again, raised the knight's lance, and aimed at the opponent.

Surrounded by him, Rhode looked up and stared scornfully at the swordsman in front of him.

"While talking about me ashamed, I want you to play against you honestly, junk logic. If I'm really shameful ......... then why should I be stupid against you?

With that said, Rhodes raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

"Kill him."

Then he coldly issued an order.

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